300+ TOP Administrative Theory MCQs and Answers Quiz

Administrative Theory Multiple Choice Questions

1. Karl Marx believes that the state is an instrument of
A. development

B. cooperation and participation

C. exploitation

Answer: C.exploitation

2. Karl Marx was born in
A. 1818

B. 1843

C. 1852

Answer: A.1818

3. Karl Marx died in
A. 1812

B. 1883

C. 1854

Answer: B.1883

4. Who wrote ‘Das Capital’?
A. Lenin

B. Karl Marx

C. Douglas McGregor

Answer: B.Karl Marx

5. To Marx, the wealthy or capitalists were labeled as
A. Bourgeoisie

B. Proletariat

C. Middle class

Answer: A.Bourgeoisie

6. The book ‘The Poverty of Philosophy’ was published in
A. 1847

B. 1853

C. 1868

Answer: A.1847

7. According to Marx, the working class were the
A. Capitalists

B. Proletariat

C. Middle class

Answer: A.Capitalists

8. Marx considered the history of all society up to his time is the history of
A. Racism

B. Political problems

C. Class struggle

Answer: C.Class struggle

9. Marx’s ideology was largely influenced by
A. Hegelian philosophy

B. Aristotle’s philosophy

C. Plato’s philosophy

Answer: A.Hegelian philosophy

10. Karl Marx was born in
A. France

B. Germany

C. Italy

Answer: B.Germany

11. The Communist Manifesto was written in
A. 1854

B. 1848

C. 1872

Answer: B.1848

12. According to Karl Marx, the present state will
A. wither away

B. continue for a long period

C. uplift the workers

Answer: A.wither away

13. Who amongst the following believed in class struggle?
A. J. S. Mill

B. Karl Marx

C. Plato

Answer: B.Karl Marx

14. Marx’s views has been criticized because
A. the idea of the state will wither away has not come true

B. his idea that workers will unite proved a failure

C. his views on capitalism

Answer: A.the idea of the state will wither away has not come true

15. Marx considered the forces of production as the
A. Super-structure of society

B. Sub-structure of society

C. Infrastructure of society

Answer: B.Sub-structure of society

16. Customs, morals, religion and politics belonged to the
A. Super-structure of society

B. Sub-structure of society

C. Infrastructure of society

Answer: A.Super-structure of society

17. The most important work on Public Administration in ancient India was
A. the Mahabharata

B. the Ramayana

C. the Arthashastra

Answer: C.the Arthashastra

18. Kautilya is the author of the
A. Slave economy

B. Volunteer economy

C. Arthashastra

Answer: C.Arthashastra

19. The word ‘artha’ in Arthashastra means
A. politics

B. economics

C. diplomacy

Answer: B.economics

20. The word ‘shastra’ in Arthashastra means
A. economics

B. politics

C. diplomacy

Answer: B.politics

21. To carry out the orders of administration, Kautilya laid emphasis on
A. People’s cooperation

B. People’s coordination

C. People’s contribution

Answer: A.People’s cooperation

22. How many methods of motivation are mentioned in Arthashastra?
A. three

B. two

C. four

Answer: C.four

23. Sama means
A. Persuasion

B. Punishment

C. Incentive

Answer: A.Persuasion

24. Dama implies
A. Force

B. Incentive

C. Progress

Answer: B.Incentive

25. Danda means
A. Punishment

B. Agreement

C. Development

Answer: A.Punishment

26. Bheda refers to
A. Chivalry

B. Training

C. Internal competition

Answer: C.Internal competition

27. Sama, dama,danda and bheda are
A. Motivation means

B. Personality Traits

C. Means of communication

Answer: A.Motivation means

28. During the time of Kautilya, the king secured people’s cooperation through
A. Punishment

B. Financial Assistance

C. Retribution

Answer: B.Financial Assistance

29. Arthashastra was written in
A. 320 BC

B. 326 BC

C. 340 BC

Answer: A.320 BC

30. Kautilya is also known as
A. Aditya

B. Himanshu

C. Chanakya

Answer: C.Chanakya

31. Arthashastra mainly focuses on
A. finance

B. polity

C. customs

Answer: B.polity

32. Dharmashastras are
A. Sacred laws

B. Sacred beliefs

C. Sacred customs

Answer: A.Sacred laws

33. According to Kautilya’s Arthashastra, the Defence Department was headed by the
A. Chief of Elephants

