300+ TOP Retail Management MCQs and Answers Pdf

Retail Management Multiple Choice Questions

retail management mcqs

1. Free standing sites are located at _______

A. traffic signals at highways
B. high pedestrian traffic area
C. remote locations
D. low pedestrian traffic area

Answer: B. high pedestrian traffic area

2. Freedom layout indicates that merchandise is arranged ______.

A. in a symmetrical manner
B. in circles
C. in an asymmetrical manner
D. non to the options

Answer: C. in an asymmetrical manner

3. How difficult it is to change retail location frequently?

A. extremely difficult
B. not difficult at all
C. absolutely easy
D. some what difficult

Answer: A. extremely difficult

4. For which retail offering location is very important?

A. mail order
B. party plan
C. departmental store
D. catalogue marketing

Answer: C. departmental store

5. A retailer’s ______________ is the key to its ability to attract customers.

A. location
B. promotion system
C. pricing system
D. store personnel

Answer: A. location

6. What is not easy to change in Retail Management?

A. promotion
B. location
C. price
D. merchandise mix

Answer: B. location

7. Which is not the basic reason of the importance of Retail Location?

A. customer convenience
B. competitive advantage
C. cost of investment
D. light and ventilation

Answer: D. light and ventilation

8. Which products are produced and marketed by companies to many retailers?

A. national brands
B. local brands
C. unbranded
D. commodities

Answer: A. national brands

9. The layout that has parallel aisles with merchandise on shelves on both sides of the aisles is _______.

A. racetrack
B. standee
C. grid
D. loop

Answer: C. grid

10. A store that stocks particular type of merchandise

A. convenience
B. speciality
C. departmental
D. non store

Answer: B. speciality

11. This is the most preferred mode through which foreign players have entered the Indian market. It is the easiest route to enter the Indian market

A. fii
B. franchising
C. fdi
D. iip

Answer: B. franchising

12. _____ offers various incentives and rewards to customers on the basis of cumulative purchases from a given provider, be it a store, a service, or a manufacturer

A. point of sales
B. frequent shopper progrmme
C. campaign
D. customer retension

Answer: B. frequent shopper progrmme

13. The products which enjoy popularity and generte lot of sales in a short span of time and later go out of fashion

A. fad
B. category killers
C. variety
D. assortment

Answer: A. fad

14. The process by which a retailer attempts to offer the right quantity of the right merchandise in the right place at the right time and meet the company’s financial goalsis known as

A. merchandise management
B. procurement
C. distribution
D. sales

Answer: A. merchandise management

15. This layout is the simplest type of store layout in which fixtures and merchandise are grouped into free-flowing patterns on the sales floor

A. grid
B. free flow
C. spine
D. loop

Answer: B. free flow

16. The major componenet of solid waste that a retailer generates in the environment

A. branding
B. labelling
C. packaging
D. naming

Answer: C. packaging

17. This provides the way to gather lead contact informtion, house it, use it for communictaion purposes and run reports on the data researches have collected

A. point of sales
B. customer analytics
C. campaign
D. crm

Answer: B. customer analytics

18. This involves agreements to fix prices between parties at different levels of the same marketing channel

A. edlp
B. psychological
C. predatory
D. discount

Answer: C. predatory

19. This display exhibits heavier, bulkier items than racks hold

A. open
B. closesd
C. case
D. ensemble

Answer: C. case

20. The word Retail is derived from the—— word.

A. latin.
B. french.
C. english.
D. german.

Answer: A. latin.

21. Retailer is a person who sells the goods in a———.

A. large quantities.
B. small quantities.
C. both a & b.
D. none of these.

Answer: B. small quantities.

22. The main objective of the management is——–.

A. profitability.
B. sales growth.
C. return on investment
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

23. In retailing there is a direct interaction with——-.

A. producer.
B. customer.
C. wholesaler.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

24. Retailing creates——-.

A. time utility.
B. place utility.
C. ownership utility.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

25. ———activities performed by the retailers.

A. assortment of offerings.
B. holding stock.
C. extending services.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

26. The term stakeholders which includes——-.

A. stock holders.
B. consumers.
C. suppliers.
D. all the above.

Answer: D. all the above.

27. ——represents how a retailer is perceived by consumers and others.

A. image.
B. sales.
C. profit.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. image.

28. The functions of management start with—–.

A. buying.
B. planning.
C. organizing.
D. supervising.

Answer: B. planning.

29. “Management is what a manager does” given by.

A. henry fayol.
B. f.w.taylor.
C. dinkar pagare.
D. none of these.

Answer: C. dinkar pagare.

30. Human resource management process consists of ——.

A. recruitment.
B. selection.
C. training.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

31. —– is the process of seeking and attracting a pool of people from which qualified candidates for job vacancies can be selected.

A. selection.
B. advertisement.
C. compensation.
D. recruitment.

Answer: D. recruitment.

32. —— gives the nature and requirements of specific jobs.

A. human resource planning.
B. job descriptions.
C. job analysis.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. human resource planning.

33. —— is a kind of internal sources of recruitment.

A. promotion.
B. employee recommendation.
C. transfer.
D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

34. Attracting potential employees is more difficult in case of ———.

A. internal recruitment.
B. external of recruitment.
C. both a & b
D. none of these.

Answer: B. external of recruitment.

35. —– is the next step after recruiting the retail personnel.

A. supervision.
B. compensation.
C. training.
D. selection.

Answer: D. selection.

36. —— test measure a persons capacity or potential capability to learn and perform a job.

A. aptitude test.
B. proficiency test.
C. interest test.
D. personality test.

Answer: A. aptitude test.

37. A traditional format that sell 20-80 percent of groceries and other consumable product at discounted prices

A. dollar store
B. discounted stores
C. chain store
D. off price store

Answer: A. dollar store

38. —— component allow the retailer to offer the employees safety and security

A. fixed component
B. fringe benefit component
C. variable component
D. all of the above.

Answer: B. fringe benefit component

39. ——- is the manner of providing a job environment that encourages employee’s accomplishment.

A. compensation
B. supervision.
C. training
D. none of the above.

Answer: B. supervision.

40. Store security relates to —-.

A. personal security
B. merchandise security.
C. both A & B.
D. none of these.

Answer: C. both A & B.

41. Form of payment which a retailer may accept is —-.

A. cash only.
B. cash &credit cards .
C. cash &debit cards.
D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

42. Many retailers have improved their operation productivity through —–.

A. computerization.
B. outsourcing.
C. both a & b.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. computerization.

43. The computerized check out is used by —–.

A. large retailers.
B. small retailers.
C. multi retailers
D. all of these.

Answer: A. large retailers.

44. With the help of——-a retailer pays an outsider party to undertake one or more of its operating functions

A. outsourcing.
B. credit management
C. computerization.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. outsourcing.

45. —— helps the retailers to face the crisis situations.

A. risk management.
B. credit management.
C. financial management.
D. all of these

Answer: A. risk management.

46. —— is a key task for both large &small retailers.

A. risk management.
B. crisis management.
C. inventory management
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

47. —– helps the retailers to complete the tasks within the short period of time.

A. computerization.
B. outsourcing.
C. both 1 & 2.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. computerization.

48. ———is a warning to potential thieves and muggers.

A. insurance.
B. security guards.
C. outsourcing.
D. credit management .

Answer: B. security guards.

49. Insurance against——–is more important due to government rules.

A. environmental risk.
B. production risk.
C. both 1 & 2
D. none of these

Answer: A. environmental risk.

50. Consumer buying process in retailing involves —-.

A. need recognition.
B. search for information.
C. evaluation of retailers.
D. all the above.

Answer: D. all the above.

51. Atmosphere in retailing refers to —-.

A. the weather outside a store.
B. the ambience, music, color scent in a store.
C. assortment of products in the store.
D. display of items in a store.

Answer: B. the ambience, music, color scent in a store.

52. A multi channel retailer sells merchandise —-.

A. over the telephone
B. through personal selling and retail store only.
C. over the internet .
D. through more than one channel.

Answer: D. through more than one channel.

53. Retailing is a marketing function which —-.

A. sells products to other business.
B. sells products to a company that resells them.
C. sells products to final consumers.
D. sells products for ones own use

Answer: C. sells products to final consumers.

54. All of the following are possible types of service that a retailer can offer except —-.

A. self service.
B. self selection.
C. limited service.
D. all of the above.

Answer: C. limited service.

55. The correct statement about chain stores is —-.

A. they offer economic of scale in buying.
B. they can hire good managers.
C. they integrate wholesaling and retailing function.
D. they centralize function.

Answer: D. they centralize function.

56. The term which is used to identify the major areas of business of a diversified organization is.

A. business area.
B. business segment, group or diversion
C. business scope.
D. diversified business.

Answer: B. business segment, group or diversion

57. Which of the following is not the characteristics of a strategic business unit?

A. it serves a homogenous set of markets with a limited number of related technologies
B. it serves a unique set of products.
C. it owns responsibility for its own profitability.
D. none of the above.

Answer: D. none of the above.

58. According to GE screening grid model, which strategy should a company follow when it has high industry attractiveness and low business competitive position.

A. invest/growth
B. selective investment /maintain position.
C. harvest/divest
D. none of the above.

Answer: A. invest/growth

59. Which of the following is not included in the list of macro environmental variables.

A. prevailing economic conditions and political manifestors.
B. changes in legislation and emerging new technologies.
C. financial conditions and culture.
D. none of the above.

Answer: D. none of the above.

