500+ TOP Rasashastra Bhaishajya kalpana MCQs and Answers

Rasashastra Bhaishajya kalpana Multiple Choice Questions

1. Therapeutic dose of Kwath formulation according to Sharangdhara Samhita is
A. ½ pala
B. 1 pala
C. 2 pala
D. 4 pala

Answer: C 2 pala

2. Therapeutic dose of Phanta formulation according to Sharangdhara Samhita is
A. ½ pala
B. 1 pala
C. 2 pala
D. 4 pala

Answer: C 2 pala

3. Therapeutic dose of Agnisiddha Swarasa formulation according to Sharangdhara Samhita is
A. ½ tola
B. 1 pala
C. 1 tola
D. ½ pala

Answer: B 1 pala

4. Synonym for Kalka is
A. Prakshep
B. Neer
C. Mantha
D. Shruta

Answer: A Prakshep

5. Madhur drug recommended in the administration of Adraka Swaras is
A. Guda
B. Sharkara
C. Madhu
D. none of it

Answer: C Madhu

6. Rason kalka is used internally to treat
A. Shwasa
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Vatarakta
D. None of these

Answer: B Vatavyadhi

7. Therapeutic dose of Kalka according to Sharangdhara Samhita is
A. ½ tola
B. 1 pala
C. 1 Karsha
D. 2 Karsha

Answer: C 1 Karsha

8. Which drug is added to Rason Kalka when it is administered in patient
A. Tilataila
B. Madhu
C. Goghrita
D. None of the above

Answer: A Tilataila

9. In the preparation of Hima kalpa process carried out is
A. Sthapan
B. Kwathana
C. Bhavana
D. Mardan

Answer: A Sthapan

10. To treat Kaphaj Vikar honey is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: A ¼ of Kwath

Rasashastra Bhaishajya kalpana MCQs

11. To treat Pittaj Vikar honey is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: B 1/8 of Kwath

12. To treat Vataj Vikar honey is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: D 1/16 of Kwath

13. To treat Vataj Vikar sugar is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: A ¼ of Kwath

14. To treat Pittaj Vikar sugar is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: B 1/8 of Kwath

15. To treat Kaphaj Vikar sugar is mixed with Kwath in the proportion of
A. ¼ of Kwath
B. 1/8 of Kwath
C. 1/20 of Kwath
D. 1/16 of Kwath

Answer: D 1/16 of Kwath

16. Honey is mixed with Kalka as
A. Twice the dose of Kalka
B. Thrice the dose of Kalka
C. Equal that of Kalka
D. None of these

Answer: A Twice the dose of Kalka

17. Dose of Ghrita as a ‘Prakshep’ in Kalka is
A. Twice the dose of Kalka
B. Thrice the dose of Kalka
C. Equal that of Kalka
D. None of these

Answer: A Twice the dose of Kalka

18. Dose of Taila as a ‘Prakshep’ in Kalka is
A. Twice the dose of Kalka
B. Thrice the dose of Kalka
C. Equal that of Kalka
D. None of these

Answer: A Twice the dose of Kalka

19. Dose of Sita as a ‘Prakshep’ in Kalka is
A. Twice the dose of Kalka
B. Thrice the dose of Kalka
C. Equal that of Kalka
D. None of these

Answer: C Equal that of Kalka

20. The number of ‘Kashaya Kalpana’ according to Sushruta Samhita are
A. 8
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

Answer: D 6

21. The number of ‘Kashaya Kalpana’ according to Charak Samhita are
A. 8
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

Answer: B 5

22. The number of ‘Kashaya Kalpana’ according to Kashyap Samhita are
A. 8
B. 5
C. 7
D. 6

Answer: C 7

23. Prakshep drug recommended with Dhanyak Hima is
A. Madhu
B. Tila taila
C. Sharkara
D. Saindhav

Answer: C Sharkara

24. Synonym for Kwatha is
A. Prakshep
B. Pinda
C. Niryuha
D. Jala

Answer: C Niryuha

25. Prakshep drug recommended with Rasnasaptak Kwatha is
A. Madhu
B. Tila taila
C. Shunthi
D. Saindhav

Answer: C Shunthi

26. Which of the following kalpa is recommended to treat ‘Antardaha’ condition
A. Dhanyaka Hima
B. Vasa Hima
C. Guduchi Hima
D. Nilotpaladi Hima

Answer: A Dhanyaka Hima

27. Drug : Water ratio for preparation of Hima is
A. 1:4
B. 1:2
C. 1:6
D. 1:16

Answer: C 1:6

28. Prakshep drug recommended with Surana Putapaka is
A. Taila, Lavan
B. Lavan
C. Taila
D. Takra

Answer: A Taila, Lavan

29. Drug to water ratio for preparation of Tandulodaka as per Sharangdhara Samhita is
A. 1:4
B. 1:16
C. 1:8
D. 1:2

Answer: C 1:8

30. Tandulodaka is recommended during preparation of following formulation
A. Pramathya
B. Kutaj Putapaka
C. Shadangapaneeya
D. Shunthi Putapaka

Answer: B Kutaj Putapaka

31. Complete the following verse अल्पस्यापप महार्थत्वंप्रभतस्य अल्पकमथतामI ् कुयाथत संयोग ———-काल संस्कारयुक्ततभभ:II
A. Viyog
B. Vibhag
C. Vishlesha
D. Vighatan

Answer: C Vishlesha

32. During the pharmaceutical processing for herbal formulations,‘’Nishkulikaran’’ is done for
A. Amalaki
B. Kushmanad
C. Shatavari
D. all three

Answer: D all three

33. When Viruddha Veerya Dravya Sanyog is done, then it works as follows in preparation of
A. Pradhananam Abadhakam
B. Pradhananam Badhakam
C. Apradhananam Abadhakam
D. None of the above

Answer: A Pradhananam Abadhakam

34. In Charak Samhita, qualities of herbal formulations are described as follows
A. Mahavegam
B. Laghupakam
C. Nati Glanikaram
D. all three

Answer: D all three

35. In selection of raw herbal drug ‘’Yogyatwa’’ term is used, it means
A. Not contaminated
B. Abundantly available
C. Adulterated
D. Not available abundantly

Answer: A Not contaminated

36. Kala (Duration) factor is important to formulate
A. Hima [cold infusion]
B. Kupipakwarasayan kalpa
C. A and B both
D. none of the above

Answer: C A and B both

37. According to Charak Samhita, ideal season for collection of Twak of a plant is
A. Sharada
B. Varsha
C. Hemanta
D. None of these

Answer: A Sharada

38. According to Charak Samhita, ideal season for collection of Moola of a plant is
A. Sharada
B. Varsha
C. Hemanta
D. Greeshma

Answer: D Greeshma

39. If part of plant to be taken is not mentioned, then according to Acharya Sharangdhar following part should be used
A. Jata
B. Kanda
C. Patra
D. Pushpa

Answer: A Jata

40. If liquid drug to be taken is not mentioned in any formulation then the recommended liquid is
A. Jala
B. Kwatha
C. Swarasa
D. Sura

Answer: A Jala

41. Acharya Sharngdhar has suggested use of following variety of Chandan in preparation of Choorna kalpa
A. Swetachandan
B. Both
C. Raktachandan
D. None of these

Answer: A Swetachandan

42. For preparation of Kashay kalpa, following variety of Chandan is recommended by Acharya Sharangdhar
A. Swetachandan
B. Both
C. Raktachandan
D. None of these

Answer: C Raktachandan

43. According to Charak Samhita, ideal season for collection of ‘Sara’ of a plant is
A. Sharada
B. Varsha
C. Hemanta
D. Greeshma

Answer: C Hemanta

44. According to Shusruta Samhita, ideal season for collection of ‘Soumya Veerya’ herbal drugs is
A. Soumya Rutu
B. Agneya Rutu
C. none of the above
D. A and B both

Answer: A Soumya Rutu

45. In Vaman karma Madhu and Saindhav drugs are mixed with each other to get
A. Pittashaman action
B. Kaphavilayan action
C. Vatashaman action
D. none of the above

Answer: B Kaphavilayan action

46. The measure ‘1 Pala’ is similar as
A. 1 Karsha
B. 2 Karsha
C. 4 Karsha
D. 4 Mash

Answer: C 4 Karsha

47. The measure ‘1 Kudawa’ resembles to
A. 4 Pala
B. 4 Prashta
C. 4 Karsha
D. 4 Adhak

Answer: A 4 Pala

48. The measure ‘1 Adhaka’ be similar to
A. 4 Pala
B. 4 Prashta
C. 4 Karsha
D. 4 Gunja

Answer: B 4 Prashta

49. The measure ‘1 Tula’ is similar to
A. 200 Pala
B. 400 Pala
C. 50 Pala
D. 100 Pala

Answer: D 100 Pala

50. Which of the following herbal drugs should be always used in Fresh form?
A. Guduchi
B. Kutaj
C. Shatavari
D. all the three

Answer: D all the three

51. If Shushka herbal drug is not available then one can use fresh drug in following way
A. 4 times to shushka drug
B. 2 times to shushka drug
C. 3 times to shushka drug
D. in equal quantity

Answer: B 2 times to shushka drug

52. According to Sharangdhar samhita, shelf life of Laghupaki Aushadhi is
A. 2years
B. 6 months
C. 2 months
D. 1 year

Answer: D 1 year

53. As per Sharangdhar Samhita, the substitute to ‘Atisthula Jata’ is as follows
A. Twacha
B. Sukshma Moola
C. Sara
D. Pooshpa

Answer: B Sukshma Moola

54. Formulations used for the treatment of Urdhwajatrugata Vikara, following Sevan Kala is suggested by Acharya Sharngdhar
A. Pratha
B. Bhojan Madhey
C. Bhojan Pashchyat
D. Nishi

Answer: D Nishi

55. For treatment of Apan Vayu Vikruti, Bheshaj should be administered in following manner
A. Bhojan Purva
B. Bhojan Madhey
C. Bhojan Pashchyat
D. Nishi

Answer: A Bhojan Purva

56. To achieve Medhya Karma of Shankhapushpi, it should be converted into following formulation
A. Kalka
B. Swaras
C. Kwath
D. Syrup

Answer: A Kalka

57. To achieve Medhya Karma of Yashtimasdhu , it should be administered with following anupana
A. Gomutra
B. Godugdha
C. Goghrita
D. Godadhi

Answer: B Godugdha

58. Sitopaladi Choorna is indicated in following disease
A. Hrudrog
B. Pleehodar
C. Amlapitta
D. Rajyakshma

Answer: D Rajyakshma

59. Sanjivani Vati is indicated in following disease
A. Hridrog
B. Pleehodar
C. Amlapitta
D. Visuchika

Answer: D Visuchika

60. Chandrodaya Varti is used in
A. Netra rog
B. Nasarog
C. Yonirog
D. Arsha

Answer: A Netra rog

61. Anupana of Mandur Vatak is
A. Takra
B. Gomutra
C. Jala
D. None of these

Answer: A Takra

62. Synonyms for Choorna is
A. Raja , Kshod
B. Avap, Kshod
C. Prakshep, Avap
D. Prakshep, Raja

Answer: A Raja , Kshod

63. Dose of Choorna according to Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. 1 Kola
B. 1Pala
C. 1 Karsha
D. 2 Karsha

