[Biology Class Notes] on Pneumatophore – Root System Pdf for Exam

Pneumatophores are aerial roots derived from subterranean roots that enable plants to access air in waterlogged soil habitats. It is most commonly found in saline mudflats, mostly in mangroves, bald cypresses, and gyms. Mangrove-breathing roots are also found there. Figs have lateral roots that grow outwards from the mud and water and serve as oxygen intake sites for their primary roots in the water. The bark of trees has tiny openings called lenticels. Many species have these roots, which can also be referred to as the knee roots or respiratory roots. Refer to the official website of or download the app for an elaborate and comprehensive explanation.

Pneumatophores in Trees

Hydrophytic trees have adapted several adaptations for survival and growth in muddy and aqueous environments. There are certain trees with large lenticels that allow air to flow through their bark, such as bald cypresses and gum. Those with lower oxygen concentrations show greater oxygen exchange within the bark of the tree and in the tissue layer known as cambium. To promote root aeration, hybridized trees typically have large gaps between their cells. Hydrophobic species have adapted to anaerobic metabolism and are capable of handling lactic acid and ethyl alcohol, which are toxic by-products of this process. Each year, some trees in the Amazon survive several months submerged in water.

The Pneumatophores of Mangroves

An important characteristic of mangroves such as Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia Racemosa, plants that grow on muddy coasts and in salt marshes, is their pneumatophores. Roots can become pneumatophores with specialization. Positive geotropism is experienced by pneumatophores, and they ascend. Several tiny openings called lenticels allow the roots to draw air through the tissues and pass it to the roots below the surface. In low-tide zones, roots grow to a height of some centimetres. Aeration and support of the plant are provided by the steep roots in red mangroves.

The Importance of Pneumatophore Roots in Mangroves

The soil provides oxygen for respiration in plants. A salt marsh forms when salty seawater is washed over land during high tides in coastal areas. Because of this, salt marshes have very little oxygen in the soil. There are many pores on pneumatophores, which are breathing roots. In order to perform this function, the mangrove plants possess pneumatophores. Those organs are responsible for absorbing oxygen from the air. Pneumatophores absorb oxygen, which helps in the respiratory system as well as for the roots to grow underground. The pneumatophores in mangrove plant roots help them to absorb gases, such as nitrogen, and nutrients, such as iron, from poor soil. In spite of being submerged in water, mangrove plants utilize the gases stored within their pneumatophores. 

The Function of Pneumatophores

For roots submerged in water, pneumatophores facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide through lateral roots. Plants form these structures when roots cannot be respired normally because oxygen is insufficient for their roots. Root respiration is made possible by an abundance of breathing pores or openings called lenticels that allow gas exchange. Roots are modified in order to allow their roots to breathe. This type of root can be found mainly in swampy and muddy areas and is a characteristic of many mangrove species, including Avicennia germinans, Laguncularia racemosa, Ludwigia reopen, and Laguncularia racemosa.

Solved examples

1. What is Pneumatophore?

Solution: Pneumatophore is a special type of breathing root, which is stemmed out from the subterranean root system. It helps the plants of salt marshes to absorb oxygen and other gases from the air.

2. In Which Area are Pneumatophores Found?

Solution: Usually, pneumatophores are found in mangrove forests. Mangrove forests are located in the river bank areas and coastal areas, where the rivers meet the sea. The soil of the mangrove forests are often washed with seawater and the forest becomes salt marshes. 

3. Give One Example of the Mangrove Plant, Which Has Pneumatophores.

Solution: Heritiera fomes is a tree of the mangrove forest, which has pneumatophores.

4. What is the Functional Organ of Pneumatophores, Which Helps in Breathing?

Solution: Pneumatophores have open pores in the air called lenticels. These lenticels help in absorbing oxygen and other essential gases for exchange. 

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