60. The final stage of the consumer shopping/purchase model around which all other stages revolves is the.

A. buy decision stage.
B. active information gathering stage.
C. purchase stage.
D. post-purchase evaluation stage.

Answer: D. post-purchase evaluation stage.

61. What type of competitive structure are most retail firms involved in?

A. horizontal competition.
B. monopolistic competition.
C. vertical competition.
D. pure competition.

Answer: B. monopolistic competition.

62. Which one of the following factors is not found on a six month merchandise budget?

A. planned gross margin.
B. current liabilities.
C. planned sales percentage
D. planned purchases at retail.

Answer: B. current liabilities.

63. What word best describes the relationship between a retailer’s pricing decisions and
the merchandise, location, promotion, credit, services, image and legal decisions that
retailers must make?

A. independent.
B. separate.
C. interactive.
D. competitive.

Answer: C. interactive.

64. If a retailer is offering the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices, the retailer has what kind of pricing policy?

A. two-price
B. customary.
C. flexible.
D. leader.

Answer: C. flexible.

65. Which of the following should not be part of the campus shoppe’s advertising campaign’s objectives. The campus shoppe desires to increase.

A. awareness of its two locations
B. sales among incoming freshmen.
C. sales to 40 percent.
D. all the above belong in the retailer\s advertising objectives

Answer: D. all the above belong in the retailer\s advertising objectives

66. Consumer premiums are considered to be a form of.

A. joint-sponsored sales promotion.
B. publicity that utilizes opm.
C. advertising.
D. sole-sponsored sales promotion.

Answer: D. sole-sponsored sales promotion.

67. Merchandise availability is an example of a.

A. cost of sales
B. pretransaction service.
C. operating cost.
D. transaction service.

Answer: D. transaction service.

68. Which of the following is not part of a visual communications program

A. store name and logo.
B. institutional signage.
C. lifestyles graphics.
D. television advertising

Answer: D. television advertising

69. In which of the following behavioral models there will be no product differentiation and brands as a factor plays very little role in the purchase preferences.

A. complex buying behavior.
B. variety seeking behavior.
C. dissonance reducing behavior.
D. habitual buying behavior

Answer: D. habitual buying behavior

70. Which of the following factors include forces like small groups, family, social roles and status that will have an influence on buyer’s behavior?

A. cultural factors.
B. psychological factors.
C. personal factors.
D. social factors

Answer: D. social factors

71. Which of the following psychological factors drive a person to satisfy his need and wants.

A. motivation.
B. perception.
C. learning.
D. beliefs and attitudes.

Answer: A. motivation.

72. Which of the following factors influence the organizational buying decision process?

A. buyers objectives.
B. purchasing policies and resources
C. size and composition or buyers.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

73. Which method of organizational buying is suitable for he second-hand
(used.vehicles, buildings etc, that have unique characteristics, but vary depending on
their condition and usage.

A. inspection.
B. description.
C. sampling.
D. negotiation.

Answer: A. inspection.

74. Which of the following do not include while in the learning process of a marketoriented organization.

A. open-minded inquiry.
B. synergistic information distribution.
C. mutually informed interpretation and accessible memory.
D. none of the above.

Answer: D. none of the above.

75. Management information system (MIS. supplies information, which include data from both internal and external sources is useful for .

A. order processing.
B. invoicing.
C. customer analysis and product performance.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

76. Which level of organization uses management information systems data in its decision making?

A. lower level.
B. middle level.
C. top level.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

77. Which system is useful in coordinating data systems, tools and techniques with
supporting software and hardware that enable managers to take appropriate marketing

A. sales decision support systems.
B. marketing decision support systems.
C. standardized information systems.
D. none of the above

Answer: B. marketing decision support systems.

78. If a seller produces two or more products that have different features, styles, quality, sizes, etc it is called .

A. mass marketing.
B. target marketing.
C. individual marketing.
D. product-variety marketing.

Answer: D. product-variety marketing.

79. Market positioning is a combination of marketing actions that management takes, to meet the needs and wants of each target market. It includes.

A. understanding consumer perceptions.
B. position products in the mind of consumer.
C. design appropriate marketing mix.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

80. Which type of segmentation is commonly used for climate because of its broad impact on consumer behavior and product needs.

A. geographical segmentation.
B. demographic segmentation.
C. geo-demographic segmentation.
D. geographic segmentation.

Answer: A. geographical segmentation.

81. Which of the demographic variables is not used by marketers for demographic segmentation?

A. family life cycle.
B. income and occupation.
C. gender.
D. poverty.

Answer: D. poverty.

82. Which type of segmentation, classified consumers according to relevant needs and buying behavior, regardless of their countries and culture.

A. multi-attribute segmentation.
B. inter-market segmentation.
C. demographic segmentation
D. psychographic segmentation.

Answer: D. psychographic segmentation.

83. If an organization targets to market a particular product to a variety of segments in order to build a strong reputation in that product area is called.

A. product specialization
B. market specialization.
C. selective specialization.
D. single-segment concentration.

Answer: A. product specialization

84. Which type of organization consists of a small workforce, relying on independent
suppliers who are located at several parts of the world with a sophisticated linked.
information system.

A. trading company.
B. network corporation
C. international organization.
D. global corporation.

Answer: B. network corporation

85. Hindustan Motors (HM. alliance with Mitsubishi to manufacture and market Lancer cars in India is an example of.

A. franchise agreement.
B. vertical relationship.
C. technological licence agreement.
D. horizontal integrative relations.

Answer: C. technological licence agreement.

86. The difference between the total value and the corrective cost of performing the value activities is .

A. contribution.
B. margin.
C. revenue .
D. performance.

Answer: B. margin.

87. The number of product lines a company carries is called.

A. product mix.
B. product mix depth.
C. product mix width.
D. product mix length.

Answer: C. product mix width.

88. Companies that attack other firms including the market leader in an attempt to build market share are called.

A. market followers
B. market challengers.
C. market leaders.
D. market nichers.

Answer: B. market challengers.

89. Companies that follow the market leader’s strategy are called.

A. market nichers.
B. market leaders.
C. market followers.
D. market challengers.

Answer: C. market followers.

90. The method which generate new product ideas by analyzing the customer needs, wants and ideas is known.

A. directed research.
B. customer need analysis.
C. need gap analysis.
D. market research.

Answer: C. need gap analysis.

91. Which method of product portfolio analysis helps indeciding which products are to be retained and which are not to be.

A. ansoff matrix.
B. strategic environment matrix
C. bcg matrix.
D. none of the above.

Answer: C. bcg matrix.

92. The set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by a member of a society from family and other important institutions is called.

A. sub-culture.
B. social class.
C. culture.
D. reference groups.

Answer: C. culture.

93. What is the frame work that describes the positioning of firms database to support decisions with in the purview of total customer loyalty strategy

A. customer retention strategy.
B. customer bonding .
C. customer positioning.
D. customer acquisition.

Answer: B. customer bonding .

94. The branding strategy which uses a different brand name for reach product is known as .

A. over all family branding.
B. line family branding.
C. individual branding.
D. brand extension.

Answer: C. individual branding.

95. Which element of promotional mix is preferable if the marketer wants to get. immediate feedback?

A. sales promotion.
B. public relations.
C. personal selling.
D. direct marketing.

Answer: D. direct marketing.

96. What are the factors that contribute to the corporate identity?

A. organizational symbols.
B. advertising and publicity.
C. customer relation programs.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

97. Which of the following comes under the category of external public?

A. government.
B. press.
C. trade unions.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

98. …..is the important benefit a marketer could get from a retailer through trade promotion?

A. advertising.
B. financial help.
C. more shelf space.
D. none of the above.

Answer: C. more shelf space.

99. Which one of the following is not an advantage of the personal selling?

A. it allows the seller to negotiate terms and solve problems
B. long-term relationship.
C. immediacy.
D. it is very expensive to maintain and recruit the sales force.

Answer: D. it is very expensive to maintain and recruit the sales force.

100. An interactive marketing system which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and /or transactions at any location is called .

A. direct marketing.
B. indirect marketing.
C. database marketing.
D. meta marketing.

Answer: A. direct marketing.

101. Which of the following items is required to develop a better financial plan?

A. identify your target market.
B. consider employee lay-offs.
C. prioritize your needs.
D. research other companies.

Answer: C. prioritize your needs.

102. Which of the following is an example of an external threat?

A. decreased competition.
B. new trade regulations.
C. global sales potential.
D. economies of scale.

Answer: B. new trade regulations.

103. Which of the following is an example of an internal strength?

A. obsolete resources.
B. changing tax structure.
C. proven management.
D. increased competition

Answer: C. proven management.

104. Which objective gives importance to productivity, technological leadership, employee relations, etc?

A. long-term objective.
B. short-term objective.
C. medium term objective.
D. annual objective.

Answer: A. long-term objective.
105. What bridges the gap between strategy formulation and implementation?

A. strategic planning.
B. strategic management.
C. decision-making.
D. organizing.

Answer: A. strategic planning.

106. What describes the market, product and technological area of a business?

A. company\s vision.
B. company\s mission.
C. bumper-sticker strategy.
D. strategic plan.

Answer: B. company\s mission.

107. How can a firm optimize its environmental opportunities?

A. by assessing its market share .
B. by assessing the competitiveness in the industry.
C. by assessing the effectiveness of its sales distribution.
D. by assessing its competitors position in the market.

Answer: D. by assessing its competitors position in the market.

108. Which of the following helps a manager identify the opportunities and threats in the competitive industrial environment?

