300+ TOP Agadtantra MCQs and Answers Quiz Test

Agadtantra Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following yog is used for the treatment of garopahat pawak?
A. Dooshivishari
B. Moorvadi
C. Eladi
D. Panchashirisha

Answer: B Moorvadi

2. Tobacco is……poison.
A. Corrosive
B. somniferous
C. cardiac
D. spinal

Answer: C cardiac

3. Which of the following is a spinal stimulant poison?
A. Ahifen
B. Kuchala
C. Vatsanabh
D. Arka

Answer: B Kuchala

4. According to Sushruta, Sthavar visha adhisthana are …. in number.
A. 16
B. 10
C. 8
D. 13

Answer: B 10

5. According to Sushruta, Jangam visha adhisthana are …. in number.
A. 10
B. 12
C. 16
D. 14

Answer: C 16

6. …… is one of the ingredients of dooshivishari Agad.
A. Mamsi
B. Amruta
C. Shunthi
D. Triphala

Answer: A Mamsi

7. Which of the following dravya is not used for hrudayavaran?
A. Gomay ras
B. Kshaudra
C. Supakwa Ekshu
D. Mudgayusha

Answer: D Mudgayusha

8. In visha chikitsa, Kakandadi yog is indicated for……….chikitsa.
A. vaman
B. virechan
C. mrutasanjivan
D. upadhan

Answer: C mrutasanjivan

9. According to Sharangadhar, vish guna are …… in number.
A. 8
B. 10
C. 7
D. 9

Answer: A 8

10. According to Sushruta, Moola Visha are …. in number.
A. 7
B. 9
C. 6
D. 8

Answer: D 8

Agadtantra MCQs

11. Dah upkrama is indicated for…… visha.
A. twakgat
B. mamsagat
C. takmamsagat
D. raktagat

Answer: C takmamsagat

12. Shodhan chikitsa protocol for Dooshivisha is……..
A. Snehan,- swedan,- vamanvirechana
B. Snehan- swedan- vaman
C. Snehan,- vaman- virechana
D. Swedan,- vaman- virechana

Answer: D Swedan,- vaman- virechana

13. According to Sushruta, which of the following is one of the upadrava of Dooshivisha?
A. Jwar
B. Pandu
C. Kotha
D. Shwas

Answer: A Jwar

14. According to Rastarangini, the upavisha are ……in number.
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10
D. 11

Answer: D 11

15. …… is the toxic principle present in vatsanabh.
A. Usharin
B. Aconitine
C. Nerin
D. Calotropin

Answer: B Aconitine

16. According to Rastarangini, vatsanabh is a…..
A. trina
B. taru
C. lata
D. kshupa

Answer: D kshupa

17. Inj. Atropine is mainly used as antidote in acute poisoning of….
A. bhanga
B. vatsanabh
C. dhatura
D. kuchala

Answer: B vatsanabh

18. Risus sardonicus is a feature seen in …… poisoning.
A. vatsanabh
B. dhatura
C. kuchala
D. karveer

Answer: C kuchala

19. Pleurosthotonus is…….. of the body.
A. Forward bending
B. backward bending
C. lateral bending
D. straight stiffening

Answer: C lateral bending

20. Which of the following is the antidote of kuchala?
A. Atropine
B. Naloxone
C. Prostigmine
D. Barbiturates

Answer: D Barbiturates

21. The usual fatal dose of Vatsanabh rhizome powder is……
A. 10 mg
B. 100 mg
C. 1 gm
D. 1mg

Answer: C 1 gm

22. ….. is the English name of Vatsanabh.
A. Jimson seed
B. Wolf’s bane
C. Tiger’s claws
D. Swallow wart

Answer: B Wolf’s bane

23. The differential diagnosis for Kuchala poisoning is with………
A. acute gastroenteritis
B. tetanus
C. gullien barrie Syndrome
D. ventricular tachycardia

Answer: B tetanus

24. According to Rastarangini, …..is the synonym of Kuchala.
A. visha
B. vijaya
C. rechak
D. vishatinduk

Answer: D vishatinduk

25. Pin pointed pupils are the toxicity feature of ……
A. Ahifen
B. Dhatura
C. Bhanga
D. Kuchala

Answer: A Ahifen

26. ………is the toxic principle present in Ahifen.
A. Scopolamine
B. Brucine
C. Euphol
D. Morphine

Answer: D Morphine

27. According to Rastarangini, vatsanabh is…. visha.
A. patra
B. niryas
C. kand
D. pushpa

Answer: C kand

28. Postmortem findings showing combination of intense lividity of the face approaching blackness and oedema of lungs are the hallmark of.…..…poisoning.
A. opium
B. aconite
C. strychnine
D. abrin

Answer: A opium

29. The exuding milk is collected from…….. of Papaver somniferum.
A. leaves
B. stem
C. Ripened poppy capsules
D. unripened poppy capsules

Answer: D unripened poppy capsules

30. In opium poisoning, weight in limbs and diminution of sensibility is initially seen in ……..
A. stage of Excitement
B. stage of Stupor
C. stage of Narcosis
D. stage of Medullary paralysis

Answer: B stage of Stupor

31. Hemp insanity sometimes results after chronic intoxication of…….
A. bhanga
B. opium
C. tobacco
D. alcohol

Answer: A bhanga

32. Frenzied desire on part of the victim of killing any person against whom he may have false or real enemity is……
A. risus sardonicus
B. carphologia
C. delirium
D. run amok

Answer: D run amok

33. Which of the following isnot an abuse preparation of bhanga?
A. Charas
B. Ganja
C. Marijuana
D. Afim

Answer: D Afim

34. Which of the following active principle is responsible for psychoactive effects of Bhanga?
A. Tetrahydrocannabinol
B. Hyoscyamine
C. Pseudoaconitine
D. Epinephrine

Answer: A Tetrahydrocannabinol

35. Inj. Methadone is used as drug of choice in the treatment of…….
A. dhatura poisoning
B. morphinism
C. hashish insanity
D. plumbism

Answer: B morphinism

36. The usual fatal dose of opium is……
A. 500 mg
B. 20 mg
C. 5 gm
D. 20 gm

Answer: A 500 mg

37. Which of the following visha dravya doesnot come under NDPS Act ?
A. Opium
B. Bhanga
C. Cocaine
D. Tobacco

Answer: D Tobacco

38. ……. is the active principle present in Jaypal.
A. Croton
B. Abrin
C. Ricin
D. Calotoxin

Answer: A Croton

39. Which of the following is a plant irritant poison?
A. Dhatura
B. Bhanga
C. Jaypal
D. Karveer

Answer: C Jaypal

40. Which of the following drug is mentioned in Charakokta Vishghna Mahakashay?
A. Amruta
B. Suvaha
C. Klitak
D. Apamarga

Answer: B Suvaha

41. According to Gangadhar Teeka, the sthavar visha gati is…..
A. tiryak
B. Sarvag
C. urdhwa
D. Adho

Answer: D Adho

42. According to Charaka,……… is one of the hetu of shotha.
A. Gunja
B. Bhallatak
C. Jaypal
D. Arka

Answer: B Bhallatak

43. According to Anupan Manjiri, lepa of ……..is indicated in bhallatakjanit Shotha.
A. Meghnad ras with navneet
B. Punarnava ras with madhu
C. Triphala with madhu
D. Yashtimadhu with ghee

Answer: A Meghnad ras with navneet

44. According to Anupan Manjiri, ……. is stated to be used in Dhatura vishajanit vikara.
A. Vruntak-Phalabeej ras
B. Patwan vriksha ras
C. Meghnad ras
D. Bruhatkshudra ras with godugdha

Answer: A Vruntak-Phalabeej ras

45. Arushkar is the synonym of…….. upavisha.
A. Gunja
B. Bhallatak
C. Jaypal
D. Snuhi

Answer: B Bhallatak

46. Anaphylaxis reaction may occur with the consumption of……visha.
A. Arka
B. Snuhi
C. Bhallatak
D. Dhatura

Answer: C Bhallatak

47. Which of the following is not the toxicity feature of dhatura?
A. Dermatitis
B. Dysphagia
C. Mydriasis
D. Dysurea

Answer: A Dermatitis

48. Dhatura has been used as …..poison.
A. abortifacient
B. Somniferous
C. stupefying
D. Sui

Answer: C stupefying

49. The antidote used in the treatment of Dhatura poisoning is…..
A. Physostigmine
B. Atropine
C. Coramine
D. Phenobarbitone

Answer: A Physostigmine

50. Fatal dose of dhatura seeds is……….
A. 1-2
B. 10-20
C. 50-100
D. 500-600

Answer: C 50-100

51. Which of the following is used as sui poison?
A. Dhatura
B. Gunja
C. Arka
D. Karveer

Answer: B Gunja

52. The features of gunja poisoning resemble with ……poisoning.
A. cobra snake bite
B. viper snake bite
C. krait snake bite
D. Phosphorus

Answer: B viper snake bite

53. The principal toxicological action of abrin is……………..
A. Metabolic enzyme deactivation
B. protein synthesis inhibition
C. Disruption of signal transduction in neurons
D. Hb synthesis disruption

Answer: B protein synthesis inhibition

54. Which of the following visha dravya are the ingredients of Sanjeevani Vati ?
A. Bhallatak and Dhatura
B. Dhatura and Vatsanabh
C. Bhallatak and Vatsanabh
D. Kuchala and Vatsanabh

