300+ TOP Philosophy of Education MCQs and Answers Quiz

Philosophy of Education Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vivekananda/spiritualism 2. Rousseau/pragmatism 3. Value education/ intolerance 4. John Dewey/ pragmatism
A. only 3

B. 3 and 4

C. 2 and 3

D. only 4

Answer: B. 3 and 4

2. Etymological meaning of the term ‘education’ is to ___________.
A. bring up

B. know

C. do

D. grow

Answer: A. bring up

3. The root word of ‘education’ is __________.
A. edusat

B. educare

C. edu

D. educate

Answer: B. educare

4. The term ‘education’ is derived from a __________ word.
A. english

B. french

C. latin

D. german

Answer: C. latin

5. Philosophy of education is concerned with the _________ of education.
A. aims

B. nature

C. functions

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

6. Which one of the following statements is/are true?
i) Education is a life-long process. ii) Education is a systematic process. iii) Education is a modification of behaviour. iv) Education is instruction and direction.
A. i and ii

B. i,ii and iii

C. i and iv

D. all the four

Answer: D. all the four

7. Education is a continuous process through which a person acquires__________.
A. a view of life

B. knowledge

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

8. Education is the harmonious development of _________ faculty.
A. physical

B. mental

C. moral

D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

9. Educational philosophy is defined as the philosophical study of the ________ of education.
A. purpose

B. nature

C. ideals

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

10. _________ is an interactive method in the pursuit of knowledge through dialogue.
A. teacher-centered method

B. experimental method

C. socratic method

D. introspective method

Answer: C. socratic method

11. According to realists, curriculum should be ________ .
i) practical and useful ii) highly organized and systematic iii) teacher-centered
A. i and ii

B. only i

C. i,ii and iii

D. only iii

Answer: C. i,ii and iii

12. _________ is not a proponent of realism.
A. plato

B. russell

C. aristotle

D. locke

Answer: A. plato

13. Education should proceed from simple to complex and from concrete to abstract. This is the method of teaching in _________.
A. idealism

B. realism

C. essentialism

D. none of these

Answer: B. realism

14. Idealists argue that _________ are the ultimate reality.
A. values

B. ideas

C. feelings

D. sensations

Answer: B. ideas

15. _________ is not a proponent of idealist educational philosophy.
A. plato

B. st. augustine

C. aristotle

D. hegel

Answer: C. aristotle

16. _________ is not a proper method of teaching according to idealism.
A. dialectical method

B. intuitive method

C. experimental method

D. conceptual method

Answer: C. experimental method

17. According to idealists, curriculum should be __________.
A. pupil-centered

B. teacher-centered

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: B. teacher-centered

18. __________ introduced the concept of kindergarten.
A. gandhi

B. frobel

C. plato

D. rousseau

Answer: B. frobel

19. “The purpose of man is primarily to develop his own spherical nature and then the nature of spherical being as such, to train and represent that nature”. This is the view of ___________.
A. rousseau

B. vivekananda

C. russell

D. frobel

Answer: D. frobel

20. “The spherical law is the basic law of all true and sufficient human education”. This is the view of ________.
A. frobel

B. russell

C. pestalozzi

D. aurobindo

Answer: A. frobel

21. The model of Frobel’s spherical education is known as _________.
A. montessori

B. banking method

C. keilhau

D. none of these

Answer: C. keilhau

22. Aurobindo’s educational ideal is known as ________.
A. right education

B. integral education

C. spherical education

D. basic education

Answer: B. integral education

23. “The meaning of the word education is to reduce the inner, hidden latent dormant potential secret within any human being …. This is the view of _________.
A. plato

B. rousseau

C. aurobindo

D. frobel

Answer: C. aurobindo

24. In Aurobindo’s philosophy, education in the integral sense includes the _________ aspects.
A. physical and mental

B. vital and mental

C. physical and spiritual

D. physical, vital, mental and spiritual

Answer: D. physical, vital, mental and spiritual

25. The ultimate aim of education is evolution of total humanity, which includes the evolution of the nation, which in its turn depends upon the evolution of the individual. This concept of education is known as _________.
A. integral education

