300+ TOP Rhetoric and Prosody MCQs & Answers English Literature

Multiple Choice Question Answers on Rhetoric and Prosody – English Literature

1. Who first coined the term ‘The Theatre of The Absurd’ in 1961?
A. Martin Esslin
B. Arthur Copit
C. Genet
D. Adamov

2. The term ‘The Theatre of The Absurd’ was philosophically based on-
A. Myth of Sisphus
B. The Balcony
C. Ping Pong
D. Decameron

3. Arnold’s Thyrsis is a fine example of –
A. monody
B. sonnet
C. ballad
D. idyll

4. Terence and Plautus were two names related to—
A. The Theatre of the Absurd
B. Restoration Comedy
C. Archetype
D. Academic Drama

5. Academic dramas were popular in …….century.
A. 16th
B. 20th
C. 21st
D. 18th

6. Acmeism, an anti-symbolist movement, flourished during the …..century.
A. 20th
B. 21st
C. 19th
D. 18th

7. Who made the practice of 4-Acts plays?
A. Shakespeare
B. Jonson
C. Dryden
D. Ibsen

8. ‘Art for art’s sake’ is the basis of—
A. Aestheticism
B. Expressionism
C. Futurism
D. Acmeism

9. Who coined the phrase “I’ art pour I’ art”?
A. Benjamin Constant
B. Gautier
C. Baudlaire
D. None of the above

10. The French aestheticism was brought into England by—
A. Oscar Wilde
B. Gautier
C. Walter Pater
D. Shaw

11. Which one is known as the Regular Ode?
A. Strophe
B. Epode
C. Anti-strophe
D. None of the above

12. Who defined the term ‘Affective Fallacy’?
A. Wimsatt
B. Beardsley
C. None of these
D. Both A. & B.

13. “……means playing with any familiar person, event, legend or idea or an oblique hint to something in passing, without explicitly mentioning it.”
A. Paradox
B. Conceit
C. Saga
D. Allusion

14. Which term is used when the event or person is historically incorrect?
A. Allusion
B. Conceit
C. Saga
D. Anachronism

15. A literary form, which describes the physical and psychological details author’s personality, is known as—
A. Dumb show
B. Antithesis
C. Anti-novel
D. None of these

16. Who used first this term?
A. Lesslie
B. Nathalie Sarraute
C. Balzac
D. Michel Butor

17. This term was first used in the year—
A. 1948
B. 1957
C. 1965
D. 1951

18. To evoke maximum excitement with minimum information is the chief characteristic of –
A. anti-novel
B. dramatic monologue
C. biography
D. anti-drama

19. The well-known example of Allegory is –
A. Pilgrim’s Progress
B. Animal Farm
C. Lord of the Flies
D. All the above

20. Which one betrays a spiritual or moral lesson under a familiar story at the surface level?
A. Parable
B. Allusion
C. Comic-epic
D. Burlesque

21. When some human emotions or feeling are ascribed to an inanimate natural object, the term, used, is —
A. repartee
B. pathetic fallacy
C. invocation
D. conceit

22. Who coined the phrase ‘pathetic fallacy’?
A. T.S. Eliot
B. Ruskin
C. Coleridge
D. Pater

23. Which form of novel is known as a novel of the road?
A. Realistic
B. Psychological
C. Picaresque
D. Romantic

24. An excellent instance of a well-knit plot is—
A. Richardson’s Pamela
B. Fielding’s Tom Jones
C. Fielding’s Joseph Andrews
D. None of the above

25. The well-known instance of the ‘novel of action’ is –
A. Fielding’s Joseph Andrews
B. Stevenson’s Treasure Island
C. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
D. None of these

26. Donne and his followers were christened ‘Metaphysical Poets’ by –
A. C.S. Lewis
B. Dr. Johnson
C. Bacon
D. Dryden

27. ‘Metaphysical Poetry’, as it stands today, implies –
A. intellectual flight and a blend of passion and thought
B. wit and far-fetched conceits
C. logical analysis and mysticism
D. all the above

28. Who used the term ‘Oedipus complex’ for the first time?
A. T. S. Eliot
B. Dr. Jhonson
C. Nietzsche
D. Sigmund Freud

29. The influential essay ‘Metaphysical Poets’ has been written by –
A. Donne
B. Vaughan
C. Cowley
D. T.S. Eliot

30. The metre which is most common in English poetry is –
A. syllabic metre
B. quantitative
C. accentual syllabic metre
D. accentual metre

31. The normal group of syllables in English are –
A. iambic
B. anapaestic
C. trochaic
D. all of these

32. A metre line is further named according to the number of ‘feet’ composing it. As such, ‘Pentametre’ has ……. Feet.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 7
D. 8

33. ‘Hexametre’, which was the most popular ancient measure, consists of …..feet.
A. 4
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

34. Almost the whole of modern English poetry has been dominated by –
A. iambic pentameter
B. iambic hexameter
C. iambic heptameter
D. iambic tetrameter

35. The term ‘mime’, which denotes a type of drama in which an actor tells a story by means of gestures, originated in –
A. ancient Greek and Rome
B. France and Rome
C. Italy and England
D. none of the above

36. In recent times, the artists who have brought mime to the attention of audiences all over the world are –
A. Jean Louis Barranlt
B. Marcel Marcean
C. Both A. & B.
D. none of the above

37. The ‘Miracle Plays’ flourished in England from about the
A. 12th to 14th century
B. 12th to 15th century
C. 14th to 16th century
D. 12th to 16th century

38. One of the earliest instances of a mock-epic poem in literature is believed to be –
A. The Battle of Frog and Mice
B. Culex
C. Canterbury Tales
D. None of the above

39. The first successful example of a truly mock-heroic poem is believed to be –
A. “The Battle of Frog and Mice” by Homer
B. “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” by Chaucer
C. “The Rape of the Bucket” by Tassoni
D. None of the above

40. The best example of ‘Novel of Character’ is supposed to be –
A. Thackeray’s Vanity Fair
B. Scott’s Ivanhoe
C. Richardson’s Pamela
D. None of the above

41. The famous ‘Novel of Manners’ are –
A. Pamela
B. Tom Jones
C. Vanity Fair
D. All these

42. Which term is used when sexual pleasure is derived by inflicting psychological or physical pain on the victim?
A. Stream of consciousness
B. Oedipus Complex
C. Sadism
D. Electra complex

43. In which literary form a legendary hero of the past performs some wonderful adventures and makes some heroic achievements?
A. Romance
B. Picaresque novel
C. Saga
D. Sadistic novel

44. Who coined the term, ‘sensuousness’?
A. Keats
B. Browning
C. Spenser
D. Milton

45. Who criticized Coleridge for the latter’s lack of Negative Capability?
A. Keats
B. Wordsworth
C. Eliot
D. Hudson

46. The prime example of the Negative Capability as viewed by Keats, was –
A. Coleridge
B. Milton
C. Shakespeare
D. Wordsworth

47. Novel is the ……. of the literary forms.
A. youngest
B. oldest
C. most primitive
D. none of these

48. The term ‘Medievalism’ was first used by –
A. Dr. Jhonson
B. Carlyle
C. Coleridge
D. Ruskin

49. Who invented the term ‘comic-epic in prose’?
A. Pope
B. Walter Scott
C. Henry Fielding
D. Henry James

50. Who originated the genre ‘Melodrama’?
A. Tom Taylor
B. Martin Esslin
C. Thomas Carlyle
D. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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