300+ TOP Permanent Tissues MCQs and Answers

Permanent Tissues Multiple Choice Questions

1.Which tissue provides maximum mechanical strength to the plant

  1. Parenchyma
  2. Xylem
  3. Collenchymas
  4. Phloem

Answer: 2

2. Which tissue provides mechanical strength to plant

  1. Sclerenchyma
  2. Parenchyma
  3. Collenchymas
  4. Chlorenchyma

Answer: 1

3. The simple tissue consisting of living cells and providing mechanical strength to plants is

  1. Sclerenchyma
  2. Parenchyma
  3. Chlorenchyma
  4. Collenchymas

Answer: 4

4. A collateral vascular bundle is one in which xylem and phloem towards with phloem towards

  1. Outer side of the xylem
  2. Inner side of the xylem
  3. All around the xylem
  4. On both sides of the xylem

Answer: 1

5. A bi-collateral vascular bundle is one in which xylem and phloem strands are present on the same radius with phloem towards

  1. Outer side of the xylem
  2. Inner side of the xylem
  3. All around the xylem
  4. On both sides of the xylem

Answer: 4

6. Radial vascular bundles are the ones in which xylem and phloem occur on

  1. Same radius
  2. Alternate radii
  3. Xylem outside and phloem inside
  4. Phloem outside and xylem inside

Answer: 2

7. A conjoint vascular bundle is one in which xylem and phloem are

  1. Joined together
  2. Separate
  3. On same radius
  4. On alternate radii

Answer: 1

8. The plant tissue become woody by a process of

  1. Suberisation
  2. Pectification
  3. Calcification
  4. Lignifications

Answer: 4

9. Cellular layer covering plant organs is

  1. Epidermis
  2. Hypodermis
  3. Cuticle
  4. Endodermis

Answer: 1

10. The protective noncellular layer found on the outside of plant organs is

  1. Epiblema
  2. Velamen
  3. Cuticle
  4. Cork

Answer: 3

11. Tissue forming long flexible but strong strands in leaf stalks is

  1. Sclerenchyma
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Xylem
  4. Prosenchyma

Answer: 2

12. Flesh of a fruit mostly made of

  1. Parenchyma
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Sclereids
  4. Meristem

Answer: 1

13. The most common ground tissue in plant is

  1. Epidermis
  2. Cortex
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Collenchymas

Answer: 3

14. Most metabolism of the plants is carried in tissue

  1. Phloem
  2. Meristem
  3. parenchymas
  4. Collenchymas

Answer: 4

15. Which is absent in the area of pits

  1. Middle lamella
  2. Primary wall
  3. Secondary wall
  4. All the above

Answer: 3

16. Pit membrane is made of

  1. Plasmalemma
  2. Primary wall
  3. Middle wall
  4. Both B and C

Answer: 4

17. The tissue most abundant in Hydrilla/Eichhornia is

  1. Aerenchyma
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Phloem
  4. Sclerenchyma

Answer: 1

18. The tissue which has dead cells in the functional state is

  1. Collenchymas
  2. Sclerenchyma
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Phloem

Answer: 2

19. The tissue having dead cells is

  1. xylem
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Phellogen

Answer: 1

20. Water conducting elements of gymnosperms and primitive angiosperms are

  1. Vessels
  2. Vessel elements
  3. Tracheids
  4. Fibrotracheids

Answer: 3

  1. Sugar transport elements of gymnosperms and pteriodophytes are
  1. Sieve cells
  2. Sieve elements
  3. Sieve tubes
  4. Sieve tube elements

Answer: 1

22. Plant regeneration can occur from mature parenchyma because

  1. It forms the bulk of ground tissue
  2. It can dedifferentiate
  3. There are no cells walls
  4. Only they are nucleate