Answer: C 1 Karsha

64. In the preparation of Guti –Vati sugar is added in the following ratio
A. 1:4
B. 1:6
C. 1:2
D. 1:8

Answer: A 1:4

65. Quantity of Guda (jaggery) used in preparation of Vyoshadi Vati is
A. 10 Karsha
B. 50 Karsha
C. 20 Karsha
D. 30 Karsha

Answer: C 20 Karsha

66. Dose of Sanjivani Vati in the treatment of Aamajeerna is
A. 1Gunja
B. 5Gunja
C. 2 Gunja
D. 3 Gunja

Answer: A 1Gunja

67. Dose of Sanjivani Vati in the treatment of Visuchika is
A. 1Gunja
B. 5Gunja
C. 2 Gunja
D. 3 Gunja

Answer: C 2 Gunja

68. Dose of Sanjivani Vati in the treatment of Sarpadansha is
A. 1Gunja
B. 4 Gunja
C. 2 Gunja
D. 3 Gunja

Answer: D 3 Gunja

69. Bhavana Dravya of Sanjivani Vati is
A. Godugdha
B. Kumari Swaras
C. Gomutra
D. Nimba Swaras

Answer: C Gomutra

70. Drug dose of Eladi vati is
A. 1 Aksha
B. 2 Aksha
C. 1 Shan
D. 3 Aksha

Answer: A 1 Aksha

71. Bhavana Dravya of Kankayan Gutika is
A. Triphala Kwath
B. Tikatu Kwath
C. Bijapur Swaras
D. Kumari Swaras

Answer: C Bijapur Swaras

72. Bhavana Dravya of Chitrakadi Gutika is
A. Godugdha
B. Kumari Swaras
C. Gomutra
D. Dadim Swaras

Answer: D Dadim Swaras

73. Which Dhatubhasma is one of the ingredients of Chandraprabha Vati
A. Suvarna Bhasma
B. Loha Bhasma
C. Rajat Bhama
D. Vanga Bhasma

Answer: B Loha Bhasma

74. One of the ingredients of Triphala Guggulu is
A. Pippali
B. Marich
C. Gomutra
D. Guduchi

Answer: A Pippali

75. Avipattikar Choorna is indicated in the treatment of
A. Amlapitta
B. Kas
C. Atisar
D. Shwas

Answer: A Amlapitta

76. The drug dose of Kanchanar Guggulu is
A. 1 Karsha
B. 1/2Karsha
C. 1 Shan
D. 1 Masha

Answer: C 1 Shan

77. The two ingredients of Lavangadi Vati used in the treatment of Agnimandya are
A. Lavang , Tankan
B. Pippali , Lavang
C. Haritaki, pippali
D. Haritaki, lavang

Answer: A Lavang , Tankan

78. Bahushal Guda is recommended to treat
A. Jwara
B. Arsha
C. Amlapitta
D. Raktapitta

Answer: B Arsha

79. Main indication for the use of Kaishor Guggul is
A. Kasa
B. Rajayakshma
C. Vatavyadhi
D. Vatarakra

Answer: D Vatarakra

80. Binder used during preparation of Phalavarti is
A. Sita
B. Guda
C. Guggula
D. None of these

Answer: B Guda

81. Adhikar of Eladi Vati as per Charak Samhita is
A. Kasa
B. Kshatakshina
C. Hikka Shwasa
D. Jwara

Answer: B Kshatakshina

82. Therapeutic dose of Guti-Vati as per Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. ½ Karsha
B. 1 Karsha
C. 2 pala
D. 4 pala

Answer: B 1 Karsha

83. According to Sharangdhar samhita following pharmaceutical processes are conducted to prepare Choorna Kalpa
A. Supishta and Vastragalita
B. Kshunna and Vastragalita
C. Kalikruta and Vastragalita
D. Kshunna and Vastranishpidan

Answer: A Supishta and Vastragalita

84. According to Charak Samhita, following formulation is considered as “DEEPANAM PARAM’’
A. Talisadi Choorna
B. Triphala Choorna
C. Sitopaladi Choorna
D. Samsharkara Choorna

Answer: A Talisadi Choorna

85. According to Charak Samhita, following Choorna kalpa can be converted into Guti kalpa
A. Talisadi Choorna
B. Triphala Choorna
C. Sitopaladi Choorna
D. Samsharkara Choorna

Answer: A Talisadi Choorna

86. If anupan of Choorna kalpa is not specified, then quantity of liquid drugs should be taken in following measure
A. Four times to choorna
B. In equal quantity to choorna
C. Two times to choorna
D. none of the above

Answer: A Four times to choorna

87. Lavan Bhaskar choorna is given with following anupan
A. Dadhimastu
B. Takra
C. Sura
D. all three

Answer: D all three

88. Hingwashtak choorna is used to treat
A. Rajyakshma
B. Prameha
C. Kushta
D. Gulma

Answer: D Gulma

89. Pushyanuga Choorna is used with following anupana
A. Madhu
B. Takra
C. Gomutra
D. Tandulodak

Answer: D Tandulodak

90. Size separation term can be used for following traditional processes
A. Supishtam
B. Vastranishpidan
C. Vastragalitam
D. None of above

Answer: C Vastragalitam

91. Hingwashtak choorna is used with following Anupan
A. Godugdha
B. Go-Takra
C. Goghrita
D. Godadhi

Answer: C Goghrita

92. In Shrangdhar Samhita ,following Choorna is stated as ‘Sangrahakam Param’
A. Haritakyadi Choorna
B. Laghu Gangadhar Choorna
C. Brihat Gangadhar Choorna
D. Sunthyadi Choorna

Answer: B Laghu Gangadhar Choorna

93. Following Choorna kalpa is used to treat ‘Suptajivhata’ symptom in Rajayakshma Vyadhi
A. Talisadi Choorna
B. Triphala Choorna
C. Sitopaladi Choorna
D. Samsharkara Choorna

Answer: C Sitopaladi Choorna

94. Madhur drug added in the preparation of Vyaghri Haritaki Avaleha is
A. Guda
B. Sharkara
C. Madhu
D. Madhu and Sharkara

Answer: A Guda

95. Shelf life of Avaleha Kalpana as per Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. 6 months
B. 1 Year
C. 2 Years
D. 6 Years

Answer: B 1 Year

96. Dose of Avaleha according to Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. 1 Pala
B. 1 Tola
C. 2 Pala
D. 6 Tola

Answer: A 1 Pala

97. Narikela Khandapaka is used in the treatment of
A. Pittashamari
B. Sheeta pitta
C. Mootrasharkara
D. Shool

Answer: D Shool

98. In Vasavleha, Prakshep drugs used are
A. Pipalli, Ghrita
B. Chaturjata, Ghrita, Madhu
C. Pipalli, Trikatu
D. Sita, Pipalli

Answer: A Pipalli, Ghrita

99. The main ingredients of Kushmandavleha are
A. Haritaki, Guda
B. Kushmanda, Guda
C. Kushmanda, Sharkara
D. Amalaki, Sharkara

Answer: C Kushmanda, Sharkara

100. The processes conducted on ‘Swedit Amalaki’ in the manufacture of Chyavanprasha are
A. Prapeedan, Kurchan
B. Prapeedan, Bharjan
C. Pachan, Kurchan
D. Bharjan

Answer: B Prapeedan, Bharjan

101. Sneha drugs used in preparation of Chyavanprasha according to Charak Samhita
A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Tila taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Vasa, Majjja

Answer: B Ghrita, Tila taila

102. Sneha drugs used in preparation of Chyavanprasha according to Sharangdhara samhita
A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Tila taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Goghrita

Answer: D Goghrita

103. The quantity of Amalaki Phala recommended in Chyavanprasha is
A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number

Answer: D 500 in number

104. Main indication of Soubhagya Shunthi Paka is
A. Streeroga
B. Kasa
C. Balroga
D. All of the above

Answer: A Streeroga

105. Anupan used for Soubhagya Shunthi Paka is
A. Ghrita
B. Mahisha kshira
C. Godugdha
D. Aja kshira

Answer: C Godugdha

106. Chyavanprasha is elaborated in the following Adhikara
A. Rasayan
B. Vajikaran
C. Grahani
D. Hridroga

Answer: A Rasayan

107. The number of Haritaki phala recommended in Vyaghriharitaki Avaleha
A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number

Answer: A 100 in number

108. The specific metallic container used in the preparation of Kushmandavaleha is
A. Kansya
B. Suvarna
C. Tamra
D. Loha

Answer: C Tamra

109. General Anupana recommended in the administration of Avaleha formulations is
A. Godugdha
B. Jala
C. Gomutra
D. None of these

Answer: A Godugdha

110. Sneha drugs used in preparation of Kantakariavaleha according to Sharangdhara samhita
A. Ghrita, Vasa
B. Ghrita, Taila
C. Vasa, Tila taila
D. Goghrita

Answer: B Ghrita, Taila

111. Main drugs used in Vyaghriharitaki avaleha
A. Kantakari, Amalaki
B. Kantakari, Haritaki
C. Amalaki, Haritaki
D. Amalaki, Bhibhitaki

Answer: B Kantakari, Haritaki

112. The number of Haritaki phala recommended in Agastiharitaki Avaleha is
A. 100 in number
B. 50 in number
C. 1000 in number
D. 500 in number

Answer: A 100 in number

113. In Kutajavleha, madhur drug used is
A. Sita
B. Sita, Madhu
C. Guda
D. Sita, Guda

Answer: C Guda

114. Pharmacological activity of Aushadhi Pramathya is
A. Virechana
B. Brhihana
C. Deepan- Pachan
D. Grahi

Answer: C Deepan- Pachan

115. Drug : water ratio for preparation of Yusha is
A. 1:2
B. 1:4
C. 1:16
D. 1:8

Answer: C 1:16

116. Arjun Kshirapaka is indicated in following disease
A. Pittaj Hrudrog
B. Kaphaj Hrudrog
C. Vataj Hrudrog
D. Krimij Hrudrog