B. Senapati

C. Superintendent of Infantry

Answer: B.Senapati

34. According to Kautilya, Amatya was
A. the Finance Minister of the State

B. the Prime Minister of the State

C. the Defence Minister of the State

Answer: A.the Finance Minister of the State

35. Kautilya was the Prime Minister and Adviser to the king during the time of
A. Bindusara

B. Ashoka

C. Chandragupta Maurya

Answer: C.Chandragupta Maurya

36. Who is known as ‘The Indian Machiavelli’ in the western world?
A. Chanakya

B. Manu

C. Ashoka

Answer: A.Chanakya

37. Arthashastra is divided into
A. 13 books

B. 14 books

C. 15 books

Answer: C.15 books

38. Concepts of experiences and observation of situations in administration is known as
A. Administrative Theory

B. Political Theory

C. Public Administration

Answer: A.Administrative Theory

39. Theories help us to understand the working of
A. People

B. Organization

C. None of the above

Answer: B.Organization

40. The Father of Public Administration is
A. Woodrow Wilson

B. Henry Fayol

C. Aristotle

Answer: A.Woodrow Wilson

41. The letter ‘O’ in POSDCORB stands for
A. Organic

B. Office

C. Organising

Answer: C.Organising

42. The letter ‘P’ in POSDCORB stands for
A. Programme

B. Planning

C. Participation

Answer: A.Programme

43. The essay by Woodrow Wilson published in 1887 was titled as
A. Public Administration

B. Political Administration

C. The Study of Administration

Answer: C.The Study of Administration

44. ‘State and Revolution’ was written by
A. Kautilya

B. Lenin

C. Woodrow Wilson

Answer: B.Lenin

45. Lenin died in
A. 1924

B. 1925

C. 1926

Answer: A.1924

46. Lenin believed in the
A. Bourgeoisie Revolution

B. Proletariat Revolution

C. Bureaucratic Revolution

Answer: B.Proletariat Revolution

47. Like Marx, Lenin was a bitter opponent of
A. Communism

B. Socialism

C. Capitalism

Answer: C.Capitalism

48. Before the Revolution, Russia was ruled by
A. The Emperor

B. The Tsar

C. The King

Answer: B.The Tsar

49. The Russian Revolution took place in
A. 1918

B. 1917

C. 1915

Answer: B.1917

50. Lenin led the
A. Bolsheviks

B. Mensheviks

C. Christian Democrats

Answer: A.Bolsheviks

51. Which of the groups did Lenin consider as important in carrying out the RussianRevolution?
A. Priests and artisans

B. Workers and peasants

C. Entrepreneurs and capitalists

Answer: B.Workers and peasants

52. The term Scientific Management was first coined by
A. Louis Brandies

B. F.W.Taylor

C. Vincent De Gourney

Answer: A.Louis Brandies

53. Classical writers give importance on
A. formal organisation

B. informal organisation

C. social-psychological factors

Answer: A.formal organisation

54. The first coherent theory of organisation is known as
A. Scientific Management

B. Bureaucratic Theory

C. Classical Theory

Answer: A.Scientific Management

55. The Scientific Management Approach developed
A. during 10th Century

B. during 19th Century

C. during early 20th Century

Answer: C.during early 20th Century

56. The Classical Theory is referred to as
A. Human Relations Theory

B. Mechanistic Theory

C. Model Theory

Answer: B.Mechanistic Theory

57. Who is associated with the Scientific Management doctrine?
A. Henri Fayol

B. Adam Smith

C. Frederick Winslow Taylor

Answer: C.Frederick Winslow Taylor

58. Scientism in administration is linked to
A. one-best way

B. two-best ways

C. three-best ways

Answer: A.one-best way

59. What is the meaning of Charisma?
A. Beauty

B. Money

C. Gift of Grace

Answer: C.Gift of Grace

60. Scientific Management Theory was advocated by
A. Elton Mayo

B. F. W. Taylor

C. Luther Gulick

Answer: B.F. W. Taylor

61. Max Weber wrote extensively on
A. State

B. Government

C. Bureaucracy

Answer: C.Bureaucracy
62. The Theory of Organisational Principle was propounded by
A. Karl Marx

B. Kautilya

C. Fayol

Answer: C.Fayol
63. F.W. Taylor puts emphasis on
A. Decision-Making

B. Performance

C. Division of Labour

Answer: C.Division of Labour
64. The first social scientist who made a systematic study of bureaucracy was
A. Max Weber

