[PDF Notes] What is the Importance of Lesson Planning in Science?

Planning is essential not only in teaching but in all shares of life. In the teaching profession planning is often connected with lessons. Planning of a lesson is an important equipment of a teacher in a school or in a college. A lesson-plan is strictly individual, it is indeed the creation of the teacher who plans out the lesson- plan. A plan is a work of art involving much imagination and study. The Plan is an unfolding of the teacher’s soul, it contains the life-blood of the teacher. Lesson- plan is a king of discipline, which has to be learnt in the training college.

A unit is as large a block of related subject-matter as can be overviewed by the learner-Preston. This approach is associated with the name of Professor H.C. Morrison of the University of Chicago. Morrison has explained the unit method in detail in his book “The Practice of Teaching in Secondary Schools”.

A unit may be defined as a means of organising materials for instructional purposes which utilises significant subject-matter content, involves pupils in learning activities through active participation intellectually and physically and modifies the pupil’s behaviour to the extent the it he is able to cope with new problems and situations more competently.

A lesson is not mere giving of instructions, or mere doing out of facts. It becomes an occasion for learning, thinking and understanding as well as judging. Lesson planning constitutes essential for quality teaching. So, it is an essential pre-requisite for good teaching, the structure of the plans should vary with different teaching learning situations and with the needs of different groups of pupils. Moreover, whatever way you plan a lesson, lesson planning is an essential part of the teacher’s work. If the teacher has planned his lesson both wisely and too well he will enter his class with confidence and with an easy conscience.

According to M.L. Bossing- “Lesson Plan is the title given to a statement of the objectives to be realized and the specific means by which these are attained as a result of activities during the period.”

According to Joseph Lodon, “We may define lesson plan as a draft of the lesson put upon paper with all the important points whether of matter or method clearly marked.”

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