Answer: A Pittaj Hrudrog

117. Tandulodak is used as an anupan in the treatment of
A. Jwara
B. Shwetapradar
C. Amlapitta
D. Shwasa

Answer: B Shwetapradar

118. One of the ingredients of Kharjuradi Mantha is
A. Vasa
B. Shatavari
C. Nagar
D. Aamalaki

Answer: D Aamalaki

119. One of the ingredients of Shadangpaniya is
A. Kutaki
B. Shatavari
C. Nagar
D. Vasa

Answer: C Nagar

120. Drug : water ratio in the preparation of Mantha is
A. 1:2
B. 1:4
C. 1:6
D. 1:8

Answer: B 1:4

121. Shadangpaniya is indicated in following disease
A. Jwara
B. Pleehodar
C. Parinam Shool
D. Raktapitta

Answer: A Jwara

122. The proportion of drug, milk and water in Kshirapaka Kalpana is
A. 1: 8: 64
B. 1: 8: 32
C. 1: 8: 16
D. 1: 8: 8

Answer: B 1: 8: 32

123. Adhikar of Rasona Kshirapaka as per Charak Samhita is
A. Nava Jwara
B. Rasayana
C. Gulma
D. Raktapitta

Answer: C Gulma

124. Vardhaman Pippali Rasayana kalpa possess following activity
A. Jwarahara
B. Medhya
C. Vajikaran
D. Raktapittahar

Answer: B Medhya

125. Vaidurya, Mukta, Mani siddha jala is indicated in following disease in Charak Samhita
A. Jwara
B. Amlapitta
C. Raktapitta
D. Shitapitta

Answer: C Raktapitta

126. As per Sharangdhar Samhita; Bibhitak Putapak is used to treat
A. Kasa
B. Rajayakshma
C. Vatarakta
D. Jwara

Answer: A Kasa

127. As per the reference of Charak Samhita; Ushna jala is used for preparation of
A. Quatha
B. Sheeta
C. Phanta
D. Phanta and Sheetakashay

Answer: D Phanta and Sheetakashay

128. Erimedadi Taila is used to cure
A. Karna roga
B. Vata roga
C. Netra roga
D. Danta roga

Answer: D Danta roga

129. In the preparation of Shatapaki Bala Tail following milk is used
A. Cow milk
B. Buffalo milk
C. Goat milk
D. None of these

Answer: A Cow milk

130. Amount of each ingredient in Ksheershatpala ghrita is
A. 2 pala
B. 4 pala
C. 1 pala
D. 8 pala

Answer: C 1 pala

131. Generally to prepare siddha sneha kalpa the ratio of Kalka Dravya , Sneha and Drava Dravya is
A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:4:8

Answer: A 1:4:16

132. To manufacture snehapaka formulation with pushpakalka the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is
A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32

Answer: D 1:8:32

133. When milk is taken as an ingredient in preparation of siddhasneha kalpana, the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is
A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32

Answer: D 1:8:32

134. To manufacture snehapaka using buttermilk as an ingredient the ratio of Kalka Dravya : Sneha : Drava Dravya is
A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32

Answer: D 1:8:32

135. When Swarasa is taken as a liquid drug in the preparation of siddha sneha ratio of Kalka Dravya to Snehadravya to Drava Dravya is
A. 1:4:16
B. 1:4:4
C. 1:6:24
D. 1:8:32

Answer: D 1:8:32

136. ‘Phenashanti’ is the testing criterion mentioned for
A. Siddha Ghrita
B. Siddha Vasa
C. Siddha Taila
D. None of these

Answer: A Siddha Ghrita

137. According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Mrudu Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for
A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. None of these

Answer: A Nasya Karma

138. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if any Swaras is one of the ingredient of snehapaka then preparation duration should be for
A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights

Answer: B 3 Nights

139. Adhikar of Panchagavya Ghrita as per Charak Samhita is
A. Jwara
B. Kushtha
C. Unmad
D. Apasmar

Answer: D Apasmar

140. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if Aaranal is one of the ingredients of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for
A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 5 Nights
D. 4 Nights

Answer: C 5 Nights

141. ‘Phenodgama’ is the testing criterion mentioned for
A. Siddha Ghrita
B. Siddha Vasa
C. Siddha Taila
D. None of these

Answer: C Siddha Taila

142. According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Madhyam Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for
A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. For all purpose

Answer: D For all purpose

143. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if milk is one of the ingredient of snehapaka then preparation duration of Siddha sneha should be for
A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights

Answer: C 2 Nights

144. As per the reference of Charak Samhita; Manahshiladi Ghrita is used to treat
A. Jwara
B. Rajayakshma
C. Shwasa-Hikka
D. Kushtha

Answer: C Shwasa-Hikka

145. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if buttermilk is one of the ingredient of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for
A. 1 Night
B. 3 Nights
C. 2 Nights
D. 4 Nights

Answer: C 2 Nights

146. Shatapaki Madhuk taila is recommended for the treatment of
A. Vatavyadhi
B. Rajayakshma
C. Vatarakta
D. Kushtha

Answer: C Vatarakta

147. According to Sharangdhar Samhita ‘Khara Paka’ of siddha sneha is recommended for
A. Nasya Karma
B. Abhyang
C. Basti Karma
D. None of these

Answer: B Abhyang

148. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if ‘vrihidhanya’ is one of the ingredients of snehapaka then preparation duration should be for
A. 1 Day
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days

Answer: A 1 Day

149. One of the ingredients of Jatyadi Ghrita which is of Pranij origin is
A. Shankha
B. Milk
C. Siktha
D. Tuttha

Answer: C Siktha

150. In the preparation of Anu tail; following milk is used
A. Cow
B. Buffalo
C. Goat
D. None of these

Answer: C Goat

151. During preparation of Bilvadya taila; the sneha dravya used is
A. Tila taila
B. Sarshap taila
C. Erand taila
D. Atasi taila

Answer: B Sarshap taila

152. Pinda taila is useful for the treatment of
A. Kushtha
B. Vatarakra
C. Vatavyadhi
D. Vrana

Answer: B Vatarakra

153. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep if mansa is one of the ingredients of snehspaka then preparation duration should be for
A. 1 Day
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days

Answer: A 1 Day

154. Rogadhikara of Abhayarishta in Bhaishajyaratnawali is
A. Atisara
B. Amlapitta
C. Streeroga
D. Arsha

Answer: D Arsha

155. Metal Bhasma used in preparation of Kumari Asav are
A. Roupya and Tamra
B. Tamra and Loha
C. Suvarna and Loha
D. Naga and Tamra

Answer: B Tamra and Loha

156. In Amaljanak Sandhan kalpana following preparations are mentioned
A. Shandaki, Souveeraka
B. Shandaki, Varuni
C. Varuni, Sidhurasa
D. Sidhurasa, Souveeraka

Answer: A Shandaki, Souveeraka

157. Kasturi drug is used as a prakshep in the preparation of
A. Ashokarishta
B. Abhayarishta
C. Drakshasav
D. Dashmoolarishta

Answer: D Dashmoolarishta

158. ‘Jatarasatv’ term is used to indicate, the following product is ready for consumption
A. Sandhan
B. Kwath
C. Snehapaka
D. Ksheerapaka

Answer: A Sandhan

159. In preparation of Abhayarishta following flower is used as Sandhan Dravya
A. Gulab
B. Dhataki
C. Madhuka
D. Japakusum

Answer: B Dhataki

160. According to Vaidyak Paribhasha Pradeep, the duration of snehapakavidhi using quath of busing quath of mula and valli is
A. 12 Days
B. 3 Days
C. 2 days
D. 5 Days

Answer: A 12 Days

161. Kutajarishta is used to treat following disease
A. Shwas
B. Grahani
C. Kasa
D. Rajayakshma

Answer: B Grahani

162. Dhoopan dravya mentioned in preparation of Ushirasav as per sharangdhar samhita
A. Mamsi-Marich
B. Marich -Guggul
C. Marich-Vacha
D. Vacha -Guggul

Answer: A Mamsi-Marich

163. Amritahrishta is used to treat
A. Jwara
B. Jeernajwara
C. Sutikajwara
D. all of three

Answer: D all of three

164. Drug dose of Ashwagandhrishta, is as follows
A. Pala
B. 1/ 4 pala
C. ½ pala
D. 2 pala

Answer: C ½ pala

165. Following ‘Patra Sanskar’’ should be carried out on Mud pots used in preparation of Asav –Arishta
A. Prakshalan
B. Lepan
C. Dhoopan
D. all of three

Answer: D all of three

166. According to Charak samhita, Takrarishta possess following actions
A. Kaphavatanoloman
B. Brihan
C. Preenan
D. all of three

Answer: A Kaphavatanoloman

167. According to Sharngdhar samhita, Khadirarishta is recommended to treat
A. Urakshata
B. Mootrakriccha
C. Kushta
D. Hridroga

Answer: C Kushta

168. The properties of Sura are as follows
A. Guru
B. Vatanashani
C. Snehani
D. all three

Answer: D all three

169. `Varuni’ is prepared by using juice of
A. Tala
B. Ikshu
C. Kumari
D. Guduchi

Answer: A Tala

170. Number of ‘Asava Yoni’ stated in Charaka samhita is
A. 48
B. 18
C. 08
D. 84

Answer: D 84

171. Metal used in preparation of Sarasvatarishta is
A. Roupya
B. Tamra
C. Suvarna
D. Naga

Answer: C Suvarna

172. Alcoholic formulation made from cooked rice is called
A. Sidhu
B. Varuni
C. Sura
D. Tushodak

Answer: C Sura

173. What is the shelf life of Asava-Arishta as per Sharangadhar samhita
A. 1 Year
B. Long Lasting
C. 2 Years
D. 5 Years

Answer: B Long Lasting

174. `Sidhurasa’ is prepared by using juice of
A. Shatavari
B. Ikshu
C. Dadim
D. Guduchi

Answer: B Ikshu

175. When the proportion of liquid drug is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity
A. 1Prastha
B. 1 Drona
C. 2 Drona
D. 3 Drona

Answer: B 1 Drona

176. Kanjika is mainly prepared with the following drugs
A. None of these
B. Pushpa Varga
C. Phala Varga
D. Dhanya Varga

Answer: D Dhanya Varga

177. When the proportion of Guda (Jaggery) is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity
A. 1 Tula
B. 1Prastha
C. 2 Tula
D. None of these

Answer: A 1 Tula

178. When the proportion of Madhu (Honey) is not mentioned in the preparation of Asav-Arishta it should be added in the following quantity
A. 1 Tula
B. 1Prastha
C. 1/2 Tula
D. 3 Drona

Answer: C 1/2 Tula

179. Synonym of ‘Prasanna’ is
A. Suramanda
B. Jagala
C. Manda
D. Medaka

Answer: A Suramanda

180. ‘Tushambu’ is prepared with
A. Pakva Tandula
B. Apakva Yava
C. Pakva Yava
D. Apakva Tandula

Answer: B Apakva Yava

181. ‘Souvirak’ is prepared with
A. Pakva Yava
B. Pakva Tandula
C. Apakva Yava
D. Apakva Tandula

