[Physics Class Notes] on Measurement of Mass and Weight Pdf for Exam

Mass is a fundamental characteristic property of matter. It exists independently and is autonomous of every other boundary, such as the temperature, pressure, and the area of the object in space. The matter has mass and consumes space. These two things are trained to us when we can get a handle on these ideas. A matter is anything you can contact truly, so all you see and communicate with around you have a mass. 

Mass commonly is mistaken for another boundary. This disarray happens because of the way that this boundary is erroneously utilized globally rather than mass because of its comfort and because of the way that we gauge things to discover their mass. This parameter is called weight, and weight is measured in Newton.

Definition of Mass

To define ‘how to measure mass’ alludes to the measure of matter in a specific object. This estimation of the measure of matter, for example, the mass of an object, is an inherent estimation of that body. Mass decides the quality of its common gravitational attraction for different bodies, its resistance from speeding up because of a force, inertia, and mass can likewise be utilized to determine the vitality substance of an example through the hypothesis of Relativity utilizing  Albert Einstein’s E = mc2.

Mass of an object is measured by the SI Unit of mass that is the kilogram (kg). A kilogram can be separated into 1000 grams, and it was first characterized as one cubic decimetre of water at the point of melting of ice, for example, 0 oC. Such changes in the fundamental units of science can cause a catastrophe, which is why the Kilogram was re-imagined as the mass of the International Prototype Kilogram. 

Unit of Atomic Mass

Mass of an object is measured by the kilogram. But for excessively little and larger items we utilize different units:

  • Ton (metric ton) is equivalent to 1000 kg

  • The Atomic Mass Unit to kg is utilized while managing atoms and molecules whose masses are little to such an extent that the kilogram is not appropriate. One atomic mass unit is characterized as 1/12th the mass of a Carbon-12 atom. The estimation of 1 atomic mass unit is acquired as 1.66 x 10-27.

How do you Measure Mass?


To explain ‘how to measure mass,’ the mass of an object is measured by a balance. The obscure mass of a body is contrasted and a known estimation of mass. We acquire the estimation of an obscure mass as far as a known value of mass. A parity works in space and spots of no gravity since changes in gravity influence both the majority on balance similarly.

Definition of Weight


Mass isn’t equivalent to weight (weight is measured in newton). While the mass is the characteristic property of the body, weight is the proportion of the power applied to the mass of the body because of gravity. Mass alludes to a general estimation of the item though weight is a limited translation of the object’s mass. Weight is the impact of gravity, and consequently, we portray weight with the formula;

W = mg

Where m is the mass, and g is the acceleration because of gravity at that specific area. The weight is measured in Newton. For instance, an item with a mass of 50 kg encounters a gravitational power, for example, weight, which is equivalent to 50 x 9.8 = 490 Newton. A similar item but with a similar mass of 50 kg will gauge 1/6th on the moon what it did on Earth. This way, we can explain ‘how to measure mass.’


We generally use these terms interchangeably without knowing the difference but little do we realize that they are not the same. Mass of any given object is the total matter in it at that point in time whereas the weight of an object is the total force acting upon the object. On the other hand, weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and it changes from place to place if the gravitational force changes. For example, when we throw a plastic bottle in the water, it floats and we can consider the weight of the ball is “0”. But, this does not mean that the mass of the ball is also “0” as we can clearly see the ball is made up of some matter. The gravitational force exerted on an object is directly proportional to the mass of the object which means, when the mass of the object is heavy, it exerts more gravitational force and when the mass of the object is less, it exerts comparatively lesser gravitational force. 

Solved Questions

1. Explain the Formula of the Mass.

Ans: Mass can be calculated with three potential ways:

  1. Mass=density*volume (m=ρV)

  2. Mass= force/acceleration (m=F/a)

  3. Mass= weight/gravitational acceleration (m=W/g)

Mass is a fundamental property that cannot be defined as per the other units like newton (in which weight is measured in) or joule. Other ways are also there to explain ‘how to measure mass.’

Fun Facts 

  • The weight of the object will increase when you are close to the earth. If two cups full of dirt are taken to the high mountains, the weight of the cup will be less if we compare the weight of the cup from the sea level.

  • Photons are the smallest mass known to be. 5.3 times 1063kg.

  • The mass of the universe is believed to be 1051 kg, number 10, followed by 50 zeroes.

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