B. Plato

C. Aristotle

Answer: A.Max Weber
65. The father of Scientific Management is
A. Henry Fayol

B. F.W. Taylor

C. Frederick Herzberg

Answer: B.F.W. Taylor
66. Scientific Management is also known as
A. Taylorism

B. Fayolism

C. Leninism

Answer: A.Taylorism

67. The aim of Scientific Management is the replacement of traditional techniques by
A. new techniques

B. modern techniques

C. scientific techniques

Answer: C.scientific techniques
68. Scientific Management focused on the
A. lowest level

B. middle level

C. highest level

Answer: A.lowest level
69. The tendency on the part of the workers to restrict output is called
A. regression

B. soldiering

C. refraining

Answer: B.soldiering
70. According to F.W.Taylor, the habit to take it easy is called
A. natural soldiering

B. systematic soldiering

C. unique soldiering

Answer: A.natural soldiering
71. The realisation on part of both the parties (workers and managers) that their mutualinterest is not contradictory is
A. clinical method

B. hygiene factor

C. mental revolution

Answer: C.mental revolution
72. Classical Theorists consider every worker as
A. economic man

B. social man

C. communal man

Answer: A.economic man

73. According to the Classical Theory, man is motivated by
A. social factors

B. monetary factors

C. environmental factors

Answer: B.monetary factors
74. When a worker is supervised and guided by eight functional foreman, it is called
A. Differential piece rate plan

B. Functional foremanship

C. Unity of Command

Answer: B.Functional foremanship
75. Determining the best set of motions amongst different set of motion in completing a job iscalled
A. Motion study

B. Time study

C. Mental Revolution

Answer: A.Motion study

76. The study of time taken for completion of work is called
A. Time study

B. Motion study

C. Momentary study

Answer: A.Time study
77. Pay by piece rates on the basis of standards set by motion and time studies is
A. Recurring Plan

B. Systematic Plan

C. Differential Piece-Rate Plan

Answer: C.Differential Piece-Rate Plan
78. Which of the following is not an aim of Scientific Management?
A. Increased Production

B. Conditions of work

C. Quality Control

Answer: B.Conditions of work
79. Scientific Management is based on the principle of
A. Development of hygiene factors of work

B. Development of motivational factors of work

C. Development of true science of work

Answer: C.Development of true science of work
80. According to Taylor, the workers in an organization should be selected on the basis of
A. outlook

B. aptitude

C. status

Answer: B.aptitude

81. The father of Classical Theory is
A. F. W. Taylor

B. Henry Fayol

C. Chester Barnard

Answer: B.Henry Fayol
82. The central tenet of Classical Theory is
A. division of labour

B. responsibility

C. increased production

Answer: A.division of labour
83. Classical theorists believe that the Principles of organization can be applied
A. individually

B. universally

C. simultaneously

Answer: B.universally
84. The book “General and Industrial Management” was written by
A. Douglas Mc Gregor

B. Lenin

C. Henry Fayol

Answer: C.Henry Fayol
85. According to Fayol, buying, selling and exchange of goods fall under
A. Technical activities

B. Commercial activities

C. Financial activities

Answer: B.Commercial activities

86. The number of principles of administration specified by Henry Fayol was
A. 12

B. 13

C. 14

Answer: C.14
87. The object of division of work (specialization) is to produce
A. more and better work

B. better cooperation

C. better conditions of work

Answer: A.more and better work
88. Which is not an element of administration as mentioned by Fayol?
A. Planning

B. Organizing

C. Conducting

Answer: C.Conducting
89. The right to give orders and the power to exact obedience is
A. responsibility

B. control

C. authority

Answer: C.authority
90. When an employee should receive orders from one superior only, it is called
A. Unity of command

B. Supervision

C. Span of control

Answer: A.Unity of command
91. Fayol refers to “one head and one plan for a group of activities having the sameobjective” as
A. Unity of direction

B. Unity of command

C. Scalar chain

Answer: A.Unity of direction

92. The prices for services rendered is known as
A. Fees

B. Charges

C. Remuneration

Answer: C.Remuneration
93. The chain of superiors ranging from the ultimate authority to the lowest ranks is
A. Gang Plank

B. Scalar Chain

C. Clinical Method

Answer: B.Scalar Chain
94. Henry Fayol advocates ‘A place for everyone and everyone in his place’ as
A. Material Order

B. Human Order

C. Economic Order

Answer: B.Human Order
95. The power of thinking out a plan and executing it to ensure its success is
A. Initiative