B. perfect education

C. spiritual education

D. none of these

Answer: A. integral education

26. According to Aurobindo, the aim of education in child is ________. i) Perfection ii) Harmony iii) Evolution iv) Humanization
A. i and ii

B. iii and iv

C. ii and iii

D. all the four

Answer: D. all the four

27. _________ developed the concept of Integral education.
A. gandhi

B. vivekananda

C. tagore

D. aurobindo

Answer: D. aurobindo

28. Which of the following statements is not applicable to Aurobindo’s system of education?
i) A teacher should be the philosopher and guide. ii) A teacher should be an integral yogi. iii) A teacher should be having an integrated personality. iv) Intellectual excellence is the most important thing in a teacher.
A. i and iv

B. i and iii

C. only iv

D. only ii

Answer: C. only iv

29. ‘The Life Divine’ is the work of ________.
A. gandhi

B. vivekananda

C. aurobindo

D. rousseau

Answer: C. aurobindo

30. ‘Nothing can be taught ‘is the position of __________.
A. gandhi

B. aurobindo

C. tagore

D. none of these

Answer: B. aurobindo

31. ‘To work from the near to the far’ is the educational principle of __________.
A. gandhi

B. tagore

C. aurobindo

D. none of these

Answer: C. aurobindo

32. According to Aurobindo, _________ education is not only spiritual but also rational, mental and physical.
A. integral

B. philosophical

C. theological

D. psychological

Answer: A. integral

33. __________ states, “By education, I mean an all- round drawing out of the best in man – body, mind and spirit”.
A. vivekananda

B. tagore

C. aurobindo

D. gandhi

Answer: D. gandhi

34. ________ criticized colonial education.
A. tagore

B. aurobindo

C. gandhi

D. none of these

Answer: C. gandhi

35. Basic education is the proposal of ___________.
A. gandhi

B. vivekananda

C. aurobindo

D. tagore

Answer: A. gandhi

36. According to Gandhi, the aim of education is ___________.
i) Character building ii) ) Self- control iii) Kindness to all iv) Self-dependence
A. (i) and ( ii)

B. ( i), (ii), and (iii)

C. only (iv)

D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

Answer: D. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

37. Find the odd one out.
A. frobel

B. gandhi

C. plato

D. rousseau

Answer: B. gandhi

38. _________ is the primary purpose of education according to Gandhi.
A. patriotism

B. employment

C. literacy

D. character building

Answer: D. character building

39. According to_______, spiritual perfection is the basic aim of education.
A. aurobindo

B. gandhi

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

40. “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man” This is the view of ___________.
A. frobel

B. paulo freire

C. plato

D. vivekananda

Answer: D. vivekananda

41. Pick out the correct definition of education according to Swami Vivekananda.
A. education is the perfection of man

B. education is the manifestation of god

C. education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man

D. education is the manifestation of the perfection already in god

Answer: C. education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man

42. According to Vivekananda, education should aim at ________.
A. life-building

B. man-making

C. character making

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

43. “There must be equal chance for all – or if greater for some and for some less – the weaker should be given more chance than the strong”. Who said these words?
A. gandhi

B. aurobindo

C. vivekananda

D. none of these

Answer: C. vivekananda

44. ‘Education of the masses’ is the concept of _______.
A. vivekananda

B. aurobindo

C. rousseau

D. gandhi

Answer: A. vivekananda

45. ___________ is not an idealist educational philosopher.
A. plato

B. st. augustine

C. john dewe

D. none of these

Answer: C. john dewe

46. John Dewey is the proponent of _________.
A. realism

B. idealism

C. naturalism

D. pragmatism

Answer: D. pragmatism

47. According to__________, curriculum should be scientifically approached, standardized, and discipline based.
A. realists