A. analyzing the competitive forces.
B. market research.
C. market analysis.
D. sales analysis.

Answer: A. analyzing the competitive forces.

109. Which one of the following represents the best long-run opportunity in a firm’s portfolio?

A. cash cow.
B. star.
C. question mark.
D. dog.

Answer: B. star.

110. In which of the following pricing approaches is pricing based on consumer demand?

A. functional approach.
B. business approach.
C. market approach.
D. innovative approach.

Answer: C. market approach.

111. A/an —- helps people understand the behavior patterns that are expected of them in particular circumstances

A. advisory policy.
B. explicit policy.
C. mandatory policy.
D. implicit policy.

Answer: B. explicit policy.

112. Agricultural market set up by stae government to procure agricultural produce directly from farmers

A. haats
B. mandis
C. kirana
D. public distribution system

Answer: B. mandis

113. Consumer do their own picking, pay in cash and carry the merchandise away A.

A. tomated vending
B. super market
C. the cash and carry
D. direct response retail

Answer: C. the cash and carry

114. What are the major determinants of employee motivation?

A. reward and coercive power.
B. new technologies.
C. personal power and future growth prospects.
D. information and connection power.

Answer: A. reward and coercive power.

115. At what stage is the threat from competitors at its peak in an industry?

A. growth stage.
B. embryonic stage.
C. mature stage.
D. shakeout stage

Answer: A. growth stage.

116. —- forms the basis for the allocation of corporate resources.

A. financial evaluation.
B. organizational growth.
C. organizational structure.
D. organizational culture.

Answer: C. organizational structure.

117. —- is often critical for the proper accomplishment of a divestiture and can provide comfort to the employee as well as to potential buyers.

A. a flexible management.
B. a stable management.
C. an active management
D. none of the above.

Answer: B. a stable management.

118. Identifying the customers is the ,…………… step of retail business

A. second
B. third
C. first
D. last

Answer: A. second

119. ……Is very important for retail store

A. product
B. site
C. transportation
D. machine

Answer: B. site

120. The best grocery store must be target ing…….

A. high income group
B. low income group
C. all income group s
D. medium income group

Answer: C. all income group s

121. interior and ….is very important for retail store

A. product
B. site
C. transportation
D. hygiene

Answer: D. hygiene

122. A proper layout of a store increases………

A. product
B. efficiency
C. transportation
D. machine

Answer: B. efficiency

123. Best service of a retail store create a

A. image
B. task
C. workforce
D. machine

Answer: A. image

124. Maintaining standard of a Store can attract……….

A. customers
B. sellers
C. mediators
D. none of these

Answer: A. customers

125. every store target different…….

A. price
B. segment
C. promotion
D. brand

Answer: B. segment

126. ….. attractions for customers in a retail store

A. fixtures
B. floor
C. transportation
D. salesforce

Answer: A. fixtures

127. A retailer select a site such as,……

A. he should get return on investment
B. run business successfully
C. maximum sale
D. all the above

Answer: D. all the above

128. Purchasing products occasionally is,…….. Factor

A. geography
B. demography
C. behavioural
D. none of these

Answer: C. behavioural

129. Income is …..,factor of segmentation

A. geography
B. demography
C. behavioural
D. none of these

Answer: B. demography

130. Segmentation reduces unecessary…….. of the organization

A. expenses
B. efforts
C. production
D. all the above

Answer: A. expenses

131. Which element identifies the strategic factors that determine the future of a firm?

A. evaluation and control.
B. environmental scanning.
C. strategy formulation.
D. strategy implementation.

Answer: B. environmental scanning.

132. . In which of the following pricing approaches is pricing based on consumer demand?

A. functional approach.
B. business approach.
C. market approach.
D. innovative approach.

Answer: C. market approach.

133. . Consumer do their own picking, pay in cash and carry the merchandise away A.

A. tomated vending
B. super market
C. the cash and carry
D. direct response retail

Answer: C. the cash and carry

134. At what stage is the threat from competitors at its peak in an industry?

A. growth stage.
B. embryonic stage.
C. mature stage.
D. shakeout stage

Answer: A. growth stage.

135. The word “retail” has been derived from which word?

A. Latine
B. French
C. Greek
D. Persian

Answer: B. French

136. Who is the last link in the chain connecting the producer and customer ?

A. wholesaler
B. agent
C. retailer
D. storekeeper

Answer: C. retailer

137. Internet marketing and telemarketing are the recent trends in ……….. business

A. retail
B. wholesale
C. conventional
D. manufacturing

Answer: A. retail

138. MRP stands for.

A. minimum retail price
B. maximum retail price
C. minimum rate of profit
D. maximum rate of profit

Answer: B. maximum retail price

139. Multiple shops are also known as –

A. self service stores
B. chain stores
C. shopping by post
D. departmental stores

Answer: B. chain stores

140. Door to door selling is carried out by

A. hawkers and peddlers
B. cheap jacks
C. second shop
D. retailers

Answer: A. hawkers and peddlers

141. There is no shop assistants in a

A. super bazaar
B. departmental store
C. multiple shop
D. second shop

Answer: A. super bazaar

142. No middle men is involved in –

A. wholesale trade
B. retail trade
C. direct marketing
D. indirect marketing

Answer: C. direct marketing

143. Shopping malls, super markets and hypermarkets come under which type of marketing?

A. wholesale
B. retail
C. direct marketing
D. agent service

Answer: B. retail

144. Which of the following statement about retail marketing is true

A. sells products to other businesses
B. sells products to a company that resells them
C. sells products to final consumers
D. sells products for one’s own use

Answer: C. sells products to final consumers

145. A multi channel retailer sells merchandise

A. over telephone
B. through retail stores
C. over internet
D. over more than one channel;

Answer: D. over more than one channel;

146. E-retailing refers to

A. sales of electronic items
B. catalog shopping
C. computerized store
D. retailing and shopping through internet

Answer: D. retailing and shopping through internet

147. What is the full form of VAT?

A. value added tax
B. very important additional tax
C. value additional tax
D. value added theory

Answer: A. value added tax

148. Mail order retailing is the same as:

A. Direct selling
B. In Home retailing
C. E-tailing
D. Catalog retailing

Answer: D. Catalog retailing

149. All of the following are types of non store retailing, except

A. Catalog retailing
B. Vending Machines
C. Chain store
D. Direct Mail

Answer: C. Chain store

150. Person to person interaction between a retailer and a prospective customer is:

A. Direct marketing
B. Automatic selling
C. Direct selling
D. Buying service

Answer: C. Direct selling

151. Independent retailers who use a central buying organization and joint promotional efforts are called a

A. merchandising conglomerate
B. corporate chain store
C. retailer cooperative
D. voluntary chain

Answer: C. retailer cooperative

152. A retail firm owned by its customers in which members contribute money to open their own store, vote on its policies, elect a group to manage it, and receive dividends is called a

A. corporate chain store.
B. merchandising conglomerate
C. voluntary chain
D. consumer cooperative

Answer: D. consumer cooperative

153. The oldest and most heavily trafficked city area is called

A. regional shopping center
B. prime location
C. urban district
D. Central business district

Answer: D. Central business district

154. Giant retailers called _____ concentrate on one product category such as toys or home improvement

A. Category killers
B. Variety stores
C. supercentres
D. box stores

Answer: A. Category killers

155. Retailers such as Benetton, The Body Shop, and Marks and Spencer carry mostly own- brand merchandise. These are called _____ brands

A. creative label
B. private label
C. house
D. retail label

Answer: B. private label

156. A_____ fee is the charge many supermarkets impose for accepting a new brand to cover the cost of listing and stocking it.

A. inventory
B. slotting
C. initiation
D. stocking

Answer: B. slotting

157. Which of the following is not one of the four major decisions that must be made with regard to market logistics?

A. How should orders be handled?
B. Where should stock be located?
C. How much stock should be held?
D. How should stock be financed?

Answer: D. How should stock be financed?

158. Which statement is not a benefit of formulating a retail strategy?

A. A retailer is forced to study the legal, economic, and competitive market
B. A retailer is shown how it can differentiate itself from competitors.
C. Sales maximization is stress

Answer: C. Sales maximization is stress

159. A retailer’s commitment to a type of business and to a distinctive role in the marketplace is its:

A. . objectives
B. organizational mission
C. retailing concept
D. image

Answer: B. organizational mission

160. Which form of organization is subject to double taxation?

A. sole proprietorship
B. partnership
C. corporation
D. franchise

Answer: C. corporation

161. When retailers identify customer segments and develop unique strategies to meet the desires of these segments, they are using:

A. mass merchandising
B. niche retailing
C. bifurcated retailing
D. middle market retailing

Answer: B. niche retailing

162. Those aspects of business that a retailer can directly affect, such as store hours and merchandise lines carried are referred to as:

A. controllable variables
B. demographic statistics
C. lifestyle measures
D. uncontrollable variables

Answer: A. controllable variables

163. Which is not considered one of the elements of “managing a business” in a retail strategy?

A. the retail organization
B. human resource management
C. operations management
D. merchandise management and pricing

Answer: D. merchandise management and pricing

164. A systematic procedure for analyzing the performance of a retailer is called:

A. control
B. feedback
C. strategic planning
D. retail audit

Answer: D. retail audit

165. During each stage in the development of a retail strategy, retail managers should:

A. consider only controllable variables
B. refrain from “fine tuning” the strategy
C. look for both positive and negative feedback
D. consider no problems with the government to be a form of negative feedback

Answer: C. look for both positive and negative feedback

166. Which of the following is a recommended strategy for retailers when consumers select the outlet first and the brand second?

