300+ TOP Reproduction in Flowering Plants MCQs and Answers

Reproduction in Flowering Plants Multiple Choice Questions

1. Apomixis is

  1. Development of plant in darkness
  2. Development of plants without fusion of gametes
  3. Inability to perceive stimulus for flowering
  4. Effect of low temperature on plant growth

Answer: 2

2. Amphimixis is development of an organism obtained through

  1. Apospory
  2. Apogamy
  3. Fusion of gametes
  4. Without fusion of gametes

Answer: 3

3. Which is agamospermy

  1. Development of embryo without gametic Union
  2. Type of sexual reproduction in which there is no differentiation of male and female gamets
  3. Development of new individual from the union of two sperms
  4. Development of new individual directly without forming an embryo

Answer: 1

4. Adventitive polyembryony occurs in

  1. Poa
  2. Brassica.
  3. Allium
  4. Citrus.

Answer: 4

5. A sexual reproduction is related to

  1. Amphimixis.
  2. Agamospermy.
  3. Vegetative propagation
  4. Both  2 and 3

Answer: 4

6. Agamospermy includes

  1. Adventive polyembryony
  2. Recurrent apomixis
  3. Non recurrent apomixis
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

7. Agamospermy produces new plant through the formation of

  1. Bulbil
  2. Asexual embryo
  3. Gemma
  4. Parthenocarpy

Answer: 2

8. In nonrecurrent agamospermy the embryo is

  1. Nucellar
  2. Integumental
  3. Haploid
  4. Diploid

Answer: 3

9. Apospory is direct formation of

  1. Gametophyte from sporophyte
  2. Gametophyte from gametophyte
  3. Sporophyte from gametophyte
  4. Sporophyte from sporophyte

Answer: 1

10. Diplospory is development of embryo from

  1. Nucellus
  2. Integument
  3. Megaspore mother cell
  4. Megaspore

Answer: 3

11. Parthenogenesis is development of new individual from

  1. A single gamete without fertilization

      2. Fertilization of female gamete with female gamete

  1. Fertilization of male gamete with male gamete
  2. Vegetative structure

Answer: 1

12. Union of two gametes of one sex is known as

  1. Apogamy
  2. Parthenoapogamy
  3. Parthenogamy
  4. Parthenogenesis

Answer: 3

13. Apogamy is direct formation of

  1. Sporophyte from sporophyte
  2. Sporophyte from gametophyte
  3. Gametophyte from sporophyte
  4. Gametophyte from gametophyte

Answer: 2

14.Parthenoapogamy involves

  1. Fusion of two gametic nuclei
  2. Fusion of three gamets
  3. Fusion of two vegetative nuclei
  4. Development of new plant from a single gametophytic cell.

Answer: 3

15. Reproduction which does not involve gametic union is

  1. Para sexual reproduction
  2. Apomixis
  3. Parthenogenesis
  4. Agamospermy

Answer: 2

16. Adventitive  polyembryony is an example of

  1. Vegetative propagation
  2. Amphimixis
  3. Agamospermy
  4. Parthenogamy

Answer: 3

17. Vegetative propagation through budding occurs in

  1. Rose
  2. Agave
  3. Yeast
  4. Ginger

Answer: 3

18. Gemmae are a means of vegetative propagation in

  1. Colo cassia
  2. Spirogyra
  3. Marsilea
  4. Marchantia.

Answer: 4

19. Binary fission is a regular mode of multiplication in

  1. Yeast
  2. Bacteria
  3. Marchantia
  4. Mosses

Answer: 2

20. A part of root of dalbergia placed in the soil will

  1. Sprout
  2. Decay
  3. Developed underground complex
  4. Crude depending upon availability of food

Answer: 1

21. Which root will form a new plant

  1. Populus
  2. Dahlia
  3. Azadirachta
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 4

22. It is more economical to propagate potato and artichoke through

  1. Pieces of tubers
  2. Whole tubers
  3. Seeds
  4. Tissue culture

Answer: 1

23. Onion is propagated through its

  1. Tubers
  2. Bulbs
  3. Seeds
  4. Rhizomes

Answer: 2

24. Bulbils are employed for multiplication of

  1. Bryophyllum
  2. Crocus
  3. Agave
  4. Strawberry

Answer: 3

25. Leaf tips help in vegetative propagation in

  1. Begonia
  2. Bryophyllum
  3. Sensevieria
  4. Adiantum caudatum

Answer: 4

26. Bryophyllum diagremontianum is characterized by the formation of

  1. Plantlets in leaf notches file attached to plant
  2. Plantlets from marginal notches when the leaf falls on the ground
  3. Buds in the marginal notches of leaves
  4. Plantlets on the leaves in the region of injury

Answer: 1

27. Corm is  used as a means of vegetative multiplication in

  1. Ginger
  2. Gladiolus
  3. Banana
  4. Pineapple

Answer: 2

28. Banana is multiplied by means of

  1. Seeds
  2. Leaf cuttings
  3. Rhizome
  4. Offsets

Answer: 3

29. Leaf cuttings are used for quick vegetative propagation of

  1. Sansevieria
  2. Jasminum
  3. Tea
  4. BlackBerry

Answer: 1

30. Blackberry is multiplied through

  1. Stem cuttings
  2. Bulbils
  3. Leaf cuttings
  4. Root cuttings

Answer: 4

31. Stem cuttings are often treated with NAA  before sowing in order to promote

  1. Sprouting of buds
  2. Rooting
  3. Layering
  4. Development of adventitious buds

Answer: 2

32. Leaf and stem cuttings are down

  1. Vertically with morphological apical end upwards
  2. Vertically with morphological Basal end upwards
  3. Laterally with morphological upper side upwards
  4. Laterally with morphological lower side upwards