B. idealists

C. naturalists

D. none of these

Answer: A. realists

48. ________ believe that learners should apply their knowledge to real situations through experimental inquiry.
A. realists

B. idealists

C. naturalists

D. pragmatists

Answer: D. pragmatists

49. ‘Truth is that which works’ is the view of ________.
A. pragmatists

B. idealists

C. naturalists

D. realists

Answer: A. pragmatists

50. More than the acquisition of knowledge, education should encourage __________.
A. intolerance

B. conflict

C. creativity

D. none of these

Answer: C. creativity

51. __________ is a naturalist thinker.
A. john dewey

B. aristotle

C. frobel

D. rousseau

Answer: D. rousseau

52. “I hate books; they merely teach us to talk of what we do not know.”Who said these words?
A. john dewey

B. rousseau

C. frobel

D. gandhi

Answer: B. rousseau

53. _______ criticized the concept of formal education.
A. rousseau john

B. aristotle

C. frobel

D. dewey

Answer: A. rousseau john

54. Educational philosophy is _________.
A. speculative

B. normative

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

55. The quantity of education has increased, but the quality has decreased. This leads to the necessity of___________.
A. peace

B. tolerance

C. literacy

D. value education

Answer: D. value education

56. Value- oriented education should be___________.
A. text book-oriented

B. exam-oriented

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a)nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

57. ____________ form the core theme of value education.
A. caring for others

B. cooperation

C. humility

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

58. Value education aims at the ___________ development of the learners.
A. total

B. partial

C. negative

D. exam-oriented

Answer: A. total

59. Schooling that promotes care, respect and cooperation is specifically the aim of _________.
A. teaching

B. learning

C. value education

D. technical education

Answer: C. value education

60. Value education aims at removing the vice of ____________.
A. cooperation

B. intolerance

C. honesty

D. humility

Answer: B. intolerance

61. “___________ education can take place at home, as well as in schools, colleges, universities, offender institutions and voluntary youth organizations.”
A. formal

B. technical

C. science

D. value

Answer: D. value

62. According to Rousseau, Education must conform to the __________ processes of growth and mental development.
A. natural

B. divine

C. spiritual

D. social

Answer: A. natural

63. __________ is the aim of education for naturalists.
A. self-expression

B. autonomous development of individuality

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

64. One of the most influential books by Rousseau is ___________.
A. emile

B. a manual of ethics

C. ethics

D. practical ethics

Answer: A. emile

65. ___________ is a prominent philosopher of education in contemporary India.
A. aurobindo

B. s. radhakrishnan

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

66. _________ is a function of education.
A. acquisition of information about the past and present

B. developing decision making capacity

C. developing problem solving capacity

D. all these

Answer: D. all these

67. Both __________ education and value education should be part of the higher education curriculum.
A. negative

B. career

C. child

D. all these

Answer: B. career

68. Education confined to mere imparting of knowledge is not ________ education.
A. true

B. negative

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: A. true

69. Education is a ___________ institution.
A. formal

B. informal

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

70. ____________ held the spiritualist view of education.
A. mahatma gandhi

B. swami vivekananda

C. both (a) and (b)

D. neither (a) nor (b)

Answer: C. both (a) and (b)

71. Pragmatists insist on the _________ aspect of education.
A. theoretical

B. practical

C. philosophical

D. none of these

Answer: B. practical

72. Gandhian programme of education lays emphasis on __________ education.
A. higher

B. basic

C. technical

D. military

Answer: B. basic

73. Educational institutions enable students to develop the sense of _________.
A. well being

B. intolerance

C. hatred

D. prejudice

Answer: A. well being

74. According to the __________ view, education is the process of manifesting the innate perfection of the individual.
A. pragmatist

B. spiritualist

C. realist

D. none of these

Answer: B. spiritualist

75. Education should enable the learners to develop __________ spirit.
A. submissive

B. religious

C. partisan

D. critical

Answer: D. critical

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