300+ TOP Practical Auditing MCQs and Answers Online Quiz

Practical Auditing Multiple Choice Questions

1. Auditing refers to
A. Preparation and checking of account

B. Examination of accounts of business units only

C. Examination of accounts of professional accountants

D. Checking of vouchers

Answer: C. Examination of accounts of professional accountants

2. Main object of auditing is
A. Detection of errors

B. To find out whether P&L a/c & B/S show true and fair state affairs

C. Detection of frauds

D. Detection and prevention of frauds and errors.

Answer: B. To find out whether P&L a/c & B/S show true and fair state affairs

3. Auditing is luxury for a
A. Joint stock company

B. Partnership firm

C. Small shop-keeper

D. Government company

Answer: C. Small shop-keeper

4. Auditing is compulsory for
A. Small scale business enterprises

B. All partnership firms

C. All joint stock companies

D. All proprietary concerns

Answer: C. All joint stock companies

5. Propriety audit refers to
A. Verification of accounts

B. Examination accounts of propriety concerns

C. Enquiry against justification and necessity of expresses

D. Audit of Govt. companies

Answer: C. Enquiry against justification and necessity of expresses

6. Propriety is normally undertaken in case of
A. Joint stock company

B. Government company

C. Statutory corporation

D. Govt. departments

Answer: D. Govt. departments

7. Interim audit refers to
A. Examination of accounts continuously

B. Examination of accounts intermittently

C. Audit work to find out and check interim profits of a company

D. Carrying on audit for bonus purposes at the end of the year

Answer: C. Audit work to find out and check interim profits of a company

8. Final audit implies
A. Audit of accounts at the end of the year

B. Finally checking of accounts to reveal frauds

C. Audit for submitting report immediately at the end of the year

D. Audit of banking companies

Answer: A. Audit of accounts at the end of the year

9. A continuous audit is specially needed for
A. Any trading concern

B. Smaller concerns

C. Banking companies

D. Any manufacturing companies

Answer: C. Banking companies

10. Joint audit implies
A. Audit of two concerns together

B. Audit of joint stock companies

C. Audit of joint sector companies

D. Audit by two firms of C.A

Answer: D. Audit by two firms of C.A

11. Management audit means
A. Audit undertaken on behalf of the management

B. Evaluating performance of various management processes and functions

C. Audit undertaken on behalf of Govt. to punish management

D. Compulsory audit

Answer: B. Evaluating performance of various management processes and functions

12. Systems audit implies
A. Systematic examination of accounts

B. Audit undertaken to improve auditing systems

C. Enquiring accounting and control systems

D. Checking the performance of management

Answer: C. Enquiring accounting and control systems

13. Internal audit means
A. Audit undertaken to ascertain truth and fairness of state of affairs

B. Audit undertaken internally to evaluate management functions

C. Audit undertaken by employees of the organization to check financial irregularities

D. Audit by independent auditor to improve internal affairs

Answer: C. Audit undertaken by employees of the organization to check financial irregularities

14. Internal audit is
A. Compulsory for a company with paid-up capital of Rs. 25 lakh and above

B. Voluntary for a company

C. Not necessary for a company

D. Necessary for a company

Answer: B. Voluntary for a company

15. Internal audit is undertaken
A. By independent auditor

B. Statutorily appointed auditor

C. By a person appointed by the management

D. By Government auditor

Answer: C. By a person appointed by the management

16. Internal auditor is appointed by the
A. Management

B. Shareholders

C. Government

D. C & A-G

Answer: A. Management

17. The object of internal check is to
A. Control wastage of resources

B. Prevent errors and frauds

C. Verify the cash receipts and payments

D. Facilitate quick decision by the management

Answer: B. Prevent errors and frauds

18. Effective internal check system reduces
A. The liability of auditor

B. Work of auditor

C. Both work as well as auditor

D. Responsibilities of an auditor

Answer: B. Work of auditor

19. Internal check is a part of
A. Internal audit

B. Internal accounting

C. External audit

D. Internal control

Answer: D. Internal control

20. Internal check is carried on by
A. Special staff

B. Internal auditor

C. Accountant

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

21. Internal check is suitable for
A. Larger concerns

B. Smaller concerns

C. Petty shop- keepers

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Larger concerns

22. Internal check is carried on by
A. Staff specially appointed for the purpose

B. Internal auditor

C. The members of the staff among themselves

D. Supervisor of the staff

Answer: C. The members of the staff among themselves

23. Internal check is essential for
A. Petty traders

B. Cash transactions in a large concern

C. A concern using automatic equipments

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Cash transactions in a large concern

