300+ TOP Product Monitoring Objective Questions and Answers

PRODUCT MONITORING Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. The quality assurance system recognised throughout the world is known as:
A. ISO 9000
B. BS5750
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer: A

2. Which of the following is a cost of poor quality?
A. Lower levels of scrap
B. Higher customer satisfication
C. More claims on warranties
D. All of the above
Answer: C

3. Poor quality is a source of competitive disadvantage?
A. True
B. False
Answer: A

4. What is the main objective of quality control?
A. To compare the products of the business against those of competitors
B. To replace products returned by unhappy customers
C. To ensure each finished product meets the standard set by the business for a quality product
D. To reduce the need for investment in research in research and development
Answer: C

5. Implementation of TQM can reduce employee motivation since it makes them feel less involved In the business?
A. True
B. False
Answer: B

6. The process by which new products are developed which meet customer needs and wants, and where existing products are improved following customer feedback, is known as
A. Total quality management
B. Research and development
C. Marketing planning
D. None of the above
Answer: B

7. The traditional apporach to achieving quality involves inspecting output to ensure that it meets the required standard. This is known as:
A. Quality control
B. Total reject management
C. Quality circling
D. Zero defect tolerance
Answer: A

8. When defining the concept of ‘Perishability’ with services, what are the attributes of ‘Perishability’ that we are referring to?
A. Capacity planning difficult; services manufactured at the same time as being consumed; cannot be stored.
B. No physical product or goods change hands; interaction is transient in nature; no transfer of ownership.
C. Involvement of customers in the service transaction means no prior production; service delivery inseparable from the service provider.
D. Difficult to assess quality; services cannot be examined; heart of the service is the experience created for the customer through: location, appearance, additional services, customer handling.
E. Involvement of service staff at direct time of interaction with the customer; difficult to standardise the service experience; interaction depends upon a host of different factors.
Answer: A

9. Which of the following statements about services marketing is incorrect?
A. Satisfied and productive service employees will ensure the generation of greater service value to the customer.
B. The marketing of products and services is exactly the same.
C. Successful service companies focus their attention on both their employees and customers.
D. The specific nature of services marketing requires tailored marketing approaches.
E. All of the above.
F. None of the above.
Answer: B

10. Which of the following is not a common practice that will directly impact customer satisfaction?
A. Developing an organisational ‘customer obsession’.
B. High service quality standards.
C. Paying bonuses to senior management.
D. Senior management commitment to quality.
E. Reacting to suggestions from customers.
F. Monitoring service performance.
Answer: C

PRODUCT MONITORING Objective Questions

11 . Just-in-time (JIT) does NOT include which one of the following?
A. Fast-throughout manufacturing
B. High inventory production
C. Batch sizes of one
D. Lean manufacturing
Answer: B

12 . Basic just-in-time techniques do NOT include:
A. Quality of working life (QWL)
B. Flexibility
C. Line-stop authority
D. Market research
Answer: D

13 . Visibility measures used in just-in-time (JIT) would NOT include:
A. Hidden TV cameras to monitor individual staff at work
B. Samples of competitor’s products, including good and defective items
C. Visual control items such as kanban
D. Displays showing improvement techniques and checklists
Answer: A

PRODUCT MONITORING Objective type Questions with Answers

14 . Just-in-time (JIT) does not require:
A. Customer demands met from production not inventory
B. Dependable supply parts and reliable equipment
C. Focus on high capacity utilisation
D. No disruption in production due to quality errors
Answer: C

15 . Which of the following statements about Just-in-Time is correct?
A. JIT seeks to reduce inventory in an effort to reduce waste
B. JIT pushes inventory through the operations process
C. JIT is essential for a company involved in project work
D. JIT is only useful in a high product variety environment
Answer: A

16. Just-in-Time production implies:
A. An increase in total inventory to cater for the likelihood of more frequent stock-outs
B. That increased complexity means that processes must be controlled using computer based production systems
C. A wide range of suppliers will be needed to meet increased demand
D. Large batches of similar products will need to be manufactured to increase efficiency
E. That products will be pulled through the operations system to meet customer demand
Ans: E

17. Which one of the following would not be considered a pre-requisite for successful Just-in-Time production?
A. Sophisticated production and materials planning computer systems
B. Reliable deliveries of defect-free materials
C. Low variety of product range
D. Relative stability of demand
E. Preventive maintenance of equipment
Answer: A

18 . Which one of the following would be considered a pre-requisite for successful Just-in-Time production?
A. The preparation of a Master Production Schedule
B. Preventive maintenance of equipment
C. Suppliers in multiple locations
D. High variety of product range
E. Sophisticated production and materials planning computer systems
Answer: B

19. Which of the following statements is NOT a ISO9001 requirement?
A. The organization shall determine the necessary competence for personnel performing work affecting product quality.
B. The organization shall establish and maintain a procedure to identify and have access to legal requirements that are applicable to quality aspects of its products and/or services.
C. Top management shall ensure that the quality policy is appropriate to the purpose of the organization.
D. A documented procedure shall be established to define requirements for determining potential nonconformities and their causes.
Answer: B

20. What is the first stage in any quality improvement initiative?
A. Planning
B. Check the talk
C. Analyse the data
D. Management commitment
Answer: D

21. Which is a Preventive Action technique?
A. Pareto Analysis
B. Cause and Effect diagrams
C. Quality Planning
D. Process Capability Studies
Answer: C

22. A run up on the range chart chart would mean?
A. Process spread is deteriorating
B. Process average is worsening
C. Process average is improving
D. Process spread is improving
Answer: A

23. Various types of quality audits are:
A) product
B) process
C) management (system)
D) registration (certification)
E) All of above
Answer: E

24. When the auditor is an employee of the organization being audited (auditee), the audit is classified as an …….. quality audit.
A) internal
B) external
C) compliance
D) Both A & B
Answer: A

25. The most comprehensive type of audit is the ……… system audit, which examines suitability and effectiveness of the system as a whole.
A) quantity
B) quality
C) Preliminary
D) sequential
Answer: B

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