Answer: 1

33. Air layering is performed in case of

  1. Jasmine
  2. Grapevine
  3. Gooseberry
  4. Litchi

Answer: 4

34. Many new plants are obtained through

  1. Air layering
  2. Mound layering
  3. Serpentine layering
  4. Both 2 and 3

Answer: 4

35. The stem branch used in layering is

  1. Upper branch
  2. Young branch
  3. Soft basal branch
  4. Hard basal branch

Answer: 3

36. In grafting,scion forms

  1. Shoot system
  2. Root system
  3. New plant
  4. Hybrid plant

Answer: 1

37. The technique of pegging a branch in soil is called

  1. Grafting
  2. Layering
  3. Cutting
  4. Vegetative propagation

Answer: 2

38. Bud grafting is commonly used in

  1. Litchi
  2. Pomegranate
  3. Rose
  4. Jasmine

Answer: 3

39. Diplospory is direct (nonmeiotic) development of diploid embryo sac from

  1. Diploid megaspore mother cell
  2. Diploid integument cell
  3. Diploid nucellar cell
  4. All the above

Answer: 1

40. Vegetatively propagated plants

  1. Show adaptive variations
  2. Better fitted in the struggle for existence
  3. Stouter than parents
  4. Clone of their parents

Answer: 4

41. Clone is

  1. Descendants of a single parent
  2. Vegetatively produced descendants of a single parent
  3. Sexually produced descendants of a single parent
  4. All the above

Answer: 2

42. Which one is propagated by cuttings

  1. Bougainvillea
  2. Tea
  3. Sansevieria
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

43. What is agamospermy

  1. Layering
  2. Grafting
  3. Adventive embryony
  4. All the above

Answer: 3

44. The phenomenon of embryo directly developing from a cell of embryo sac other than egg is

  1. Apospory
  2. Diplospory
  3. Apogamy
  4. Parthenogenesis

Answer: 3

45. Grafting is employed for better and quicker yield of good varieties of

  1. Apple
  2. Citrus
  3. Mango
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

46. Parthenogenesis is formation of

  1. Embryo without fertilization
  2. Embryo from Pollen sac
  3. Sporophytic plantlet from gametophyte
  4. Fruit without fertilization

Answer: 1

47. The smallest viable unit which can grow,multiply and form a plant in tissue culture is

  1. Chromosome
  2. Nucleus
  3. Cell
  4. Tissue

Answer: 3

48. Micropropagation is

  1. Raising of plants from a small tissue in culture
  2. Multiplication of small plants
  3. Propagation of small parts of organisms
  4. Indefinite maintenance of an organ or tissue

Answer: 1

49. Tissue culture is

  1. Growth of specific plant structures on artificial medium
  2. Growth and multiplication of cells on artificial medium
  3. Cryogenic maintenance of tissues
  4. Maintenance, growth and differentiation of cells, tissue and organ on artificial medium

Answer: 4

50. Part of the plant used for culturing is called

  1. Scion
  2. Explant
  3. Stock
  4. Callus

Answer: 2

51. Tissue culture technique was first attempted by

  1. Haberlandt
  2. Hanning
  3. Nobecourt
  4. Gaurheret

Answer: 1

52. The structure employed by white for first successful tissue culture was

  1. Haberlandt
  2. Nobecourt
  3. White
  4. Goutheret

Answer: 3

53. The structure employed by white for first successful tissue culture was

  1. Root of carrot
  2. Root of tomato
  3. Leaf cells
  4. Apical Meristem

Answer: 2

54. Callus is

  1. Tissue that forms embryo
  2. And insoluble carbohydrate
  3. Tissue that grows to form embryoid
  4. Unorganised actively dividing mass of cells in culture.

Answer: 4

55. Callus formation is prompted by

  1. Proper light and subculturing
  2. Darkness and subculturing
  3. Excess of NAA
  4. Absence of salts

Answer: 2

56. Differentiation of callous into plant parts is

  1. Embryogenesis
  2. Embryoid formation
  3. Morphogenesis
  4. Totipotency

Answer: 3 

57. Who discovered that morphogenesis in culture medium is controlled by hormones

  1. Muir et al
  2. Vasil and Hildebrandt
  3. Skoog and Miller
  4. Helperin and Wetherell

Answer: 3

58. Embryoid  culture technique was discovered by

  1. Guha and Maheshwari
  2. Skoog and Miller
  3. Muir et al
  4. Steward

Answer: 4

59.Embryoid is

  1. A miniature embryo
  2. Nonzygotic embryo formed in vitro culture
  3. Embryo raised in culture medium
  4. Cellular aggregate similar to embryo in appearance

Answer: 2

60. The concept of cellular totipotency was given by

  1. Steward
  2. Vasil and Hildebrandt
  3. Carlson et al
  4. Barski et al

Answer: 1

61. Ramet is

  1. Clone
  2. Individual of clone
  3. Cell aggregate
  4. Callus

Answer: 2

62. Guha and Maheshwari are famous for

  1. Shoot tip culture
  2. Protoplast fusion
  3. Embryoid culture
  4. Pollen culture

Answer: 4

63. The technique of protoplast fusion was developed by

  1. Helperin and Wetherell
  2. Carlson et al
  3. White
  4. Steward

Answer: 2

64. Explant is required to be disinfected before placing in culture. This is done by

  1. Autoclaving
  2. Ultraviolet rays
  3. Clorax or hypochlorite
  4. X rays

Answer: 3

65. Aseptic culture means

  1. Absence of life
  2. Presence of bacteria
  3. Absence of other organisms like microbes
  4. Parthenogenetic development

Answer: 3

Reproduction in Flowering Plants Objective Questions with Answers Quiz Test Pdf Download

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