24. Misappropriation of goods may be checked by
A. Proper supervision over stock

B. Checking of employees

C. Punishment of employees

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Proper supervision over stock

25. Window dressing implies
A. Curtailment of expenses

B. Checking wastages

C. Under- valuation of assets

D. Over- valuation of assets

Answer: D. Over- valuation of assets

26. Falsification of accounts is undertaken by
A. Auditors

B. Clerks

C. Accountants

D. Responsible officials

Answer: D. Responsible officials

27. Errors of omission are
A. Technical errors

B. Error of principle

C. Compensating errors

D. None of the above

Answer: A. Technical errors

28. Test checking refers to
A. Testing of accounting records

B. Testing of honesty of employees

C. Intensive checking of a selected number of transactions

D. Checking of all transactions recorded

Answer: C. Intensive checking of a selected number of transactions

29. Test checking should not be applied to
A. Sales book

B. Purchase book

C. Bank reconciliation statement

D. Bills book

Answer: C. Bank reconciliation statement

30. Test checking should not be applied to
A. Purchase book

B. Sales book

C. Stock book

D. Cash book

Answer: D. Cash book

31. Vouching implies
A. Inspection of receipts

B. Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records

C. Surprise checking of accounting records

D. Examining the various assets

Answer: B. Examination of vouchers to check authenticity of records

32. Payment for goods purchased should be vouched with the help of
A. Creditors statement

B. Correspondence with suppliers

C. Cash memos

D. Ledger accounts

Answer: A. Creditors statement

33. Payment for wages should be vouched with the help of
A. Piece work statement

B. Wage sheets

C. Minute book

D. Bank pass book

Answer: B. Wage sheets

34. Payment for building purchased should be vouched with the help of
A. Title deed

B. Correspondence with Brokers

C. Building account

D. Cash book

Answer: A. Title deed

35. Investment should be vouched with the help of
A. Commission book

B. Brokers book

C. Sales deeds

D. Minute book

Answer: B. Brokers book

36. Receipt from debtors should be vouched with the help of
A. Counterfoil Receipts cash book

B. Suppliers statement

C. Sales Deeds

D. General Ledger

Answer: A. Counterfoil Receipts cash book

37. Receipt from sale of investment should be vouched with the help of
A. Brokers Budget Notes

B. Brokers Sold Notes

C. Minute Book

D. Inventory of investment

Answer: B. Brokers Sold Notes

38. Purchases returns should be vouched with the help of
A. Bought Notes

B. Credit Notes

C. Goods inward Book

D. Cash Book

Answer: B. Credit Notes

39. Verification refers to
A. Examination of journal and ledger

B. Examination of vouchers related to assets

C. Examining the physical existence and valuation of assets

D. Calculation of value of assets

Answer: C. Examining the physical existence and valuation of assets

40. Object of verification of assets
A. Physical verification of assets

B. Checking value of assets

C. Examining the authority of their acquisition

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

41. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Valuation is a part of verification