Answer: C Bhallatak and Vatsanabh

55. Which of the following bhavana dravya is used for shodhan of Afu?
A. Godugdha
B. Gomutra
C. Aardrak Swaras
D. Babbul twak kwatha

Answer: C Aardrak Swaras

56. According to Yogratnakar, ……visha dravya are shuddha themselves.
A. Arka and Snuhi ksheer
B. Dhatura and Gunja seeds
C. Bhanga and Ahifen
D. Bhallatak and Langali

Answer: A Arka and Snuhi ksheer

57. Yukaliksha vinashak is one of the karma of…….
A. arka
B. Dhatura
C. karveer
D. Gunja

Answer: B Dhatura

58. According to Rastarangini, Aparapatini is one of the karma of……..
A. arka
B. Snuhi
C. bhallatak
D. Langali

Answer: D Langali

59. According to Charak, visha vega in human are… in number.
A. 7
B. 4
C. 8
D. 10

Answer: C 8

60. Sushruta advised consumption of Ajeya ghruta for…………
A. virechana
B. Hrudayavaran
C. nasya
D. pratisaran

Answer: B Hrudayavaran

61. Anirdeshya ras is mentioned as one of the guna of visha by……..
A. Charak
B. Sushruta
C. Vagbhata
D. Sharangdhar

Answer: A Charak

62. The average fatal dose of Oleander root is….
A. 1 gm
B. 100mg
C. 15 gm
D. 5 gm

Answer: C 15 gm

63. Which of the following mantra is uttered for visha chikitsa ?
A. Gayatri Mantra
B. Vishnu Sahatranam
C. Ram Raksha
D. Nilkantha trayakshari

Answer: D Nilkantha trayakshari

64. “Vishagarvairodhik Prashaman” is mentioned as one of the ashtanga of Ayurved by……
A. Charak
B. Vagbhata
C. Sushruta
D. Kashyap

Answer: A Charak

65. According to Charak, Yoni of visha is………….
A. Ras
B. Tej
C. Ambu
D. Pruthwi

Answer: C Ambu

66. Activated charcoal is ………….. type of physical antidote.
A. bulky food
B. Adsorbent
C. demulcent
D. Diluents

Answer: B Adsorbent

67. Syp. Ipecac is orally given in the treatment of poisoning for………………..
A. purgation
B. dilution of poison
C. forced emesis
D. hastening the excretion through

Answer: C forced emesis

68. Which of the following is the first principle of treatment of poisoning?
A. Removal of unabsorbed poison from the body
B. Stabilization of vital functions
C. Administration of antidote
D. Removal of absorbed poison from the body

Answer: B Stabilization of vital functions

69. Which of the following is not the method of hastening the removal of absorbed poison from the body?
A. Peritoneal dialysis
B. Haemodialysis
C. Irrigation of bowel
D. Haemoperfusion

Answer: C Irrigation of bowel

70. Which agent is used for stomach wash in the removal of unabsorbed organic plant poison?
A. Potassium Permanagnate
B. Normal saline water
C. Magnesium sulphate
D. Activated charcoal

Answer: A Potassium Permanagnate

71. Which of the following is the best choice of chelation therapy in acute lead poisoning?
D. Penicillamine

Answer: C BAL+EDTA

72. Which of the following is the toxic organic compound of lead?
A. Lead acetate
B. Tetraethyl lead
C. Lead oxide
D. Lead sulphide

Answer: B Tetraethyl lead

73. Blastophoric effect on spermatozoa is seen in ………chronic poisoning.
A. lead
B. Arsenic
C. copper
D. Mercury

Answer: D Mercury

74. Aminoleuvelinic acid dehydratase enzyme is mainly deactivated in lead poisoning, which leads to……
A. oesteopathy
B. Hypertension
C. encephalopathy
D. Anaemia

Answer: D Anaemia

75. Literally where no activity is possible in mercury poisoning, the condition is called as……
A. Mercuria Lentis
B. Hatter’s Shake
C. Concossio Mercurialis
D. Mercurialism

Answer: C Concossio Mercurialis

76. Most corrosive and toxic compound of mercury is….
A. elemental mercury
B. mercury sulphide
C. mercuric chloride
D. mercurous chloride

Answer: C mercuric chloride

77. Primary acute mercury poisoning is seen as…
A. CNS degeneration
B. Bone damage
C. Kidney damage
D. Heart damage

Answer: C Kidney damage

78. Which of the following is the oral chelating agent administered in mercury poisoning?
A. Dimercaprol
B. Dimarcaptosuccinic acid
C. Desferrioxamine
D. Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid

Answer: B Dimarcaptosuccinic acid

79. Ammonium hydrooxide test is carried out with……in acute copper poisoning.
A. Bile
B. Urine
C. Stool
D. blood

Answer: A Bile

80. . ……levels are reduced in copper toxicity.
B. ceruloplasmin
C. calcium

Answer: B ceruloplasmin

81. Fatal dose of Copper Sulphate is…..
A. 1-2 mg
B. 100-200mg
C. 1-2 gm
D. 10-20 gm

Answer: D 10-20 gm

82. Vineyard sprayer’s lung disease is the result of ….chronic poisoning
A. Lead
B. Arsenic
C. Phosphorus
D. copper

Answer: D copper

83. Which of the following toxic element is highly reactive to air?
A. Mercury
B. Phosphorus
C. Lead
D. Copper

Answer: B Phosphorus

84. Which of the following is used as chemical antidote in phosphorus poisoning?
A. Potassium permanganate
B. Calcium gluconate
D. Magnesium sulphate

Answer: A Potassium permanganate

85. Which of the following symptom is seen in phossy jaw?
A. carious teeth
B. gingivitis
C. furred tongue
D. burtonian lines on gums

Answer: B gingivitis

86. The main target organ of acute primary toxicity in case of phosphorus is…..?
A. heart
B. liver
C. brain
D. spinal cord

Answer: B liver

87. In PM findings of acute arsenic poisoning, …….. appearance of stomach is seen.
A. whitish
B. bluish black
C. yellowish
D. velvet

Answer: D velvet

88. In arsenic poisoning, ………deficiency is principally seen.
A. Vitamin E
B. Vitamin D3
C. Vitamin B1
D. calcium

Answer: C Vitamin B1

89. Which of the following skin manifestation is generally seen in chronic arsenic poisoning?
A. Vitiligo
B. Ichthyosis
C. Hyperkeratosis
D. Psoriasis

Answer: C Hyperkeratosis

90. Arsenicosis may occur through…………….
A. water
B. food
C. air
D. soil

Answer: A water

91. In postmortem findings,………smell of the stomach contents emanates in arsenic poisoning.
A. kerosene
B. garlic
C. no
D. sweet

Answer: B garlic

92. …………………..is a protoplasmic poison.
A. Iodine
B. Copper
C. Arsenic
D. Phosphorus

Answer: D Phosphorus

93. ………… is a autosomal recessive disorder having error of copper metabolism.
A. Klienfilter’s syndrome
B. Dawn’s syndrome
C. Wilson’s disease
D. Pot’s disease

Answer: C Wilson’s disease

94. Which of the following disorder is the result of chronic mercury poisoning?
A. Black foot disease
B. Menke’s Kinky hair syndrome
C. Pink’s disease
D. Wilson’s disease

Answer: C Pink’s disease

95. Constipation and offensive stool are the characteristics in acute………poisoning.
A. lead
B. mercury
C. arsenic
D. copper

Answer: A lead

96. Section 375 IPC deals with….
A. Rape
B. Grievous hurt
C. Murder
D. Sodomy

Answer: A Rape

97. Tribadism is also called as….
A. Lesbianism
B. Sexual oralism
C. Buccal coitus
D. Eonism

Answer: A Lesbianism

98. Valid consent for sexual intercourse can be given by a female above the age of…..years.
A. 12
B. 15
C. 16
D. 18

Answer: C 16

99. Sodomy is punishable under section……IPC.
A. 354
B. 375
C. 377
D. 378

Answer: C 377

100. Disulfiram is useful in ………….dependence.
A. Alcohol
B. Heroin
C. Cocaine
D. Cannabis

Answer: A Alcohol

101. Mc Ewans sign is seen …….poisoning.
A. Organophosphate
B. Alcohol
C. Barbiturates
D. Opium

Answer: B Alcohol

102. Optic atrophy is seen in …………poisoning.
A. Lead
B. Phosphorus
C. Methyl alcohol
D. Ethyl alcohol

Answer: C Methyl alcohol

103. Maximum ethyl alcohol content is seen in………
A. Rum
B. Brandy
C. Whisky
D. Gin

Answer: A Rum

104. . ……………is an ultra short acting barbiturate.
A. Pentobarbitol
B. Amylobarbitone
C. Phenobarbitone
D. Thiopentone

Answer: D Thiopentone

105. ……….breathing is seen in barbiturate poisoning.
A. Rapid and deep
B. Slow and shallow
C. Normal
D. Rapid and shallow

Answer: D Rapid and shallow

106. Skin blisters are not seen in case of…
A. Barbiturate poisoning
B. Electric shock
C. CO poisoning
D. Decomposition

Answer: B Electric shock

107. Organophosphorus compounds inhibit……
A. Acetylcholine
B. Acetylcholine esterase
C. Cytochrome oxidase
D. Sulphydryl enzymes