A. Appropriate pricing
B. Brand availability advertising
C. Brand image management
D. Price special on brands

Answer: A. Appropriate pricing

167. Which of the following types of retail businesses have unlimited liability?

A. Partnership and sole trader
B. Partnership and private company
C. Private company and sole trader
D. Private company and public company

Answer: A. Partnership and sole trader

168. Any source of products or services for consumers is referred to as a _____.

A. Retail outlet
B. Contact point
C. Transaction point
D. Distribution outlet

Answer: A. Retail outlet

169. The retailer is usually in an excellent position to

A. Make the most profits in the channel
B. Be the channel leader
C. Gain feedback from consumers
D. Co-ordinate the production strategy

Answer: C. Gain feedback from consumers

170. Consumers acquiring product through mail, telephone, or computer orders is referred to as _____.

A. Outsourcing
B. Outlet shopping
C. Non-traditional shopping
D. In-home shopping

Answer: D. In-home shopping

171. Which of the following is the major reason consumers give for shopping online?

A. Want product delivered
B. Unique merchandise
C. Price
D. Convenience

Answer: D. Convenience

172. Which one of the following is NOT a form of direct marketing?

A. catalogue retailing
B. telemarketing
C. personal selling
D. direct mail

Answer: C. personal selling

173. The major reason people give for not shopping on the Internet is _____.

A. Lack of “touch”
B. Security concerns
C. Too difficult
D. Unfamiliar merchants

Answer: B. Security concerns

174. The difference between retail and cost is called:

A. profit
B. markdown
C. income
D. markup

Answer: D. markup

175. Expenses that benefit the entire store are called:

A. controllable
B. direct
C. indirect
D. Margin results

Answer: C. indirect

176. Consumers who browse and/or purchase in more than one channel are known as _____.

A. cosmopolitan
B. Multi-channel shoppers
C. multi-taskers
D. Market mavens

Answer: B. Multi-channel shoppers

177. In which of the following retailers are salespeople ready to assist in every phase of the locate-compare-select process?

A. self-service.
B. self-selection.
C. limited service.
D. full service.

Answer: D. full service.

178. The fastest growing segment of retailing is __________.

A. nonstore retailing
B. warehouse stores
C. hypermarkets
D. Category killers

Answer: A. nonstore retailing

179. The most important retail marketing decision a retailer has to make is to __________.

A. identify its target market
B. choose the right service response it wants to support
C. select the service mix
D. Develop a nice store atmosphere

Answer: A. identify its target market

180. __________ includes all of the activities involved in selling goods or services to those who buy for resale or business use.

A. retailing
B. wholesaling
C. bartering
D. Purchasing

Answer: B. wholesaling

181. A concept in retailing that helps explain the emergence of new retailers is called the _______________ hypothesis.

A. retail life cycle
B. wheel-of-retailing
C. service-assortment
D. Product life cycle

Answer: B. wheel-of-retailing

182. Merchandising and display are an important part of the marketing plan and should have a reasonable budget allocated, even for a retailer operating on a ……….

A. corner.
B. dime.
C. limit.
D. Shoestring.

Answer: D. Shoestring.

183. A retailer’s ______________ is the key to its ability to attract customers.

A. location.
B. pricing system.
C. promotion system.
D. Store personnel.

Answer: A. location.

184. Which of the following is NOT an example of non-store retailing?

A. mail order.
B. party plan
C. department store
D. Catalogue shop.

Answer: D. Catalogue shop.

185. The word Retail is derived from the—– word

A. latin
B. french
C. english
D. none of these

Answer: B. french

186. In retailing there is a direct interaction with——-

A. producer
B. customer
C. wholesaler
D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

187. Retailing creates——-

A. time utility
B. place utility
C. ownership utility
D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

188. Retailing is a marketing function which —-

A. sells products to other business
B. sells products to a company that resells em
C. sells products to final consumers
D. sells products for one’s own use

Answer: C. sells products to final consumers

189. Retailer is a person who sells the goods in a———.

A. large quantities.
B. small quantities.
C. both a & b.
D. none of these.

Answer: B. small quantities.

190. The main objective of the management is——–.

A. profitability.
B. sales growth.
C. return on investment
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

191. In retailing there is a direct interaction with——-.

A. producer.
B. customer.
C. wholesaler.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

192. Retailing creates——-.

A. time utility.
B. place utility.
C. ownership utility.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

193. ———activities performed by the retailers.

A. assortment of offerings.
B. holding stock.
C. extending services.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

194. The term stakeholders which includes——-.

A. stock holders.
B. consumers.
C. suppliers.
D. all the above.

Answer: D. all the above.

195. ——represents how a retailer is perceived by consumers and others.

A. image.
B. sales.
C. profit.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. image.

196. The functions of management start with—–.

A. buying.
B. planning.
C. organizing.
D. supervising.

Answer: B. planning.

197. “Management is what a manager does” given by.

A. Henry fayol.
B. F.W.Taylor.
C. Dinkar Pagare.
D. none of these.

Answer: C. Dinkar Pagare.

198. Human resource management process consists of ——.

A. recruitment.
B. selection.
C. training.
D. all of these.

Answer: D. all of these.

199. —– is the process of seeking customers towards shop.

A. Selection.
B. Advertisement.
C. Compensation.
D. Recruitment.

Answer: B. Advertisement.

200. —— gives the product as per the requirements of customers

A. Human resource planning.
B. Job descriptions.
C. Job analysis.
D. Mall

Answer: A. Human resource planning.

201. Supermarket is a kind of ……..

A. wholesale
B. distributor
C. dealer
D. retail store

Answer: D. retail store

202. Attracting potential employees is more difficult in case of ———.

A. internal recruitment.
B. external of recruitment.
C. both a & b
D. none of these.

Answer: B. external of recruitment.

203. —– is the next step after recruiting the retail personnel.

A. Supervision.
B. Compensation.
C. Training.
D. Selection.

Answer: D. Selection.

204. —— test measure a persons capacity or potential capability to learn and perform a job.

A. Aptitude test.
B. Proficiency test.
C. Interest test.
D. Personality test.

Answer: A. Aptitude test.

205. A traditional format that sell 20-80 percent of groceries and other consumable product at discounted prices

A. Dollar Store
B. Discounted stores
C. Chain store
D. off price store

Answer: A. Dollar Store

206. —— component allow the retailer to offer the employees safety and security

A. Fixed component
B. Fringe benefit component
C. Variable component
D. All of the above.

Answer: B. Fringe benefit component

207. ——- is the manner of providing a job environment that encourages employee’s accomplishment.

A. Compensation
B. Supervision.
C. Training
D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Supervision.

208. Store security relates to —-.

A. personal security
B. merchandise security.
C. both a & b.
D. none of these.

Answer: C. both a & b.

209. Form of payment which a retailer may accept is —-.

A. cash only.
B. cash &credit cards .
C. cash &debit cards.
D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

210. Many retailers have improved their operation productivity through —–.

A. computerization.
B. outsourcing.
C. both a & b.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. computerization.

211. The computerized check out is used by —–.

A. large retailers.
B. small retailers.
C. multi retailers
D. all of these.

Answer: A. large retailers.

212. With the help of——-a retailer pays an outsider party to undertake one or more of its operating functions

A. outsourcing.
B. credit management
C. computerization.
D. none of these.

Answer: A. outsourcing.

213. —— helps the retailers to face the crisis situations.

A. Risk management.
B. Credit management.
C. Financial management.
D. All of these

Answer: A. Risk management.

214. —— is a key task for both large &small retailers.

A. Risk management.
B. Crisis management.
C. Inventory management
D. All of these.

Answer: D. All of these.

215. —– helps the retailers to complete the tasks within the short period of time.

A. Computerization.
B. Outsourcing.
C. Both 1 & 2.
D. None of these.

Answer: A. Computerization.

216. ———is a warning to potential thieves and muggers.

A. Insurance.
B. Security guards.
C. Outsourcing.
D. Credit management .

Answer: B. Security guards.

217. Insurance against——–is more important due to government rules.

A. environmental risk.
B. production risk.
C. both 1 & 2
D. none of these

Answer: A. environmental risk.

218. The factor leading to the growth of retailing is —-.

A. changing consumer trends
B. technology.
C. demographics.
D. all the above.

Answer: D. all the above.

219. Consumer buying process in retailing involves —-.

A. need recognition.
B. search for information.
C. evaluation of retailers.
D. all the above.

Answer: D. all the above.

220. Atmosphere in retailing refers to —-.

A. the weather outside a store.
B. The ambience, music, color scent in a store.
C. assortment of products in the store.
D. display of items in a store.

Answer: B. The ambience, music, color scent in a store.

221. E-tailing refers to —-.

A. sale of electronic items in a store.
B. catalog shopping.
C. music store.
D. retailing shopping using the inter.

Answer: D. retailing shopping using the inter.

222. A multi channel retailer sells merchandise —-.

A. over the telephone
B. through personal selling and retail store only.
C. over the internet .
D. through more than one channel.

Answer: D. through more than one channel.

223. Retailing is a marketing function which —-.

A. sells products to other business.
B. sells products to a company that resells them.
C. sells products to final consumers.
D. sells products for ones own use

Answer: C. sells products to final consumers.