B. Progress

C. Idea

Answer: A.Initiative
96. Esprit de Corps means
A. Harmony

B. Grace

C. Faith

Answer: A.Harmony
97. ‘The Theory of Economic and Social Organisations’ is written by
A. Woodrow Wilson

B. Max Weber

C. Peter Drucker

Answer: B.Max Weber

98. Max Weber was born in
A. 1865

B. 1869

C. 1864

Answer: C.1864
99. The word “bureaucracy” was coined by
A. Vincent de Gourney

B. John Miller

C. Aristotle

Answer: A.Vincent de Gourney
100. The word ‘bureaucracy’ was coined in
A. 1754

B. 1745

C. 1756

Answer: C.1756

101. The word ‘bureau’ means
A. chair

B. shelf

C. table

Answer: C.table
102. The word ‘cracy’ is derived from
A. French

B. Latin

C. Greek

Answer: C.Greek
103. Max Weber classified authority into
A. Three types

B. Four types

C. Two types

Answer: A.Three types
104. Authority which is obeyed because of customs, traditions, conventions and beliefs is
A. Legal Rational Authority

B. Traditional Authority

C. Charismatic Authority

Answer: B.Traditional Authority
105. Obedience owed to the legally established impersonal order is
A. Charismatic Authority

B. Legal Rational Authority

C. Traditional Authority

Answer: B.Legal Rational Authority

106. The legitimacy of Charismatic authority is
A. Outstanding character

B. Indifference

C. Morals and Values

Answer: A.Outstanding character
107. Which of the following does Max Weber consider as the most efficient form ofauthority?
A. Legal Rational Authority

B. Traditional Authority

C. Charismatic Authority

Answer: A.Legal Rational Authority
108. According to Max Weber, bureaucracy frequently has a
A. administrative head

B. bureaucratic head

C. non-bureaucratic head

Answer: C.non-bureaucratic head
109. In the Legal-Rational Bureaucracy, officials hold office on the basis of
A. Appointment

B. Election

C. Choice

Answer: A.Appointment
110. In the Legal Rational Bureaucracy, official duties are conducted in a spirit of
A. Nepotism

B. Impersonality

C. Partiality

Answer: B.Impersonality

111. Weber died in
A. 1940

B. 1930

C. 1920

Answer: C.1920
112. The Human Relations Theory is also known as
A. Classical Theory

B. Behavioural Theory

C. Neo-Classical Theory

Answer: C.Neo-Classical Theory
113. Who is regarded as Father of Human Relations Theory?
A. Elton Mayo

B. F.W. Taylor

C. M.P. Follett

Answer: A.Elton Mayo
114. Human Relations Theory came into existence as a reaction to
A. Humanistic Theory

B. Decision Making Theory

C. Classical Theory

Answer: C.Classical Theory
115. Which study formed the basis for the rise of Human Relations Theory?
A. Decision Making Study

B. Hawthorne Study

C. Motivation Study

Answer: B.Hawthorne Study
116. Which style of management advocated by Human Relations Theory?
A. Participative Management

B. Non-Participative Management

C. None of the Above

Answer: A.Participative Management

117. The Human Relations Theory lays emphasis on
A. Principles of Organisation

B. Formal

C. People

Answer: C.People
118. The Human Relations Theory highlighted the significance of Human dimension of theorganisation by drawing attention to
A. Economic factors of work situation

B. The Social and Psychological factors of work situation

C. The Political factors of work situation

Answer: B.The Social and Psychological factors of work situation
119. Human Relations Theory is criticised on which of the following ground
A. It is pro-union and anti-management

B. It advocates participative style of Management

C. It lacks a scientific base

Answer: C.It lacks a scientific base
120. Hawthorne Experiment was conducted at
A. Bethlehem Steel Company

B. Western Electrical Company

C. Midvale Steel Company

Answer: B.Western Electrical Company
121. Hawthorne Experiment was conducted by
A. Mary Parker Follet

B. Abraham Maslow

C. Elton Mayo

Answer: C.Elton Mayo
122. Hawthorne Studies was conducted in Western Electrical Company in
A. Chicago

B. London

C. Paris

Answer: A.Chicago

123. Hawthorne Experiments were conducted in
A. U.S.A.


C. Russia

Answer: A.U.S.A.
124. The findings of the Hawthorne experiments are discussed in
A. Management and the Work