Answer: A Pakva Yava

182. Madhur drug used in the preparation of Dashmularishta
A. Guda
B. Madhu Sharkara
C. Madhu
D. Sharkara

Answer: A Guda

183. Specific container recommended in the preparation of Kumari Asava is
A. Suvarna Patra
B. Kach Patra
C. Pashana Patra
D. None of these

Answer: C Pashana Patra

184. Following parts of Brahmi should be taken in preaparation of Saraswatarishata
A. Moola
B. Moola, Patra
C. Patra
D. Moola, Patra, Shakha

Answer: D Moola, Patra, Shakha

185. Madhur drug used in the preparation of Draksharishta as per Sharngdhar samhita
A. Guda, Madhu
B. Guda
C. Madhu
D. Sharkara

Answer: B Guda

186. Specific ‘Sthapana Kala’ mentioned in preparation of Lohasava is
A. 1 month
B. 2 months
C. 6 months
D. 15 days

Answer: A 1 month

187. Sandhan kalpa prepared using Swarasa as a main ingredient named as
A. Aasva
B. Sura
C. Arishta
D. Sharkara

Answer: A Aasva

188. Sandhan kalpa prepared using Kwath as a main ingredient named as
A. Aasava
B. Sura
C. Arishta
D. Sharkara

Answer: C Arishta

189. Dhatryarishta includes which form of Dhatri
A. Swarasa
B. Hima
C. Kwatha
D. Kalka

Answer: A Swarasa

190. According to Sharagdharsamhita, the ratio of ash to water to prepare of Vanaspatij Kshar is
A. 1 : 2
B. 1 : 5
C. 1 : 4
D. 1 : 8

Answer: C 1 : 4

191. Preparation method of Triphala Mashi according to Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. Pachan
B. Sthapan
C. Shoshan
D. Bharjan

Answer: D Bharjan

192. 2 Narikel lavana is indicated in following disease
A. Jwara
B. Pleehodar
C. Parinam Shool
D. Atisaar

Answer: C Parinam Shool

193. According to Sharangdhar Samhita Triphala Mashi is used externally in
A. Kushta
B. Upadansh
C. Visarpa
D. Vranashotha

Answer: B Upadansh

194. Guduchi Satva is recommended in following disease
A. Kasa
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Jeerna Jwara
D. Nava Jwara

Answer: C Jeerna Jwara

195. The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Manda is
A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:10
D. 1: 6

Answer: A 1:14

196. The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Peya is
A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:10
D. 1: 6

Answer: A 1:14

197. The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Vilepi is
A. 1:14
B. 1:4
C. 1:10
D. 1:12

Answer: B 1:4

198. According to Sharangdharsamhita, Lajamanda is
A. Pipasahara
B. Jwarahara
C. Shleshma-pittahara
D. All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

199. The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Yavagu is
A. 1:14
B. 1:12
C. 1:6
D. 1:10

Answer: C 1:6

200. Type of cereals used in preparation of Yusha is
A. Shuka Dhanya
B. Nava Dhanya
C. Shimbi Dhanya
D. None of these

Answer: C Shimbi Dhanya

201. When plenty of water is added to curds and churned, this preparation is called
A. Takra
B. Ghola
C. Chachika
D. None of these

Answer: C Chachika

202. When sugar is added to ‘Ghola’ it shows properties like
A. Takra
B. Rasala
C. Chachika
D. None of these

Answer: B Rasala

203. The proportion of raw drug to water to prepare Bhakta according to Bhavaprakash
A. 1:5
B. 1:2
C. 1:10
D. 1:6

Answer: A 1:5

204. Amount of water to be added in Dadhi for preparation of Takra as per Bhavprakash
A. Equal
B. One Half
C. Twice
D. One fourth

Answer: D One fourth

205. Number of Yusha formulations mentioned in Kashyap Samhita is
A. 15
B. 12
C. 11
D. 25

Answer: D 25

206. When Yusha is prepared in the liquid drug like Dadhimastu it is termed as
A. Khad
B. Kamblika
C. Rag
D. Rasala

Answer: B Kamblika

207. The properties of BhrishtaTandula Odana are
A. Laghu,Kaphaghna
B. Guru, Kaphaghna
C. Laghu ,Kaphakara
D. Guru, Kaphakara

Answer: A Laghu,Kaphaghna

208. Following dietary formulation is Sadyobalakar
A. Odana
B. Yusha
C. Mantha
D. Mansaras

Answer: C Mantha

209. Number of Yavagu formulations mentioned in Charak Samhita in Apamarga tanduliya chapter is
A. 15
B. 12
C. 11
D. 28

Answer: D 28

210. In Arka Lavan formulation ratio of Arka patra to Saindhav lavan is
A. 1: 2
B. 1: 1
C. 1: 4
D. 1: 6

Answer: B 1: 1

211. According to Shusrut Samhita, Hastidanta Mashi is applied topically in combination to
A. Chandan
B. Raktachandan
C. Rasanjan
D. all of three

Answer: C Rasanjan

212. According to Yogratnakar , in management of ‘Hikka’ Mayurpiccha (Bhasma) Mashi is used along with
A. Goghrita
B. Tilataila
C. Jala
D. Madhu

Answer: D Madhu

213. Along with Ksharan-Kshanan actions, Kshar formulations possesses——— actions
A. Chedan, Brihan
B. Chedan , Lekhan
C. Brihan, Krishniikran
D. None of above

Answer: B Chedan , Lekhan

214. As per Charaksamhita ,following Kshara can be useful for the treatment of Raktapitta
A. Sajjikshara
B. Palasha Kshara
C. Kadali Kshara
D. Tankan

Answer: B Palasha Kshara

215. Adhikar of Yavani Shadav as per Charak Samhita is
A. Jwara
B. Rajayakshma
C. Prameha
D. Kushtha

Answer: B Rajayakshma

216. According to the reference of Bhavaprakash; which of the following drug is one of the ingredients of Veshavar
A. Dhanyak
B. Methika
C. Jeeraka
D. Nagavallidala

Answer: D Nagavallidala

217. Main indication of Piccha Basti is in treatment of
A. Jwara
B. Raktapitta
C. Pravahika
D. Aamavata

Answer: C Pravahika

218. Lavana used in formulation of ‘Madhutailik Basti’ is
A. Souvarchala
B. Samudra
C. Bida
D. Saindhava

Answer: D Saindhava

219. Number of Basti recommended in ‘Yoga Basti’ schedule is
A. Eight
B. Thirty
C. Fifteen
D. Forty

Answer: A Eight

220. Number of Basti recommended in ‘Karma Basti’ schedule is
A. Eight
B. Thirty
C. Fifteen
D. Forty

Answer: B Thirty

221. Number of Basti recommended in ‘Kala Basti’ schedule is
A. Eight
B. Thirty
C. Fifteen
D. Sixteen

Answer: D Sixteen

222. Quantity of Ghrita that has to be added to Dashanga Lepa while applying is
A. 1/5 of the other contents
B. 1/6 of the other contents
C. 1/4 of the other contents
D. 1/2 of the other contents

Answer: A 1/5 of the other contents

223. One of the ingredients of Siktha Tail is
A. Tutha
B. Tamra
C. Madhucchishta
D. Shatadauta Ghrita

Answer: C Madhucchishta

224. The synonym of ‘Lepa’ according to Sharangdhar Samhita is
A. Kalka
B. Lipta
C. Kaval
D. Prakshep

Answer: B Lipta

225. Pratisaran is used in the treatment of
A. Mukha roga
B. Netra Roga
C. Shiroroga
D. Karna Roga

Answer: A Mukha roga

226. In Pradhaman Nasya which of the following dosage form is used
A. Varti
B. Tail
C. Choorna
D. Ghruta

Answer: C Choorna

227. Number of dosage forms recommended for Pratisaran in Sharangdhar samhita is
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5

Answer: C 3

228. Chandrodaya Varti has which mineral drug as an ingredient
A. Parad
B. Manashila
C. Gandhak
D. Haratal

Answer: B Manashila

229. Chadrodaya Varti has which animal drug as a ingredient
A. Shankha Nabhi
B. Praval
C. Kapardika
D. Haratal

Answer: A Shankha Nabhi

230. Synonym for ‘Pindi’-Netrakalpana is
A. Shruta
B. Varti
C. Rasa
D. Kavalika

Answer: D Kavalika

231. One of the ingredients of ‘Gandhakadya Malahar’ according to Rasatarangini is
A. Shatadhaut Gruta
B. Siktha Taila
C. Navaneet
D. Ghrita

Answer: B Siktha Taila

232. Liquid media used along with Doshagna Lepa is
A. Godugdha
B. Aaranal
C. Madhu
D. Gomutra

Answer: B Aaranal

233. Apamarga Kshara Taila is used in the treatment of
A. Upadansha
B. Netrabhishanda
C. KarnaBadhirya
D. Dantshoola

Answer: C KarnaBadhirya

234. In the application of Upanaha formulations, advocated cloth is
A. Nylon
B. Cotton
C. Charmapatta
D. Not specific

Answer: C Charmapatta

235. The total number of ‘Parada Dosha’ according to Rasaratnasamuchhaya
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 15

Answer: B 12

236. Visha,Vanhi, Mala doshas of Parad are known as
A. Aupadhika dosha
B. Naisargika dosha
C. Kanchuka
D. all the above

Answer: B Naisargika dosha

237. Parad is obtained from following ore
A. Zinc caronate
B. Silica
C. Cinnabar
D. Ferrous sulphate

Answer: C Cinnabar

238. The instrument used in preparation of Kajjali is
A. Urdhwapatan yantra
B. Palika yantra
C. Pithar yantra
D. None of these

Answer: D None of these

239. Specific testing criterion of Kajjali is
A. Nirdhoom
B. Nishchandra
C. Apunarbhava
D. Nirutha

Answer: B Nishchandra

240. ————– is not a synonym of Parad
A. Soot
B. Bali
C. Rasa
D. Rasaraj

Answer: B Bali

241. The process involved in manufacturing of Kajjali is
A. Parkshalan
B. Mardan
C. Awap
D. Nirvap

Answer: B Mardan

242. The following is not a Gati of Parad
A. Jala
B. Hansa
C. Jeeva
D. Khechari

Answer: D Khechari

243. Parad Gati are…. in number
A. 4
B. 5
C. 3
D. 6

Answer: B 5

244. Jalagati of Parad means
A. loss of mercury on heating
B. loss of mercury on washing
C. loss of mercury on pouring
D. dipping of mercury in water

Answer: B loss of mercury on washing

245. In terms of chemistry, Parad is a………
A. Metal
B. Metalloid
C. Compound
D. Mixture

Answer: A Metal

246. The following drug has lowest melting point.
A. Parad
B. Naga
C. Jasad
D. Gandhak

Answer: A Parad

247. …………… Gati of Parad is Adrushya Gati
A. Jeeva
B. Dhoom
C. Jala
D. Hansa

Answer: A Jeeva

248. A Vaidya should report adverse drug reaction of Ayurvedic formulation to
B. Pharmacovigilance cell of state
C. Ministry of Ayush