B. Verification is a part of valuation

C. Valuation has nothing to do with verification

D. Auditor is a valuer

Answer: A. Valuation is a part of verification

42. Stock should be valued at
A. Cost

B. Market price

C. Cost price or market price whichever is lower

D. Cost less depreciation

Answer: C. Cost price or market price whichever is lower

43. Valuation of Fixed Assets is based on the concept
A. Going concern

B. Conservation

C. Money measurement

D. Dual aspect

Answer: A. Going concern

44. Valuation means
A. Calculating value of assets

B. Checking the value of assets

C. Checking the physical existence of assets

D. Examining the authenticity of assets

Answer: B. Checking the value of assets

45. “ Auditor is not valuer” was stated in
A. Kingston Cotton Mills case

B. London & General Bank case

C. Lee . V . Neuchatel Co. Ltd case

D. London oil Storage Co. case

Answer: A. Kingston Cotton Mills case

46. Fixed assets are valued at
A. Cost

B. Market price

C. Cost price or market price whichever is less

D. Cost less depreciation

Answer: D. Cost less depreciation

47. Floating assets are valued at
A. Cost

B. Market price

C. Cost price or market price whichever is less

D. Cost less depreciation

Answer: C. Cost price or market price whichever is less

48. The scope of work of internal audit is decided by the
A. Share holders

B. Management

C. To improve financial control

D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

49. Outstanding expenses should be verified with the help of
A. Cash book

B. Balance book

C. Journal proper

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Journal proper

50. Book debts should be verified with the help of
A. Balance sheet

B. Amount received from Debtors

C. Debtors schedule

D. Certificate from the management

Answer: C. Debtors schedule

51. Investments in hand should be verified with the help of
A. Schedule of investments

B. Balance sheet

C. Inspection of securities

D. Certificate from the bank

Answer: C. Inspection of securities

52. First auditor of a company is appointed by the
A. Shareholders

B. Central Govt.

C. Company Law Board

D. Board of Directors

Answer: D. Board of Directors

53. Which of the following persons is qualified to be a company auditor?
A. An employee of the company

B. A body corporate

C. A person who is indebted to the company for an amount exceeding Rs. 1000

D. A practicing chartered accountant

Answer: D. A practicing chartered accountant

54. The first auditor of a company will hold office
A. For a period of one year

B. Till holding of statutory meeting

C. Till the conclusion of first annual general meeting

D. Till a new auditor is appointed

Answer: C. Till the conclusion of first annual general meeting

55. Normally, a company auditor is appointed by the
A. Central Government

B. Shareholders

C. Board of Directors

D. Company Law board

Answer: B. Shareholders

56. An auditor in a casual vacancy is appointed by the
A. Board of Directors

B. Shareholders

C. Central Government

D. Company Law board

Answer: A. Board of Directors

57. If an auditor is not appointed at annual general meeting, he is appointed by the
A. The Central Government

B. Board of Directors

C. Shareholders

D. Company Law board

Answer: A. The Central Government

58. A vacancy caused by resignation of the auditor is filled by
A. Board of Directors

B. At the general meeting of shareholders

C. By the Central Government

D. By the Company Law board

Answer: B. At the general meeting of shareholders

59. A special auditor is appointed by the
A. Shareholders

B. Board of Directors

C. Central Government

D. C & A – G

Answer: C. Central Government

60. A government Co. auditor may be appointed by the
A. C & A – G

B. Shareholders

C. Central Government

D. None of the above

Answer: A. C & A – G

61. A company auditor can be removed before expiry of his term by
A. Shareholders

B. Board of Directors

C. Central Government

D. State Government

Answer: A. Shareholders

62. Remuneration of a company auditor is fixed by the
A. Shareholders

B. Board of Directors

C. Central Government

D. Appointing authority

Answer: D. Appointing authority

63. A company auditor, in general has to submit his report to
A. Shareholders

B. Board of Directors

C. Central Government

D. C & A – G

Answer: A. Shareholders

64. An auditor of Government company has to submit his report to the
A. Shareholders

B. Central Government

C. C & A – G

D. Ministry concerned

Answer: B. Central Government

65. Internal auditor has to submit report to
A. Shareholders

B. Government

C. Company Law board

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

66. Auditor should be dutiful like a
A. A watch dog

B. A blood hound

C. A detective

D. An insurer

Answer: A. A watch dog

67. Auditor, in general is an
A. Employee of the company

B. Agent of the company

C. Agent of the shareholders

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Agent of the shareholders

68. While checking allotment of shares the auditor should see that it is made within
A. 100 days of issue of prospectus

B. 120 days of issue of prospectus

C. 150 days of issue of prospectus

D. 80 days of issue of prospectus

Answer: B. 120 days of issue of prospectus

69. Which of the following percentage of nominal amount of shares should be received with application
A. 10

B. 15

C. 5

D. 6

Answer: C. 5

70. While checking allotment, auditor should see that amount
A. Equal to estimated fixed capital is received

B. Equal to estimated working capital is received

C. Necessary for purchase of land & building has been received

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above
71. For restriction regarding allotment of shares, the auditor should refer to section
A. 25

