[PDF Notes] What is Educational Management?

Meaning of Educational Management:

Educational management, the name implies, operates in the educational organizations. There is no defining definition of educational management because its development has drawn heavily on several disciplines like economics, political science and sociology. Most of the definitions of educational management which have been offered by write are partial because they reflect the particular sense of their authors.

Definitions of Educational Management:

“Educational management is the theory and practice of the organization and administration of existing educational establishments and systems.”

“Management implies an orderly way of thinking. It describes in operator terms what is to be done, how it is to be done and how we know when have done. Management is not a mystique. It is a method of operation. Go management should result in an orderly integration of education and society “School management, as a body of educational doctrines, comprises a number of principles and precepts relating primarily to the technique of classroom procedure and derives largely from the practice of successful teachers. The writers in the field have interpreted these principles and precepts in various ways, usually with reference to longer and more fundamental principles of psychology, sociology and ethics.”

Paul Monroe :

Thus educational management is a comprehensive effort dealing with the educational practices. It is the dynamic side of education. It deals with educational institutions – right from the schools and colleges to the secretariat. It is concerned with both human and material resources. The human elements include: (i) Children, (ii) parents, (iii) teachers and (iv) other employees in general – university of Board of Education at local, state and National levels of Governments. On the material side there are (a) finance, (b) buildings and grounds, (c) equipments and instructional supplies. Besides, there are ideas, laws and regulations and so on, having a bearing on the educational process. The blending of these ‘parts’ into a ‘whole’ is educational management.

Need of Educational Management: In a democratic country like ours, educational management is a necessity. The purpose of educational management is to bring pupils and teachers under such conditions as will more successfully promote the end of education. Superior educational management, in fact, is basic to the satisfactory functioning of democracy.

Sir Graham Balfour writes very aptly, “the purpose of educational management is to enable the right pupils to receive the right education from the right teachers, at a cost within the means of the state, which will enable pupils to profit by their learning.”

Some suitable, stable elements which are properly motivated and organized in the machinery become necessary to withstand and survive the changes and upheavals caused because of changes of governments. Error of judgement can be retrieved in a farm or factory but these can be fatal when concerned with the moulding of ideas and values of society. An efficient and sound system of educational management is, in fact, the basis of a good democracy.

As education is a major area of governmental and public management involving millions of schools, teachers and pupils, it is imperative that it should have an excellent infrastructure in line with socio-political aspirations of a people.

Will it, therefore, not be expedient to draw on the gains of management science, with some adjustment here and there, towards the vast potential of this stupendous human activity? The answer to this and similar questions may be found in the succeeding pages where an attempt has been earnestly made by the compilers and editors of this book to synthesise management with teaching- learning.

Management, however, is a single activity, a unity, one continuous process that runs through its elements. The classification of functions is merely to facilitate identification of areas and steps which are mutually inclusive, as well as to promote better organization of resources.

As there is ample identity between the functions, aim and objectives of management and those of an educational process, the application of the law of the former to the body of the latter, for mutual Benefit of both, may be justified. The management movement must encompass teaching-learning process, as a scientifically designed classroom situation will certainly add to the performance of an educational activity.

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