224. The wheel of retailing explains the emergence of new retailing forms by —-.

A. retailers cycle through peaks of high cost price and troughs of low cost price.
B. whole sellers see retailing opportunity, enter retailing, then turn to wholesaling again.
C. new retailers emerge, grow, mature and decline.
D. low margin, low price retailers enter to compete with retailers who are high margin and high price.

Answer: D. low margin, low price retailers enter to compete with retailers who are high margin and high price.

225. All of the following are possible types of service that a retailer can offer except —-.

A. self service.
B. self selection.
C. limited service.
D. all of the above.

Answer: C. limited service.

226. The correct statement about chain stores is —-.

A. they offer economic of scale in buying.
B. they can hire good managers.
C. they integrate wholesaling and retailing function.
D. they centralize function.

Answer: D. they centralize function.

227. Which of the following objectives is concerned with strategic marketing planning?

A. Day to day performance and results.
B. Over-all long term organizational growth.
C. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of marketing department
D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Over-all long term organizational growth.

228. Which sources of advantage will be helpful for a firm to achieve positional advantage over its competitors?

A. Superior skills.
B. Superior resources.
C. Superior controls.
D. All of the above a, b and c.

Answer: D. All of the above a, b and c.

229. What are the elements that a mission statement of an organization should include?

A. Sets guidelines for business operations
B. Identifies the reasons for existence of a company and its responsibilities to the stakeholders
C. Identifies the firms customers and their needs and marches them with products and services.
D. All of the above 1, 2 and c.

Answer: D. All of the above 1, 2 and c.

230. The term which is used to identify the major areas of business of a diversified organization is.

A. Business area.
B. Business segment, group or diversion
C. Business scope.
D. Diversified business.

Answer: B. Business segment, group or diversion

231. Business composition is the term used while framing the following strategies. What are they?

A. Corporate strategy.
B. Marketing strategy.
C. Business strategy.
D. Both 1 and b.

Answer: D. Both 1 and b.

232. Which of the following is not the characteristics of a strategic business unit?

A. It serves a homogenous set of markets with a limited number of related technologies
B. It serves a unique set of products.
C. It owns responsibility for its own profitability.
D. None of the above.

Answer: D. None of the above.

233. According to GE screening grid model, which strategy should a company follow when it has high industry attractiveness and low business competitive position.

A. Invest/growth
B. Selective investment /maintain position.
C. Harvest/divest
D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Invest/growth

234. Which of the following will act as a corner stone in maintaining the competitiveness of company

A. Market focus.
B. Defining capabilities.
C. Relationships and organizational change.
D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Market focus.

235. Which analysis compares the strengths and weaknesses of a firm against the opportunities and threats in the external environment.

A. Environmental analysis.
B. Business analysis.
C. SWOT analysis.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. SWOT analysis.

236. Which of the following is not included in the list of macro environmental variables.

A. Prevailing economic conditions and political manifestors.
B. Changes in legislation and emerging new technologies.
C. Financial conditions and culture.
D. None of the above.

Answer: D. None of the above.

237. What is the term used if management wants to audit the key management functions like sales force, advertising or pricing?

A. Vertical audit
B. Horizontal audit.
C. External audit.
D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Vertical audit

238. The best way for a retailer to differentiate itself in the eyes of the consumer form the competitions is to.

A. increase advertising of sale items.
B. offer the lowest prices in town.
C. always be well stocked with the basic items that customers would expect to find in your store.
D. not sell any of the brand names the competition is selling.

Answer: C. always be well stocked with the basic items that customers would expect to find in your store.

239. The boomerang effect is a relatively new phenomenon that describes

A. the recent trend for firms to seek bankrupts protection.
B. the way styles from years ago come back as today’s most popular styles.
C. the recent trend of children returning to live with their parents after having already moved out.
D. the recent trend of having most companies report losses for the current quarter .

Answer: C. the recent trend of children returning to live with their parents after having already moved out.

240. Discretionary income is.

A. all personal income after taxes and retirement savings.
B. all personal income after savings
C. all personal income after taxes.
D. personal income after taxes minus the money needed for necessities.

Answer: D. personal income after taxes minus the money needed for necessities.

241. The final stage of the consumer shopping/purchase model around which all other stages revolves is the.

A. buy decision stage.
B. active information gathering stage.
C. purchase stage.
D. post-purchase evaluation stage.

Answer: D. post-purchase evaluation stage.

242. What type of competitive structure are most retail firms involved in?

A. horizontal competition.
B. monopolistic competition.
C. vertical competition.
D. pure competition.

Answer: B. monopolistic competition.

243. Which of the following marketing functions is one the retailer could not perform?

A. selling.
B. sorting.
C. location analysis.
D. buying.

Answer: C. location analysis.

244. Facilitating institutions may best be described as specialists that.

A. take title but not possession of the merchandise.
B. take title to the merchandise in order to facilitate the transaction
C. manage the channel so as to increase over-all efficiency marketing functions
D. perform certain marketing functions, in which they have an expertise, for other channel members.

Answer: D. perform certain marketing functions, in which they have an expertise, for other channel members.

245. Which one of the following factors is not found on a six month merchandise budget?

A. planned gross margin.
B. current liabilities.
C. planned sales percentage
D. planned purchases at retail.

Answer: B. current liabilities.

246. The — provides the retailer with a picture of the organization’s profit and loss situation

A. expense report.
B. index of inventory valuation.
C. statement of cash flow.
D. income statement.

Answer: D. income statement.

247. What word best describes the relationship between a retailer’s pricing decisions and the merchandise, location, promotion, credit, services, image and legal decisions that retailers must make?

A. independent.
B. separate.
C. interactive.
D. competitive.

Answer: C. interactive.

248. If a retailer is offering the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices, the retailer has what kind of pricing policy?

A. two-price
B. customary.
C. flexible.
D. leader.

Answer: C. flexible.

249. Which of the following areas should not be taken into consideration when formulating a retailer’s promotional strategy?

A. the retailers credit customers.
B. the price level of the merchandise.
C. merchandise inventory levels.
D. the retailer’s net worth.

Answer: D. the retailer’s net worth.

250. The two objectives of institutional advertising include:.

A. creating a positive store image and public service promotion
B. publicity and sales promotions.
C. advertising a sale and generating store
D. none

Answer: A. creating a positive store image and public service promotion

251. Which of the following should not be part of the campus shoppe’s advertising campaign’s objectives. The campus shoppe desires to increase.

A. awareness of its two locations
B. sales among incoming freshmen.
C. sales to 40 percent.
D. All the above belong in the retailer’s advertising objectives

Answer: D. All the above belong in the retailer’s advertising objectives

252. Consumer premiums are considered to be a form of.

A. joint-sponsored sales promotion.
B. publicity that utilizes OPM.
C. advertising.
D. sole-sponsored sales promotion.

Answer: D. sole-sponsored sales promotion.

253. A transient customer is a consumer who visits a retailer.

A. and finds the item desired in a matter of minutes
B. only when his or her regular retailer is closed.
C. that does not meet his or her customer service expectations.
D. while on vacation

Answer: C. that does not meet his or her customer service expectations.

254. Merchandise availability is an example of a.

A. cost of sales
B. pretransaction service.
C. operating cost.
D. transaction service.

Answer: D. transaction service.

255. Which of the following is not a factor in determining the service level to offer

A. income of target market.
B. price image of the retailer.
C. services offered by the competition
D. firm’s management structure

Answer: D. firm’s management structure

256. Which of the following is not a factors is not one of the elements that need to be considered when designing a sales job?

A. feedback from supervisors.
B. the number of complaints a salesperson should have to handle.
C. the amount of variety involved
D. the appropriate degree of autonomous.

Answer: B. the number of complaints a salesperson should have to handle.

257. Which of the following is not part of a visual communications program

A. Store name and logo.
B. institutional signage.
C. lifestyles graphics.
D. television advertising

Answer: D. television advertising

258. In which of the following behavioral models there will be no product differentiation and brands as a factor plays very little role in the purchase preferences.

A. Complex buying behavior.
B. Variety seeking behavior.
C. Dissonance reducing behavior.
D. Habitual buying behavior

Answer: D. Habitual buying behavior

259. A set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behavior learnt by a member of society from the family and other important constitution is called.

A. Social learning.
B. Sub-culture.
C. Culture.
D. Social development.

Answer: C. Culture.

260. Which of the following factors include forces like small groups, family, social roles and status that will have an influence on buyer’s behavior?

A. Cultural factors.
B. Psychological factors.
C. Personal factors.
D. Social factors

Answer: D. Social factors

261. Which of the following psychological factors drive a person to satisfy his need and wants.

A. Motivation.
B. Perception.
C. Learning.
D. Beliefs and attitudes.

Answer: A. Motivation.

262. Which of the following buying instruments does not found in consumer buying?

A. Requests for quotations.
B. Proposals.
C. Purchase contracts.
D. None of the above

Answer: D. None of the above

263. Which of the following factors influence the organizational buying decision process?

A. Buyers objectives.
B. Purchasing policies and resources
C. Size and composition or buyers.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

264. Which method of organizational buying is suitable for he second-hand used vehicles, buildings etc, that have unique characteristics, but vary depending on their condition and usage.

A. Inspection.
B. Description.
C. Sampling.
D. Negotiation.

Answer: A. Inspection.

265. When making ‘purchasing decisions’, the chief considerations involved in the organizational buying are.

A. Product quality.
B. Price.
C. Service.
D. All the above.

Answer: D. All the above.

266. Which of the following do not include while in the learning process of a market- oriented organization.

A. Open-minded inquiry.
B. Synergistic information distribution.
C. Mutually informed interpretation and accessible memory.
D. None of the above.