B. 75

C. 64

D. 69

Answer: D. 69
72. For checking that allotment of shares has been properly made, an auditor should refer to
A. Cash Book

B. Shares Ledger

C. Directors minutes book

D. Shareholders minutes Book

Answer: C. Directors minutes book

73. Auditor should see that the return of allotment has been sent to Registrar within
A. 1 month

B. 2 months

C. 3 months

D. 40 days

Answer: A. 1 month
74. Application money should not be withdrawn unless
A. Allotment is made

B. Cash book has been prepared

C. Certificate to commence business obtained

D. Certificate of incorporation obtained

Answer: C. Certificate to commence business obtained
75. Shares issued for consideration other than cash should be vouched with the help of
A. Directors minutes book

B. Shareholders minutes book

C. Contract with the party concerned

D. Cash book

Answer: C. Contract with the party concerned

76. A company can issue Redeemable Preference shares, if authorized by
A. Memorandum of association

B. Articles of association

C. Companies Act, 1956

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Articles of association
77. Auditor should see that amount received for premium on issue of shares should be shown in
A. Subscribed capital

B. Capital Reserve Account

C. Share Premium account

D. Paid- up capital account

Answer: C. Share Premium account
78. Share premium account should be shown in the Balance sheet under
A. Paid-up capital

B. Subscribed capital

C. Reserves & surplus

D. Reserved capital

Answer: C. Reserves & surplus
79. Amount of share premium may be utilized for
A. Payment of dividend

B. Writing of preliminary expenses

C. Routine expenses

D. Purchase of fixed assets

Answer: B. Writing of preliminary expenses
80. Shares can be issued at discount under section
A. 76

B. 75

C. 79

D. 89

Answer: C. 79

81. Interest on calls paid in advance, according to Table A, should not exceed
A. 6%

B. 5%

C. 10%

D. 14%

Answer: A. 6%
82. Shares can be issued at premium, under section
A. 76

B. 75

C. 78

D. 79

Answer: C. 78
83. A company can accept calls in advance from its shareholders under section
A. 82

B. 79

C. 92

D. 78

Answer: C. 92
84. Shares can be issued at discount only after
A. 2 years of the commencement of the business

B. 1 year of the commencement of the business

C. 3 years of the commencement of the business

D. 5 years of the commencement of the business

Answer: B. 1 year of the commencement of the business
85. With regard to issue of share warrants to the bearers, the auditor should see that is it
A. Permitted by Memorandum of Association

B. Sanctioned by the Central Government

C. Permitted by the Board of Directors

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Sanctioned by the Central Government

86. For the for festure of shares, the auditor should check that it is permitted
A. by Memorandum of Association

B. by articles of association

C. under Companies Act, 1956

D. None of the above

Answer: B. by articles of association
87. Premium received on issue of shares, later forfeited, should be transferred to
A. Capital reserve

B. Shares forfeited Account

C. Capital Account

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above
88. With regard to issue of share certificates, the auditor should refer to section
A. 110

B. 113

C. 114

D. 123

Answer: B. 113
89. Increase in share capital is permitted by
A. Memorandum of Association

B. Articles of association

C. Court

D. Companies Act, 1956

Answer: B. Articles of association
90. Divisible profit should not include
A. Interest on capital

B. Capital

C. Depreciation

D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above
91. Dividend can not be paid out of
A. Capital profit

B. Capital receipts

C. Revenue receipts

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Capital receipts

92. Capital profit imply profit earned
A. Through business transaction

B. From capital

C. From sale of fixed assets

D. From sale of current assets

Answer: C. From sale of fixed assets
93. Capital profits
A. Can be paid by way of dividends

B. Cannot paid by way of dividends

C. Can be paid by way of dividend under certain conditions

D. None of the above

Answer: C. Can be paid by way of dividend under certain conditions
94. If there is capital loss, the auditor should
A. Not allow payment of dividend

B. Allow payment of dividends

C. Allow payment of dividends after making such losses good

D. None of the above

Answer: B. Allow payment of dividends
95. A company auditor should see that the dividend should be paid
A. After charging depreciation

B. Without charging depreciation

C. Out of capital

D. None of the above

Answer: A. After charging depreciation
96. In his report, the auditor gives his
A. Judgment