Answer: B Acetylcholine esterase

108. …….is not seen in organophosphate poisoning.
A. Lacrimation
B. Salivation
C. Mydriasis
D. Diarrhoea

Answer: C Mydriasis

109. The drug of choice in organophosphate poisoning is….
A. Atropine
D. Copper sulphate

Answer: A Atropine

110. Pralidoxime is antidote of………..
A. Mercury
B. Lead
C. Organophosphorus
D. Phosphorus

Answer: C Organophosphorus

111. Most common death due to suicide is by
A. Phenobarbitone
B. Insecticides
C. Hanging
D. Suicidal cut throat

Answer: B Insecticides

112. Which one of the following insecticide is an organophosphorus compound?
A. Endrin
D. Malathion

Answer: D Malathion

113. Kerosene like smell from mouth is present in……poisoning.
A. Mercury
B. Arsenic
C. Organophosphorus
D. Phosphorus

Answer: C Organophosphorus

114. The fatal dose of methyl alcohol is……
A. 20-40ml
B. 40-50ml
C. 60-200ml
D. 200-300ml

Answer: C 60-200ml

115. ………….is a blistering war gas.
A. Chlorine gas
B. Mustard gas
C. HCN gas
D. Tabun

Answer: B Mustard gas

116. A person after ingesting a toxic agent is in a state of Narcosis. The pupils are constricted. However, on pinching the neck the pupils dilate initially and slowly return to their original size. The toxic agent is:
A. Barbiturate
B. Alcohol
C. Strychnine Organophosphate
D. Carbolic acid

Answer: B Alcohol

117. Blackout is due to:
A. Alcohol intoxication
B. Cocaine toxicity
C. LSD toxicity
D. Cyanide poisoning

Answer: A Alcohol intoxication

118. Korsakoff’s psychosis is seen in:
B. Chronic alcoholism
C. Marasmus
D. Cirrhosis

Answer: B Chronic alcoholism

119. CAGE questionnaire is used in:
A. Alcohol dependence
B. Opiate poisoning
C. Dhatura poisoning
D. Barbiturate poisoning

Answer: A Alcohol dependence

120. In India, driving under influence is considered at blood alcohol level of:
A. ≥20 mg%
B. ≥30 mg%
C. ≥50 mg%
D. ≥100 mg%

Answer: B ≥30 mg%

121. The dead body is lying on autopsy table. There is leathery, fine, tenacious, froth at mouth and nostrils. The death is due to:
A. Opium poisoning
B. Barbiturate poisoning
C. Throttling
D. Drowning

Answer: D Drowning

122. Widmark’s formula is used for measurement of blood levels of:
A. Benzodiazepines
B. Barbiturates
C. Alcohol
D. Cocaine

Answer: C Alcohol

123. Alkalization of urine is done in which poisoning:
A. Barbiturates
B. Amphetamine
C. Alcohol
D. Cocaine

Answer: A Barbiturates

124. Which of the following is not a phase of organophosphorus poisoning:
A. Acute cholinergic phase
B. Intermediate syndrome
C. OPC induced delayed polyneuropathy
D. Late onset proximal myopathy

Answer: D Late onset proximal myopathy

125. A 5-year-old child presents with confusion, increased salivation, fasiculations, miosis, tachycardia and hypertension. Poison that can cause these manifestations:
A. Opium
C. Dhatura
D. Arsenic

Answer: B OPC

126. Privileged communication is between:
A. Doctor-patient
B. Doctor-medical council
C. Doctor-court
D. Doctor-police

Answer: C Doctor-court

127. Dichotomy means:
A. Fee splitting
B. Summons
C. Civil wrong
D. Employing touts to get patients

Answer: A Fee splitting

128. Declaration of Helsinki is about:
A. Organ transplantation
B. Human experimentation
C. Torture
D. Physician’s oath

Answer: B Human experimentation

129. Burden to prove defense lies with the doctor in case of:
A. Mens rea
B. Res ipsa loquitor
C. Res judicata
D. Respondent superior

Answer: B Res ipsa loquitor

130. A doctor has to do an urgent operation on an unconscious patient to save his life. But there are no relatives to take consent. He goes ahead without obtaining consent from anyone; he is using the principle of:
A. Therapeutic privilege
B. Doctrine of implied consent
C. Therapeutic waiver
D. Doctrine of informed consent

Answer: B Doctrine of implied consent

131. Chief Judicial Magistrate can give sentence a guilty for imprisonment upto:
A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
D. Life imprisonment

Answer: C 7 years

132. Juvenile court deals with cases of children upto the age of:
A. 15 years
B. 16 years
C. 18 years
D. 21 years

Answer: C 18 years

133. A lady died due to unnatural death within seven years of her marriage. The inquest in this case will be done by:
A. Forensic medicine expert
B. Deputy superintendent of police
C. Sub-divisional magistrate
D. Coroner

Answer: C Sub-divisional magistrate

134. When a doctor issues a false medical certificate, then he is liable under:
A. Sec. 197 IPC
B. Sec. 87 IPC
C. Sec. 304A IPC
D. Sec. 338 IPC

Answer: A Sec. 197 IPC

135. A married woman died in unnatural conditions within 5 years of her marriage. Her parents complained of frequent demand of dowry. Her autopsy will be conducted under which section:
A. Sec. 174 CrPC
B. Sec. 176 CrPC
C. Sec. 302 IPC
D. Sec. 304B IPC

Answer: B Sec. 176 CrPC

136. Color of urine in phenol poisoning:
A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Blue

Answer: B Green

137. Maximum damage to esophagus is with:
A. H2SO4
B. Sodium hydroxide
C. Acetic acid
D. Nitric acid

Answer: B Sodium hydroxide

138. In postmortem findings, leathery stomach is seen in poisoning with:
A. HCl
B. H2SO4
C. Carbolic acid
D. Oxalic acid

Answer: C Carbolic acid

139. Antidote for mineral acid poisoning is:
A. MgSO4
B. CuSO4
D. MgO

Answer: D MgO

140. Color that can be observed in nitric acid toxicity is
A. White
B. Black
C. Yellow
D. Red

Answer: C Yellow

141. In acute cyanide poisoning, amyl nitrate is given by one of the following route:
A. Oral
B. intravenous
C. Inhalation
D. Intramuscular

Answer: C Inhalation

142. All the following are characteristic of alkaline ingestion except:
A. Liquefactive necrosis
B. Coagulative necrosis
C. Denaturation
D. Saponification of fats

Answer: B Coagulative necrosis

143. Which one of the following is the systemic action of Oxalic acid poisoning?
A. Hepatic failure
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypercalcaemia
D. Renal failure

Answer: D Renal failure

144. Which one of the following is the antidote for oxalic acid poisoning?
A. Animal charcoal
B. Aluminum oxide
C. Calcium lactate
D. Magnesium oxide

Answer: C Calcium lactate

145. Postal envelop shaped crystals in the urine are the features of poisoning from
A. Carbolic acid
B. Oxalic acid
C. Nitric acid
D. Sulphuric acid

Answer: B Oxalic acid

146. Xanthoproteic reaction is a feature of poisoning from
A. Sulphuric acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Carbolic acid

Answer: B Nitric acid

147. Vitriolage is
A. Consuming alcohol mixed with acids
B. Committing suicide by consuming acids
C. Throwing of acid on a person
D. Gastric lavage done with Ryle’s tube

Answer: C Throwing of acid on a person

148. Which one of the following is the feature of Sulphuric acid poisoning?
A. Dark tongue with yellowish teeth
B. Blackish tongue with chalky white teeth
C. Bluish line at the junction of the teeth and the gums
D. Sequestration and necrosis of the jaw

Answer: B Blackish tongue with chalky white teeth

149. Putrefaction is retarded by
A. Organophosphorus poison
B. Oxalic acid
C. Carbolic acid
D. Hydrochloric acid

Answer: C Carbolic acid

150. Trousseau’s sign may be seen in…….poisoning.
A. Carbolic acid
B. Oxalic acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Hydrochloric acid

Answer: B Oxalic acid

151. Histotoxic anoxia produced by all except
A. Drowning
B. Fire accidents
C. Cyanide poisoning
D. Strangulation

Answer: C Cyanide poisoning

152. In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:
A. Reduce cyanide
B. Induce vasodilatation
C. Produce methaemoglobin
D. Oxidize cyanide

Answer: C Produce methaemoglobin

153. After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute nephritis, the poison is:
A. Oxalic acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Hydrocyanic acid
D. Carbolic acid

Answer: C Hydrocyanic acid

154. During post mortem exam odour of bitter almond is found in case of …….poisoning.
A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Carbolic acid

Answer: A Hydrocyanic acid

155. Gastric lavage with 5% Sodium thiosulfate can be done in…….poisoning.
A. H2SO4

Answer: D HCN

156. Ophotoxemia refers to
A. Organophosphorous poisoning
B. Heavy metal poisoning
C. Scorpion venom poisoning
D. Snake venom poisoning

Answer: D Snake venom poisoning

157. Elapidaes are
A. Vasculotoxic
B. Neurotoxic
C. Musculotoxic
D. Nontoxic

Answer: B Neurotoxic

158. The most useful bedside test to suggest snake bite envenomation is
A. Prothrombin time
B. 20 min whole blood clotting time
C. International normalized ratio
D. Platelet count

