[Biology Class Notes] on Difference Between Locomotion and Movement Pdf

Dhristi NEET 2022-24

Introduction to Locomotion and Movement

  • To perform the daily activities, we need to change our body positions or move our body parts as well as we need to move from one place to another.

  • Depending upon whether the place is changed or not, these processes are termed Locomotion and Movement.

  • Movement is the displacement of the body or body parts from their original position to a state of rest or motion. Whereas when the entire body displaces from one place to another in a specific direction, it is called Locomotion.

  • In the case of movement change of place does not take place.


Humans are able to perform all their physical activities because of the function of locomotion and movements of the body parts. We tend to make the mistake of using these two terminologies interchangeably when they have different meanings and different functions to perform. Although, both locomotion and movement help to put the human body into motion. In this article, we aimed at making you understand the difference between the two. Follow the full article to grasp the concept better. 

Table of Content 

Muscles and Joints

To understand Locomotion and Movement better, first, we need to know about muscles and joints.



  • Around 40 to 50% of our body weight is because of the muscles.

  • These are made up of cells, called muscle fibers. Muscular fibers/ tissues are mesodermal in origin.

  • There are three types of muscles in the body. They are

  1. Skeletal Muscles – They are also known as striated muscles. These muscles are responsible for carrying out the Movement of the posture of the organism.

  2. Cardiac Muscles – These muscles are present in the heart. They possess the ability to contract and relax in a rhythmic pattern.

  3. Smooth Muscles – These muscles are mainly found in the digestive tract. The Movement of these muscles is under the control of the nervous system.





  • Our skeletal system comprises cartilages and bones. 

  • The human body has 206 bones. These bones are interconnected. 

  • The place where two or more bones adjoin with each other to perform activities is called a Joint. Depending on the nature of the Movement they perform, joints are divided into three types.

  1. Fixed Joints – Due to the presence of durable cartilaginous fibers, these joints do not show any Movement. E.g. joints between skull bones, joints in tooth sockets

  2. Moveable Joints – The function of these types of joints is to perform Locomotion and other movements. Examples of moveable joints are the knee joint, wrist joint, the joint between the humerus and pectoral girdle.

  3. Slightly Movable Joints – In this type of joint, bones are linked together because of the presence of cartilages. These joints are somewhat movable—E.g. The joint between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column.


  • Locomotion is the displacement of the entire body from one place to another in a specific direction.

  • It requires a driving force that is acting against the supporting structure of the body.

  • Well-coordinated and balanced activities of neural, muscular, and skeletal systems execute Locomotion.

  • It takes place by the Movement of limbs, flagella, and wings.

  • It helps organisms to find food and to escape from predators.

  • Walking, running, flying, swimming, jumping, hopping, creeping, crawling, are some of the examples of Locomotion.

Types of Locomotion

There are three Types of Locomotion

  1. Air Locomotion

  2. Land Locomotion

  3. Aquatic Locomotion



  • Movement is the process in which the organism moves the body part from one position to another without changing the place.

  • It is observed in all living organisms (vertebrates and invertebrates), including plants.

  • In some organisms, Movement is carried out with the help of external body parts, and in some organisms, it is performed by internal body parts.

  • Purpose of the movements are

  1. Locomotion

  2. Breathing

  3. Maintaining the equilibrium of
    the body

  4. Blood circulation

  5. Information collection

  6. Capture and ingestion of food

  7. Passage of food and urine

  8. Exchange of gasses and many more.


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Types of Movements

There are three types of movements of the human body,

  1. Ciliary Movements- It occurred in internal tubular organs and carried out my hair-like extensions of the epithelium, Cilia. The passage of ova in the female reproductive system is an example of this type of Movement.

  2. Amoeboid Movements- It arises with the help of pseudopodia (temporary protoplasmic outgrowth within a cell). E.g. movements in Amoeba, leukocytes.

  3. Muscular Movements- It occurs due to the virtue of the contractility of muscles. It is observed in higher vertebrates—E.g. Movement of tongue, jaws, limbs.


Difference Between Locomotion and Movement

Following are the significant differences between Locomotion and Movement,

  1. In the case of Locomotion, the body moves away from one position to another, whereas in the case of Movement, change of place does not take place.

  2. Locomotion is an entirely voluntary act. On the other hand, Movement can be voluntary or involuntary.

  3. Locomotion is the crucial virtue of organisms only while Movement takes place in all living things.

  4. Locomotion requires more energy than Movement. But due to many movements in the body, energy is produced.

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