300+ TOP ALTERYX Interview Questions and Answers

Alteryx Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. Why would an organization use a tool like alteryx?

alteryx offers easy to learn solutions that allow organizations to quickly prepare, blend, and analyze data in a timely manner regardless of the business intelligence skillset the staff withholds. alteryx supports dataset feeds from multiple platforms that can be used in the same repeatable workflow. alteryx is used by organizations that want to have a quick turnaround in analyzing data without having to create custom code.

2. What are some of the key features or capabilities that alteryx offers?

alteryx Designer is the main tool that alteryx offers. the alteryx Designer allows a user to create repeatable workflows from an easy to learn interface with the capability of connecting to multiple platforms, blend, cleanse, and produce analytics results. the alteryx Designer includes the following tools:

  • input/Output – access data from locations such as on a local desktop, in a relational database, in the cloud, or third-party systems and deliver that data to a wide variety of formats and sources.
  • Preparation – Ease the process of getting data ready for analysis or downstream processes with a set of drag and drop tools that eliminate the need for SQL coding and complex formulas.
  • Join – Working with multiple sources of data doesn’t need to be difficult. Blend multiple data sources regardless of the data structure and formats through a number of tools.
  • Predictive – Get access to over 30 prepackaged tools of the most widely used procedures for predictive analytics, grouping, and forecasting to help analyst throughout the predictive analytics process.
  • Spatial – Geospatial data can offer a wealth of information, take advantage of location based data to make more informed decisions and understand things like trade areas, drive-time analysis, and more.
  • investigation – before a process or analysis takes place, analysts need to understand the details of the data before they can dive into to deeper analysis.
  • Parse & Transform – Data comes in all shapes and formats and many times it needs to be restructured and re-shaped in order for the data to be analyzed- parsing and transformation tools help users change the data to the format they need for further analysis.

3. What is alteryx server?

answers # alteryx Server enhances the use of the alteryx Designer because it allows you to share your results between users, teams or departments. the processing of the workflows occurs on the server instead of the individual’s workstation.

4. What is alteryx analytics Gallery?

answers # alteryx analytics Gallery gives the organization the opportunity to process the workflows in the cloud. This allows an organization to process large datasets (Big Datin a centralized and single environment.

5. What is an analytic application?

Pre-packaged data and analytic integration published to the alteryx analytics Gallery by Data artisans to answer specific strategic analytics questions.

6. What is the analytics Gallery?

the analytics Gallery is a publicly hosted web service where applications can be published, securely shared, and run in the cloud.

7. What is a Viewer?

a Viewer is a free user of the analytics Gallery. a Viewer can run all applications published in the Public Gallery.

8. What is a Member?

a Member is a user who can run applications that are shared privately through Collections. a Membership is granted by a Data artisan. a Member also shares the privileges of a Viewer to run all applications published in the Public Gallery.

9. What is a Data artisan?

a Data artisan is a user who creates analytic applications using the alteryx Designer Desktop and then shares them publicly and/or privately in the analytics Gallery. a Data artisan also shares the privileges of a Member.

10. What is required to run applications in the Public Gallery?

anyone can sign up and become a Viewer, with the ability to run all applications in the Public Gallery, for free. as soon as you confirm your email, you will have access to the Public Gallery.

ALTERYX Interview Questions
ALTERYX Interview Questions

11. What is required to run an application in a Private Collection?

You must be a Member to run applications shared in private Collections. Memberships are granted by Data artisans, who create and share applications.

12. What is required to Build applications?

applications are built with alteryx Designer Desktop. download the Designer Desktop Free Trial.

13. What is required to Publish applications in the analytics Gallery?

  • Applications are published from the alteryx Designer Desktop into a private Studio.
  • A Studio is automatically created for license holders of the Designer Desktop.
  • Trial users of the Designer Desktop can set up a Studio with a 30-Day Studio Free Trial
  • A user with the Designer Desktop and a private Studio is known as a Data artisan.

14. How do i run an application?

  • Click on the title of an application to view application details and click the run button; or simply click the icon.
  • Configure the application to suit your needs. Depending upon the application, you might be prompted to enter an address for geocoding, to input a customer file for demographic analysis, or to select data from a range of choices that apply to your business.
  • Click the run button at the bottom of the application.

15. What Kinds Of reports can an application Create?

Depending upon how the application was built, it may produce Word, Excel, HTML, and/ or PDF files, containing a variety of text, tables, charts and maps.