Answer: B 20 min whole blood clotting time

159. Viper venom causes
A. Acute renal failure
B. Dysphagia
C. Nerve paralysis
D. Polycythemia

Answer: A Acute renal failure

160. Haematuria may occur in bite of
A. Krait
B. Cobra
C. Viper
D. Sea snake

Answer: C Viper

161. Lethal dose of krait venom:
A. 3 mg
B. 6 mg
C. 12 mg
D. 15 mg

Answer: B 6 mg

162. Most characteristic feature of elapidae snake envenomation:
A. Bleeding manifestation
B. Rhabdomyolysis
C. Cardiotoxicity
D. Neuro-paralytic symptoms

Answer: D Neuro-paralytic symptoms

163. A girl, otherwise healthy, sleeping on the floor suddenly develops nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, quadriplegia at night. Diagnosis is:
A. Guillain Barre syndrome
B. Krait bite
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Periodic paralysis

Answer: B Krait bite

164. True of poisonous snakes are all, except:
A. Fangs present
B. Belly scales are small
C. Small head scales
D. Grooved teeth

Answer: B Belly scales are small

165. Cholinesterase is seen in venom of:
A. Elapids
B. Vipers
C. Sea snakes
D. All

Answer: A Elapids

166. ………is responsible for spread of snake venom in body.
A. Serine proteases
B. Hyaluronidase
C. Phospholipase A2
D. Fibrinolysin

Answer: B Hyaluronidase

167. 1 ml of anti snake venom neutralizes ……..cobra venom.
A. 0.6mg
B. 0.45mg
C. 0.5mg
D. 0.4mg

Answer: A 0.6mg

168. Neostigmine – Atropine therapy can be given in case of ………bite
A. Elapid
B. Rusells viper
C. Saw scaled viper
D. Sea snake

Answer: A Elapid

169. Muscle paralysis is caused by bite of:
A. Sea snake
B. Krait
C. Mamba
D. Python

Answer: A Sea snake

170. Polyvalent snake vaccines contains immunoglobins against all, except:
A. Ophiophagus hannah
B. Naja naja
C. Daboia rusellii
D. Bungarus caeruleus

Answer: A Ophiophagus hannah

171. False but firm belief about something which is not a fact:
A. Illusion
B. Delusion
C. Hallucination
D. Obsession

Answer: B Delusion

172. False perception without any external stimulus is:
A. Hallucination
B. Delirium
C. Illusion
D. Delusion

Answer: A Hallucination

173. Visual hallucinations are most commonly seen in:
A. Delusional syndrome
B. Mania
C. Delirium

Answer: C Delirium

174. McNaughten rule is concerned with:
A. Civil responsibility in drunken person
B. Criminal responsibility in insane person
C. Professional misconduct by doctors
D. Capacity of a person to make a valid will 205 To plead for insanity in a court of law, the IPC is:

Answer: B Criminal responsibility in insane person

175. Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder is dealt under:
A. Sec. 299 IPC
B. Sec. 300 IPC
C. Sec.302 IPC
D. Sec. 304 IPC

Answer: D Sec. 304 IPC

176. IPC section dealing with dowry death:
A. 307 IPC
B. 304 IPC
C. 304 A IPC
D. 304 B IPC

Answer: D 304 B IPC

177. IPC for grievous injury:
A. Sec. 420
B. Sec. 320
C. Sec. 299
D. Sec. 351

Answer: B Sec. 320

178. Grievous injury includes all, except:
A. Emasculation
B. Loss of 15 days work
C. Permanent disfigurement
D. Fracture of bones

Answer: B Loss of 15 days work

179. Scab or crust of abrasion appears brown in:
A. 12-24 hr
B. 2-3 days
C. 4-5 days
D. 5-7 days

Answer: B 2-3 days

180. Brush burn is injury due:
A. Friction
B. Electrocution
C. Steam
D. Burns

Answer: A Friction

181. Blue color of contusion is due to:
A. Bilirubin
B. Haemosiderin
C. Haematoidin
D. De-oxyhemoglobin

Answer: D De-oxyhemoglobin

182. No color change is seen in sub-conjunctival hemorrhage due to:
A. Continuous CO2 supply
B. Little amount of blood is present
C. Continuous O2 supply
D. Color change occurs but not visible to naked eye

Answer: C Continuous O2 supply

183. Split laceration resembles:
A. Incised wound
B. Abrasion
C. Gunshot wound
D. Contusion

Answer: A Incised wound

184. Hesitation cuts are seen in a case of:
A. Homicide
B. Suicide
C. Accident
D. Fall from height

Answer: B Suicide

185. Split lacerations are due to:
A. Blunt object
B. Sharp object
C. Sharp heavy object
D. Pointed object

Answer: A Blunt object

186. In an incised wound, all of the following are true, except:
A. It has clean-cut margins
B. Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations
C. Tailing is often present
D. Length of injury does not correspond with length of blade

Answer: B Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations

187. Incised wounds on genitalia:
A. Homicidal
B. Suicidal
C. Accidental
D. Self-inflicted

Answer: A Homicidal

188. Black gunpowder contains all of the following, except:
A. Potassium nitrate
B. Lead peroxide
C. Charcoal
D. Sulphur

Answer: B Lead peroxide

189. In a firearm injury, blackening seen around the entry wound is due to:
A. Flame
B. Smoke
C. Unburnt powder
D. Hot gases

Answer: B Smoke

190. In a firearm injury, there is burning, blackening, tattooing around the wound, and is circular in shape, the injury is:
A. Close shot entry
B. Close contact exit
C. Contact shot entry
D. Distant shot entry

Answer: A Close shot entry

191. Parkland formula for burns is for:
A. Ringer lactate
B. Glucose saline
C. Normal saline
D. 25% dextrose

Answer: A Ringer lactate

192. Paradoxical undressing is seen in:
A. Hyperthermia
B. Hypothermia
C. Transvestism
D. Immersion syndrome

Answer: B Hypothermia

193. Pugilistic attitude is due to:
A. Lipolysis
B. Protein coagulation
C. Carbohydrate coagulation
D. Lipogenesis

Answer: B Protein coagulation

194. Curling’s ulcer in burns is seen in:
A. Esophagus
B. Stomach
C. Colon
D. Duodenum

Answer: D Duodenum

195. Percentage of surface area of palm of a burn patient:
A. 1%
B. 9%
C. 18%
D. 27%

Answer: A 1%

196. Blister formation in burn is classified as:
A. First degree
B. Second degree superficial
C. Second degree deep
D. Third degree

Answer: B Second degree superficial

197. A dead body is found to have marks like branching of a tree on front of the chest. Most likely cause of death could be:
A. Firearm injury
B. Lightning injury
C. Road traffic accident
D. Bomb blast injury

Answer: B Lightning injury

198. Joule burn is seen in:
A. Blast injuries
B. Electrocution
C. Firearm wounds
D. Lightning stroke

Answer: B Electrocution

199. दंष्ट्रिणो येष्ट्रिषं तेष ं दंिोत्थं…….. मतम्
A. जङ्गमं
B. गरष्ट्रिषं
C. स्थ िरं
D. दूषीष्ट्रिषं

Answer: A जङ्गमं

200. ……….फणी ज्ञेयो
A. मण्डली
B. िैकरंज
C. दिीकरः
D. र ष्ट्रजम न्

Answer: C दिीकरः

201. ………….मण्डल फणः
A. मण्डली
B. दिीकरः
C. र ष्ट्रजम न्
D. िैकरंज

Answer: A मण्डली

202. ष्ट्रिन्दुलेख ष्ट्रिष्ट्रित्र ङ्गः पन्नगः स्य त्तु………
A. दिीकरः
B. र ष्ट्रजम न्
C. िैकरंज
D. मण्डली

Answer: B र ष्ट्रजम न्

203. According to Vagbhata, Sarpa dansha bheda are……in number.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 3
D. 5

Answer: D 5

204. According to Sushruta, sarpa bheda are. …..
A. 80
B. 60
C. 70
D. 50

Answer: A 80

205. According to Sushruta, Sankhya of nirvisha sarpa is……
A. 10
B. 12
C. 22
D. 26

Answer: B 12

206. Sarvakarmika agada is indicated in…..visha.
A. Loota
B. Sarpa
C. Vruschika
D. Kita

Answer: A Loota

207. ष्ट्रसत िैगष्ट्रन्धको द्र क्ष पयस्य मधुकं मधुis indicated for………
A. Shanka visha
B. Dushi visha
C. Gara visha
D. Kita visha

Answer: A Shanka visha

208. Meghanad agada is indicated in ……..sarpa dansha.
A. Darvikar
B. Rajiman
C. Vaikaranj
D. Mandali

Answer: A Darvikar

209. —–this upavisha is used as an ecbolic for criminal abortion.
A. Dhatura
B. Jaypal
C. Kuchala
D. Eranda

Answer: C Kuchala

210. …… is upavisha used for criminal abortion through inducing general toxicity to body .
A. Strychnine
B. Dhatura metel
C. croton tiglium
D. Calatropis

Answer: D Calatropis

211. ……. is upavisha used for criminal abortion through reflex uterine stimulant.
A. Strychnine
B. Dhatura metel
C. Abrus precatorius
D. croton tiglium

Answer: C Abrus precatorius

212. The action of Croton oil to induce criminal abortion is……
A. Ecbolics
B. Reflex uterine stimulant.
C. Genito-urinary irritant
D. Emmenagogues

Answer: B Reflex uterine stimulant.

