300+ Actinomycetes & Non Sporing Anaerobes MCQs and Answers

Actinomycetes and Non Sporing Anaerobes Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. Lactobacilli grow best under

A. strict anaerobic conditions
B. microaerophilic conditions in presence of 5% CO2 and PH6
C. microaerophilic conditions in presence of 3% CO2 and PH5
D. microaerophilic conditions in presence of 2% CO2 and PH4

Answer: B

2. Which of the following genera is included in the family Bacteroi-daceae?

A. Bacteroides
B. Fusobacterium
C. Leptotrichia
D. All of these

Answer: D

3. The bacteria which is predominant flora of the human gut is

A. Escherichia coli
B. Clostridium perfringens
C. Bacteroides
D. Actinomyces

Answer: B

4. The current genus name of a saccharolytic group of Bacteroides is

A. Porphyromonas
B. Bacteroides
C. Prevotella
D. None of these

Answer: A

5. Colonies resembling molar teeth are produced by

A. Nocardia brasiliensis
B. N. asteroids
C. Actinomyces israelii
D. Actinomadura madurae

Answer: C

6. Which of the following bacterial colonies fluoresce brick-red in UV light?

A. B gingivalis
B. B melaninogenicus
C. Bacteroides fragilis
D. B levii

Answer: B

Actinomycetes & Non Sporing Anaerobes Objective type Questions with Answers

7. Which of the following bacteria is acid-fast?

A. Actinomyces
B. Nocardia
C. Streptomyces
D. Corynebacterium

Answer: B

8. Lactobacilli constitute the normal flora of

A. prepubertal vagina
B. adult vagina
C. post-menopausal vagina
D. none of these

Answer: B

9. Which of the following bacteria is gram-negative cocci?

A. Veillonella
B. Peptococcus
C. Peptostreptococcus
D. Sporosarcina

Answer: A

10. The commonest species of Bacteroides in fragilis group, which causes human infection, is

A. B vulgatus
B. B fragilis
C. B ovatus
D. B merdae

Answer: B

Actinomycetes & Non Sporing Anaerobes Objective Questions
Actinomycetes & Non Sporing Anaerobes Mcqs

11. The commonest bacterial cause of cervicofacial actinomycosis is

A. A. naeslundii
B. A. viscosus
C. A. israelii
D. A. meyeri

Answer: C

12. Which of the following bacteria is moderately saccharolytic?

A. Bacteriodes fragilis
B. B gingivalis
C. B melaninogenicus
D. B levii

Answer: C

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