16. What Kinds Of Tabular and Spatial Data Output can an application Create?

Depending upon how the application was built, it may produce CSV, MDB/ aCCDB, DBF, FlatFile, MiD/ MiF, SHP, TaB, YXDB, and/or KML files.

17. What Browsers are Supported By the analytics Gallery?

  1. internet Explorer (iE8 or higher)
  2. Firefox
  3. Google Chrome
  4. Safari

18. How can an application be Shared?

  • When an application is published in a Studio, all Data artisans belonging to that Studio can access it.
  • an application in a Studio can also be shared to the Public Gallery, where anyone can access it.
  • an application in a Studio can also be shared in a Collection. any users added to the Collection can access it.

19. What are the Options if i Want to Publish an application and Data That Exeed 100mb?

answers # Use the Cloud Connector tools within the Designer Desktop to host your data on the cloud.

20. are there Limits to the File Size Of applications and/or Data Published in the analytics Gallery?

Yes, applications and data are limited to 100MB.

advanced alteryx interview Questions

21. What tool Configurations Or Question Types cannot be Used in the analytics Gallery?

input and output files referenced by tools must be in the same directory as the application.

  • The application Question type “Folder Browse” cannot be used in applications published to the web.
  • In the application Question type “File Browse,” the “Save as Dialog” configuration cannot be checked.
  • Application results (under analytic application properties) cannot include Browse tools.

22. What Capabilities in the Designer Desktop cannot be Used in the analytics Gallery?

the following tools are prohibited in applications published in the analytics Gallery.

  • run Command tool
  • run Command event
  • r tool (Macros included in the Designer Desktop that use the r tool are permitted.)
  • Email tool
  • Send Email event
  • download tool

23. can i Publish applications Using Private Data?

Yes, applications using private data can be published in your private Studio, and can be shared in Collections. they cannot be shared in the Public Gallery.

24. What is “private Data?”

a license of the alteryx Designer Desktop may include a variety of private data sets, including demographic data, psychographic data, business list and consumer list.

25. How can i Share an application Through Email Or Social Media?

(Public Gallery applications only) Click on the name of an application to view the application details page. Click the Sharing button to share via email, Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

26. How can i remove an application From the Public Gallery?

Click on the name of an application to view the application details page. Click the Sharing button and choose “remove from Public Gallery.”

27. How can i Share an application in the Public Gallery?

Click on the name of an application to view the application details page. Click the Sharing button and choose “Place in Public Gallery.”

28. can i allow Users Within My Collection to Share it With Others?

Each Collection includes a checkbox on the upper right that states “Other users may share this collection.” When this box is checked, anyone in the Collection will have the ability to add other users to the Collection.

the Data artisan who created the Collection will see the names of any additional users who are added to the Collection, and can remove them.

29. When i add a New application to a Collection, are the Users in That Collection Notified?


30. is there a Limit to the Number Of applications Or Users i can add to a Collection?


31. How can i Find Users to add to a Collection?

Select the Collection and use the Search Users field on the right. any registered users of the analytics Gallery that match your search terms will be returned.

additionally, you can add someone who has not registered with the alteryx analytics Gallery by entering a valid email address. an invitation will be sent.

32. What Types Of Users can run Private applications in a Collection?

if an application in a Collection has not been shared in the Public Gallery, Viewers (who have been invited to join the Collection) can view the application, but cannot run it. Only Data artisans and Members can run the application.

33. can a Viewer Who is added to a Collection run the applications in the Collection?

Only those applications in the Collection that have also been shared in the Public Gallery by the Data artisan can be run by the Viewer.

34. What Types Of Users can be added to a Collection?

Data artisans, Members, and Viewers can all be added to a Collection. You can even enter the email address of someone who has not yet visited the analytics Gallery.

35. My Organization Has More Than One Data artisan. Who Controls the Distribution Of Memberships?

at present, all Data artisans have equal access to Membership distribution under Studio Settings.

36. i am a Data artisan Or Member. i Want to run an application Shared With Me From a Different Organization. do i Need a Membership From That Organization?

No. a single analytics Gallery Membership entitles you to run private applications shared from any Collection.

37. as a Data artisan, do i also Need a Membership?

No, Data artisans are also Members.

38. can an application be added to More Than One Collection?