213. Plumbago acts as a …….. to induce criminal abortion.
A. Primarily toxic to other systems.
B. Genito-urinary irritant
C. Emmenagogues
D. Ecbolics

Answer: A Primarily toxic to other systems.

214. …… this upvisha is used for criminal abortion.
A. Aconite
B. Abrus precatorius
C. Nerium odorum
D. Dhatura metel

Answer: B Abrus precatorius

215. …… this upvisha is used as a reflex uterine stimulant for criminal abortion
A. oil of Eranda
B. oil of tansy
C. oil of turpentine
D. oil of jaypal

Answer: A oil of Eranda

216. Dais use …… upavisha for the preparation of abortion stick.
A. Kaner
B. Kuchala
C. Dhatur
D. Eranda

Answer: A Kaner

217. Usually juice of —— is applied on abortion stick
A. Ekshu
B. Ulmus fulva
C. Bhallatak
D. Snuhi

Answer: C Bhallatak

218. Usually —–stick is used as an abortion stick in India.
A. Chitrak
B. Mango
C. Bamboo
D. Papaya

Answer: A Chitrak

219. The fundus of parous uterus is usually tend to be ……..
A. higher than the line of fallopian tube
B. at the line of fallopian tube
C. lower than the line of fallopian tube
D. Distant from fallopian tube

Answer: A higher than the line of fallopian tube

220. In the nulli-parous uterus the length of body is …… the length of cervical segment.
A. less
B. equal
C. twice
D. thrice

Answer: B equal

221. The silvery –white marks on abdomen in delivered women is named as ……
A. Striae gravidarum
B. Linea nigra
C. Lineae ablicantes
D. Scar mark of delivery

Answer: C Lineae ablicantes

222. ——- is mandatory to carry clinical forensic examination.
A. Day light
B. Consent
C. Assistant
D. well ventilated room

Answer: B Consent

223. The sequence of medico-legal examination should be—–
A. General physical examination— Examination of specific area— consent—reference to specialist
B. consent — General physical examination—Examination of specific area–reference to specialist
C. reference to specialist–general physical examination— Examination of specific area— consent
D. consent– Examination of specific area– General physical examination–reference to specialist

Answer: B consent — General physical examination—Examination of specific area–reference to specialist

224. In pregnancy the Braxton Hicks sign can be detected by……..onward
A. 16 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 10 weeks
D. 8 weeks

Answer: A 16 weeks

225. Amenorrhea is a ……. Sign of pregnancy.
A. Positive
B. Confirmative
C. Probable
D. Presumptive

Answer: D Presumptive

226. Among the presumptive signs of pregnancy …… is most important in medicolegal point of view.
A. Chandwik sign
B. Linea nigra
C. Quickening
D. Montegomery’s follicle

Answer: C Quickening

227. For medicolegal examination rapid and comparatively accurate probable confirmation of pregnancy can be done with…..
A. Uterine souffle
B. Ballotment test
C. Hegar sign
D. Immunoassay test

Answer: D Immunoassay test

228. In 8-14 weeks the……..of embryo allows accurate estimation of age.
A. Gestational sac with defined white ring
B. Fetal heart reaction
C. crown ramp length
D. Fetal echo

Answer: C crown ramp length

229. Softening and compressibility of lower uterine segment is named as……sign.
A. Chandwick
B. Ballottement
C. Hegar’s
D. Broxton Hick

Answer: C Hegar’s

230. Following is not the ground of abortion under MTP Act…..
A. Therapeutic ground
B. Eugenic ground
C. Humanitarian ground
D. unwanted pregnancy

Answer: D unwanted pregnancy

231. Permission of ….. is necessary for legal termination of pregnancy from 12 to 20 weeks.
A. 1st class magistrate
B. Civil surgeon
C. two medical officers
D. Panel of five medical officers

Answer: C two medical officers

232. The most effective method recommended by WHO to carry MTP in 1st trimester is…..
A. Antiprogesterones
B. combination of prostaglandin & antiprogesterones
C. Prostaglandin
D. Langali mool

Answer: B combination of prostaglandin & antiprogesterones

233. Cupping method is used for …..
A. induction of criminal abortion
B. diagnosis of pregnancy
C. diagnosis of sterility
D. treatment of hemorrhage

Answer: A induction of criminal abortion

234. The main culprit involved in rapid development of sepsis in criminal abortion is…….
A. E. coli
B. Staphylococci
C. C. Welchii
D. Steptococcci

Answer: C C. Welchii

235. In PM examination of criminal abortion if cause of death is…….. pre-autopsy radiology of chest and abdomen is recommended.
A. Heamorrhage
B. Air embolism
C. vagal inhibition
D. Sepsis

Answer: B Air embolism

236. Presence of ……. under microscope in the cells of placental site is sure sign of pregnancy.
A. Chorionic villi
B. enlarged endometrium
C. red blood cells
D. Pus cells

Answer: A Chorionic villi

237. At ….. week gallbladder of foetus contain bile.
A. 24th week
B. 22th week
C. 20th week
D. 28th week

Answer: D 28th week

238. Flouting of lung pieces even after removal of tidal air by squeezing, indicative of ……
A. still birth
B. live birth
C. dead born
D. premature birth

Answer: B live birth

239. The specific gravity of un-respired lung is…..
A. 1.04
B. 2.04
C. 1.94
D. 0.94

Answer: A 1.04

240. Presence of extraneous material in distal respiratory passage strongly suggestive of ……
A. still birth
B. live birth
C. dead born
D. premature birth

Answer: B live birth

241. The weight of infant lung after respiration is……
A. 80-90gm
B. 60-70gm
C. 30-40gm
D. 20-30gm

Answer: C 30-40gm

242. ……. appearance is a specific sign of respired lung in PM finding of suspected case of infanticide.
A. Uniform reddish-brown
B. Rosy coloured
C. Mottled
D. Spongy

Answer: C Mottled

243. Dense, firm, non-crepitant and liver like lung is a characteristic feature of……. lung
A. Un-respired lung
B. respired lung
C. Injured lung with pointed weapon
D. pneumonia affected

Answer: A Un-respired lung

244. The highest point of position of diaphragm in un respired newborn is…..rib.
A. 4th-5th
B. 6th-7th
C. 5th-6th
D. 3rd-4th

Answer: A 4th-5th

245. The loss of alignment and over-riding of cranial bones is called as ……
A. Spalding sign
B. Chandwich sign
C. Hegar’s sign
D. Ploucquet’s sign

Answer: A Spalding sign

246. The important evidence of attainment of maturity in foetus is presence of ossification center in the ……
A. lower end of humerus
B. lower end of femur
C. upper end of humerus
D. upper end of femur

Answer: B lower end of femur

247. The presence of maceration is important sign for diagnosis of …….
A. Still born
B. Dead born
C. Live born
D. full term born

Answer: B Dead born

248. Infant life preservation act 1929 have fixed the …. of gestation for the onset of viability.
A. 36 weeks
B. 28 weeks
C. 40 weeks
D. 20 weeks

Answer: B 28 weeks

249. Combination of sinking and flouting of some lung pieces of even after removal of tidal air by squeezing, indicative of ……
A. a) external efforts of artificial respiration
B. No respiration
C. established respiration
D. Feeble respiration

Answer: D Feeble respiration

250. Expanded respired lung of live birth may sink due to……in Hydrostatic test.
A. Atelectasis
B. Putrefactive gases
C. Artificial respiration
D. obstruction in pulmonary circulation

Answer: A Atelectasis

251. Hydrostatic test is recommended in presence of …….
A. signs of intrauterine maceration
B. separated umbilical sign with cicatrisation of umbilicus
C. stomach contain milk
D. evidence of oedema of lungs in histology

Answer: D evidence of oedema of lungs in histology

252. ……..is not the legally accepted evidence of live birth
A. expanded lungs
B. cicatrization of umbilicus
C. Food in stomach
D. air in gastrointestinal tract

Answer: D air in gastrointestinal tract

253. A space occupying blood clot beneath the periosteum of skull is called as …
A. subgaleal haematoma
B. cephalo-haematoma
C. skull heamatoma
D. caput succedaneum

Answer: B cephalo-haematoma

254. A transient congestion and oedema in the scalp tissue on presenting region of head is called as……
A. subgaleal haematoma
B. cephalo-haematoma
C. caput succedaneum
D. skull heamatoma

Answer: C caput succedaneum

255. The cephalo-haematoma gets resolved in ……
A. 1 to 4 days
B. 5 to 8 days
C. 6 to 10 days
D. 12 to 15 days

Answer: D 12 to 15 days

256. In neonate the portion of umbilical cord attached to child gets shivered, mummified and falls off within….
A. 12-24 hrs
B. 48 -72 hrs
C. 36-48 hrs
D. 5 -6 days

Answer: D 5 -6 days

257. The neonatal red blood cells disappear from the peripheral circulation within ….
A. 12 hrs
B. 24 hrs
C. 48 hrs
D. 72 hrs

Answer: B 24 hrs

258. …… is a common and difficult to prove mode to cause infanticide.
A. Head injuries
B. Strangulation
C. Smothering
D. poisoning

