Airport Engineering Online Test – Multiple Choice Questions and Answers 1. Two single runways may be arranged so as to have T-shape L-shape x-shape All 2. According to I.C.A.O. all markings on the runways are painted white and on taxiways black red yellow green 3. The maximum value of the angle of turning of the nose gear large jet aircrafts, is limited to 20° 30° 45° 60° 4. For the proposed air port, the survey project provides drainage plan grading plan topograhic plan all 5. Total correction for elevation, temperature and gradient for a runway should not be more than 15% 25% 35% 45% 6. The strength of winds is measured with the help of Benfort scale Wind indicator Barometres None of these 7. Pick up the correct statement from the following: Localizer indicates to the pilot his position with respect to the proposed alignment L.O.M. and L.M.M. help the pilot to judge his position for the runway The glide slope indicates the correct angle of descent All 8. According to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (I.C.A.O.) the strength of runway pavements, have been coded by First Seven English alphabets First seven numbers Last Seven English alphabets Seven English alphabets 9. The landing and take off of the air craft is made against the direction of wind. In no case the centre line of the runway should make an angle with the wind direction exceeding 10° 20° 30° 40° 10. The length of runway is increased per 300 m rise above M.S.L 3% 4% 6% 7% Loading … Question 1 of 10
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