39. What applications can be added to a Collection?

Only applications published in the Data artisan’s Studio may be added to a Collection. applications in the Data artisan’s Studio may also (at their discretion) be shared in the Public Gallery. However, applications in the Public Gallery that were published from other Studios cannot be added to a Collection.

40. as a Data artisan, How can i Tell How Many Memberships i Have to Distribute?

Click on your User Name to go to your Settings.
Select the Studio Tab.
Find “Memberships available to distribute” in the Members section.

41. as a Data artisan, How do i Grant a Membership to Someone?

Click on your User Name to go to your Settings.
Select the Studio Tab.
in the Members section, enter an Email address or User Name.

42. as a Data artisan, How can i Share an application Privately With Someone?

Publish an application from the Designer Desktop to your private Studio.
add the application to a Collection.
add the User to the Collection. in order to run the application, the user must be a Member.

43. What are the advantage and disadvantages of alteryx Designer?


  1. alteryx has fantastic blending capabilities
  2. alteryx can interact with most popular databases and files available today
  3. alteryx is the only ETL tool in the market that can output a tableau data extract (TDE)
  4. alteryx is not just an ETL tool, it can be used to perform a whole lot of analytics on your data
  5. alteryx integrates with r seamlessly and can be used for predictive modelling.
  6. alteryx can also be used to build reports with prompt filters


  1. While alteryx outputs a tableau data extract seamlessly it cannot read a similar extract
  2. alteryx does not have good support for special characters
  3. alteryx is not stable and crashes frequently when multiple users access the same workflow on the server
  4. Slight learning curve to understand all the tools and some of the Statistical r packages aren’t always straightforward.

44. How do you turn annotations on and off?

Per tool: You can turn them on/off per tool, meaning you want to keep some annotations while omitting others. to do this click on the individual tool. Go to annotation from the Properties window and in the Display Mode, select the appropriate choice.

Per Module: there is a toggle switch on the Module Properties window where you can either turn all the annotations on or off for that particular module. additionally you can have greater control leaving this feature on and controlling the annotations per tool as described above.
Through Global Settings: You can set up the global settings so that annotations will appear the same way for each and every module and tool.

45. What is the difference between the Transpose tool and the CrossTab tool?

  • The Transpose and CrossTab tools are alike in that they both transform the orientation of your data, but are opposite in their behavior.
  • The Transpose tool pivots horizontal data to a vertical axis. the CrossTab performs the reverse, pivoting vertical data to the horizontal axis, by summarizing the data on a grouping field.

46. How can you save an expression ?

Expressions can be saved so that they can be used over and over again without having to create them from scratch.

Create your expression using a combination of selecting variables and inserting them into functions . Once you are happy with the formulated expression, click the Saved Expression tab. Hit the Save button and specify a name for your expression. Your expression is now saved for future use.

47. You received the following error, “No Values found before GetMean()” – What does this mean?

Check your configurations upstream. if there is an allocate append tool, be sure the spatial object specified in the drop down selection is a polygon object and NOT a point object. if the error is coming from a reporting Map tool, ensure you are not choosing Smart Tiling on a String field as a thematic mapping tile mode.

48. How can you change a word or a character or remove it?

From the File menu, go to Open Sample –> Basic Samples –> Data Problem and Solution Flexibility

49. How can you change a field type?

Primarily the best place to change a field’s type is through the Formula tool. there is more control for custom conversion through the formula tool.
the next best place to change a field’s type is the Select tool or, there are a number of tools that have an embedded select within the tool.

therefore you can change a field’s type there as well. tools that contain an embedded select are: Join, Join Multiple, append Fields, Spatial Match, and Find Nearest

50. Why would an organization choose alteryx opposed to other open or semi-open source applications?

there are many reasons why a company or user would choose to use alteryx instead of other open or semi-opened applications. reputation and ratings can have a large impact on what tool to use and alteryx has the following acknowledgements in the Gardner Magic Quadrants:

  • Top quartile for complexity of analysis
  • Top quartile for overall ease of use
  • Top quartile for customer experience and operations
  • Rated highest for product quality
  • Top quartile for top support

51. Why did alteryx decide to integrate r for predictive analytics over other programming?

integration of r allows alteryx to utilize a third party solution that many users may already have had exposure too as well as enhance the analytical capabilities by including predictive modeling and spatial analytics.

the predictive analytics become part of the entire workflow in alteryx which results in a quicker turnaround in getting the end results.

52. Are Chained applications Supported in the analytics Gallery?
at present, chained applications are not supported.

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