Answer: C Smothering

259. The penalty for violation of PC&PNDT Act 1994 by RMP is proved for second offence is …….
A. imprisonment for 3 yrs & fine upto 10,000/-
B. removal of name from register for 5yrs
C. imprisonment for 3 yrs & fine upto
D. permanent removal of name from 50,000/- register

Answer: D permanent removal of name from 50,000/- register

260. Sec 318 is related to……
A. Criminal abortion
B. grievous injury
C. dowry case
D. concealment of birth

Answer: D concealment of birth

261. The penalty for violation of PC&PNDT Act 1994 by RMP is proved for first offence is ……..
A. imprisonment for 3 yrs & fine upto 10,000/-
B. removal of name from register for 5 yrs
C. imprisonment for 3 yrs & fine upto 50,000/-
D. permanent removal of name from register

Answer: B removal of name from register for 5 yrs

262. In suspected infanticide the displacement of Wharton’s jelly is suggestive of attempt of …
A. Head injuries
B. Strangulation
C. Smothering
D. poisoning

Answer: B Strangulation

263. In precipitated labour ……is not seen in infant.
A. Caput succedaneum
B. head injury
C. fracture in skull
D. hematoma

Answer: A Caput succedaneum

264. …….does not falls under the criteria of primary identification data.
A. Age
B. Sex
C. Finger print
D. Stature

Answer: C Finger print

265. The skull of Negroids are…….
A. Meso-cephalic
B. Brachy-cephalic
C. Dalico-cephalic
D. Mono-cephalic

Answer: C Dalico-cephalic

266. The cephalic index of Caucasians is …….
A. 75-80
B. 70-75
C. 80-85
D. 65-70

Answer: A 75-80

267. Short upper and lower extremities are the characteristic of ……..
A. Indians
B. Negroids
C. Caucasians
D. Mangoloids

Answer: D Mangoloids

268. Proportionately longer leg than thigh is characteristic of…….
A. Indians
B. Negroids
C. Caucasians
D. Mangoloids

Answer: B Negroids

269. Brachial index is an indices measured from…..
A. skull
B. long bone of upper extremities
C. long bone of lower extremities
D. long bone of upper & lower extremities

Answer: B long bone of upper extremities

270. Crural index is an indices measured from…..
A. skull
B. long bone of upper extremities
C. long bone of lower extremities
D. long bone of upper & lower extremities

Answer: C long bone of lower extremities

271. The Blumen Back’s classification of race is based on ….
A. colour of skin
B. colour of hair
C. colour of iris
D. Indices of bone

Answer: A colour of skin

272. The cephalic index of Indians is……
A. 75-80
B. 80-85
C. 65-70
D. 70-75

Answer: A 75-80

273. In highly decomposed body identification of….. is possible.
A. Prostate
B. Liver
C. Kidney
D. Thyroid

Answer: A Prostate

274. The accuracy of sex determination from whole skeleton is…..
A. 90%
B. 95%
C. 98%
D. 100%

Answer: D 100%

275. The accuracy of sex determination from skull and pelvic bone is…..
A. 90%
B. 95%
C. 98%
D. 100%

Answer: C 98%

276. The sex can be determined from pelvic bone alone with accuracy of…..
A. 90%
B. 95%
C. 98%
D. 100%

Answer: B 95%

277. ……bone is not useful in determination of sex
A. Sacrum
B. Mandible
C. Sternum
D. Clavicle

Answer: D Clavicle

278. 22] In male the obturator foramen is ……..
A. Oval
B. Triangular
C. Rectangular
D. Square

Answer: A Oval

279. In female length of body of sternum is ….. the length of manubrium.
A. Less than twice
B. equal to
C. more than twice
D. twice

Answer: A Less than twice

280. In male upper border of manubrium is at the level of……..
A. lower margin of second thoracic vertebra
B. lower margin of third thoracic vertebra
C. upper margin of second thoracic vertebra
D. lower margin of first thoracic vertebra

Answer: A lower margin of second thoracic vertebra

281. The diameter of glenoid cavity of female scapula is……
A. more than 3.5 cm
B. less than 3.5cm
C. 3.5 cm
D. none

Answer: B less than 3.5cm

282. ….pattern of sex chromosomes are frequently visible under microscope.

Answer: A XX

283. The spherical compact masses having drumstick appearance present in neutrophils are called as……
A. Barr bodies
B. Davidson bodies
C. Montegmeries tubercle
D. Negri bodies

Answer: B Davidson bodies

284. The planoconvex masses situated inside the nucleus is called as…..
A. Barr bodies
B. Davidson bodies
C. Montegmeries tubercle
D. Negri bodies

Answer: A Barr bodies

285. In female Davidson bodies are seen in…..
A. 15%
B. 10%
C. 3%
D. 1%

Answer: C 3%

286. In Turner’s syndrome the sex chromosomal pattern is…..
D. X0

Answer: D X0

287. A female with short structure, webbed neck & sterility is seen in….
A. Turner’s syndrome
B. Klinefelter’s syndrome
C. Gonadal agenesis
D. pseudo hermaphrodites

Answer: A Turner’s syndrome

288. In gonadal agenesis the pattern of sex chromosome is….
D. 00

Answer: D 00

289. An anatomically male with XXY chromosome pattern is seen in……
A. Turner’s syndrome
B. Klinefelter’s syndrome
C. Gonadal agenesis
D. Pseudo hermaphrodites

Answer: B Klinefelter’s syndrome

290. When ovaries and testis both are present in an individual that condition is labeled as……
A. True hermaphrodites
B. Pseudo hermaphrodites
C. Turner’s syndrome
D. Klinefelter’s syndrome

Answer: A True hermaphrodites

291. The germination of deciduous teeth starts in maxilla by…..
A. 4th /5th intrauterine month
B. 6th /7th extrauterine month
C. 4th /5th extrauterine month
D. 6th /7th intrauterine month

Answer: A 4th /5th intrauterine month

292. ….. formula is used to estimate age of infant from teeth.
A. Boyde’s
B. Mile’s
C. Gustafson’s
D. Point

Answer: A Boyde’s

293. Other than age the teeth also helps to determine…….
A. Sex
B. Blood group
C. race
D. All

Answer: D All

294. …….is most reliable long bone used to estimate age of a person.
A. femur
B. humerus
C. skull
D. tibia

Answer: A femur

295. As per Barcroft the pathological condition where oxygen is prevented from reaching the lungs is known as…..
A. Anoxic anoxia
B. Stagnant anoxia
C. Anemic anoxia
D. Histotoxic anoxia

Answer: A Anoxic anoxia

296. As per Barcroft the pathological condition where available oxygen cannot be utilized by tissues is known as…..
A. Anoxic anoxia
B. Stagnant anoxia
C. Anemic anoxia
D. Histotoxic anoxia

Answer: D Histotoxic anoxia

297. In …..poisoning the tissue gets poisoned leading to extracellular histotoxic anoxia.
A. Chloroform
B. Halothane
C. Cyanide
D. Carbon dioxide

Answer: C Cyanide

298. ..….. affects the entry of oxygen in the tissues due to decrease in cell membrane permeability.
A. Chloroform
B. Carbon dioxide
C. cyanide
D. Carbon monoxide

Answer: A Chloroform

299. In ….poisoning the end product of cellular respiration cannot be removed.
A. Chloroform
B. Cyanide
C. Halothane
D. Carbon dioxide

Answer: D Carbon dioxide

300. The bond of carboxyhaemoglobin leads to …….
A. Anoxic anoxia
B. Anemic anoxia
C. Stagnant anoxia
D. Histotoxic anoxia

Answer: B Anemic anoxia

301. Death in house fire is mostly contributed to …..
A. Carbon dioxide poisoning
B. Burns
C. Carbon monoxide poisoning
D. Traumatic asphyxia

Answer: C Carbon monoxide poisoning

302. The typical ……colour in area of hypostasis is evident in carbon monoxide poisoning.
A. cherry pink
B. Bluish purple
C. brownish black
D. Greenish

Answer: A cherry pink

303. Foetus is more vulnerable to Carbon monoxide poisoning than adult because……
A. Greater content of haemoglobin
B. lower partial pressure of oxygen
C. Tendency to cause greater tissue hypoxia
D. All

Answer: D All

304. Bilateral necrosis of basal ganglia & globus pallidus are typically seen in delayed death from…..
A. CO poisoning
B. CO2 poisoning
C. drowning
D. hanging

Answer: A CO poisoning

305. Accidental deaths occur near lime kilns due to…… poisoning
B. barbiturate
C. CO2
D. Cyanide

Answer: C CO2

306. Blood saturation of…. Gas has no diagnostic value in medicolegal cases.
B. NO2
C. CO2
D. Cyanide

Answer: C CO2

307. In smothering ….. finding has great evidential value.
A. presence of foreign material in nostrils and deeper respiratory passage
B. petechial hemorrhages on forehead
C. Cyanosis of lips and ear lobes
D. Crescentic abrasion marks on face

Answer: A presence of foreign material in nostrils and deeper respiratory passage

308. Cause of accidental asphyxia death in ‘born in caul’ is…….
A. choking
B. smothering
C. gagging
D. strangulation

Answer: B smothering

309. In smothering ….. finding has great evidential value.
A. Bruising in inner aspect of lips
B. petechial hemorrhages on forehead
C. Cyanosis of lips and ear lobes
D. Crescentic abrasion marks on face