B. Management and the Worker

C. Management and the Morale

Answer: B.Management and the Worker
125. The book in which the Hawthorne Experiments are discussed in detail authored by
A. F.J. Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson

B. F.S. Roethlisberger and William White

C. F.J. Roethlisberger and Elton Mayo

Answer: A.F.J. Roethlisberger and William J. Dickson

126. Which of the following is not a work of Elton Mayo?
A. The Economic Problems of an Industrial

B. The Social Problems of an Industrial Civilisation

C. The Political Problems of an Industrial Civilisation

Answer: A.The Economic Problems of an Industrial
127. According to Elton Mayo ‘one should not turn out too much work’ and if one does it iscalled_______________.
A. Squealer

B. Officious

C. Rate Buster

Answer: C.Rate Buster
128. Hawthorne Experiments led to the emergence of the
A. Human Relations Theory

B. Ecological Theory

C. Classical Theory

Answer: C.Classical Theory
129. Hawthorne Experiments were conducted from the period
A. 1924-32

B. 1924-34

C. 1924-36

Answer: A.1924-32
130. The book ‘Creative Experience’ is written by
A. Mary Parker Follett

B. Elton Mayo

C. L.D. White

Answer: A.Mary Parker Follett

131. Which of the following is not associated with Mary Parker Follett?
A. Conflict

B. Bottom-Up Approach

C. Integration

Answer: B.Bottom-Up Approach
132. ‘Dynamic Administration’ was written in
A. 1932

B. 1941

C. 1964

Answer: B.1941
133. To Follet, conflicts in an organization are inevitable due to individual
A. feelings

B. emotions

C. differences

Answer: C.differences
134. Victory of one side over the other is
A. domination

B. integration

C. compromise

Answer: A.domination
135. When both sides surrender what they want, it is called
A. compromise

B. integration

C. domination

Answer: A.compromise

136. Mary Parker Follett was born in
A. 1875

B. 1868

C. 1854

Answer: B.1868
137. How many ways of resolving did Mary Parker Follett suggest?
A. two

B. one

C. three

Answer: C.three
138. Herbert Simon’s contribution is significant in the field of
A. Communication

B. Authority

C. Decision Making

Answer: C.Decision Making
139. Who said that ‘before a science can develop principles it must possess concepts’?
A. Chester Barnard

B. Herbert Simon

C. Elton Mayo

Answer: B.Herbert Simon
140. Who has called ‘Decision Making’ as the heart of administration?
A. F.W.

B. Max Weber

C. Herbert Simon

Answer: C.Herbert Simon
141. Herbert Simon divides Decision Making into _______________________.
A. Three Phases

B. Four Phases

C. Five Phases

Answer: A.Three Phases

142. The book ‘Administrative Behaviour-A Study of Decision Making Processes in Administrative Organization’ was written by
A. Herbert Simon

B. Woodrow Wilson

C. Luther Gulick

Answer: A.Herbert Simon
143. According to Herbert Simon, every decision is based upon
A. Factual and Value Premises

B. Data and Value Premises

C. None of the Above

Answer: A.Factual and Value Premises
144. Which phase of Decision Making according to Herbert Simon consists of Inventing,Developing and Analysing possible courses of action?
A. First Phase

B. Second Phase

C. Third Phase

Answer: B.Second Phase
145. Herbert Simon’s Rational Decision Making model is also known as
A. Behaviour Alternative Model

B. Human Alternative Model

C. Economic Rationality Model

Answer: A.Behaviour Alternative Model
146. Herbert Simon was famous for his ___________________
A. Mental Revolution

B. Decision Making Theory

C. Chain of Command

Answer: B.Decision Making Theory
147. ‘Satisficing’ is a term associated with
A. Herbert Simon

B. Abraham Maslow

C. Douglas McGregor

Answer: A.Herbert Simon

148. Herbert Simon’s factual premises means
A. Statement of Reality

B. Expression of Preference

C. None of the Above

Answer: A.Statement of Reality
149. The activity of finding alternative courses of action is
A. Intelligence Activity

B. Design Activity

C. Choice Activity

Answer: B.Design Activity
150. The last phase in decision-making is
A. Choice Activity

B. Intelligence Activity

C. Design Activity

Answer: A.Choice Activity

151. Repetitive and routine decisions are
A. Non-programmed decisions

B. Programmed decisions

C. Organisational decisions

Answer: B.Programmed decisions
152. The scientific study of human behaviour in organisation is also called __________
A. Classical Theory

