[PDF Notes] What is the Importance of Inspection of a School or College Science Department?

Inspection of a Science Department

A regular inspection of science department is essential for its efficient running. A thorough inspection should be carried out at least one a year. The inspection team must have experts who should pay attention to the following areas:

1. Extra- curricular Activities:

The existence of a science club in a school provides an opportunity for carrying out extra- curricular activities. Inspection team should report, whether a science club exists? What are the activities of science club? How many tours excursions etc. have been arranged? How many of such excursions, tours were arranged to visit places of scientific interest? Has the school arranged any science fair during the year? How many films shows were arranged during the year? Have the students contributed any good charts during the year? Have any debate reading contest etc. arranged?

2. Science Library and Science Museum:

The inspection team carrying out the inspection of science department in a school should find if a science library and science museum of some good standard exist in the school. Is the school library being used properly by the students? Are there arrangements for regular issue and return of books from science library? What method is used by science teacher to satisfy himself that his students regularly devote some time top the study of library books?

3. Class work and Home work of Students:

It can easily be seen from the note books maintained by the students. The inspection team should satisfy itself that the amount of written work done by the students is sufficient. Practical note books and assignments have been checked properly and regularly by the teacher and the mistakes have been pointed out the students.

4. Stock Registers:

Maintenance of stock registers is one of the duties of science master and inspection team is expected to see that various stock registers are being maintained properly, accurately and regularly. It would not be improper if the inspection team and find out for themselves if the actual stock agrees with balance shown in the stock register. The checking of stock register includes the checking of requirements register and the preparation of indents etc.

5. Laboratory and Equipments:

The inspection team should see that adequate space and apparatus are available in school. In the laboratory there is a provision for the proper storage of the apparatus, equipment, chemicals etc. Inspection team must make a report about the upkeep and tidiness of the laboratory. While making remarks about laboratory the following points must be clearly mentioned.

(i) Did the arrangement exist in the laboratory for supply of water, disposal of waste, first-aid etc.?

(ii) Were the pictures, charts, models etc. properly displayed in the laboratory?

6. Text Books and Library Books:

Are the students using approved and standard text books? What types of books are available in library? Are the students using library books?

7. Teacher’s Dairy:

The inspection team should see if f the science teachers are maintaining his diary properly. Whether or not is he keeping a daily record of work done both in theory and practical, home work assigned etc? Has he noted down his time- table in diaiy? Is he having an enough time for practicals? Is he teaching some other subjects? Etc.

8. Scheme of Work:

Inspection team should see that the teacher prepares a quarterly and weekly scheme and such a scheme as shown in his diary is followed by him.

9. Teacher:

The inspection team should see that the science teacher possesses the required academic and professional qualification. The team should also pay attention to his teaching method. The individuality of teacher’s method should be respected and the team if it so feels may suggest an alternative method but it should not be insisted upon. The inspection team should see that the science teacher practices proper correlation and coordination of science with other subjects and also with other school subjects and environment.

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