Answer: B Pharmacovigilance cell of state

249. Phramcovigilance program for ASU drug was implemented in India from
A. 2003
B. 2004
C. 2007
D. 2008

Answer: D 2008

250. ASU pharmacovigilance is monitored by
A. Apex center
B. Regional center
C. Peripheral / state center
D. None of the above

Answer: A Apex center

251. The aim of Mardan Samskara of Parad is
A. Saptakanchukaghna
B. Bahirmalavinashan
C. Parad Maran
D. Malashaithilyakarak

Answer: B Bahirmalavinashan

252. Total number of Parad Samskaras expalined in Rasaratnasamucchay is
A. 18
B. 8
C. 20
D. 25

Answer: A 18

253. …………….. is the name of fourth Parad samskara out of eighteen samskaras mentioned for parad in Rasaratnasamucchay.
A. Utthapan
B. murcchan
C. patan
D. deepan

Answer: A Utthapan

254. …………….. is the name of eighth Parad samskara out of eighteen samskaras mentioned for parad in Rasaratnasamucchay.
A. deepan
B. mardan
C. Niyaman
D. rodhan

Answer: A deepan

255. Dhoomgati of Parad means
A. loss of mercury on heating
B. loss of mercury on washing
C. loss of mercury on pouring
D. dipping of mercury in water

Answer: A loss of mercury on heating

256. Which of the following is parad gati?
A. Jeeva
B. chala
C. Chapal
D. manduk

Answer: A Jeeva

257. Bhuchari and khechari are types of
A. parad jarana
B. vanga jarana
C. parad samskaras
D. parad gati

Answer: A parad jarana

258. Swedan samskara of parad is carried out using following yantra.
A. sthaliyantra
B. dolayantra
C. palikayantra
D. patanyantra

Answer: B dolayantra

259. Mala is which type of parad dosha ?
A. Naisargik
B. Yougik
C. Jala gati
D. Vanhi

Answer: A Naisargik

260. Rodhan is name of ?
A. Parad dosha
B. Parad gati
C. Rasa maran
D. Parad samskara

Answer: D Parad samskara

261. The aim of swedan samskara is
A. Saptakanchukanasha
B. Bahirmalavinasha
C. Parad maran
D. Malashaithilyakarak

Answer: D Malashaithilyakarak

262. The following yantra is used for first samskrara of parad
A. Valabhi yantra
B. Valuka yantra
C. Dolayantra
D. Palika yantra

Answer: C Dolayantra

263. The following yantra is used for Parad Jarana
A. Tula yantra
B. Swedani yantra
C. Dolayantra
D. Palika yantra

Answer: A Tula yantra

264. Parpati, patina, bhedi etc are known as
A. Yougik dosha
B. Naisargika dosha
C. Kanchuka dosha
D. all the above

Answer: C Kanchuka dosha

265. Parad is obtained from following ore
A. Zinc carbonate
B. ] Silica
C. Cinnabar
D. ferrous sulphate

Answer: C Cinnabar

266. The following is not an alternative name of Parad
A. Soot
B. Bali
C. Rasa
D. Rasaraj

Answer: B Bali

267. The maximum intensity of Agni is to be applied for preparation of
A. Parpati Kalpa
B. Pottali kalpa
C. Kupipakwa Kalpa
D. Khalwi Rasayan

Answer: C Kupipakwa Kalpa

268. Shodhan of Abhrak is carried out by which method
A. Nirvap
B. Dhalan
C. Awap
D. Bhavana

Answer: A Nirvap

269. Which of the following drug can be used as a Paryayi Dravya for Heerak?
A. Mouktika
B. Suvarna
C. Mukta
D. Vaikranta

Answer: D Vaikranta

270. The following Dravya of Maharasa group is used as a Rasayan
A. Shilajit
B. Abhrak
C. Vaikranta
D. All of these

Answer: D All of these

271. The highest Granthokta dose of Shilajit is ……. Tolas.
A. 3
B. 1
C. 4
D. 1/4

Answer: A 3

272. The maximum duration for administration of Shilajit according to Charaksamhita is
A. 3 weeks
B. 7 weeks
C. 5 weeks
D. 1 week

Answer: A 3 weeks

273. The Shodhan of following drug is done using Erand Taila.
A. Vimal
B. Abhrak
C. Loha
D. Suvarna makshik

Answer: D Suvarna makshik

274. Lakuch swaras is used for maran of
A. Sasyak
B. Abhrak
C. Nag
D. Kharpar

Answer: A Sasyak

275. The Satwa of Sasyak is
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Aluminium
D. Sulphur

Answer: A Copper

276. Valukayantra is used for maran of
A. Kharpar
B. Jasad
C. Abhrak
D. None

Answer: D None

277. Gandharva patra swaras is used for maran of
A. Abhrak
B. Suvarna
C. Kanya
D. Gandhak

Answer: A Abhrak

278. Bhasma of which drug is subjected to Sahastraputa
A. Abhrak
B. Kharpar
C. Vimal
D. Makshik

Answer: A Abhrak

279. Gauritej is synonym of
A. Shilajatu
B. Vimal
C. Abhrak
D. Loha

Answer: C Abhrak

280. Vikruntayati Lohani is
A. Gandhak
B. Sasyak
C. Vaikrant
D. Gairik

Answer: A Gandhak

281. Drug which has 6 angels is
A. Vaikrant
B. Makshik
C. Vimal
D. Spatika

Answer: C Vimal

282. ‘Kanchanabhas’ is description of
A. Abhrak
B. Kasis
C. Makshik
D. Shilajatu

Answer: C Makshik

283. Kadalikandha saar is used for satvapatan of
A. Tamra
B. Loha
C. Makshik
D. Sayak

Answer: C Makshik

284. Vasa swaras is used for shodhan of
A. Loha
B. Makshik
C. Vimal
D. Suryakant

Answer: C Vimal

285. Vimal is of
A. Three types
B. Four types
C. Six types
D. Two types

Answer: A Three types

286. Dardur is a type of
A. Rasak
B. Naag
C. Manduk
D. Vajra

Answer: A Rasak

287. Karanj Taila is used in satvapatan of
A. Kharpar
B. Abhrak
C. Sasyak
D. Makshik

Answer: C Sasyak

288. Shodhan of Gandhak is done in
A. Bhrungaraj swaras
B. Kulith kwatha
C. Aja mutra
D. Gomutra

Answer: A Bhrungaraj swaras

289. Shodhana of Gairika is done by following method.
A. Dhalan
B. Bharjan
C. Nirvap
D. Swedan

Answer: B Bharjan

290. Yantra used for Marana of Hartala is
A. Bhasma Yantra
B. Dola Yantra
C. Valuka Yantra
D. Kacchapa Yantra

Answer: A Bhasma Yantra

291. According to rasashastradnya ‘Nandi’ following drug is Satvarupa
A. Gairik
B. Loha
C. Kansya
D. Vimal

Answer: B Loha

292. According to Rasarnava types of Kasis are
A. Three
B. Two
C. Four
D. Five

Answer: A Three

293. The following type of Gandhak is used for Rasayan Karma
A. Peeta
B. Shweta
C. Rakta
D. ] All of these

Answer: A Peeta

294. The following type of Gandhak is used for the purpose of external administration
A. Pinda
B. Khechar
C. Amalasar
D. All of these

Answer: A Pinda

295. Shodhan of Sphatika is done by
A. Awap
B. Nirvap
C. Bharjan
D. Swedan

Answer: C Bharjan

296. Gandhak Rasayan does not contain following drug as an ingredient.
A. Sharkara
B. Saindhav
C. Godugdha
D. Guduchi

Answer: B Saindhav

297. The following formulation contains Gairik as an ingredient
A. Irimedadi Taila
B. Gandhak Malahar
C. Narayan Taila
D. Sahachar Taila

Answer: A Irimedadi Taila

298. The chemical formula of Hartal is ……
A. As2S3
B. As2S2
C. As2O3
D. As4S4

Answer: A As2S3

299. The chemical formula of Manashila is ……
A. As2S3
B. As2S2
C. As2O3
D. As4S4

Answer: B As2S2

300. Types of Gairika are ….
A. Swarna and Pashan
B. Kharpar and Pashan
C. Mrittika and Pashan
D. Swarna and Makshik

Answer: A Swarna and Pashan

301. ‘Navneetsamaprabha’ is the adjective used for
A. Abhrak
B. Suvarna
C. Kansya
D. Gandhak

Answer: D Gandhak

302. For preparation of Gandhak Taila length and breadth of vastra to be used is
A. 1 Aratni
B. 2 Aratni
C. ½ Aratni
D. 3 Aratni

Answer: A 1 Aratni

303. For Shodhan of Gairik Bhavana of ________ is given
A. Godugdha
B. Jambira swaras
C. Triphala kwath
D. None of these

Answer: A Godugdha

304. Which of the following is a ‘Netrya’ dravya?
A. Kasis
B. Abhrak
C. Mandur
D. Vajra

Answer: A Kasis

305. Nirdal type of Rasak is termed as
A. Karvellak
B. Dardur
C. Gudabha
D. Kharpar

Answer: A Karvellak

306. Pinda is type of
A. Hartal
B. Manashila
C. Sasyak
D. Kankshi

Answer: A Hartal

307. Shyamangi is a type of
A. Manshila
B. Hartal
C. Sasyak
D. Kharpar

Answer: A Manshila

308. Hinguladya malahar is used in
A. Dushta vrana
B. Phirangaja vrana
C. Dagdha vrana
D. None of the above

Answer: B Phirangaja vrana

309. The weight of best Kapardika is as follows
A. 1 ½ nishka
B. 1 Nishka
C. 3/4 Nishka
D. 2 Nishka

Answer: A 1 ½ nishka

310. Bhavana dravya used for Hingul shodhan is
A. Tulasi
B. Adraka
C. Nimbu
D. Dhattur

Answer: B Adraka

311. Which of the following drugs from Sadharan Rasa Varga is organic in nature?
A. Girisindura
B. Vanhijar
C. Hingula
D. Gauripashan

Answer: B Vanhijar

312. Girisindur is used in following condition
A. Netra vyadhi
B. Mukha vyadhi
C. Karna vyadhi
D. Nasa vyadhi

Answer: A Netra vyadhi

313. Vida lavana is used for
A. Parad marana
B. Parad jarana
C. Parad swedan
D. Parad murchhana

Answer: B Parad jarana

314. As per Rasaratnasamuchhaya one of the following drugs is included in Sadharan Rasa
A. Gairik
B. Hingul
C. Hingu
D. Hartal