B. Opinion

C. Guarantee to correctness of accounts

D. True state of affairs

Answer: B. Opinion
97. Civil liability of an auditor implies liability for
A. Misappropriation of cash

B. Misappropriation of goods

C. Fraud

D. Misfeasance

Answer: D. Misfeasance

98. An auditor can be held liable under companies Act 1949 for
A. Negligence

B. Criminal offence

C. Professional misconduct

D. Breach of contract

Answer: C. Professional misconduct
99. Investigation of books of accounts and records is :
A. Not legally compulsory

B. Compulsory

C. Compulsory as per companies act

D. Compulsory as Income Tax Act

Answer: A. Not legally compulsory
100. Investigation is carries on behalf of
A. Manager

B. Employee

C. Client

D. On behalf of owner and third parties

Answer: D. On behalf of owner and third parties

101. Examination of accounting records undertaken for a special purpose is called
A. Auditing

B. Internal check

C. Investigation

D. Internal control

Answer: C. Investigation
102. The prime importance of investigation on behalf of an individual or firm intending topurchase an existing business is to
A. Ascertain value of asset

B. Ascertain the earning capacity of the concern

C. Estimation of value of good will

D. Extend of liabilities

Answer: B. Ascertain the earning capacity of the concern
103. Inflation of closing stock results is :-
A. Inflation of loss

B. Deflation of loss

C. Inflation of profit

D. Deflation of profit

Answer: C. Inflation of profit
104. Inflation of profit is possible due to :
A. Overvaluation of closing stock

B. Overstating purchase

C. Overstating opening stock

D. Overstating expenses

Answer: A. Overvaluation of closing stock
105. Charging excessive provision for depreciation results in
A. Less profit

B. More profit

C. No change in profit

D. No change in loss

Answer: A. Less profit

106. The main purpose of management audit is to
A. Review the management operations

B. Check arithmetical accuracy

C. Prevent travel

D. Prevent error

Answer: A. Review the management operations
107. Management audit is
A. Compulsory

B. Not compulsory

C. Compulsory under Income Tax Act

D. Compulsory under Indian Contract Act.

Answer: B. Not compulsory
108. Special resolution means ——————-
A. 1/3 majority

B. 2/3 majority

C. ½ majority

D. none

Answer: B. 2/3 majority
109. Ordinary resolution means ———————–
A. 1/3 majority

B. 2/3 majority

C. More than 1/2

D. none

Answer: C. More than 1/2
110. The chartered Accountants Act is in —————–
A. 1956

B. 1959

C. 1949

D. none

Answer: B. 1959

111. Section 633 of the companies Act deals with
A. Liability of auditor

B. Relief to the auditor

C. Punishment to the auditor

D. none

Answer: B. Relief to the auditor
112. Auditor is an ————— of a shareholder
A. Owner

B. Agent

C. Employer

D. none

Answer: B. Agent
113. Cost audit means audit of ————— records
A. Financial

B. Cost

C. Tax

D. none

Answer: B. Cost
114. Financial auditor submits reports to the —————-
A. Shareholder

B. Board of director

C. Employees

D. none

Answer: A. Shareholder
115. Cost auditor submits reports to the —————
A. Share holder

B. Board of directors

C. Employees

D. none

Answer: B. Board of directors
116. ————— audit is forward looking –
A. Financial

B. Cost

C. Tax

D. none

Answer: B. Cost

117. Cost auditor of a company is ———–
A. Chartered Accountant

B. Cost Accountant

C. Tax Accountant

D. none

Answer: B. Cost Accountant
118. Auditor finds that there is change in the method of valuation of stock whether he should
A. Allow it

B. Disallow it

C. Allow it with a note to this effect

D. none

Answer: C. Allow it with a note to this effect
119. Audit under any statute in a country is called ——————
A. Final audit

B. Internal audit

C. Statutory audit

D. none

Answer: C. Statutory audit
120. Books of Accounts are prepared and audited as per the provisions of the —————
A. Income Tax Act,1961

B. Companies Act 1956

C. Chartered Accountants Act 1949

D. none

Answer: B. Companies Act 1956
121. CAATTS is also known as ———–
A. Cost And Accounts Treatments

B. Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques

C. Classification and Accounting of Tax Tools

D. none

Answer: B. Computer Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques
122. Auditor has got no lien on ————-
A. Audit Note Nook

B. Audit working papers

C. Books to Accounts of Client

D. none

Answer: C. Books to Accounts of Client

123. Statutory Report should be sent to registrar before ——————- days of statutory meeting
A. 30 days

B. 14 days

C. 21 days

D. none

Answer: C. 21 days
124. The meeting held by the company with in a period of not less than one month and not morethan 6 months is called ————-
A. Statutory

B. Annual

C. General

D. none

Answer: A. Statutory
125. ——————– audit is not a statuary requirement
A. Management

B. Financial

C. Tax Audit

D. none

Answer: A. Management

126. —————– audit refers to the evaluation of company’s performance against plannedgoals in the areas of social responsibility.
A. Cost audit

B. Social audit

C. Management audit

D. none

Answer: B. Social audit
127. Bonus shares are issued to —————-
A. New members

B. Existing share holders

C. Employees

D. none

Answer: B. Existing share holders
128. ——– Section of the Companies Act deals with Appointment of Company auditor.
A. Sec-226

B. Sec-224

C. Sec-227

D. none

Answer: B. Sec-224
129. ——– Section of the Companies Act deals with qualification of Company auditor.
A. Sec-226

B. Sec-224

C. Sec-227

D. none

Answer: A. Sec-226
130. Amount of Share premium may be utilized for
A. Payment of dividend

B. Writing of preliminary expenses

C. Routine expense

D. none

Answer: B. Writing of preliminary expenses

131. Share Premium Account should be shown in Balance sheet under
A. Paid-up capital

B. Subscribed capital

C. Reserves and surpluses

D. none

Answer: C. Reserves and surpluses
132. Auditor should see that amount received for premium on issue of shares should be shown in
A. Subscribed capital

B. Capital Reserve Account

C. Share Premium Account

D. none

Answer: C. Share Premium Account
133. A company can issue redeemable preference shares if authorized by
A. Memorandum of Association

B. Articles of Association

C. Companies Act-1956

D. none

Answer: B. Articles of Association
134. A company can issue bonus shares if authorized by
A. Memorandum of Association

B. Articles of Association

C. Companies Act-1956

D. none

Answer: B. Articles of Association
135. Interest on calls paid in advance according to table A, should not exceed
A. 6%

B. 5%

C. 10%

D. none

Answer: A. 6%

136. For the forfeiture of shares, the auditor should check that it is permitted
A. Memorandum of Association

B. By articles of association

C. Under Companies Act 1956

D. none

Answer: B. By articles of association
137. Profits on reissue of forfeited Shares should be transferred to
A. Share forfeited Account

B. Capital Reserve Account

C. Profit and Loss Account

D. none

Answer: B. Capital Reserve Account
138. Shares issued for consideration other than cash should be vouched with the help of
A. Director’s minute Book

B. Shareholder’s minute Book

C. Contact with the party concerned

D. none

Answer: C. Contact with the party concerned
139. While checking the allotment of shares, the auditor should see that it is made within
A. 100 days of issue of prospectus

B. 120 days of issue of prospectus

C. 150 days of issue of prospectus

D. none

Answer: B. 120 days of issue of prospectus
140. Which of the following percentage of nominal amount of shares should be received withapplication
A. 10

B. 15

C. 5

D. none

Answer: C. 5
141. Accounting standards are prepared by




Answer: C. ICAI

142. Which of the following is referred to confirm the allotment of shares to the vendor
A. Cash book

B. Pass book

C. Director’s minute

D. none

Answer: C. Director’s minute
143. Share premium Account is shown on the _______________
A. Asset side of Balance sheet

B. Liability side of Balance sheet

C. Credit side of profit and loss Account

D. none

Answer: B. Liability side of Balance sheet
144. Issue of shares at discount should be sanctioned by the ________________
A. Board of directors

B. Share holders

C. Company Law Board

D. none

Answer: C. Company Law Board
145. The maximum rate of discount on shares shall not exceed________________
A. 20%

B. 15%

C. 10%

D. none

Answer: C. 10%
146. Discount on issue of shares not written of is shown separately in Balance sheet under thehead_____________
A. Miscellaneous expenditure

