[PDF Notes] Challenges before Communalism and Casteism [Latest]

The challenges before Challenges before Communalism and Casteism are as follows:

(i) Abolition of Untouchability.

(ii) Prohibition of forced labour.

(iii) Protection against social injustice or exploitation.

(iv) Hindu religious institutions are open for all sections of Hindus.

(v) No restrictions to access of public places like schools, tanks, wells and bathing ghats etc.

(vi) All citizens are free to move, settle and acquire property in scheduled and tribal areas.

(vii) Special provision for the administration and control of scheduled and tribal areas.

(viii) Setting up Tribal Advisory Councils, National Minority Commission, Tribal Welfare and Harijan Welfare Advisory Boards, Mandal Commission etc.

(ix) Special reservation of seats in parliament, village panchayats, public services etc.

(x) Several concessions like relaxation in age, fee and qualification have also been provided to the minorities and weaker sections.

1. The following measures are being taken to eradicate the evils of casteism:

(i) Providing Educational Facilities:

Education is the cure of all evils. It develops a scientific, rational and liberal outlook among the people and slowly they come to know the great harm done by casteism and untouchability and they give up these evils habits.

(ii) Promoting the Ideals of Equality and Fraternity:

More and more emphasis should be laid on the high ideals of equality and fraternity both by our great leaders, social reformers as well as by the government.

(iii) By upgrading the position of the Low-caste People:

Every effort should be made to upgrade the position of the down-trodden both socially and economically. More and more jobs should be provided to them and some seats should be reserved for them.

2. Following are the objectives for the development of scheduled castes:

(i) To make the persons of families enable to benefit the increase in production in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage industry and horticulture etc.

(ii) To make the development in human resources with the help of education and training programmes.

(iii) To make the scheduled tribes free from exploitation while giving them relief regarding eviction from land debt, forest debt bondage and removing them from the sale of liquor. Tribal Research Institute: There are number of research institutes working in the country in different states such as in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal etc. These institutes are playing beneficial role in the field of the supervision of work regarding the formulation of sub-plans for scheduled tribes, preparation of reports, research studies and the training of official etc.

3. Communalism is posing greatest threat to national integration in India. It is being encouraged by fundamentalists in all religions. These religious fundamentalists are misusing the religious places to encourage communalism in the following way:

(i) The criminals and terrorists are being given shelter in the religious places.

(ii) The religious places are misused to preach communalism.

(iii) The terrorists are being given training in the religious places.

(iv) The politicians make political speeches in the religious place to get support for their political post.

4. Politics of caste has taken deep roots into the Indian politics. Its importance is increasing day by day. Casteism has divided the whole society. Elections are fought on caste basis which divided the people into various groups. It is dangerous for the unity of the people. Political parties put up only those candidates who belong to the dominant caste group in that constituency. In the formation of ministry, caste plays an important role. Due to caste system voters are not able to select a candidate of their choice.

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