Answer: B Hingul

315. Navasagar is obtained from ————— tree
A. Karira & Pilu
B. Karira & Apamarga
C. Karira &Palash
D. Karira & Snuhi

Answer: A Karira & Pilu

316. According to Rasa ratna samushshaya , grahya Hingula is
A. Shukatunda
B. Hansapada
C. Charmara
D. None of the above

Answer: B Hansapada

317. The karma of Kampillaka is
A. Depaniya
B. Pachan
C. Virechan
D. Bruhan

Answer: C Virechan

318. According to Rasaratnasamucchay appearance of Kampillaka is
A. Red
B. Brick Red
C. Yellow
D. Black

Answer: B Brick Red

319. ‘Agnijar’ is obtained from following source.
A. Mineral
B. Animal
C. Plant
D. Artificial

Answer: B Animal

320. Standard Swaras used for Shodhan of any drug from Sadharan rasa varga is
A. Matulunga + Adrak
B. Adraka+ Tulasi
C. Limbu+Rasona
D. Nimba+ Lakucha

Answer: D Nimba+ Lakucha

321. Kapardika bhasma is used in the treatment of
A. Sheetapitta
B. Parinamshool
C. Jwara
D. Raktapitta

Answer: B Parinamshool

322. For interal use the matra (dose) of Navasagar
A. 2 to 8 ratti
B. 1to 4 ratti
C. 3 to 6 ratti
D. 1 to 2 ratti

Answer: A 2 to 8 ratti

323. Aganijar is used for
A. Parada murcchan
B. Parada jarana
C. Parada swedan
D. Parada maran

Answer: B Parada jarana

324. Yantra used for Hingula satvapatanavidhi is
A. Damaru Yantra
B. Dola Yantra
C. Adhapatan Yantra
D. Swedani Yantra

Answer: A Damaru Yantra

325. One of the following sadharan rasa drugs is of herbal origin
A. Navasagar
B. Vatratika
C. Agnijara
D. Kampillaka

Answer: D Kampillaka

326. Yantra used for Kapardika Shodhan is
A. Bhasma Yantra
B. Dola Yantra
C. Valuka Yantra
D. Kacchapa Yantra

Answer: B Dola Yantra

327. Shodhana of Hingula is done by following method.
A. Bhavana
B. Bharjan
C. Nirvap
D. Swedan

Answer: A Bhavana

328. Some untoward effects of finished Dhatu Bhasma are removed by _____ Sanskar.
A. Lohitikaran
B. Bhasmikaran
C. Amritikaran
D. Shwtakarma

Answer: C Amritikaran

329. Vang of which type should be selected [grahya] for use in medicine
A. Kumar
B. Mishraka
C. Khuraka
D. None of these

Answer: C Khuraka

330. Suvarna Bhasma is prepared in ____
A. Gajaputa
B. Varahaputa
C. Kukkutaputa
D. Mahaputa

Answer: C Kukkutaputa

331. Following is a mishraloha
A. Kansya
B. Pittal
C. Varta
D. All of these

Answer: D All of these

332. Melting point of Naag is
A. 3270C
B. 1250C
C. 2320C
D. 5600C

Answer: A 3270C

333. Melting point of Vanga is
A. 3270C
B. 1250C
C. 2320C
D. 5600C

Answer: C 2320C

334. Number of ‘Doshas’ of Tamra dhatu is
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12

Answer: B 8

335. After Satvapatan of Bhunag following metal is extracted
A. Loha
B. Suvarna
C. Rajat
D. Tamra

Answer: D Tamra

336. Matra of Naga Bhasma according to Rasatarangini
A. ) 1 Ratti to 2 Ratti
B. 2 Ratti to 4 Ratti
C. ¼ Ratti to 1 Ratti
D. None of above

Answer: C ¼ Ratti to 1 Ratti

337. Shukraloha is the paryaya of
A. Vanga
B. loha
C. Naag
D. Kansya

Answer: A Vanga

338. Grahya Suvarna is of _______ colour
A. Shwetapeetabh
B. krushnapeetabha
C. Dhusarpeetabha
D. raktapeetabh

Answer: D raktapeetabh

339. Rajat bhasma shows following action
A. Vayasthapan
B. Sransan
C. Pramathi
D. All of these

Answer: A Vayasthapan

340. Chandralohadala is the synonym for
A. Rajat patra
B. Suvarna patra
C. Tamra patra
D. Loha patra

Answer: A Rajat patra

341. Shodhan of Rajat is done in
A. Agasti patra swaras
B. Vasapatraswaras
C. Varaha puta
D. Gajaputa

Answer: A Agasti patra swaras

342. Melting point of Gold is
A. 10630C
B. 11830C
C. 9650C
D. 7800C

Answer: A 10630C

343. Which bhasma is used for Pusavan karma?
A. Suvarna
B. Rajata
C. Tamra
D. Loha

Answer: A Suvarna

344. Tamra ashtamahadosha includes
A. Bhrama
B. Unmad
C. Atisara
D. Grahani

Answer: A Bhrama

345. Ritika is synonym of
A. Rajat
B. Tamra
C. Pittal
D. Vanga

Answer: C Pittal

346. Pittal is a
A. Mishradhatu
B. Saraloha
C. Uparasa
D. None of these

Answer: A Mishradhatu

347. Ghoshapushpa is a synonym of
A. Kansya
B. Tamra
C. Loha
D. Rajat

Answer: A Kansya

348. The number of types of Suvarna is
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

Answer: B 5

349. Khurak is a type of
A. Yashad
B. Naga
C. Vanga
D. Swarna

Answer: C Vanga

350. Which of following does not contain copper
A. Gairik
B. Sasyak
C. Bhunag
D. Mayur piccha

Answer: A Gairik

351. Melting point of Tamra is
A. 960 degree C
B. 1,085 degree C
C. 1500 degree C
D. 850 degree C

Answer: B 1,085 degree C

352. Melting point of silver metal is
A. 961 degree C
B. 1,064 degree C
C. 1500 degree C
D. 850 degree C

Answer: A 961 degree C

353. Ritihetu is a synonym of
A. Jasad
B. Pittal
C. Loha
D. ] Mishraloha

Answer: A Jasad

354. Following is a type of Loha [iron metal]
A. Tikshna
B. Kumar
C. Samal
D. Sahaj

Answer: A Tikshna

355. Amrutikaran is necessary for
A. Swarna
B. Rajat
C. Tamra
D. Hirak

Answer: B Rajat

356. Bhanupaka and Sthalipaka of loha are done using
A. Ashwagandha
B. Triphala
C. Trikatu
D. water

Answer: B Triphala

357. Saudha is a synonym of
A. Rajat
B. Swarna
C. Tamra
D. Hirak

Answer: A Rajat

358. Kharparaja is a synonym of
A. Swarna
B. Rajat
C. Tamra
D. Jasad

Answer: D Jasad

359. Shulba is a synonym of
A. Varta
B. Kansya
C. Tamra
D. Pittal

Answer: C Tamra

360. Malleable and duclile properties are possessed by
A. Maharasa
B. Uparasa
C. Dhatu
D. Sadharan Rasa

Answer: C Dhatu

361. According to Rasaratnasamucchay , Suvarna is a
A. Shuddhaloha
B. Putiloha
C. Saraloha
D. Satvaloha

Answer: A Shuddhaloha

362. According to Rasakamadhenu text, the utpatti of suvarna is from
A. Surya
B. Chandra
C. Agni
D. Indra

Answer: C Agni

363. According to Rasakamadhenu text, the utpatti of rajat is from
A. Surya
B. Chandra
C. Agni
D. Indra

Answer: B Chandra

364. Kansya is a mishradhatu containing
A. copper and tin
B. copper and zinc
C. copper and lead
D. zinc and tin

Answer: A copper and tin

365. Following dravya is included in mishraloha according to Rasaratnsasamucchay
A. Varta
B. Pittal
C. Kansya
D. all of these

Answer: D all of these

366. The English name of Gomeda Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Zircon
C. Cats eye
D. Rock crystal

Answer: B Zircon

367. Tarkshya is used to take away afflictions by the planet …
A. Surya
B. Guru
C. Shukra
D. Budha

Answer: D Budha

368. The number of Organic gems [Pranija ratna] in Navaratna is
A. 1
B. 5
C. 3
D. 2

Answer: D 2

369. English name of Rajavarta is
A. Lapis Lazuli
B. Sun Stone
C. Moon Stone
D. Rock Crystal

Answer: A Lapis Lazuli

370. The hardness of Diamond as per ‘Mohas’ scale is
A. 5
B. 10
C. 7
D. 8

Answer: B 10

371. The chemical formula of Manikya Ratna is
A. Al2O3
B. CaCO3
C. Al(FOH)2 SiO4
D. BeOAl2O3

Answer: A Al2O3

372. The chemical formula of Gomed is
A. Al2O3
B. ZrSiO4
C. Al(FOH)2 SiO4
D. BeOAl2O3

Answer: B ZrSiO4

373. The chemical formula of Vaidurya Ratna is
A. Al2O3
B. ZrSiO4
C. Al(FOH)2 SiO4
D. BeOAl2O3

Answer: D BeOAl2O3

374. The English name of Manikya Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Zircon
C. Cats eye
D. Ruby

Answer: D Ruby

375. The English name of Mukta Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Pearl
C. Cats eye
D. Rock crystal

Answer: B Pearl

376. The English name of Praval Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. ] Zircon
C. Coral
D. Rock crystal

Answer: C Coral

377. The English name of Tarkshya Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Zircon
C. Cats eye
D. Emerald

Answer: D Emerald

378. The English name of Pushkaraj Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Zircon
C. Topaz
D. Rock crystal

Answer: C Topaz

379. The English name of Neelam Ratna is
A. Sapphire.
B. Zircon
C. Cats eye
D. Rock crystal

Answer: A Sapphire.