Answer: 2

23. Enzymes controlling metabolism in mature sieve tubes are formed on instructions from DNA of

  1. Albuminous cells
  2. Companion cells
  3. Subsidiary cells
  4. Phloem parenchyma

Answer: 2

24. Internal plant organization is studied under

  1. Anatomy
  2. Cytology
  3. Chronology
  4. Morphology

Answer: 1

25. Anatomy is also called

  1. Histology
  2. Internal morphology
  3. Morphology
  4. Histochemistry

Answer: 2

26. Xylem and phloem belong to the group of

  1. Complex tissues
  2. Simple tissues
  3. Specialized tissues
  4. Laticiferous tissues

Answer: 1

27. Vessels are absent in

  1. Dicots
  2. Monocots
  3. Gymnosperms
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3

28. Lumen is minimum in

  1. Sclerenchyma
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Epidermis

Answer: 1

29. Shoot is the first to die when

  1. Phloem is blocked
  2. Bark is removed
  3. Apical meristem is injured
  4. Xylem is removed

Answer: 4

30. Prosenchyma is type of

  1. Chlorenchyma
  2. Collenchymas
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Sclerenchyma

Answer: 3

31. Tissue taking part in transporting organic nutrients from source or storage region is

  1. Phloem
  2. Parenchyma
  3. Vascular rays
  4. Xylem

Answer: 1

32. Sieve tubes are ideal for nutrient transport because they have

  1. No end walls
  2. Bordered pits
  3. Narrow lumen rich in cytoplasm
  4. Broad lumen with little peripheral cytoplasm

Answer: 4

33. Tracheary elements are

  1. Suberised
  2. Full of dense cytosol
  3. Elongated with lignified walls
  4. Small and numerous

Answer: 3

34. The term parenchyma was given by

  1. Schleiden
  2. Grew
  3. Strasburger
  4. Sachs

Answer: 2

35. Sclereid is a

  1. Parenchymatous cell
  2. An individual sclerenchymatous cell
  3. Collenchymatous cell
  4. Chlorenchymatous cell

Answer: 2

36. Long pointed sclerenchyma cells are

  1. Fibres
  2. Tracheae
  3. Wood parenchyma
  4. Sclereids

Answer: 1

37. Leptom is the name of

  1. Outer part of bark
  2. Living part of bark
  3. Phloem
  4. Conducting part of phloem

Answer: 4

38. Tracheae occur in

  1. Cambium
  2. Ground tissue
  3. Xylem
  4. Phloem

Answer: 3

39. Conducting part of Xylem is also known as

  1. Leptom
  2. Bast
  3. Rhytidome
  4. Hadrom

Answer: 4

40. Centrifugal xylem occurs in

  1. Stem
  2. Leaf
  3. Root
  4. Heartwood

Answer: 1

41. The function of sieve tubes is to

  1. Translocate water and minerals
  2. Translocate organic food
  3. Sieve the passing substance
  4. Eliminate water from organic food

Answer: 2

42. The function of vessels/xylem is to

  1. Translocate water and minerals
  2. Translocate organic food
  3. Translocate water alone
  4. Tanslocate water, minerals and provide mechanical strength

Answer: 4

43. The exarch condition is found in

  1. Petiole
  2. Leaves
  3. Stem
  4. Roots

Answer: 4

44. When protoxylem faces pericycle, it is called

  1. Endarch
  2. Mesarch
  3. Exarch
  4. Polyarch

Answer: 3

45. When protoxylem faces pith, condition is called

  1. Exarch
  2. Endarch
  3. Mesarch
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2

46. When protoxylem is surrounded by metaxylem, it is

  1. Mesarch condition
  2. Endarch condition
  3. Exarch condition
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1

47. Tracheary elements are

  1. Vessels and tracheids
  2. Sieve tubes and vessels
  3. Sieve tubes, vessels and tracheids
  4. Sieve tubes, sieve cells, vessels and tracheids

Answer: 1

48. Early formed xylem is

  1. Uniseriate
  2. Multiseriate
  3. Protoxylem
  4. Metaxylem

Answer: 3

49. Fatty substance found in epidermal cell walls is

  1. Cutin
  2. Suberin
  3. Wax
  4. Both B and C

Answer: 1

50. An angiosperm lacking vessels is

  1. Trochondendron
  2. Acacia
  3. Salix
  4. Dendrocalamus

Answer: 1

51. Resin ducts of Pinus are an example of

  1. Lysigenous cavity
  2. Schizogenous cavity
  3. Vacuolated cells
  4. Intercellular cells

Answer: 2

52. Collenchymas is characterized by

  1. Isodiametric cells with uniform thickenings
  2. Isodiametric with uneven thickenings
  3. Elongated cells with thickenings at selected places
  4. Elongated cells with uniform thickenings

Answer: 2

53. Elongated cells with tapering ends are

  1. Vessels
  2. Sclereids
  3. Tracheids
  4. Collenchymas

Answer: 3

54. Sieve tubes are characterized by

  1. Absence of septa
  2. Simple oblique septa
  3. Perforated longitudinal walls
  4. Perforated oblique septa

Answer: 4

55. A parenchyma cell storing ergastic materials is

  1. Storage cell
  2. Idioblast
  3. Conidioblast
  4. Phragmoplast

Answer: 2

56. Callose blocks

  1. Older tracheids
  2. Heartwood
  3. Sieve tubes in summer
  4. Sieve tubes in winter

Answer: 4

57. Name the tissue where cells are living, thin-walled, isodiametric with intercellular spaces

  1. Prosenchyma
  2. Arenchyma
  3. Parenchyma
  4. Collenchymas

Answer: 3

58. Enucleate thin-walled cells with perforated septa are

  1. Prosenchyma
  2. Sieve cells
  3. Sieve tube elements
  4. Companion cells

Answer: 3

59. Latex cells occur in

  1. Banyan
  2. Calotropis
  3. Oleander
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

60. Latex vessels are found in

  1. Hevea
  2. Papaya
  3. Poppy
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

61. Suberin is

  1. Polysaccharide
  2. Protein
  3. Fatty substance
  4. Pectocellulose

Answer: 3

62. Tracheary elements of protoxylem are

  1. Larger and broader
  2. Formed towards the end
  3. With advanced type of thickenings
  4. Short narrow with primitive type of thickenings

Answer: 4

63. A mature sieve tube differs from a vessel in

  1. Lacking a functional nucleus
  2. Presence of cytoplasm
  3. Being nearly dead
  4. Lacking cytoplasm

Answer: 2

64. Safranin stains

  1. Pectin
  2. Lignified regions
  3. Cellulose
  4. Starch

Answer: 2

65. Pectic material are stained with

  1. Cotton blue
  2. Acetocarmine
  3. Iodine
  4. Methylene

Answer: 4

Permanent Tissues Objective Questions with Answers Quiz Test Pdf Download

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