300+ TOP Research Aptitude MCQs and Answers Quiz Exam

Research Aptitude Multiple Choice Questions

1. A study in which direct perception of an incident or object made is

(A) Naturalistic research
(B) Practitioner research
(C) Phenomenological research
(D) Descriptive research

2. A simple correlation was calculated between two variables after removing the effect of a third variable from both, the resulting correlation is called

(A) Partial correlation
(B) Part correlation
(C) Multiple correlation
(D) Canonical correlation

3. Reorganise the following steps of descriptive research in a correct sequence:

(a) Collection and processing of data
(b) Interpretation of results
(c) Identification of a problem
(d) Drawing conclusions
(e) Drafting of the report
(f) Formulation of hypothesis

(A) f c a b d e
(B) f c a e b d
(C) c f a e b d
(D) c f a b d e

4. The consistency of evaluation-results is measured by

(A) Objectivity
(B) Reliability
(C) Predictability
(D) Usability

5. Stratified sampling is adopted when

(A) the universe is homogeneous
(B) the universe is heterogeneous
(C) selected groups need to be studied
(D) data about the universe is not available

6. Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

(A) Searching sources of information
(B) Survey of related literature
(C) Identification of a broad area of research
(D) Searching for solutions to problem

7. A researcher commits Type I Error when he

(A) accepts Null hypothesis when it is false.
(B) rejects Null hypothesis when it is false.
(C) accepts Null hypothesis when it is true.
(D) rejects the Null Hypothesis when it is true.

8. The major objective of a qualitative research study is to

(A) understand a process or concept
(B) study group-differences
(C) predict relationships
(D) explain variation in measurements

9. The ‘standard error of a statistic’ is a measure of

(A) Sampling Fluctuation
(B) Errors of Measurement
(C) Errors of Prediction
(D) Systematic Variation

10. Which of the following gives a more accurate measure of relationship than the other three?

(A) Spearman’s Rho
(B) Biserial Correlation
(C) Kendall’s Tau
(D) Product-moment Method

11. Which of the following variances is not controlled or manipulated in a research design?

(A) Variance of independent variable.
(B) Variance of dependent variable.
(C) Variance of extraneous variables.
(D) Error variance.

12. Assertion (A): Longer tests are more reliable than shorter ones.
Reason (R): Each item adds to test reliability.

Which of the following is correct?


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Only (A) is correct.
(C) Only (R) is correct.
(D) None of the (A) and (R) is correct.

13. Which of the following is not a criterion for the statement of a good research problem?

(A) Expression of relationship between/among variables.
(B) Clarity and unambiguousness.
(C) Possibility of empirical testing.
(D) Possibility of use of statistical analysis.

14. Which of the following variables is continuous?

(A) Attitude towards school
(B) Family size in a locality
(C) Marital status of College students
(D) Religious affiliation of workers.

15. Read the following statements about a laboratory experiment.

I. It has relatively complete control of extraneous variables.

II. Its results are applicable to real life situations.

Which of the following is correct?

(A) Both I and II are correct.
(B) I is incorrect, but II is correct.
(C) Neither of I and II is correct.
(D) I is correct, but II is incorrect.

16. Which of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Achievement Test – Content validity
(B) Aptitude Test – Predictive validity
(C) Reasoning Test – Content validity
(D) Personality test – Concurrent validity

17. Which of the following is an example of primary data?

(a) Book
(b) Journal
(c) News Paper
(d) Census Report

18. In the context of a Survey Research, the following steps are taken in a certain order:

1. Sampling
2. Inference
3. Data analysis
4. Data collection

Which of the following is the right order of these steps?

(A) 2, 3, 1, 4
(B) 1, 4, 3, 2
(C) 3, 2, 4, 1
(D) 4, 1, 2, 3

19. Which of the following is a measure of location?

(A) Mode
(B) Mean
(C) Percentile
(D) Standard Deviation

20. An investigator wants to study the vocational aspirations of visually challenged children in a wide geographical area. He should select his sample by using

(A) Sample Random sampling
(B) Stratified sampling
(C) Purposive sampling
(D) Convenient sampling

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