B. Preliminary expanses

C. Current assets

D. none

Answer: A. Miscellaneous expenditure
147. __________________section of Companies Act deals with share Capital
A. 69

B. 60

C. 50

D. none

Answer: A. 69

148. Which among the following is not a function of the author
A. Checking errors and frauds

B. Vouching with original documents

C. Preparing final Accounts

D. none

Answer: C. Preparing final Accounts
149. Audit conducted as per the provisions of law is _____________
A. Statutory Audit

B. Continuous Audit

C. Social Audit

D. none

Answer: A. Statutory Audit
150. The scope of auditing does not cover.
A. Vouching

B. Checking arithmetical accuracy

C. Ledger posting

D. none

Answer: C. Ledger posting

151. Internal audit is conducted
A. Periodically

B. Throughout the year

C. Once in a year

D. none

Answer: B. Throughout the year
152. The amount of application money received shall be deposited in a scheduled bankuntil________
A. Annual general meeting

B. General meeting

C. Certificate to commencement obtained

D. none

Answer: C. Certificate to commencement obtained
153. Amount received as premium can be used to ___________
A. Purchase Assets

B. Pay of liabilities

C. Issue bonus shares

D. none

Answer: C. Issue bonus shares
154. The auditors are liable under
A. Companies Act Only

B. Income Tax Act Only

C. All above

D. none

Answer: C. All above
155. The maximum number of audit assignment an auditor can accept is limited to ————– companies
A. 10

B. 15

C. 20

D. none

Answer: C. 20

156. Auditors can be appointed by ————– when the shareholders fail to appoint auditors at thegeneral meeting
A. Board of directors

B. Central government

C. Company Low board

D. none

Answer: B. Central government
157. The examinations of financial transactions with supporting evidences is called
A. Verification

B. Vouching

C. Auditing

D. none

Answer: B. Vouching
158. Which among the following is an example of intangible asset?
A. Goodwill

B. Patents

C. All of these

D. none

Answer: C. All of these
159. Which of the following is not an item current asset?
A. Stock

B. Sundry debtors

C. Furniture

D. none

Answer: C. Furniture
160. The term inventories stands for
A. Raw materials

B. Work in progress

C. All of these

D. none

Answer: C. All of these

161. Sales day book is used for recording
A. Credit sales

B. Cash sales

C. All sales

D. none

Answer: A. Credit sales
162. ————— audit is more suitable for small business houses
A. Continuous

B. Annual

C. Partial

D. none

Answer: B. Annual
163. Vouching is an examination of ———– to ascertain the accuracy and authenticity of transactions inthe book of accounts
A. Audit files

B. Audit note book

C. Documents

D. none

Answer: C. Documents
164. ————— is a written plan containing details with regard to the conduct of a particular audit
A. Audit Note book

B. Audit programme

C. Audit files

D. none

Answer: B. Audit programme
165. ————— is the verification of books of accounts from Income tax point of view
A. Cost audit

B. Tax audit

C. Management audit

D. none

Answer: B. Tax audit
166. Investigation is conducted
A. Regularly

B. Quarterly

C. As and when required

D. none

Answer: C. As and when required

167. Investigation is required when
A. Fraud is suspected in business

B. On acquisition of running business

C. All of them

D. none

Answer: C. All of them
168. Which among the following is not a right of company auditors
A. Right to access the book accounts

B. Right to seek explanations

C. Right to lies on books of accounts

D. none

Answer: C. Right to lies on books of accounts
169. Test checking is done when there is an effective system of ————–
A. Internal control

B. Internal audit

C. Internal check

D. none

Answer: C. Internal check
170. Test checking means
A. Checking of all transactions

B. Checking of half of the transactions

C. Checking of selected items

D. none

Answer: C. Checking of selected items
171. Audit working papers are ————————–
A. Important information about audit

B. Appointment letters regarding audit

C. Letter of notice

D. none

Answer: A. Important information about audit
172. Current audit file consists of
A. Matters of future importance

B. Matters relations to post years

C. Matters relating to the year of audit

D. none

Answer: C. Matters relating to the year of audit

173. ——————- begins where accounting ends
A. Bookkeeping

B. Auditing

C. Internal check

D. none

Answer: B. Auditing
174. —————- audit is compulsory for joint stock companies
A. Statutory

