300+ TOP General Science Gk Questions and Answers

Science Gk Questions

1. What is the most important for living things to live?

Answer: Oxygen

2. What are the two holes of human nose known as?

Answer: Nostrils

3. What is the optical phenomenon in the fringe pattern of CD?

Answer: Interference

4. What are the exchange particles in the uark-uark interaction?

Answer: Gluon

5. Through what the plants are using their life cycle?

Answer: Seeds

6. What is not considered as the fruit scientifically?

Answer: Broccoli

7. From where does the plants are getting energy?

Answer: Sunlight

8. Which part of the plant attracts insects to help with pollination?

Answer: Flowers

9. On what is the principle of working of rockets based?

Answer: Law of conservation of momentum

10. What is in the human tongue for tasting different things?

Answer: Taste buds

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11. Who many incisor teeth do rats have?

Answer: Four

12. What is the percentage of fire related deaths due to smoke inhalation than the burns?

Answer: 80%

13. Fraction of volume of ice seen outside when immersed in water?

Answer: 10.5%

14. Which president is acknowledged as the world’ authority on American game animals?

Answer: Theodore Roosevelt

15. What is DMM?

Answer: Digital Multi Meter

16. Until now how many people have landed on moon?

Answer: 12

17. What are the bones known which makes up the spine?

Answer: Vertebrae

18. In which country the greatest tornadoes occur?

Answer: United States of America

19. Name the drug known as wonder drug?

Answer: Penicillin

20. Whom used the wonder drug at its initial times?

Answer: U.S Navy and Army

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21. When was penicillin made pubic?

Answer: 1944

22. Which is the saltiest sea in the world?

Answer: Dead Sea

23. Which colour indicate Highest Temperature?

Answer: Dull red

24. Why Dead Sea is known as Dead Sea?

Answer: Because of its saline nature and don’t drown people

25. What type of beetle is the scarab worshipped by Egyptians?

Answer: Dung Beetle

26. What is effect on your weight as you go down in to earth?

Answer: Decreases slightly

27. What is fog?

Answer: When dust particle get entangled in air particle in atmosphere

28. What is smog?

Answer: Smog is the mixture of dust and smoke particles entangled in air.

29. Which scientists are studying the motion?

Answer: Physicist

30. Which is the force resisting motion of different objects?

Answer: Friction

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31. Which ball would travel long distance if launched from catapult either cotton or iron ball?

Answer: Iron ball

32. Why do cotton ball do not travel long distance if thrown?

Answer: Because of light weight

33. Which force is pulling earth towards its centre?

Answer: Gravity

34. Who gave the laws of motion?

Answer: Newton

35. Will adding weight to your car affect its motion?

Answer: It will move slower than normal speed

36. What is the light year?

Answer: The distance traveled by light in one year

37. Which law says that an object in motion will stay in motion unless another forces changes that?

Answer: Newton First Law

38. Which law of motion say that for every action there is an eual and opposite reaction?

Answer: Newton Third Law

39. What is acceleration?

Answer: Rate of change of velocity

40. What is force?

Answer: The push or pull

41. Define weight?

Answer: The force of gravity on an object.

42. What is LPG?

Answer: Liuefied Petroleum Gas

43. What does LPG contains?

Answer: Butane and Propane

44. What force is used for the launching rockets?

Answer: Air Pressure

45. Which of the following best explains why your body leans to the side when taking a sharp turn in a car?

Answer: Inertia

46. Which component of soil is made of the living materials previously?

Answer: Organic matter

47. What is the name of scientist who studies plants living or dead?

Answer: Botanist

48. Who studies the living animals?

Answer: Zoologist

49. What is the part of flower having the charge to perform photosynthesis?

Answer: Leaves

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50. How plants make their food?

Answer: Through photosynthesis

51. What does coffee contains?

Answer: Caffeine

52. What is the name of gadget used for the detection of feeble current?

Answer: Galvanometer

53. What does ammeter reads?

Answer: Current

54. What are the leaves called that people use to flavor their food?

Answer: Herbs

55. Which of the component of soil is absorbing water at most?

Answer: Clay

56. What is the most important factor for the conduction of photosynthesis?

Answer: Sunlight

57. What part of the flowers are containing the pollen?

Answer: Anther

58. What are the tiny tubes called inside the stem that bring water from the roots to the rest of the plant?

Answer: Xylen

59. Is sunlight a must for the process of pollination?

Answer: No

60. Do sponges have a heart?

Answer: No

61. How many poles do all magnets have?

Answer: Two poles

62. What are the units for the measurements of radioactive element activity?

Answer: The Becueral(1 B = 1 disintegration per second)

63. What would you get if you mix all light colours together?

Answer: White

64. What is the symbol of element silver?

Answer: Ag

65. How much patents did Thomas Edison filed alone?

Answer: 1093

66. What does ATP stands for?

Answer: Adenosine triphosphate

67. What does ADP stands for?

Answer: Adenosine diphosphate

68. What is affecting the sevices of Earth, either meteor or meteorite?

Answer: Meteorite

69. What is the shortest magnet of the Universe?

Answer: A neutron star

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70. Which is the hottest planet of the solar system?

Answer: Venus

71. What is the temparature on Venus?

Answer: 460°C

72. Why does eyesight changes as you get older?

Answer: The eye’s lens continues to grow throughout life, becoming thicker and less transparent.

73. What is the distance of moon from earth?

Answer: 384,400 km

74. Where sound travels faster either in water or air?

Answer: Water

75. What is the amount of salt in average human body?

Answer: 250 gms

76. What is the reason for popping up of bubbles?

Answer: Bubbles get dry from surrounding air

77. How many bones are there in human body?

Answer: 206

78. Manometer used for

Answer: Measuring the pressure of closed system

79. Which organisms are known as the oldest fossils?

Answer: Blue-Green Algae

80. What is the shape of human’s DNA?

Answer: Double helix

81. What is the shape of RNA?

Answer: Spiral

82. What are the bones around the chest known as for protection of heart and lungs?

Answer: Ribs

83. What is the flow of blood form heart to all parts of body known as?

Answer: Circulation

84. Which part of human body is serving purpose of maintaining balance?

Answer: Ears

85. The outside layer of skin on the human body is called the?

Answer: Epidermis

86. What is the cause of maximum deaths in the United States than lightening?

Answer: Tornadoes

87. What is given to wood whose normal cells have been replaced with mineral deposits?

Answer: Petrified wood

88. What is the type of pollination caused by birds?

Answer: Ornithophily

89. What are rodents?

Answer: The animals who eat by stealing food

90. What is the unit scoville heat used for?

Answer: Measurement of heat of chilies

91. Where is the largest known meteorite crater on earth?

Answer: Vredefort Ring in South Africa

92. What name is given to the planets located outside solar system?

Answer: Exoplanets

93. Which blood type is the rarest in the humans?

Answer: AB negative

94. Which of the Australian timber has made the London Docks?

Answer: Syncarpia glomulifera

95. What is the name of Sydney Blue Gum?

Answer: Eucalyptus saligna

96. Which substance is the hardest in the entire human body?

Answer: Tooth enamel

97. Which is the longest type of cell in human body?

Answer: Neurons

98. Which is the only metal to be liuid at room temperature?

Answer: Mercury

99. Who is the invetor of battery?

Answer: Count Alessandro Volta

100. What is the location of Pinna in human bodies?

Answer: Outer ear

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