[PDF Notes] Notes on the Symptoms and treatment of Corrosive and Non-corrosive Poisoning [Latest]

The thing which caused injury, to the normal system of the body is known as Poison, Mainly there are two types of poisons: Corrosive and Non-corrosive. The poi­sons which burn the normal body tissues are known a corrosive poisons the poisons which do not burn the tissues are known as non-corrosive poisons.

Corrosive Poisons:

Acids such as Sulphuric, Nitric and alkali such Ammonia or Caustic soda acts as corrosive poisons.


(i) The lips and tongue get charred;

(ii) Besters are -seen inside and outside of the mouth;

(iii) Dribbling of saliva from the angle of the mouth;

(iv) Mouth cavity as well as the face is swollen;

(v) Eyes become red;

(vi) Loss of speech sensation.


(i) Vomiting should not be induced because it will damage the mucus membrane of the stomach as it is already soften by the poison.

(ii) Suitable antidote should be given to neutralize the effect of poison.

(iii) If it is alkali (e.g. Strong ammonia, caustic soda, caustic potash) vinegar or lemon juice diluted with an equal amount of water should be given.

(iv) If it is arid (e.g. Nitric, Sulphuric, Oxalic acid) one teaspoonful of the carbonate soda or washing soda mixed in a tumbler of water should be given.

(v) After giving antidote a soothing drink of milk mixed with raw egg, ghee should be given.

(vi) If the condition of the patient is not improved then he should be shifted to the dispensary or to the hospital.

Non-Corrosive Poisons:

All other poisons besides acids and alkalis will one under the category of Non-corrosive poisons.


(i) Patients feel drowsy;

(ii) Intense headache;

(iii) Signs of mental confusion’;

(iv) In coordinated movements;

(v) Irregular breathing;

(vi) Terrific vomiting tendency;

(vii) Occasional vomiting and diarrhea;


(i) Large quantities of milk, water or tea should be given to dilute the poison;

(ii) Two tablespoonful of salt or baking soda are warm water should be given to induce vomiting for removing poison from the stomach.

(iii) If there is no vomiting the back of the throat should be stimulated to induce vomiting;

(iv) The vomits material and soil clothing should be saved for medical examination;

(v) In serious cases the patient should be removed to the hospital for further treatment;

(vi) In both the cases the victim should be kept as warm and comfortable as possible, to reduce the chance of shock.


(i) Poisonous substance should be preserved, in a safety place, especially away from food;

(ii) Caustics or alkalis should not be kept carelessly, here and there;

(iii) Poison container should be properly labeled;

(iv) Directions for insecticides, plant sprays and others should be carefully taken note of.

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