300+ TOP BOTANY Interview Questions and Answers

Botany Interview Questions

1. What are the simplest plants?
The thallophytes are the simplest plants. Bacteria, Algae and Fungi belong to this group.

2. Who discovered bactereia?
Anton Von Leeuwenhock in 1676

3. Which scientist proved that plants also have got life?
Jagdesh Chandra Bose.

4. What is basic classification unit of the plants?
The basic classification unit of plants as of animals is the species.

5. Which is the oldest known plant?
The oldest known plants are traces of algae that lived more than 3 billion years ago.

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6.Where did plants originate?
plants originated in the ocean.

7. How many kinds of plants are there?
More than 350,000 species

8. What is Bacteria?
They are microscopic unicellular prokaryotic organisms distributed in various habits. Most of them lack chlorophyll and hence lead a heterotrophic mode of life.

9. Which are the four types of bacteria?
Coccus, Bacillus, Vibrio and Spiral

10. What is the hair like structure of the Bacteria is called?
FlagellaBotany Interview Questions11. Which are the four types of bacteria according to the cells?

  1. Monotrichous
  2. Lopotrichous
  3. Amphitrichous
  4. Deritrichous

All these have flagella

12. Which is the bacteria that have no flagella?

13. Where is the respiratory enzymes in bacteria are chiefly located?
Plasma membrane.

14. Which are Heterotrophic bacteria?
The bacteria which are unable to synthesis their organic food are called Heterotrophic bacteria.

15. Which are autotrophic bacteria?
The bacteria which are capble of synthesising their organic food from simple organic substances.

16. Bacteria which can grow only in the presence of oxygen are called:
Oblicate aerobes

17. Bacteria which can grow with or without oxygen
Facultative anaerobes

18. Organic materials decay due to the action of which agency?

19. How bacteria is useful to man?’
Bacteria is useful to man in major fields viz, Agriculture, industry, Medicine and Biological Research.

20. Which are the antibiotics obtained from bacteria?
Streptomycin, Chloromycetin, Neomycin, Terramycin etc.

31. What kind pf bacterium spreads Cholera?

32. Name the bacteria which causes gonnorrhea
Nisseria Gonnorrhea.

33. Which bacterium produces Syphilis?
Troponema Pallidum

34. Who isolated the bacterium which causes leprosy?
G.R. Hanson.

35. Name the leprosy- producing bacteria
Mycobacterium leprae

36. The substance excreted by bacteria into human body

Botany Questions and Answers Pdf Download

1: Who coined the term Biology?

Answer: It is introduced independently in different years by Thomas Beddoes (in 1799), Karl Friedrich Burdach (in 1800), Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1802).

2: Who is known as the father of Biology?

Answer: Theophrastus

3: Botany has its immediate origin from which word?

Answer: Botane

4: Which is the physical basis of life?

Answer: Protoplasm

5: What is the sphere of Botany?

Answer: The Study of everything about plants

6: Who is the father of Biology?

Answer: Aristotle

7: What is the most peculiar feature shown by all living organisms?

Answer: Respiration is the most peculiar feature shown by all living organisms.

8: What is the degradative phase of the life cycle?

Answer: Senescence

9: Who said, “Protoplasm is the physical basis of life?

Answer: Huxley

10: Who gave the term Protoplasm’?

Answer: Purkinje

11: Who dicovered Bacteria?

Answer: Leeuwenhock

12: The plants are different from animals on which basis?

Answer: The difference is Localized Growth.

13: What is the main difference between living and non_living?

Answer: Presence of protoplasm

14: How plants are like animals?

Answer: Respire during day and night

15: In which living things, does growth continues up to death?

Answer: In plants

16: What is the Study of lie effects on living organisms?

Answer: Photobiology

17: What is Histology?

Answer: A Botanist who studies the distribution of tissues in a stem does work on Histology.

18: Which is the branch of Botany that is concerned with living activity and function?

Answer: Physiology

19: Which is the branch of Biology that deals with the distribution of plants on the earth’s surface?

Answer: Phytogeography

20: Which branch of Biology includes both the study of plants and animals?

Answer: Microbiology

21: What is Silviculture?

Answer: The science that leads to the rearing and proper management of forest trees is called Silviculture.

22: What is the science of soil?

Answer: Pedology

23: What is the study of Lawns called?

Answer: Agrostology

24: What is the study of Exodermis?

Answer: Exobiology

25: Where is the largest Herbarium in the world?

Answer: England

26: What is Serology?

Answer: It is the study of the interaction of antigens and antibodies.

27: What is the study of flowers called?

Answer: Anthology

28: What is Cryobiology?

Answer: It is the science of Freeze dry storage of Germplasm.

29: What is Mycetology?

Answer: It is the study of Fungi.

30: What is Ethnobotany?

Answer: It is the study of plants of tribal use.

31: Who gave the concept of Totipotancy?

Answer: Gottlieb Haberlandt

32: What is the Spermology?

Answer: It is the study of Seeds.

33: Who is the father of medicine?

Answer: Hippocrates

34: What is the study of Pollen grains called?

Answer: Palynology

35: Who is the father of plant Physiology?

Answer: Stephen Hales

36: What is Tissue culture?

Answer: The branch of Biology which involves the Isolation and fusion of cells in vitro is called tissue culture.

37: What is Ecology?

Answer: The branch of Botany dealing with the interactions of organisms and environments is known as ecology.

38: What is the study of the Nucleus is called?

Answer: Kryology

39: What is Genetics?

Answer: The discipline dealing with the study of inheritance is called Genetics.

40: What is the study of immunological reactions occurring in the blood?

Answer: Serology

41: What is Biometry?

Answer: It is the application of satistical methods to the study of biological problems.

42: What is dendrochronology?

Answer: It is the determination of the age of trees by counting annual rings.

43: Which branch is concerned with the study of abnormal embryonic development?

Answer: Teratology

44: What is Nomenclature?

Answer: It is the science of naming plants.

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