[Biology Class Notes] on Symptoms of Typhoid Pdf for Exam

Typhoid is a chapter in the NCERT Science Books, classified under the Health and Wellness module. This segment deals with typhoid as a disease, signs and symptoms of typhoid, causes of typhoid, and how to get typhoid treated. Students are suggested to refer to the resource material from the official website of for a better understanding of the subject as well as taking precautionary measures for better health in the future.

What is Typhoid? 

Typhoid is a contagious disease that spreads through contaminated water and food. It is an infectious disease regarding bacteria that spreads through the body and affects several organs of the body. It is an illness related to fever. The type of bacteria that causes typhoid is originally known as Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi bacteria. It comes in the form of high fever, reaching upto 104° F and is sustained fever, which means it does not increase or decrease the temperature easily and stays constant for a long while. 

Signs of Typhoid 

Typhoid is a type of fever, so it generally affects the outer factors. The major signs of typhoid fever are headache, constipation or diarrhoea, stomach ache, and high temperature, which is typically high fever. The infected tend to have a poor appetite as well, along with feeling lethargic and generally in pains and aches. Other signs shown are also dry cough, sweating profusely, muscle aches and rash. Discomfort is the most found symptom in all the infected. These are the initial indications of the disease. 

When typhoid completely sets it, it is evident by two major signs. Firstly, without treatment, the infected may get delirious and unable to handle themselves. Secondly, the infected might lie without motion and remain exhausted for a longer duration of time. 

If you see these signs in someone, immediately call an adult and consult a specialist in this field.

Causes of Typhoid 

There are two causes of typhoid. Firstly, the contaminated water and food supply. The ingestion of polluted water and food infect the consumer. Secondly, the carriers of the disease. Staying in contact with someone who is affected with typhoid results in the fever being transmitted to another person.

Treatment of Typhoid 

Typhoid can be effectively treated through the usage of antibiotics. Antibiotics are designed to demolish the bacterias that carry the disease Antibiotics, with the assistance of care and support, guarantee the disease to be destroyed. 

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