B. Behavioural Theory

C. Scientific Theory

Answer: B.Behavioural Theory
153. Behavioural Theory believes in
A. What should be

B. What ought to be

C. What is

Answer: C.What is
154. Behavioural Theory focussed on
A. Decision Making in organisations

B. Inter personal relations in organisations

C. Actual behaviour of persons and groups in organisations

Answer: C.Actual behaviour of persons and groups in organisations
155. The foremost exponent of Behavioural Theory is
A. Herbert Simon

B. Chester Barnard

C. Chris Argyris

Answer: A.Herbert Simon

156. Which statement is not correct about the Behavioural Theory?
A. It is concerned with the scientific study of human behaviour

B. It was started by Chester Barnard

C. Its literature is mostly descriptive, not prescriptive

Answer: B.It was started by Chester Barnard
157. The origin of Behavioural Theory can be traced to ______________.
A. Hawthorne Experiments

B. Classical Experiments

C. None of the Above

Answer: A.Hawthorne Experiments
158. Behavioural Theory is not concerned with
A. Prescription

B. Quantification

C. Mathematization

Answer: A.Prescription
159. The term ‘Self-Actualisation’ was first coined by
A. Kurt Goldstein

B. Abraham Maslow

C. Douglas Mcgregor

Answer: A.Kurt Goldstein
160. Which of the following is true about Abraham Maslow Theory?
A. It is the first theory of motivation

B. It is based on Psychoanalysis

C. It is not based on the idea of prepotency of needs

Answer: B.It is based on Psychoanalysis

161. According to Maslow
A. Human needs are always conscious

B. Social and Esteem needs are of higher order

C. A Satisfied need does not motivate

Answer: C.A Satisfied need does not motivate
162. The author of ‘Motivation and Personality’ is
A. Abraham Maslow

B. F.W. Riggs

C. Douglas Mcgregor

Answer: A.Abraham Maslow
163. How many needs are there in Abraham Maslow’s ‘Hierarchy of Needs Theory’?
A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

Answer: C.Five
164. Hierarchy of Needs Theory was advocated by
A. Frederick Herzberg

B. Elton Mayo

C. Abraham Maslow

Answer: C.Abraham Maslow
165. The highest need in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is
A. Self-Actualisation Needs

B. Security Needs

C. Esteem Needs

Answer: A.Self-Actualisation Needs
166. Hierarchy of Needs Theory is associated with
A. Herbert Simon

B. Douglas McGregor

C. Abraham Maslow

Answer: C.Abraham Maslow

167. Abraham Maslow’s Physiological Needs are also called _______________.
A. Biological Needs

B. Safety Needs

C. Social Needs

Answer: A.Biological Needs
168. Abraham Maslow’s Belongingness Needs are also called ______________.
A. Social Needs

B. Self- Esteem Needs

C. Physiological Needs

Answer: A.Social Needs
169. Abraham Maslow’s Love, Affection and Belongingness are
A. Safety Needs

B. Social Needs

C. Physiological Needs

Answer: B.Social Needs
170. In Hierarchy Needs Theory after ‘Security Needs’ comes
A. Self-Esteem Needs

B. Physiological Needs

C. Social Needs

Answer: C.Social Needs
171. The book ‘Motivation and Personality’ was written in
A. 1948

B. 1954

C. 1963

Answer: B.1954
172. The paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ was written by
A. Abraham Maslow

B. Henry Fayol

C. Douglas McGregor

Answer: A.Abraham Maslow

173. The classic paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ was propounded in
A. 1945

B. 1952

C. 1943

Answer: C.1943
174. According to Maslow, human needs influence human ________________.
A. Potential

B. Responsibility

C. behavior

Answer: C.behavior
175. Protection against natural calamities, danger and threat are
A. Physiological Needs

B. Security Needs

C. Biological Needs

Answer: B.Security Needs

176. According to the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Ego Needs are
A. Esteem Needs

B. Biological Needs

C. Security Needs

Answer: A.Esteem Needs
177. Esteem Needs are further divided into
A. two groups of needs

B. three groups of needs

C. four groups of needs

Answer: A.two groups of needs
178. To Maslow, status, importance and appreciation are
A. achievement needs

B. recognition needs

C. security needs

Answer: B.recognition needs
179. According to Maslow, self-confidence, independence and competence are
A. recognition needs

B. achievement needs

C. biological needs

Answer: B.achievement needs
180. Which needs according to Maslow do human beings usually strive to satisfy first?
A. Social Needs