Answer: A Bruising in inner aspect of lips

310. Bruising in inner aspect of lips is a very important evidential finding in……
A. choking
B. smothering
C. gagging
D. strangulation

Answer: B smothering

311. The blockage of internal upper respiratory passage by liquid medium is called as…..
A. Smothering
B. Drowning
C. Mugging
D. Gagging

Answer: B Drowning

312. The cause of death in ‘café coronary’ case is ……
A. cardiac arrest due to vagal inhibition
B. Alcohol intoxication
C. cardiac arrest by myocardial infarction
D. choking by swallowen food

Answer: A cardiac arrest due to vagal inhibition

313. The method of homicidal smothering and traumatic asphyxia is renowned as….
A. Lynching
B. Café coronary
C. Burking
D. Postural asphyxia

Answer: C Burking

314. Pink colored Postmortem hypostasis is confined to head, neck and front of upper part of chest indicative of….. as cause of death.
A. Drowning
B. Hanging
C. Traumatic asphyxia
D. Postural asphyxia

Answer: A Drowning

315. The assessment of difference of level of chloride in right and left side of heart is known as ……
A. Swann test
B. Hegar’s test
C. Diatom test
D. Gettler’s test

Answer: D Gettler’s test

316. The chloride content of left side of heart in fresh water drowning is ….. than right side of heart.
A. lower
B. equal
C. higher
D. 25% higher

Answer: A lower

317. Development of cutis anserina is a Post mortem finding seen in……
A. Drowning
B. Thermal injury
C. Burking
D. Hanging

Answer: A Drowning

318. Contact flattening is reflection of ……..
A. Rigor mortis
B. Algor mortis
C. Primary relaxation
D. Livor mortis

Answer: A Rigor mortis

319. The most frequently found pattern of figure print is……
A. Loop
B. Arch
C. Whorl
D. Composite

Answer: A Loop

320. Study of measurement of various parts of human body is called as……
A. Bertillon system
B. Poroscopy
C. Galton system
D. Podogram

Answer: A Bertillon system

321. With ……technique comparison of pores of two figure prints is studied.
A. Dactylography
B. Birtillon’s system
C. Poroscopy
D. Galton system

Answer: C Poroscopy

322. The raise in temperature after death is called as…..
A. Algor mortis
B. Livor mortis
C. Postmortem caloricity
D. Rigor mortis

Answer: C Postmortem caloricity

323. The intraocular tension after death becomes nil after ….. hrs.
A. 1 hr
B. 0.5hr
C. 1.5 hr
D. 2hr

Answer: D 2hr

324. ……….is the earliest sign of death.
A. loss of ocular tension
B. Changes in retina
C. Taches Noire Scleroitiques
D. Haziness of cornea

Answer: B Changes in retina

325. The marked low blood pH can be detected during stage of …….
A. Primary relaxation
B. Rigor mortis
C. secondary relaxation
D. cadaveric spasm.

Answer: B Rigor mortis

326. The most favorable condition for development of mummification is……
A. hot and dry atmosphere
B. hot and moist atmosphere
C. body submerged in water
D. well ventilated room

Answer: A hot and dry atmosphere

327. ……..has evidential value of antemortem origin indicating last act before death.
A. Cadaveric spasm
B. rigor mortis
C. heat stiffening
D. cold stiffening

Answer: A Cadaveric spasm

328. Rigor mortis first appears in voluntary muscles of……
A. Neck
B. eye
C. Heart
D. face

Answer: B eye

329. Rigor mortis develops in a foetus beyond ……intrauterine life.
A. 180 days
B. 280 days
C. 210 days
D. 250 days

Answer: C 210 days

330. Cherry red coloured Post-mortem staining is seen in…….poisoning

Answer: A HCN

331. The rate of cooling in…..medium is maximum.
A. body in coffin
B. water
C. Grave
D. air

Answer: B water

332. Feather test is performed for confirmation of stoppage of function of ……
A. Lungs
B. Heart
C. Brain
D. Liver

Answer: A Lungs

333. What are the causative agents of inflammatory diarrohea?
A. Shigella
B. Salmonella
C. E.coli
D. All

Answer: D All

334. ….. is not the content of lytic cocktail which is used in Scorpion sting treatment.
A. Chlopromazine
B. Promethazine
C. Naloxone
D. Pethidine

Answer: C Naloxone

335. . “In Scorpion sting treatment” Alpha blockers are used to
A. Antagtonize the effect of catecholamines
B. Reduce preload, after load and blood pressure
C. Increase insulin secretion
D. All of the above

Answer: D All of the above

336. Which of the following is type of Autopsy?
A. Clinical
B. Medicolegal
C. Both
D. None

Answer: C Both

337. Objectives for Autopsy are
A. To determine the cause of death
B. To determine identity of deceased.
C. To check the viability of foetus
D. All

Answer: D All

338. Authority to carry out Autopsy in case of ‘death in prison’ is
A. Police sub Inspector
B. Station House officer
C. Executive Magistrate class1

Answer: C Executive Magistrate class1

339. Which of the following is pre requisite to perform Autopsy?
B. Dead Body Challan
C. Hospital record
D. All

Answer: D All

340. Lacerations around lips and cheeks indicates
A. Gagging
B. Throttling
C. Bansdola
D. Burking

Answer: A Gagging

341. How many types of incisions are taken in Autopsy?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 10
D. 5

Answer: B 4

342. In deaths due to compression of neck ….. is open first.
A. Abdomen
B. Neck
C. Head
D. Thorax

Answer: C Head

343. During Autopsy of spine and spinal cord, cord is removed by
A. Cutting the cord at regular intervals
B. By removing the cord along with the spine
C. Separating at foramen Magnum
D. Both A and B.

Answer: C Separating at foramen Magnum

344. External examination of corpse shall be preferably
A. Head to toe
B. Toe to head
C. From right side
D. From left side

Answer: A Head to toe

345. Examination of extremities is done for –
A. Varicosity
B. Defence wounds
C. Length
D. All

Answer: D All

346. ‘Y’ shaped incision is taken as
A. Mastoid process to manubrium sterni
B. Thyroid cartilage to pubic symphysis
C. Anterior axillary fold to xiphisternum
D. From shoulders to manubrium sterni

Answer: D From shoulders to manubrium sterni

347. Flattened contour of thorax is seen in corpse with
A. Petechieal Haemorrhages
B. Fracture of ribs
C. Fracture of Sternum
D. Emphysema

Answer: C Fracture of Sternum

348. Which of the following is not examined in the corpse where the death is due to compression of neck?
A. Hyoid bone
B. Digastric muscle
C. Thyroid cartilage
D. Carotids

Answer: B Digastric muscle

349. Overdistension of right side of heart is suggestive of
A. Fat embolism
B. Clot
C. Air embolism
D. Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

Answer: C Air embolism

350. Napthalene is not absorbed and metabolized as
A. Alpha Napthol
B. Beta Napthol
C. Gamma Napthol
D. Napthol quinines

Answer: C Gamma Napthol

351. Haemolytic crisis is seen in
A. Mercury
B. Lead
C. Copper
D. Napthalene

Answer: D Napthalene

352. Glue sniffer’s rash is seen in
A. Phosphorus
B. Lead
C. Volatile substance
D. Hydrocarbons

Answer: C Volatile substance

353. How many types of Vruschika are mentioned by Sushruta?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Answer: B 3

354. In case of Manda Visha Vrschika which oil is used for sechan?
A. Veertarvadi Gana siddha Taila
B. Asanadi Gana siddha Taila
C. Vidaryadi Gana siddha Taila
D. Vishagna siddha Taila

Answer: C Vidaryadi Gana siddha Taila

355. [email protected] …… Pa`yaaoijat: ÈÈ
A. ]drPa`doSao
B. ]ÉPa`doSao
C. ]raoPa`doSao
D. payaudoSao

Answer: D payaudoSao

356. Examination of the dead body is carried out in
A. Ultra violet light
B. Moonlight
C. Commercial lamps
D. Natural light

Answer: D Natural light

357. Clothes of corpse gives inference about
A. Occupation
B. Religion
C. Ethnicity
D. All

Answer: D All

358. How many types of scorpion are present in India?
A. 98
B. 99
C. 100
D. 101

Answer: B 99

359. Visha prasar in Alarka visha is due to
A. Lalastrav
B. Raktastrav
C. Dansha
D. Shukrastrav

Answer: C Dansha

360. Visha Adhishthan in Alarka visha is
A. Lalastrav
B. Tundasthi
C. Nakha
D. Sweda

Answer: A Lalastrav

361. …… is the lakshan of Unmat Chatushpad
A. Prastrastalangul hanuskandho
B. Atilalavan
C. Anyonyabhidhavati
D. All

Answer: D All

362. Which is not the sthanik lakshan of Unmat Chatushpad Dansha?
A. Trushna
B. Supti
C. Kleda
D. Vikunchanam

Answer: A Trushna

363. dMSaavadarNaM Saaof is the lakshan of
A. Sarpa Dansha
B. Alarka Dansha
C. Mooshak Dansha
D. Loota

Answer: B Alarka Dansha

364. Exhumation is very rare in
A. India
B. Scotland
C. France
D. Germany

Answer: A India

365. Objectives of Exhumation are
A. Identification
B. Second Autopsy
C. Establishing cause of death
D. All

Answer: D All

366. Which is not the precautionary measure to carry out exhumation?
A. Orders from DM
B. Draining water and Vegetation shall not be collected
C. Shall be done in early morning hours to maintain privacy
D. Identification of Grave

