300+ TOP ADABAS Interview Questions and Answers

Adabas Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is adabas?
Adabas is a adaptable database .Natural can be accessed from adabas. Natural Adabas is supported onmainframe platform available on windows, unix and open vms syastems.adabas mainly includess concepts like read ,find get statement (all the looping statements)

2. How will you the specification of database file?
If you want to know the secification of file in ADABAS such as file’s record length, structure and decleration, inverted list etc., you have to look the FDT(File
defination Table) through ADAREP option.

3. Suppose If i have updated few fields of Adabas file using UPDATE command, and after that i used display to see that field get updated or not. If in Display it showing nothing or record did not get updated then what can be the possible reasons?
The find instruction may b used to display such that we applied find command to get the records corresponding to our search entry and after that record might me updated.So the updated inverted list will be formed but the ISN list in the working storage section will not be updated giving the same records prior to updation.

4. What is the significance of DBID used in Adabs?
DBID stands for database ID, in a Adabas server environment you can have multiple data base running. DBID represents unique ID of the database. Each file in Adabas has its DBID and FNR.

5. What is an Associator in ADABAS?
Associator is one of the datasets of the adabas.
It contains –

  • Number of adabas files which have been allocated in data storage.
  • The physical location of the extents of the file in the data storage.
  • Address converter, Inverted list, FDT.

6. How to initialize a variable which is a constant in a LDA. Suppose I want to declare a variable #a N1(1:7) having constant values as 1,2,3,4,5,6, and 7 for respective occurance then how can we do that?
In data area editor screen, define the variable #a with Format “N” and length 1. Then edit this variable/ field by typing in a “.e” just before the level number of this variable. This will take you the “Extended Field Definition Editing screen”. Type the code as “A” for Array index definition. On the “Index definition” screen, declare your index as 1:7 press enter and exit the screens until you are back onto the data area editor screen.Now again type in a “.e” to edit the same field/ variable and type code “S” for defining the single initial values. On this initial value screen, change the “Define as Constant” field value from “N” (No) to “Y” (yes)and just below it define constant values against each index value ranging from 1 to 7.

7. What is the difference between Null compression and default compression?
The default compression type for ADABAS is ‘Normal’ compression. This compresses the data by removing trailing spaces from alphanumeric fields, removing leading zeros and packing numeric fields, and leaving packed fields as is.

Null Suppression is a type of compression. The field must be designated with ‘NU’ for this compression to occur.
Null suppressed fields that are blank or zero only take up one byte insted of two. If there are multiple empty fields together they can be compressed into a one byte empty field count.

8. What does ADABAS stands for?
It is Adaptable Database System.

9. What are the benefits of ADABAS?
Following are the benefits of adabas:

  1. Reliable transactions
  2. High performance
  3. Flexible data integration
  4. Low administration cost

10. What is the transaction speed of adabas?
Adabas transact over 1 million database commands per second.

ADABAS Interview Questions
ADABAS Interview Questions

11. What are the different features of adabas database system?
Following are the key features of adabas:

  • Reliable
  • Scalable
  • High transaction speed
  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Disaster recovery
  • SQL, webservices REST
  • Multi-platform support
  • High performance
  • Flexible data integration
  • Low administration cost

12. Which applications typically uses adabas database systems?
Applications that require high volumes of data processing or in high transaction online analytical processing typically uses this database system.

13. What kind of database is adabas?
It is an inverted list database.

14. what is Adabas and why it is used?
Adabas (Adaptable Database System) is fundamentally a field-oriented database Management System. Retrievals of data and updating of data are performed on the field level. Adabas is also an inverted list database, and Adabas is regarded as one of the significant inverted-list DBMS packages. Adabas runs on LUW ( Linux, Unix, and Windows ) platform and on the mainframe. Those applications which require very much reliable and high-performance data processing for business transactions mostly use Adabas.
Why it is used:

  • Adabas make use of innovations and emerging new technologies. As a result, it provides incredibly high-speed transaction , scalability, and even availability at such a low cost
  • Adabas gives high scalability and throughput for supporting data growth.
  • Adabas protect the organization from security breaching.

15. What is DBID used in Adabas?
DBID is an acronym for database ID. Within an environment of Adabas, server user can have multiple databases running at the same time. DBID represents a unique ID of the database. So each database running within an Adabas server environment has a different DBID and the FNR ( file number).

16. Explain Associator in ADABAS?
Associator is basically one of the datasets of the Adaptable Database System. Associator includes:-

  • Number of those Adabas files that have been allocated in a data storage.
  • Address converter, FDT, and Inverted list.
  • The physical location of the file extents in the data storage.

Point to be noted: Go through this Q&A very thoroughly as this is one of the critical Adabas interview questions.

17. What is Find and Read operation in ADABAS file?

  1. FIND searches for the records according to the given search criteria from an inverted list.
  2. It gets the list according to the value which was provided in the search criteria
  3. It also receives the ISN (internal sequence number) list according to the search criteria and orders the ISN list and finally finds the RABN (relative Adabas block number) using sorted ISN list
  4. Lastly, it gets the exact records from the data storage and then displays the record.


  1. READ reads the complete list of records from an inverted list
  2. Even if the record does not match according to the search criteria, it reads the next records starting from descriptor value and then it gets the ISN ( internal sequence number) value and finally gets RABN (relative Adabas block number) from an Address converter
  3. Lastly READ gets the records and displays the record.

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