B. Security Needs

C. Physiological Needs

Answer: C.Physiological Needs

181. The urgency of a satisfied need
A. increases

B. decreases

C. remains the same

Answer: B.decreases
182. The emergence of needs is a _____________ phenomenon.
A. sudden

B. repetitive

C. gradual

Answer: C.gradual
183. To Maslow, physiological, social and security needs are
A. lower order needs

B. middle order needs

C. higher order needs

Answer: A.lower order needs
184. The book ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’ was written in
A. 1970

B. 1960

C. 1950

Answer: B.1960
185. To McGregor, the assumption that the average human being does not inherently dislikework is
A. Theory X

B. Theory Y

C. Theory Z

Answer: B.Theory Y

186. According to McGregor, in managerial strategy, ___________ will be more beneficialfor the individual and the organization.
A. Theory V

B. Theory X

C. Theory Y

Answer: C.Theory Y
187. In ‘Theory X’, communication in managerial functions is
A. Downward

B. Upward

C. Downward and Upward

Answer: A.Downward
188. The author of ‘The Human Side of Enterprise’ is
A. Douglas McGregor

B. Frederick Herzberg

C. Abraham Maslow

Answer: A.Douglas McGregor
189. Douglas McGregor Theory X considers man as
A. A negative being

B. A positive being

C. None of the Above

Answer: A.A negative being
190. Who propounded ‘Theory X and Theory Y’?
A. Frederick Herzberg

B. Douglas McGregor

C. Henry Fayol

Answer: B.Douglas McGregor
191. Which of the following theory is associated with the traditional view of ‘Direction andControl’?
A. Theory W

B. Theory X

C. Theory Y

Answer: B.Theory X

192. Douglas McGregor Theory Y deals with
A. Bureaucracy

B. Administration

C. Motivation

Answer: C.Motivation
193. Douglas McGregor Theory X represents
A. Classical approach to Management

B. Behavioural approach to Management

C. Participative approach to Management

Answer: A.Classical approach to Management
194. Which of the following theory is associated with the integration of individual andorganisational goals?
A. Theory W

B. Theory X

C. Theory Y

Answer: C.Theory Y
195. In Theory X, Douglas McGregor believes that average human being
A. Accepts responsibilities

B. Does not resist organisational needs

C. Dislikes Work

Answer: C.Dislikes Work
196. Frederick Herzberg divides the people working in organisation into
A. Two Groups

B. Three Groups

C. Four Groups

Answer: A.Two Groups
197. The author of ‘The Motivation to Work’ is
A. Douglas Mcgregor

B. Frederick Herzberg

C. F.W. Riggs

Answer: B.Frederick Herzberg

198. Frederick Herzberg propounded
A. Theory X and Theory Y

B. Scientific Management Theory

C. Motivation-Hygiene Theory

Answer: C.Motivation-Hygiene Theory
199. Frederick Herzberg calls Hygiene Factors as
A. Dissatisfiers

B. Satisfiers

C. Growth

Answer: A.Dissatisfiers
200. Who propounded Motivation-Hygiene Theory?
A. Henry Fayol

B. Abraham Maslow

C. Frederick Herzberg

Answer: C.Frederick Herzberg

201. Frederick Herzberg Motivation Factors are also called as
A. Growth Factors

B. Extrinsic Factors

C. Maintenance Factors

Answer: A.Growth Factors
202. Which among the following is a ‘Hygiene Factor’?
A. Achievement

B. Salary

C. Recognition

Answer: B.Salary
203. Which among the following is a ‘Motivation Factor’?
A. Working Conditions

B. Supervision

C. Responsibility

Answer: C.Responsibility
204. According to Frederick Herzberg the Motivation Factors describe man’s relationship to
A. Job Content

B. Environment

Answer: A.Job Content
205. Which of the following is correct about Hygiene Factors?
A. Their presence brings satisfaction

B. Motivate the individuals

C. Their presence do not bring satisfaction

Answer: C.Their presence do not bring satisfaction

206. The word ‘motivation’ is derived from
A. Latin

B. Greek

C. French

Answer: A.Latin
207. According to Herzberg, ‘motivators’ are mainly
A. unipolar

B. bipolar

C. tripolar

Answer: A.unipolar
208. Persons motivated by the nature of environment in an organization are
A. Motivation Seeker