Answer: D. None of the above.

267. Management information system MIS supplies information, which include data from both internal and external sources is useful for .

A. Order processing.
B. Invoicing.
C. customer analysis and product performance.
D. all of the above.

Answer: D. all of the above.

268. Marketing information system gathers information from internal sources like marketing intelligence and marketing research to help the manager in.

A. Assessing the information needs.
B. Developing the needed information.
C. Distributing the information.
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

269. Which level of organization uses management information systems data in its decision making?

A. Lower level.
B. Middle level.
C. Top level.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

270. Which system is useful in coordinating data systems, tools and techniques with supporting software and hardware that enable managers to take appropriate marketing decisions.

A. Sales decision support systems.
B. Marketing decision support systems.
C. Standardized information systems.
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Marketing decision support systems.

271. Identify the correct sequence of the following marketing approaches in order of their existence.

A. Product-variety marketing; Mass marketing and Target marketing.
B. Target marketing; product, variety marketing and mass marketing.
C. Mass marketing; Product-variety marketing.
D. Mass marketing; Target marketing and product variety marketing

Answer: C. Mass marketing; Product-variety marketing.

272. If a seller produces two or more products that have different features, styles, quality, sizes, etc it is called .

A. Mass marketing.
B. Target marketing.
C. Individual marketing.
D. Product-variety marketing.

Answer: D. Product-variety marketing.

273. What is the term used if a market is divided into distinct groups of buyers who might require separate products or marketing mixes.

A. Market targeting.
B. Market positioning.
C. Market segmentation
D. Market coordination.

Answer: C. Market segmentation

274. Market positioning is a combination of marketing actions that management takes, to meet the needs and wants of each target market. It includes.

A. Understanding consumer perceptions.
B. Position products in the mind of consumer.
C. Design appropriate marketing mix.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

275. Which type of segmentation is commonly used for climate because of its broad impact on consumer behavior and product needs.

A. Geographical segmentation.
B. Demographic segmentation.
C. Geo-demographic segmentation.
D. Geographic segmentation.

Answer: A. Geographical segmentation.

276. ‘Life style’, ‘Westside’ and ‘Shoppers stop’ have located their departmental shops in the areas frequently visited by upper income people is an example of .

A. Psycho graphic segmentation.
B. Geo-demographic segmentation.
C. Demographic segmentation.
D. Geographic segmentation.

Answer: B. Geo-demographic segmentation.

277. Which of the demographic variables is not used by marketers for demographic segmentation?

A. Family life cycle.
B. Income and occupation.
C. Gender.
D. Poverty.

Answer: D. Poverty.

278. Which type of segmentation, classified consumers according to relevant needs and buying behavior, regardless of their countries and culture.

A. Multi-attribute segmentation.
B. Inter-market segmentation.
C. Demographic segmentation
D. Psychographic segmentation.

Answer: D. Psychographic segmentation.

279. Before a company decides to target a particular segment, which important factors are to be examined against organizations’s objectives and resources?

A. Market size.
B. Growth rate.
C. Structural attractiveness.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

280. If an organization targets to market a particular product to a variety of segments in order to build a strong reputation in that product area is called.

A. Product specialization
B. Market specialization.
C. Selective specialization.
D. Single-segment concentration.

Answer: A. Product specialization

281. A positioning strategy should include the following strategies except.

A. Product strategy.
B. Personnel strategy.
C. Promotion strategy.
D. Advertising and sales promotion strategy.

Answer: B. Personnel strategy.

282. Which of the following relationship strategies result into forming of a new organization.

A. Strategic alliance.
B. Prtnership.
C. Joint venture.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. Joint venture.

283. Which type of organization consists of a small workforce, relying on independent suppliers who are located at several parts of the world with a sophisticated linked. information system.

A. Trading company.
B. Network corporation
C. International organization.
D. Global corporation.

Answer: B. Network corporation

284. Hindustan Motors (HM. alliance with Mitsubishi to manufacture and market Lancer cars in India is an example of.

A. Franchise agreement.
B. Vertical relationship.
C. Technological licence agreement.
D. Horizontal integrative relations.

Answer: C. Technological licence agreement.

285. In which of the following systems, management of the distribution channels will be undertaken by single organization.

A. Vertical management systems.
B. Vertical marketing systems.
C. Conventional marketing systems.
D. None of the above.

Answer: B. Vertical marketing systems.

286. The difference between the total value and the corrective cost of performing the value activities is .

A. Contribution.
B. Margin.
C. Revenue .
D. Performance.

Answer: B. Margin.

287. The number of product lines a company carries is called.

A. Product mix.
B. Product mix depth.
C. Product mix width.
D. Product mix length.

Answer: C. Product mix width.

288. The number of variants of a product offered by a company is called.

A. Product mix length.
B. Product mix depth.
C. Product mix width.
D. Product line length.

Answer: B. Product mix depth.

289. If a company increases product line length by increasing its products range it is called.

A. Line increasing .
B. Line stretching.
C. Line filling.
D. Range stretching.

Answer: B. Line stretching.

290. Companies that attack other firms including the market leader in an attempt to build market share are called.

A. Market followers
B. Market challengers.
C. Market leaders.
D. Market nichers.

Answer: B. Market challengers.

291. Companies that follow the market leader’s strategy are called.

A. Market nichers.
B. Market leaders.
C. Market followers.
D. Market challengers.

Answer: C. Market followers.

292. Which one of the following is not an internal source of generating ideas for new product development

A. Market research
B. Directed research.
C. Need-gap analysis.
D. Top management.

Answer: A. Market research

293. The method which generate new product ideas by analyzing the customer needs, wants and ideas is known.

A. Directed research.
B. Customer need analysis.
C. Need gap analysis.
D. Market research.

Answer: C. Need gap analysis.

294. Which method of product portfolio analysis helps indeciding which products are to be retained and which are not to be.

A. Ansoff matrix.
B. Strategic environment matrix
C. BCG matrix.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. BCG matrix.

295. The methods which are used for evaluating marketing performance are.

A. Sales analysis and marketing cost analysis
B. Sales analysis and cost analysis
C. Market analysis and research analysis.
D. Demand analysis and supply analysis.

Answer: A. Sales analysis and marketing cost analysis

296. The set of basic values, perceptions, wants and behaviors learned by a member of a society from family and other important institutions is called.

A. Sub-culture.
B. Social class.
C. Culture.
D. Reference groups.

Answer: C. Culture.

297. What is the frame work that describes the positioning of firms database to support decisions with in the purview of total customer loyalty strategy

A. Customer retention strategy.
B. Customer bonding .
C. Customer positioning.
D. Customer acquisition.

Answer: B. Customer bonding .

298. In which stage of product life cycle strategy, the company takes decision whether to maintain, harvest or drop the product.

A. Introduction.
B. Growth.
C. Maturity.
D. Decline.

Answer: D. Decline.

299. The branding strategy which uses a different brand name for reach product is known as .

A. Over all family branding.
B. Line family branding.
C. Individual branding.
D. Brand extension.

Answer: C. Individual branding.

300. Eurekha Forbes is popular for its strategy of.

A. Personal selling.
B. Sales promotion.
C. Advertisement.
D. Direct marketing.

Answer: D. Direct marketing.

301. Which one of the following is not an element of promotional mix?

A. Advertising.
B. Product-mix.
C. Publicity.
D. Direct marketing.

Answer: B. Product-mix.

302. Which element of promotional mix is preferable if the marketer wants to get. immediate feedback?

A. Sales promotion.
B. Public relations.
C. Personal selling.
D. Direct marketing.

Answer: D. Direct marketing.

303. What are the factors that contribute to the corporate identity?

A. Organizational symbols.
B. Advertising and publicity.
C. Customer relation programs.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

304. Which of the following comes under the category of external public?

A. Government.
B. Press.
C. Trade unions.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

305. Which of the following is not a contributing factor for rapid growth of sale promotion?

A. Increase of competition.
B. Decrease in advertising efficiency.
C. Retailers pressure.
D. Huge profits of manufacturers.

Answer: D. Huge profits of manufacturers.

306. …..is the important benefit a marketer could get from a retailer through trade promotion?

A. Advertising.
B. Financial help.
C. More shelf space.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. More shelf space.

307. Which one of the following is not an advantage of the personal selling?

A. It allows the seller to negotiate terms and solve problems
B. Long-term relationship.
C. Immediacy.
D. It is very expensive to maintain and recruit the sales force.

Answer: D. It is very expensive to maintain and recruit the sales force.

308. A competitor who does not exhibit predictable reaction pattern is known as.

A. The laid-back competitor.
B. The selective competitor.
C. The tiger competitor.
D. The stochastic competitor.

Answer: A. The laid-back competitor.

309. An interactive marketing system which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and /or transactions at any location is called .

A. Direct marketing.
B. Indirect marketing.
C. Database marketing.
D. Meta marketing.

Answer: A. Direct marketing.

310. What type of conflict usually exist when the manufacturer has established two or more channels that sell in the same market.

A. Multi-channel conflict.
B. Horizontal channel conflict.
C. Vertical channel conflict
D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Multi-channel conflict.

311. What are the forms of compensation that a sales person can generally get?

A. Straight salary.
B. Straight commission.
C. A combination of salary and commission
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

312. Which of the following items is a component of a good business plan?

A. Operating requirements.
B. Description of the location/demographics.
C. Employee benefits. D. All of the above.
D. none

Answer: A. Operating requirements.