Answer: B Draining water and Vegetation shall not be collected

367. During Exhumation what is not to be done?
A. Sprinkling of disinfectants
B. Collecting the debris
C. Clicking the photograph of coffin
D. Identification of coffin

Answer: A Sprinkling of disinfectants

368. Which of the following is required for second Autopsy (Exhumation)?
A. First Autopsy report
B. Hospital record
D. All

Answer: D All

369. Which of the following is not the determinants of toxicity of Hydrocarbons?
A. Volatility
B. Ductility
C. Viscosity
D. Surface tension

Answer: B Ductility

370. Toxicity of Petroleum distillates is inversely proportional to
A. Volatility
B. Viscosity
C. Boiling Point
D. Fluidity

Answer: C Boiling Point

371. Fatal Dose of Kerosene on ingestion is
A. 10 ml
B. 50ml
C. 2 ml
D. 20ml

Answer: A 10 ml

372. Maximum allowable concentration of Kerosene in air is
A. 100 ppm
B. 500 ppm
C. 800 ppm
D. 1000 ppm

Answer: B 500 ppm

373. Specific feature appearing on ingestion of Benzene and Toluene is
A. Vomiting
B. Diarrohoea
C. Haemetemesis
D. Colicky pain

Answer: C Haemetemesis

374. In case of Hydrocarbons toxicity, Bronchospasm occurs when
A. Poison enters the URT
B. Poison enters LRT
C. Poison is in Nasopharynx
D. Poison enters oesophagus

Answer: B Poison enters LRT

375. In Hydrocarbon toxicity, CNS depression occurs due to
A. CNS Toxicity
B. Pulmonary Toxicity
C. GI Toxicity
D. Systemic Toxicity

Answer: B Pulmonary Toxicity

376. Intravenous injection of Kerosene will produce
A. Cyanosis
B. Pulmonary edema
C. Both A and B
D. None

Answer: C Both A and B

377. Emesis is indicated in the treatment of which poisons?
A. Gasoline
B. Benzene
C. Kerosene
D. None

Answer: D None

378. Which is not the Post Mortem appearance in case of Hydrocarbons poisoning?
A. Acute Gastroenteritis
B. Pulmonary Oedema
C. Hypoplasia of Bone marrow
D. Chalky white appearance of gastric mucosa

Answer: D Chalky white appearance of gastric mucosa

379. Napthalene is used in
A. Pesticide industry
B. Insulating material on electric wires
C. Dye industry
D. All

Answer: D All

380. Napthalene is classified as
A. Irritant poison
B. Somniferous
C. Household Poison
D. Both A and C

Answer: D Both A and C

381. Which symptom is seen in intial stage of Napthalene ingestion?
A. Hemolytic crisis
B. Pallor
C. Strangury
D. Mild Jaundice

Answer: C Strangury

382. Napthalene toxicity if left untreated, leads to
A. Jaundice
B. Acute Nephritis
C. Optic Neuritis
D. All

Answer: D All

383. Magnesium sulphate is used for
A. Bowel emptying
B. Induction of Emesis
C. Maintaining the Hydration
D. None

Answer: B Induction of Emesis

384. In case of Napthalene poisoning, NaHCO3 is administered for
A. Maintaining the acidity of urine and preventing the precipitation of acid Haematin and blocking of Renal tubules
B. Maintaining the acidity of urine and preventing the precipitation of Uric acid and blocking the Renal Tubules
C. Maintaining the Alkalinity of urine and preventing the precipitation of acid Haematin and blocking of renal tubules
D. Maintaining of Alkalinity of urine and preventing the formation of Urea and blocking of calyx.

Answer: C Maintaining the Alkalinity of urine and preventing the precipitation of acid Haematin and blocking of renal tubules

385. Hydrocortisone in Napthalene poisoning is useful for
A. Pallor
B. Haemolysis
C. Strangury
D. Vomiting

Answer: B Haemolysis

386. Rhabdovirus is –
A. RNA virus
B. Neurotrophic filtrable virus
C. Bullet shaped
D. All

Answer: D All

387. Pathway of Rhabdovirus in animals is
A. From Mouth via afferent nerves to brain
B. From Brain via efferent nerves to Salivary Glands
C. From Salivary glands via afferent nerves to Brain
D. None

Answer: B From Brain via efferent nerves to Salivary Glands

388. Rhabdovirus on reaching CNS leads to
A. Encephalitis
B. Myelitis
C. Parkinsonism
D. Both A and B

Answer: D Both A and B

389. Incubation period of Rabies virus varies according to
A. Age
B. Site of Bite
C. Both A and B
D. None

Answer: C Both A and B

390. Which of the following is not the stage of development of clinical feature of rabies?
A. Premonitory stage
B. Stage of irritability or Excitement
C. Stage of Paralysis
D. Stage of Narcosis

Answer: D Stage of Narcosis

391. Rabies is detected by
A. X- Ray of the affected part
B. CT scan
C. MRI of the affected part
D. Presence of Negri Bodies

Answer: D Presence of Negri Bodies

392. Dose of HDCV
A. 1.5 IU IV
B. 2.5 IU IM
C. 2 IU IM
D. 2.5 IU IV

Answer: D 2.5 IU IV

393. Schedule for PVRV (VERORAB) is
A. Pre Exposure 3 doses, Post Exposure 5 doses
B. Pre Exposure 2 doses, Post Exposure 5 doses
C. Pre Exposure 3 doses, Post Exposure 4 doses
D. Pre Exposure 5doses, Post Exposure 3 doses

Answer: A Pre Exposure 3 doses, Post Exposure 5 doses

394. Which are the 2 I.D. regimen for immunization in rabies?
A. Oxford Regimen and Harvard Regimen
B. Oxford Regimen and Boston Regimen
C. Thai Regimen and Harvard Regimen
D. Oxford Regimen and Thai Regimen

Answer: D Oxford Regimen and Thai Regimen

395. Which statement is not true
A. RIG can be administered upto 7 days after administration of Potent tissue culture vaccine.
B. Beyond 7 days RIG is not indicated as antibody response to vaccination
C. RIG shall be infiltered and around the wound even if it has begun to heal
D. None

Answer: D None

396. Which of the following statements regarding wound in case of animal bite is not true?
A. Wash the wound with the plain water.
B. Wash the wound with soap in the running water
C. Irrigate virucidal agents,apply Povidone, cut and debride and do suturing.
D. Irrigate virucidal agents,apply Povidone, cut and debride and don’t suture, keep open.

Answer: C Irrigate virucidal agents,apply Povidone, cut and debride and do suturing.

397. According to Charak, Dushivisha keetadashta laskhana is
A. Kandu
B. Daha
C. Visarpa
D. All

Answer: D All

398. According to Sushrut, How many types of Loota Visha are Sadhya and Asadhya?
A. 10 Sadhya, 6 Asadhya
B. 8 Sadhya, 8 Asadhya
C. 9 Sadhya, 7 Asadhya
D. 12 Sadhya, 4 Asadhya

Answer: B 8 Sadhya, 8 Asadhya

399. How many types of Dushivisha Mooshak are there according to Charak?
A. 10
B. 14
C. 18
D. 20

Answer: C 18

400. Visha Adhisthan of Mooshak is
A. Shukra
B. Lala
C. Nakha
D. Danta

Answer: A Shukra

401. How many types of Krukalasaka are there according to Sushrut?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

Answer: B 5

402. How many types of Manduka are considered by Acharya Sushrut?
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

Answer: D 8

403. Which of the following is not the symptom of Savisha Jalauka Dansha according to Charak?
A. Kandu
B. Shotha
C. Jwara
D. Pipasa

Answer: D Pipasa

404. According to Sushrut, How many types of Mashak are there?
A. 3
B. 7
C. 10
D. 5

Answer: D 5

405. Types of Makshika according to Sushrut
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8

Answer: B 6

406. Which Makshika dansha is regarded as Pranahar according to Charak?
A. Sthagika
B. Kantarika
C. Pingala
D. Krushna

Answer: A Sthagika

407. Ucchitinga are also named as Ushtradhoomak and Ratrika by
A. Sushrut
B. Vagbhat
C. Yogratnakar
D. Chakrapani

Answer: B Vagbhat

408. According to Charak, Sheetopchar is not done in which 2 Visha badha
A. Rajimant Sarpa and Vrushchika
B. Vrushcika and Ucchitinga
C. Vrushchika and Jalauka
D. Jalauka and Matsya

Answer: B Vrushcika and Ucchitinga

409. Rabies virus has neurotropism to
A. GABA receptors
B. Acetylcholine
C. Serotonin
D. All

Answer: D All

410. Panchakapitha ghrut destroys the poisons of
A. All types of Vruschika
B. All types of Mooshak
C. All types of Matsya Visha
D. All types of Jalauka

Answer: B All types of Mooshak

411. According to Sushrut, which poison if left untreated becomes similar to Dushivisha ?
A. Matsya
B. Keeta
C. Jalauka
D. Mooshak

Answer: D Mooshak

412. While biting, Formic acid is secreted by
A. Rats
B. Fish
C. Leech
D. Ants

Answer: D Ants

413. According to Vagbhat, How many Visha Adhishthan are there in Loota (Spider)?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9

Answer: C 8

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