[Biology Class Notes] on Balanced Diet Pdf

To stay fit, for optimal health and for well-being, having a healthy or a balanced diet is the must for the human body. All the basic requirements of nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats and a lot more are included in a balanced diet. This is a healthy diet which provides all the necessary requirements essential for survival growth and for our body organs to function accurately. A balanced diet could be simply defined as the food that gives the body the nutrients it needs to function properly. In order to avail truly balanced nutrition, one must obtain the major share of the daily calories from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Calories are a measure of units of energy. They are two types: small and large calories. The amount of energy conserved in food which is in turn used by the body to perform several activities can be defined as a calorie in a diet.Three meals that are consumed by a person in a day should be six hundred fifty to seven hundred calories. Again the total intake of calories varies between men and women, children and adults, etc.

We should consume a diet based on starch-rich food such as potatoes, bread and rice; with plenty of fruits and vegetables; foods that are rich in proteins such as fish, lentils; milk and food made of dairy products; meat and not too much fatty, salt or sugar, and rest assured it would give all the nutrients needed. To have a balanced diet is very essential along with a healthy lifestyle choice. This goes to mean that one has to eat a wide variety of food in the right proportions and consume the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.


Some of the Examples of Daily Intake of Calories are –

Intake By 


Quantity (cal.)


2-18 years



9-13 years 



9-13 years


Active women

14-30 years 


Sedentary Women

14-30 years


Active men 

14-30 years


Sedentary men 

14-30 years 


Active men and women

30 years 


Sedentary men and women

30 years 



Source of Calories

Some of the important sources of calories are – 

Important of Balanced Diet:

The most important varieties of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are consumed by a balanced diet to make the body and mind strong and healthy. Eating well is also important as it helps to ward off numerous diseases and health complications, as well as help maintain a healthy body weight, provide energy, allow better sleep, and improve brain function. A proper proportion of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and liquids is consumed by a diet with balance. It is important that we don’t cut off any essential macronutrients, such as fats or carbohydrates, but at the same time should be conscious of portion control. 

Following are the benefits of consuming a balanced diet – 

  1. Control Body Weight 

  2. Fight Off Disease 

  3. Have More Energy

  4. Sleep Better

  5. More Brain Power 

Also, a balanced diet prevents diseases and infections. When you eat the complete range of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you improve your body systems and your healthy diet may even help prevent diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and stroke.It helps you control your weight. Most people at some point want to reduce weight or gain weight – eating a balanced diet helps you control your weight and maintain it over time. It is not feasible to get on a weight-loss diet forever – a balanced diet is the only way to healthily control your weight in the long term. Improves your mental health. Getting the right mix of nutrients can help to ease symptoms of depression and anxiety – looking after yourself by eating well is essential as you take steps to good mental health. It is also good for growth. A balanced diet is also vital for children and adolescents. As the body grows it is important to receive the right nutrients so that cells are built and maintained and the body grows at the right pace. Better skin and hair. A healthy balanced diet also improves your looks. Eating well contributes to healthy skin and hair and a “glow” that leads to you looking younger.

Balanced Diet to Lose Weight:

 A poor diet is a common cause of weight loss issues. A balanced diet, when paired with a regular exercise plan, can assist a person lower their risk factors for obesity or weight gain. A well-balanced diet can help a person in losing weight by

  • Increasing Their Protein Consumption.

  • Reducing Your Intake Of Carbs And Processed Meals.

  • Getting Important Nutrients Such As Minerals, Vitamins, And Fiber,

  • Avoiding Binge Eating.

People who want to lose weight should start or improve their workout habits. Some people find that adding 30 minutes of daily walking and making simple modifications, such as using the stairs, will help them burn calories and lose weight. People who want to lose weight should also consider including moderate exercise in their daily routines along with a well-balanced diet.

Foods to Avoid

Although each person’s body and reactions to meals are unique, there are some foods that are worth avoiding in general. We’re talking about foods that either don’t provide much nutritional value to your body or, in the worst-case scenario, may even be harmful to your health. A healthy diet should avoid or restrict the following foods:

  • Highly Processed Foods

  • Refined Grains

  • Added Sugar And Salt

  • Red And Processed Meat

  • Alcohol

  • Trans Fats

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