B. Final

C. Continuous

D. none

Answer: A. Statutory
175. Treating revenue expenditure as capital expenditure is an example of error of ——————-
A. Principle

B. Compensating

C. Clerical

D. none

Answer: A. Principle

176. Financial statements are prepared by
A. The accountant

B. The auditor

C. Managing director

D. none

Answer: A. The accountant

177. Preliminary expanses not written off are treated as
A. Fixed assets

B. Intangible assets

C. Fictitious assets

D. none

Answer: C. Fictitious assets

178. Verification of assets involves a critical examination of
A. Ownership

B. Existence

C. All of these

D. none

Answer: C. All of these

179. Finished goods are valued for a balance sheet purpose
A. At cost price

B. At market price

C. At lower of cost or market price

D. none

Answer: C. At lower of cost or market price

180. —————- includes financial and non-financial control
A. Internal check

B. Internal control

C. Internal audit

D. none

Answer: B. Internal control

181. —————- is concerned with the allocation of work among employees
A. Internal control

B. Internal check

C. Internal audit

D. none

Answer: B. Internal check

182. The duties of internal auditor is prescribed by
A. Companies act

B. Company law board

C. Management

D. none

Answer: C. Management

183. Internal audit is considered as a service to ——————-
A. Share holders

B. Board of directories

C. Management

D. none

Answer: C. Management

184. Pre-arranging and coordinating the audit work is called ——————
A. Audit planning

B. Vouching

C. Verification

D. none

Answer: A. Audit planning

185. A fixed audit programme is also called a ——— programme
A. Tailor made

B. Man made

C. Auditor made

D. none

Answer: A. Tailor made

186. Share holders minute book should be vouched for
A. Payment to vendors

B. Payment to promoters

C. Issue of bonus shares

D. none

Answer: C. Issue of bonus shares
187. —————- is deducted from called up capital to get paid up capital
A. Subscribed capital

B. Issued capital

C. Calls in arrears

D. none

Answer: C. Calls in arrears

188. Discount on issue of shares is shown under the ————— lead
A. Current asset

B. Preliminary expanses

C. Miscellaneous expanses

D. none

Answer: C. Miscellaneous expanses

189. To forfeit shares ————— days notice to the share holder’s given
A. 40

B. 14

C. 24

D. none

Answer: B. 14

190. ————– of the companies Act 1956 prescribes the duty of preparing a report by an auditor
A. Sec-227(2)

B. Sec-273(1)

C. Sec-224(2)

D. none

Answer: A. Sec-227(2)

191. A ————— report is one which contains the opinion of the auditor subject to certain conditions
A. Unqualified

B. Qualified

C. Clean

D. none

Answer: B. Qualified

192. ————— is made out of reserves or share premium
A. Preference shares

B. Bonus shares

C. Debentures

D. none

Answer: B. Bonus shares

193. —————- shares cannot be issued if the company makes any default in the payment of itsobligation
A. Preference

B. Equity

C. Bonus

D. none

Answer: C. Bonus

194. Capitalization of reserves means ————————-
A. Creation of provision

B. Declaration of dividend

C. Issue of bonus shares

D. none

Answer: C. Issue of bonus shares

195. Provisions regarding bonus issue should be given in ——————– document
A. Memorandum of association

B. Articles of association

C. Prospectus

D. none

Answer: B. Articles of association

196. Balance remaining in the forfeited Account after reissue is transferred to ————— account
A. General reserve

B. Capital reserve

C. Premium account

D. none

Answer: B. Capital reserve

197. If reissue of shares are more than face value of shares, the excess amount is transferred to ———-account.
A. General reserve

B. Capital reserve

C. Premium account

D. none

Answer: C. Premium account

198. Share call amount due is credited to —————— account
A. Share application account

B. Share allotment account

C. Share capital account

D. none

Answer: C. Share capital account

199. When excess applications money is refunded to applicants it is vouched with cash book and ——-
A. Letter of allotment

B. Letter of call

C. Letter of regreat

D. none

Answer: C. Letter of regreat

200. Partial auditing is usually done by
A. Sole trading concern

B. Joint stock company

C. Govt. department

D. none

Answer: A. Sole trading concern

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