380. The English name of Vaidurya Ratna is
A. Sapphire
B. Zircon
C. Cats eye
D. Rock crystal

Answer: C Cats eye

381. Liquid media used for Shodhana of Tarkshya [Emerald] using Dolayantra is
A. Godugdha
B. Amlavarga
C. Gomutra
D. Triphala kwath

Answer: A Godugdha

382. Liquid media used for Shodhana of Vaidurya using Dolayantra is
A. Godugdha
B. Amlavarga
C. Gomutra
D. Triphala kwath

Answer: D Triphala kwath

383. Liquid medium used for Shodhana of Neelam using Dolayantra is
A. Godugdha
B. Ksharavarga
C. Neeli Swaras
D. Triphala kwath

Answer: C Neeli Swaras

384. Liquid medium used for Shodhana of Gomeda using Dolayantra is
A. Gorochana Jala
B. Nimbuk Swaras
C. Gomutra
D. Triphala kwath

Answer: B Nimbuk Swaras

385. Liquid medium used for Shodhan of Mukta ratna using Dolayantra is
A. Gorochana Jala
B. Jayanti swaras
C. Gomutra
D. Water

Answer: B Jayanti swaras

386. In the preparation of Arogyavardhini, bhavana is carried out using …..
A. Katuka kwath
B. Nimba Swaras
C. Godugdha
D. None of these

Answer: B Nimba Swaras

387. Dhatu Bhasma used in Arogyavardhini formulation is
A. Suvarna bhasma
B. Naga Bhasma
C. Loha bhasma
D. Vanga bhasm

Answer: C Loha bhasma

388. In the preparation of Gandhak Rasayan Bhavana of following drug is for maximum times
A. Godugdha
B. Gomutra
C. Ardraka
D. Honey

Answer: C Ardraka

389. Jaypal beej is a main ingredient of
A. Suchikabhara rasa
B. Tribhuvankirti rasa
C. Anandbhairav rasa
D. Icchabhedi rasa

Answer: D Icchabhedi rasa

390. In the preparation of Tribhuvan kirti first bhavana is carried out using …..
A. Katuka kwath
B. Nimba Swaras
C. Godugdha
D. Tulasi swaras

Answer: D Tulasi swaras

391. The following Kalpa contains Suvarna Bhasma.
A. Laghumalini Vasant
B. Vasantamalati
C. Madhumalini Vasant
D. None of these

Answer: B Vasantamalati

392. The Rogadhikar of Sutashekhar rasa is
A. Grahani
B. Agnimandya
C. Rajayakshma
D. Amlapitta

Answer: D Amlapitta

393. The following Kalpa is not a Khalwi Rasakalpa.
A. Hinguleshwar Rasa
B. Apurvamalini Vasant
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Lokanath Rasa

Answer: D Lokanath Rasa

394. Amagarbha is one of the ingredients of following Kalpa.
A. Madhumalini Vasant
B. Apurvamalini Vasant
C. Laghumalini Vasant
D. Suvarnamalini Vasant

Answer: A Madhumalini Vasant

395. The following formulation is a Hingul kalpa
A. Sutashekhar Rasa
B. Garbhapal Rasa
C. Vatagajankush Rasa
D. None of these

Answer: B Garbhapal Rasa

396. Shuddha Parad is not an ingredient of
A. Makardhwaj
B. Suvarnarajavangeshwar
C. Laghumalinivasant
D. Shwasakuthara

Answer: C Laghumalinivasant

397. Following is not a Khalwi Rasa Kalpa
A. Hemagarbh Pottali
B. Suvarnaramalini vasant
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Hinguleshwar Rasa

Answer: A Hemagarbh Pottali

398. Which Parpati does not contain Kajjali
A. Shweta
B. Rasa
C. Tamra
D. Bola

Answer: A Shweta

399. Which Kalpa contains Kajjali as an ingredient.
A. Suvarnamalini Vasan
B. Laghumalini vasant
C. Apurvamalinivasant
D. Shwasakuthara rasa

Answer: D Shwasakuthara rasa

400. Following kalpa contains Suvarna as ingredients.
A. Vasantmalati rasa
B. Shwasakutahra rasa
C. Laghusutashekhar Rasa
D. Icchabhedi Rasa

Answer: A Vasantmalati rasa

401. This kalpa contains Tamra Bhasma as an ingredient.
A. Chandrakala Rasa
B. Shwasakutahra rasa
C. Anandbhairav Rasa
D. Tribhuvan kirti rasa

Answer: A Chandrakala Rasa

402. This kalpa is not a Suvannakalpa
A. Yogendra Rasa
B. Suvarnarajvangeshwar
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Hemagarbha Pottali

Answer: A Yogendra Rasa

403. During preparation of Lokanath Rasa, Pottali is prepared using
A. Cotton Cloth
B. Silk Cloth
C. Kapardika
D. None of these

Answer: D None of these

404. Marich is not an ingredient of following kalpa
A. Madhumalivasant
B. Suvarnamalinivasant
C. Laghumalinivasant
D. Vasantkusumakar

Answer: D Vasantkusumakar

405. Parpati Kalpana was introduced for the first time in
A. Charaksamhita
B. Chakradatta
C. Rasaratnasamucchay
D. Yogaratnakara

Answer: B Chakradatta

406. One of the ingredient of Kamdudha Rasa is
A. Parad
B. Parad, Gandhak
C. Hingula
D. Guduchi Satva

Answer: D Guduchi Satva

407. Bhavana dravya of Laghusutshekhar Rasa is
A. Kumari
B. Nagavalli
C. Bhrungaraj
D. Dadim

Answer: B Nagavalli

408. Bhavana dravya of Bruhatvatachintamani Rasa is
A. Kumari
B. Nagavalli
C. Bhrungaraj
D. Dadim

Answer: A Kumari

409. Ingredients of Gandhak Rasayana includes
A. Gandhak
B. Gandhak Gairik
C. Parad, Gandhak
D. Parad, Gandhak and Gairik

Answer: A Gandhak

410. Mineral drugs from Chandraprabha Vati are
A. Swarnamakshik, Loha and shilajatu
B. Loha and shilajatu
C. Swarnamakshik, Loha
D. Shilajatu

Answer: A Swarnamakshik, Loha and shilajatu

411. Which of the following is a Hingula kalpa
A. Tribhuvankirti Rasa
B. Madhumalinivasant Rasa
C. Anandbhairav Rasa
D. All the above

Answer: C Anandbhairav Rasa

412. This parpati contains a herbal ingredient
A. Bola parpati
B. Tamra parpati
C. Kutaj parpati
D. all of these

Answer: C Kutaj parpati

413. Following parpati is indicated in shwasa vyadhi
A. Shweta parpati
B. Tamra parpati
C. Kutaj parpati
D. Rasa parpati

Answer: B Tamra parpati

414. The following parpati contains a herbal visha dravya as one of the ingredients
A. Shweta parpati
B. Tamra parpati
C. Kutaj parpati
D. Rasa parpati

Answer: B Tamra parpati

415. Bolaparpati contains following ingredient
A. Guggul
B. Rakta bola
C. sarjarasa
D. Harita bola

Answer: B Rakta bola

416. Shweta parpati [from the text Siddha Bheshaj Manimala] contains following dravya as an ingredient
A. Parad
B. Gandhak
C. Parpatak
D. Hartal

Answer: B Gandhak

417. Abhrak bhasma is one of the ingredients of
A. Panchamrut parpati
B. Shweta parpati
C. Rasa parpati
D. Sheetal parpati

Answer: A Panchamrut parpati

418. This is a sagandha murchhana of parad
A. Panchamrut parpati
B. Shweta parpati
C. Gandhak druti
D. ] Gandhak Rasayan

Answer: A Panchamrut parpati

419. Vardhaman prayoga of following formulation is recommended in Chakradatta
A. Rasa parpati
B. Shweta parpati
C. Amalaki Rasayan
D. None of these

Answer: A Rasa parpati

420. Shweta parpati is indicated in
A. Mutrakruchra
B. Grahani
C. Atisar
D. all of these

Answer: A Mutrakruchra

421. The following parpati does not contain parad as an ingredient
A. Panchamrut parpati
B. Shweta parpati
C. Rasa parpati
D. Bola parpati

Answer: B Shweta parpati

422. Rasaparpati is indicated for treating
A. Grahani
B. Vatavyadhi
C. Ashmari
D. Apasmar

Answer: A Grahani

423. For manufacturing Tamraparpati, following leaf is recommended
A. Arka
B. Vasa
C. Kamal
D. Nagavalli

Answer: A Arka

424. Which paka of rasaparpati is ideal for medicinal use
A. Madhyam
B. Khara
C. Dagdha
D. Manda

Answer: A Madhyam

425. Tapyadi loha contains bhasma of following drugs
A. Roupya and Makshik
B. Suvanrna and Makshik
C. Roupya and Suvarna
D. none of the above

Answer: A Roupya and Makshik

426. Tapyadi loha is indicated in the disease
A. Raktapitta
B. Unmad
C. Amlapitta
D. Pandu

Answer: D Pandu

427. Tapyadi loha is prescribed with following anupan
A. Honey
B. Tulasi swaras
C. Sesame oil
D. Ardrak swaras

Answer: A Honey

428. Anupana of Navayas loha according to Ashtanghrudaya is
A. Dadhi
B. Guda
C. Madhu and ajya
D. Sharkara

Answer: C Madhu and ajya

429. Triphala, Trikatu and Trimad are ingredients of
A. Saptamrita loha
B. Dhatri loha
C. Pradarantak loha
D. Navayas loha

Answer: D Navayas loha

430. Chandanadi loha is listed in the chapter of —- in Bhaishjyaratnavali
A. Mastishkarogadhikar
B. mutrarogadhikar
C. Jwaradhikar
D. Pandurogadhikar

Answer: C Jwaradhikar

431. This kalpa is an ingredient of Putapakwavishmajwarantak loha
A. Rasaparpati
B. Panchamrita parpati
C. Tamra parpati
D. Suvarna parpati

Answer: A Rasaparpati

432. Bhavana dravya of Kanakasundar Rasa is
A. Nimba kwatha
B. Bhanga kwatha
C. Triphala kwatha
D. None of the above

Answer: B Bhanga kwatha

433. Specific Anupan of Kravyad rasa is
A. Shunthisiddha jala
B. Buttermilk
C. Shadangodaka
D. Ushirasava

Answer: B Buttermilk

434. Pathya ahar while consumption of Icchabhedi Rasa according to Rasachandanshu
A. Takra and Odan
B. Mansa and odan
C. Ghruta and odan
D. Godugdha

Answer: A Takra and Odan

435. In the preparation of Gandhak rasayan, sharkara is recommended in following quantity of other ingredients
A. Equal
B. Half
C. Four times
D. Two times

Answer: A Equal

436. In preparation of Laghumalini vasant , bhavana is administered using
A. Dadim swaras
B. Dhattura swaras
C. Vijaya swaras
D. Nimbu swaras

Answer: D Nimbu swaras

437. Mahalakmivilas Rasa is prepared by following method
A. Tarkshyaputa
B. Pottali
C. Trituration
D. Parpati

Answer: A Tarkshyaputa

438. Laghusutashekhar contains following ingredients
A. Swarnabhasma and shunthi
B. Suvarnagairik and Shunthi
C. Swarnabhasma and kajjali
D. Suvarnagairik and kajjali

Answer: B Suvarnagairik and Shunthi

439. The specific indication of Mahavatavidhwansa rasa is as follows
A. Unmad
B. Vataj shula
C. Atisar
D. None of the above

Answer: B Vataj shula

440. Metric measurements are required to be graduated at what temperature
A. 18 c
B. 20 c
C. 22 c
D. 25 c

Answer: D 25 c

441. Prataplankeshwar rasa is a formulation used in obstetrics for following condition
A. Shwetapradar (white discharge
B. Garbhasrav (missed abortion
C. Sutikajwar (puerperal infection
D. Stanadaha (mastitis

