[Biology Class Notes] on Kranz Anatomy Pdf for EXAM

Kranz Anatomy is one structure within the leaves of the C4 plants that are specialized in nature. This is where the spongy mesophyll cells are found bundled up. They are seen in a ring-like shape that surrounds the veins of a leaf. 

Kranz Anatomy Definition

Kranz anatomy is a unique structure observed in C4 plants. In these plants, the mesophyll cells cluster around the bundle-sheath cell in a wreath formation (Kranz means ‘wreath or ring). Also, the number of chloroplasts observed in bundle sheath cells is more than that in the mesophyll cell. This entire structure is densely packed and plays a major role in C4 photosynthesis.

Advantage of Kranz Anatomy

We have established with the help of the above definitions that Kranz Anatomy is a significant part of C4 plants. Thus, this has several advantages to the respective plants. Some of those advantages can be found below:

  • It provides a perfect site for CO2 to be concentrated within the plants, around the RuBisCO. 

  • It helps in preventing photorespiration

  • It enables the carbon dioxide fixation twice within the C4 plants with the help of the bundle sheath cells found in them

Different Between C3 Plants And C4 Plants

When we talk about C3 Plants And C4 Plants, there is a good difference that exists between the two. While in C3 plants, the carbon dioxide fixation happens only once, in C4, the same happens twice. This is all because of the presence of the Kranz Anatomy in the latter and the absence in the former. 

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