313. Which of the following items is required to develop a better financial plan?

A. Identify your target market.
B. Consider employee lay-offs.
C. Prioritize your needs.
D. Research other companies.

Answer: C. Prioritize your needs.

314. When analyzing your business and its environment it is useful to carefully inspect its:.

A. Threats.
B. Strengths and weakness.
C. Opportunities.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

315. Which of the following is an example of an external threat?

A. Decreased competition.
B. New trade regulations.
C. Global sales potential.
D. Economies of scale.

Answer: B. New trade regulations.

316. Which of the following is an example of an internal strength?

A. Obsolete resources.
B. Changing tax structure.
C. Proven management.
D. Increased competition

Answer: C. Proven management.

317. Which objective gives importance to productivity, technological leadership, employee relations, etc?

A. Long-term objective.
B. Short-term objective.
C. Medium term objective.
D. Annual objective.

Answer: A. Long-term objective.

318. Which element identifies the strategic factors that determine the future of a firm?

A. Evaluation and control.
B. Environmental scanning.
C. Strategy formulation.
D. Strategy implementation.

Answer: B. Environmental scanning.

319. What bridges the gap between strategy formulation and implementation?

A. Strategic planning.
B. Strategic management.
C. Decision-making.
D. Organizing.

Answer: A. Strategic planning.

320. What describes the market, product and technological area of a business?

A. Company’s vision.
B. Company’s mission.
C. Bumper-sticker strategy.
D. Strategic plan.

Answer: B. Company’s mission.

321. Which factor indicates the nature and direction the economy in which a firm operates?

A. Economic environment.
B. Gross national product.
C. Competitive position
D. Operating environment

Answer: A. Economic environment.

322. How can a firm optimize its environmental opportunities?

A. By assessing its market share .
B. By assessing the competitiveness in the industry.
C. By assessing the effectiveness of its sales distribution.
D. By assessing its competitors position in the market.

Answer: D. By assessing its competitors position in the market.

323. Which of the following helps a manager identify the opportunities and threats in the competitive industrial environment?

A. Analyzing the competitive forces.
B. Market research.
C. Market analysis.
D. Sales analysis.

Answer: A. Analyzing the competitive forces.

324. Which of the following factors plays a significant role in providing superior quality products to customers, within a given time frame?

A. Technology.
B. Fast delivery.
C. Customer convenience.
D. Customer’s choice.

Answer: A. Technology.

325. Which one of the following represents the best long-run opportunity in a firm’s portfolio?

A. Cash cow.
B. Star.
C. Question mark.
D. Dog.

Answer: B. Star.

326. Which business unit holds a large market share in a mature and slow growing industry?

A. Dog.
B. Cash cow.
C. Question mark.
D. Star.

Answer: B. Cash cow.

327. Which of the following provides a basis for monitoring and controlling organizational performance?

A. Daily reports
B. Weekly reports
C. Long-term objectives
D. Annual objectives

Answer: D. Annual objectives

328. In which of the following pricing approaches is pricing based on consumer demand?

A. Functional approach.
B. Business approach.
C. Market approach.
D. Innovative approach.

Answer: C. Market approach.

329. A/an —- helps people understand the behavior patterns that are expected of them in particular circumstances

A. Advisory policy.
B. Explicit policy.
C. Mandatory policy.
D. Implicit policy.

Answer: B. Explicit policy.

330. Agricultural market set up by stae government to procure agricultural produce directly from farmers

A. Haats
B. Mandis
C. Kirana
D. public distribution system

Answer: B. Mandis

331. Consumer do their own picking, pay in cash and carry the merchandise away

A. Automated Vending
B. Super market
C. The Cash and carry
D. direct response retail

Answer: C. The Cash and carry

332. What are the major determinants of employee motivation?

A. Reward and coercive power.
B. New technologies.
C. Personal power and future growth prospects.
D. Information and connection power.

Answer: A. Reward and coercive power.

333. Which marketing tool uses multiple factors to assess industry attractiveness and business strength?

A. The GE Grid.
B. The BCG matrix
C. The turn around strategy.
D. SWOT analysis.

Answer: A. The GE Grid.

334. —- forms the basis for the allocation of corporate resources.

A. Financial evaluation.
B. Organizational growth.
C. Organizational structure.
D. Organizational culture.

Answer: C. Organizational structure.

335. —- is often critical for the proper accomplishment of a divestiture and can provide comfort to the employee as well as to potential buyers.

A. A flexible management.
B. A stable management.
C. An active management
D. None of the above.

Answer: B. A stable management.

336. It is a requirement imposed by a vendor that a retailer cannot sell an item for the less than a specific price.

A. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM)
B. Charge back
C. Standard price
D. uniform price

Answer: A. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM)

337. Parking space is very important for……..

A. Product
B. Retail store
C. Transportation
D. Machine

Answer: B. Retail store

338. Layout means perfect…….of store.

A. Location
B. Site
C. Structure
D. Variety

Answer: C. Structure

339. ………..is important to increase the sales of a retail store

A. Promotion
B. Channels
C. Transportation
D. Machine

Answer: A. Promotion

340. …..is the important benefit a marketer could get from a retailer through trade promotion?

A. Advertising.
B. Financial help.
C. More shelf space.
D. None of the above.

Answer: C. More shelf space.

341. An interactive marketing system which uses one or more advertising media to effect a measurable response and /or transactions at any location is called .

A. Direct marketing.
B. Indirect marketing.
C. Database marketing.
D. Meta marketing.

Answer: A. Direct marketing.

342. What type of conflict usually exist when the manufacturer has established tow or more channels that sell in the same market.

A. Multi-channel conflict.
B. Horizontal channel conflict.
C. Vertical channel conflict
D. None of the above.

Answer: A. Multi-channel conflict.

343. Which of the following items is a component of a good business plan?

A. Operating requirements.
B. Description of the location/demographics.
C. Employee benefits.
D. All of the above.

Answer: A. Operating requirements.

344. When analyzing your business and its environment it is useful to carefully inspect its:.

A. Threats.
B. Strengths and weakness.
C. Opportunities.
D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

345. Which one of the following represents the best long-run opportunity in a firm’s portfolio?

A. Cash cow.
B. Star.
C. Question mark.
D. Dog.

Answer: B. Star.

346. . Which of the following provides a basis for monitoring and controlling organizational performance?

A. Daily reports
B. Weekly reports
C. Long-term objectives
D. Annual objectives

Answer: D. Annual objectives

347. . Agricultural market set up by stae government to procure agricultural produce directly from farmers

A. Haats
B. Mandis
C. Kirana
D. public distribution system

Answer: B. Mandis

348. . Consumer do their own picking, pay in cash and carry the merchandise away

A. Automated Vending
B. Super market
C. The Cash and carry
D. direct response retail

Answer: C. The Cash and carry

349. What are the major determinants of employee motivation?

A. Reward and coercive power.
B. New technologies.
C. Personal power and future growth prospects.
D. Information and connection power.

Answer: A. Reward and coercive power.

350. To take consistent decisions about store decor, product assortment, media, price and service levels and advertising messages, the marketer needs to

A. Define the target market
B. Profile the target market
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Both A and B

351. Product assortment breadth focuses on

A. Number of categories per product lines
B. Items and variants in each category per product line
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Number of categories per product lines

352. Product assortment depth focus on

A. Number of categories per product lines
B. Items and variants in each category per product line
C. Both a & b
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Items and variants in each category per product line

353. As per a study of economics of selling and buying individual products, it is found that a third of their square footage is occupied with the products that don’t result in an economic value for retailer.

A. True
B. False
C. Can’t say
D. None of the above

Answer: A. True

354. Direct profit profitability is related to

A. Measuring a product’s handling costs
B. Measuring a product’s sales cost
C. Measuring a product’s manufacturing costs
D. None of the above

Answer: A. Measuring a product’s handling costs

355. Prices must be decided in relation to

A. The product
B. The service assortment mix
C. The target market and competition
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

356. Fine specialty stores falls into

A. High-mark up, lower volume group
B. Low-mark up, higher volume group
C. High-mark up, higher volume group
D. None of the above

Answer: A. High-mark up, lower volume group

357. Discount stores and mass merchandisers falls into

A. High-mark up, lower volume group
B. Low-mark up, higher volume group
C. High-mark up, higher volume group
D. None of the above

Answer: B. Low-mark up, higher volume group

358. Retailers can evaluate a particular store’s sales effectiveness by looking at

A. A number of passing on an average day
B. Percentage who buy and average amount per sale
C. Percentage who enter the store
D. All of the above

Answer: A. A number of passing on an average day

359. A private-label brand is also known as

A. A reseller brand
B. A store brand
C. A distributor brand
D. All of the above

Answer: D. All of the above

360. A private-label brand is developed by

A. Wholesalers
B. Retailers
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Answer: C. Both A and B

361. Generics are

A. Unbranded versions of common products
B. Plainly packaged versions of common products
C. Less expensive versions of common products
D. All of above are true

Answer: D. All of above are true

362. Slotting fee is related to the costs associated with

A. When distributors piles the stock
B. When supermarkets accept a new brand
C. When manufacturers markets the products
D. All of the above

Answer: B. When supermarkets accept a new brand

1. Retailing encompasses the business activities involved in selling goods and services to consumers for their personal, family, or household use. (True / False)
Answer: True

2. The word ‘retailing’ has come from the French word ‘Retailer’ which means to cut off a piece. (True / False)
Answer: True