Answer: C Sutikajwar (puerperal infection

442. Prataplankeshwar rasa is contraindicated in
A. Pregnancy
B. Stanadaha (mastitis
C. Fever
D. Sutikajwar (puerperal infection

Answer: A Pregnancy

443. Anupan of Prataplankeshwar in sutika jwara, according to Rasachandanshu
A. Juice of Eclipta alba
B. Juice of Zinzibar officinalis
C. Juice of Punica granatum
D. Juice of Emblica officinalis

Answer: B Juice of Zinzibar officinalis

444. Shuddha Tankan has following pharmacological activity
A. Artavjanan
B. Mutrashamri nashan
C. Adhman
D. all of the above

Answer: D all of the above

445. Author of Rasatarangini is
A. Sadananda Sharma
B. Govind Das Sen
C. Bapalal Vaidya
D. Triamalla Bhatta

Answer: A Sadananda Sharma

446. Dhatu Bhasma used in Arogyavardhini formulation is
A. Suvarna bhasma
B. Naga Bhasma
C. Abhrak bhasma
D. Vanga bhasm

Answer: C Abhrak bhasma

447. According to Rasachandanshu, Vasant kusumakar is indicated in
A. Prameha
B. Rajyakshma
C. Rakttapitta
D. All of these

Answer: D All of these

448. In the preparation of Gandhak Rasayan Bhavana of dogugdha according to Yogaratnakar is for
A. Three times
B. Once
C. Eight times
D. Two times

Answer: A Three times

449. Dhattur patra swaras is one of the bhavana dravya of
A. Suchikabhara rasa
B. Tribhuvankirti rasa
C. Anandbhairav rasa
D. Icchabhedi rasa

Answer: B Tribhuvankirti rasa

450. In the preparation of Sutashekhar, bhavana is carried out using —
A. Katuka kwath
B. Bhrungaraj Swaras
C. Godugdha
D. None of these

Answer: B Bhrungaraj Swaras

451. The following Kalpa contains Suvarna Bhasma
A. Arogyavardhini
B. Yogendra rasa
C. Laghusutashekhar
D. Swarnarajavangeshwar

Answer: B Yogendra rasa

452. Adhikar of Panchamrutparpati according to Yogaratnakara is
A. Grahani
B. Agnimandya
C. Rajayakshma
D. Amlapitta

Answer: A Grahani

453. The following formulation is not a Khalwi Rasakalpa.
A. Hinguleshwar Rasa
B. Apurvamalini Vasant
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Hemagarbha Rasa

Answer: D Hemagarbha Rasa

454. Bhavanas of following drugs are administered to the Kalpa ‘Madhumalini Vasant’
A. Dadim & Nimbu Swaras
B. Nimbu & Bhrungaraj Swaras
C. Dadim & Ardrak Swaras
D. Nimbu & Ardrak Swaras

Answer: A Dadim & Nimbu Swaras

455. Mukta is one of the ingredients of following Kalpa.
A. Madhumalini Vasant
B. Apurvamalini Vasant
C. Laghumalini Vasant
D. Suvarnamalini Vasant

Answer: D Suvarnamalini Vasant

456. The following Kalpa is contraindicated in Garbhini Awastha
A. Madhumalini Vasant
B. Kamadudha Rasa
C. Garbhapal Rasa
D. Prataplankeshwar

Answer: D Prataplankeshwar

457. The following formulation is a Hingul kalpa
A. Sutashekhar Rasa
B. Tribhuvankirti Rasa
C. Vatagajankush Rasa
D. None of these

Answer: B Tribhuvankirti Rasa

458. The adhikara of Yogendra Rasa according to Bhaishajya ratnawali
A. Vatavyadhi
B. Rasayan
C. Vajikaran
D. Visha

Answer: A Vatavyadhi

459. Shuddha Parad is not an ingredient of
A. Makardhwaj
B. Suvarnarajavangeshwar
C. Anandbhairav rasa
D. Shwasakuthara Rasa

Answer: C Anandbhairav rasa

460. Select the formulation containing Abhrak Bhasma an ingredient
A. Arogyavardhini Rasa
B. Shwasakuthara rasa
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Icchabhedi Rasa

Answer: A Arogyavardhini Rasa

461. Select the formulation having Gairik as main ingredient
A. Laghusutashekhar
B. Suvarnasutashekhar
C. Sutashekhar Rasa [sadha]
D. All

Answer: A Laghusutashekhar

462. Which of the following is not grouped as Suvarnakalpa?
A. Yogendra Rasa
B. Smritisagar rasa
C. Sutashekhar Rasa
D. Swarnamalinivasant

Answer: D Swarnamalinivasant

463. Sutikabharan Rasa is prepared using
A. Chandraputa
B. Laghuputa
C. Gajaputa
D. Mahaputa

Answer: C Gajaputa

464. The assembly [Yantra] used to prepare Hemagarbh Pottali is
A. Kacchap yantra
B. Hansapaka Yantra
C. Swedani Yantra
D. Vidyadhar Yantra

Answer: B Hansapaka Yantra

465. Which formulation does not contain Marich
A. Madhumalivasant
B. Suvarnamalinivasant
C. Laghumalinivasant
D. Vasantkusumakara

Answer: D Vasantkusumakara

466. Which of the following has bhavana of flowers of gulab and malati, and Kasturi hima
A. Madhumalivasant
B. suvarnamalinivasant
C. Laghumalinivasant
D. Vasantkusumakara

Answer: D Vasantkusumakara

467. Which of the following is not a mineral kshar?
A. Suryakshar
B. Swarjikakshar
C. Chullikalavan
D. Saubhagyakasar

Answer: B Swarjikakshar

468. Which kshar is the antidote of Aconitum ferox R. is
A. Tarkshya
B. Yavakshar
C. Tankankshar
D. Navasagar

Answer: C Tankankshar

469. Name of the formulation containing 5 alkalies and 8 types of salts is
A. Hingwashtaka
B. bhaskarlavan
C. Shankhavati
D. Arkalavan

Answer: C Shankhavati

470. Which of the formulations contain Suvarnabhasma as main ingredient
A. Suvarnarajvangeshwar
B. Panchamrita parpati
C. Suta Shekhar rasa
D. Rasapottali

Answer: C Suta Shekhar rasa

471. Patana pishti is prepared from
A. Rasa & Gandhaka
B. Rasa & Swarna
C. Rasa & Rajata
D. Rasa & Tamra

Answer: D Rasa & Tamra

472. Varitaratva is a test used for
A. Kajjali
B. Parpati
C. Bhasma
D. Druti

Answer: C Bhasma

473. The process of heating dhatu and dipping it in liquid is known as
A. Dhalan
B. Nirvapa
C. Avapa
D. Bhavana

Answer: B Nirvapa

474. Gunja, Guggulu ,Ghruta, Kshaudra & Tankan are collectively known as
A. Panchamitra
B. Mitrapanchaka
C. Panchavalkala
D. None of the above

Answer: B Mitrapanchaka

475. Gandhak and Parada are triturated to get a powder, it is called
A. Kajjali
B. Rasapanka
C. Rasapishti
D. Mugdharasa

Answer: A Kajjali

476. Which of the following drug belongs to Dravaka Gana?
A. Guggul
B. Parad
C. Gandhak
D. Abhrak

Answer: A Guggul

477. No. Of drugs in Dravaka gana are………
A. 2
B. 6
C. 5
D. 4

Answer: C 5

478. Vida varga is used for
A. Parad murchhana
B. Parad grasa
C. Parada swedana
D. Parada mardana

Answer: B Parad grasa

479. One of the following drugs is not included in vishavarga
A. Ativisha
B. Vatsanabha
C. Bhallataka
D. Karaveer

Answer: A Ativisha

480. In Dhanvantari bhaga which of the rasa aushadhi is given to Vaidya
A. 7th part
B. 8th part
C. 4th part
D. 6th part

Answer: A 7th part

481. Number of Druti Sidhhi lakshanas is……….
A. 5
B. 3
C. 10
D. 9

Answer: A 5

482. When Gandhak, Parada and Milk or similar liquid are triturated together the mixture is termed as
A. Kajjali
B. Rasapanka
C. Rasapishti
D. Mugdharasa

Answer: C Rasapishti

483. One of the following drugs is included in Krishnavarga according to Rasaratnasamucchay
A. Triphala
B. Haridra
C. Manjistha
D. Dadimaka

Answer: A Triphala

484. One of the following drugs is not included in Raktavarga according to Rasaratnasamucchay
A. Laksha
B. Manjistha
C. Raktachandana
D. Daruharidra

Answer: D Daruharidra

485. For testing “Nirutthatwa” of bhasma, which Dhatu is used
A. Suvar na
B. Raupya
C. Loha
D. Tamra

Answer: B Raupya

486. Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs were included in the Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 in the year
A. 1947
B. 1961
C. 1964
D. 1982

Answer: C 1964

487. All the texts of Ayurveda are included in Drug and Cosmetics Act 1940 under
A. First schedule A
B. First schedule B
C. Second schedule
D. Schedule X

Answer: A First schedule A

488. Good manufacturing practice [GMP] is the part of
A. Schedule A
B. Schedule X
C. schedule Y
D. Schedule T

Answer: C schedule Y

489. Schedule Y deals with
A. Good Clinical Practice
B. Good laboratory Practice
C. Good Manufacturing Practice
D. Good Agricultural Practice

Answer: C Good Manufacturing Practice

490. The section which deals with Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani drugs is in which chapter of the Drugs and Cosmetics act 1940
A. Chapter II
B. Chapter IV A
C. Chapter IV
D. Chapter I

Answer: B Chapter IV A

491. Author of Rasaratnasamucchay is
A. Vagbhat
B. Vyadi
C. Nagarjun
D. Nityanath

Answer: A Vagbhat

492. Author of Rasendrasarasangraha is
A. Gopal KrishnaBhatt
B. Bhavamishra
C. Govindacharya
D. ] Vyadi

Answer: A Gopal KrishnaBhatt

493. Author of Ayurveda Prakash is
A. Krishnagopal Bhatt
B. Bhavamishra
C. Shri Madhav
D. Vyadi

Answer: C Shri Madhav

494. Author of Bhaishajyaratnavali is
A. Govind Das Sen
B. Madhav Acharya
C. Krishna Gopal Bhatta
D. Trimalla Bhatta

Answer: A Govind Das Sen

495. Author of Rasamanjiri is
A. Shalinath
B. Trimallabhatta
C. Vagbhat
D. Bhanudatta

Answer: A Shalinath

496. Author of Rasakamadhenu is
A. Chudamani Mishra
B. Krishnagopal bhatta
C. Trimalla Bhatta
D. Vagbhat

Answer: A Chudamani Mishra

497. The Author of Rasaprakashsudhakar is
A. Yashodhar Bhatt
B. Krishnagopal Bhatt
C. Govind Das Sen
D. Shalinath

Answer: A Yashodhar Bhatt

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