3. Retailers perform specific activities such as anticipating customer wants, developing assortments of products, acquiring market information, and financing. (True / False)
Answer: True

4. The function performed by retailers or wholesalers in which they receive large quantities of merchandise and sell them in small quantities is called ___.
Answer: Bulk Breaking

5. ___ provide a limited variety and assortment of merchandise at a convenient location in a 2000–3000 sq. ft. store with speedy check-out facilities.
Answer: Convenience stores

6. Examples of supermarkets are Subhiksha, Reliance Fresh, Food world, Food bazaar, and Nilgiri’s. (True / False)
Answer: True

7. ___ comprises of several product lines, typically clothing, home furnishings, and household goods, with each line operated as a separate department managed by specialist buyers or merchandisers.
Answer: Departmental Stores

8. ___ are retailers that provide the online facility of buying and selling products and services via the internet.
Answer: E-tailers

9. Give any one example of a hypermarket in India.
Answer: Star India Bazaar

10. Retail industry is one of the largest industries in India, with an employment of around 8% and contributing to over 10% of the country’s GDP. (True / False)
Answer: True

11. Retailing also helps to create a place, time, and possession utilities. (True/ False)
Answer: True

12. Retailers participate in the sorting process by collecting an assortment of goods and services from a wide variety of suppliers and offering them for sale. (True / False)
Answer: True

13. ___ is the understanding of how consumers make decisions to use their resources such as time, money, and effort for buying, using, and disposing of goods and services.
Answer: Consumer behavior

14. An accurate understanding of consumer needs helps the retailer sell the product that is likely to be successful in the market. (True/False)
Answer: True.

15. Retailers need to know the various influences that lead up to a purchase, not just the store where the purchase is made. (True/False)
Answer: True.

16. The influence of culture on buying behavior varies from place to place and therefore marketers and retailers have to be very careful in analyzing the culture of different groups, regions, or even countries. (True/False)
Answer: True.

17. Buying decision of each person will be influenced by his/her role and status in society. (True/False)
Answer: True.

18. ___ step of decision making arises when the consumer becomes aware of his need for a particular product or service.
Answer: Problem recognition.

19. ___ involves listing alternatives that will solve the problem at hand and a determination of the characteristics of each.
Answer: Information search.

20. The ___ act involves the exchange of money or a promise to pay for a product or support in return of ownership of a specific good.
Answer: Purchase.

21. Customers engaged in habitual problem solving spend very little time searching for information and evaluating alternatives. (True/False)
Answer: True.

22. Limited consumer decision-making takes place when a consumer uses each of the steps in the purchase process but does not spend a great deal of time on any of them. (True/False)
Answer: True.

23. ___ occurs when the consumer buys out of habit and skips steps in the process.
Answer: Routine consumer decision-making.

24. ___ refers to basic directional decisions and consists of the important actions necessary to realize these directions in order to gain sustained competitive advantage.
Answer: Strategy

25. According to management guru Michael Porter, “strategy means choosing a different set of tasks to deliver a unique mix of value”. (True / False)
Answer: True

26. In ___ strategy a firm believes that there exist ample opportunities by exploiting its current products and current markets.
Answer: Market penetration

27. Expansion through ___ strategy involves the development of new or improved products for its current markets.
Answer: Product development

28. ___ is comprised of the activities related to selling products directly to consumers through channels such as stores, malls, kiosks, vending machines, or other fixed locations.
Answer: Retail marketing

29. Finding the correct marketing mix is an important part of positioning the retail outlet to be distinguished from the competitors. (True / False)
Answer: True

30. The different products that the store offers are termed as merchandise mix. (True / False)
Answer: True

32. Location is typically the prime consideration in a customer’s store choice decision. (True / False)
Answer: True

33. A ___ is an environment that allows buyers and sellers to trade or exchange goods, services, and information.
Answer: Market

34. ___ are the markets for products and services bought by individuals for their own or family use.
Answer: Consumer markets

35. ___ is defined as the process of splitting customers, or potential customers, in a market into different groups, or segments, within which the customers share a similar level of interest in the same or comparable sets of needs.
Answer: Market segmentation

36. Market segmentation allows in designing services that meet the potential market demand and needs. (True / False)
Answer: True

37. Retail location affects transportation costs and human resources costs. (True/False)
Answer: True.

38. The retailer considers the number, size, and quality of competition before selecting a location. (True/False)
Answer: True.

39. Type of goods to be sold is a major factor that helps while considering the location decision. (True/False) Answer: True.

40. Typically the rent in a mall location is lesser than other retail locations (True/False)
Answer: False.

41. A shopping center or shopping arcade is one or more buildings forming a complex of shops representing merchandisers, with interconnecting walkways enabling visitors to easily walk from unit to unit. (True/False)
Answer: True.

42. A ___ is a retail location that is situated on the major traffic artery, without any other competitive retailers nearby.
Answer: Freestanding or isolated store location.

43. The first step in arriving at a decision on retail location is ___.
Answer: To identify the markets attractive and suitable for a retailer.

44. In order to determine the market potential, it is necessary to check the compatibility of the retail store with the neighboring retail outlets in an area. (True/False)
Answer: True.

45. Customer attrition is one of the ways to measure the success of the retail location. (True/False)
Answer: True.

46. The three components of the merchandise mix are merchandise variety, merchandise assortment, and merchandise ___.
Answer: Merchandise support

47. Planning, controlling, coordinating, and directing are the ___ of a merchandising manager.
Answer: Functions

48. The factors that influence merchandising are organization structure, size of the organization, competition analysis, merchandising mix, and ___.
Answer: Target market

49. The four steps in the buying process are gathering product information, searching merchandise suppliers, negotiating with selected suppliers, and ___.
Answer: Placing the order

50. The three stages of merchandise planning are developing sales forecast, determining merchandise requirement, and ___.
Answer: Merchandise inventory planning

51. The components of merchandising management are merchandise planning, merchandise analysis, merchandise control ___, and merchandise handling.
Answer: Merchandise acquisition

52. The two types of buying systems are stapled merchandise buying systems and ___ merchandise buying systems.
Answer: Fashion merchandise buying systems

53. Buying systems influence sales volume, gross margins, markdowns, and ___.
Answer: Stock levels

54. The two commonly used methods to analyze merchandise performance are sell-through analysis and ___.
Answer: ABC analysis

55. Basic stock method, percentage variation method, stock to sales ratio method, and stock turnover rate are the four methods of ___.
Answer: Merchandise inventory planning

56. The levels of planning merchandise are creating merchandise budget and ___ plan.
Answer: Assortment Plan

57. An important task of store administration involves ensuring that all the required permissions and licenses to run a retail establishment are procured from the right authorities. (True/False)
Answer: True.

58. Managing store operations require integration among various functions within the store. (True/False)
Answer: True.

59. ___ is necessary in order to ensure that miscreants do not spoil the retail store assets.
Answer: Security of the premises.

60. The size of the retail store and the level of operations determine the size and level of security required. (True/False)
Answer: True.

61. ___ is the process and methods used to keep track of the stock in a retail business.
Answer: Retail inventory management.

62. An integral part of managing retail inventory at the store level is to display merchandise correctly. (True/False)
Answer: True.

63. The ___ must see to it that each individual is adequately trained to excel in their job and supervise the work that they do throughout their employment at the store.
Answer: Retail store manager.

64. Managing receipts involves defining the manner in which the retailer is going to receive payment for the sales. (True/False)
Answer: True

65. The main objective of retail space management is to increase productivity by effective utilization of space for merchandise display and customer movement. (True/False)
Answer: True.

66. The basic principles of store design require that the image being created is in tune with the merchandise, the advertising, and the service offered by the store. (True/False)
Answer: True.

67. ___ is also sometimes called a signboard.
Answer: Store marquee.

68. Store marquee helps the retailer in identifying the store and in attracting customers and it is an integral part of the building façade. (True/False)
Answer: True.

69. ___ describes the physical elements in a store design that appeals to consumers and encourages them to buy.
Answer: Atmospherics.

70. ___ refers to the interior retail store arrangement of departments or groupings of merchandise
Answer: Store layout.

71. Mention the types of store layouts.
Answer: Grid layout, Diagonal layout, loop layout, and free form layout.

72. ___ is the presentation of a store and its merchandise in ways that will attract the attention of potential customers, prompt them to buy, and eventually increase the sales of the store.
Answer: Visual merchandising.

73. The tools used for visual merchandising should help in attracting these five senses – sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste. (True/False)
Answer: True.

74. ___ is the place where a customer is about to buy the product.
Answer: Point of Purchase (POP).

75. The primary purposes of fixtures are ___.
Answer: To efficiently hold and display merchandise.

76. The increased growth of markets has led to an increased size of retailers and intensified competition. (True/False)
Answer: True.

77. The contribution of retailing can be measured in terms of its proportion to the GDP, the total workforce it employs across the globe. (True/False)
Answer: True.

78. The Indian Retail industry has over 12 million outlets, which is the largest number of retail outlets in the world. (True/False)
Answer: True.

79. The boom in retailing in India has been mainly observed in the urban markets. (True/False)
Answer: True.

80. Retailing methods in India are primarily in the form of ___.
Answer: Supermarkets, hypermarkets, and departmental stores.

81. Reliance, Tata group, Pantaloons, and Shoppers stop are some of the retail giants present in India. (True/False)
Answer: True

82. A single-level large store that usually occupies a floor space of more than 5000 square feet selling food and non-food goods is known as a ___.
Answer: Superstore.

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