B. Hygiene Seeker

C. Joy Seeker

Answer: B.Hygiene Seeker
209. Herzberg describes persons motivated by the nature of task in an organization as
A. Adventure Seeker

B. Motivation Seeker

C. Hygiene Seeker

Answer: B.Motivation Seeker
210. Frederick Herzberg propounded the Motivation-Hygiene Theory in
A. 1959

B. 1962

C. 1945

Answer: A.1959

211. The study of public administration on a comparative basis is called
A. Comparative Public Administration

B. Behavioural Approach

C. Development Administration

Answer: A.Comparative Public Administration
212. Comparative Public Administration was developed after
A. World War I

B. World War II

C. None of the above

Answer: B.World War II
213. Comparative Public Administration aims at the development of a more scientific publicadministration by
A. Building and strengthening theory in public administration.

B. Motivating workers in an organization

C. Introducing new techniques of administration

Answer: A.Building and strengthening theory in public administration.
214. Comparative public administration focuses on
A. environmental administration

B. cross-cultural and cross-national public administration

C. rural and tribal administration

Answer: B.cross-cultural and cross-national public administration
215. The most important single contribution to the growth of comparative publicadministration came from
A. the Minnowbrook Conference

B. the Western Electrical Company

C. the Comparative Administration Group

Answer: C.the Comparative Administration Group
216. The CAG was established in
A. 1960

B. 1979

C. 1985

Answer: A.1960

217. The full form of ASPA is
A. American Society for Public Associations

B. American Society for Public Administration

C. American Society for People’s Assistance

Answer: B.American Society for Public Administration
218. ASPA was founded in
A. 1945

B. 1956

C. 1939

Answer: C.1939
219. The father of Comparative Public Administration is
A. F. W. Riggs

B. Ferrel Heady

C. Henry Fayol

Answer: A.F. W. Riggs
220. The type of study ‘which deals with what is’ is called
A. Nomothetic studies

B. Ideographic studies

C. Empirical studies

Answer: C.Empirical studies
221. Universal studies of various administrative systems in a comparative context is
A. Normative studies

B. Nomothetic studies

C. Ecological studies

Answer: B.Nomothetic studies
222. The examination of administrative phenomena in relation to its external environment is
A. Ideographic studies

B. Empirical studies

C. Ecological studies

Answer: C.Ecological studies

223. Who said “Comparative Public Administration” is a study of public administration on acomparative basis”?
A. Waldo

B. Riggs

C. Raphaeli

Answer: C.Raphaeli
224. Which of the following is not a trend enumerated by Riggs for the comparative Studyof Public Administration?
A. From normative to empirical

B. From ideographic to nomothetic

C. From nomothetic to ideographic

Answer: C.From nomothetic to ideographic
225. Comparative Administration Group was established in
A. India

B. America

C. Germany

Answer: B.America

226. ‘Public Administration: A Comparative Perspective’ was written by
A. F. W. Riggs

B. Ferrel Heady

C. Dwight Waldo

Answer: B.Ferrel Heady
227. The Bazaar- Canteen model is associated with
A. Economy

B. Administration

C. Politics

Answer: A.Economy
228. F.W. Riggs describes functionally specific societies as
A. Fused

B. Prismatic

C. Diffracted

Answer: C.Diffracted
229. The word ‘Sala’ in Sala model of F.W. Riggs is derived from a
A. Greek Word

B. Spanish Word

C. Latin Word

Answer: B.Spanish Word
230. How many analytical tools were employed by Riggs to explain his administrativetheories?
A. Two

B. Three

C. Four

Answer: B.Three

231. F.W. Riggs termed the economic sub-system of a Prismatic society as
A. Bazaar-Canteen

B. Clects

C. Sala

Answer: A.Bazaar-Canteen
232. A society which relies on agriculture as its main source of income is a
A. Fused Society

B. Prismatic Society

C. Diffracted Society

Answer: A.Fused Society
233. F.W. Riggs has termed the functionally diffused societies as
A. Diffracted

B. Prismatic

C. Fused

Answer: C.Fused
234. How many functions are performed in each society according to F.W. Riggs?
A. Four

B. Five

C. Six

Answer: A.Four
235. Who written the book ‘Administration in Developing Countries: Theory of PrismaticSociety’?
A. Elton Mayo

B. J.M. Gaus

C. F.W. Riggs

Answer: C.F.W. Riggs

236. According to F.W. Riggs, which of the following is not an element of the overlappingfeature of the Prismatic Society?
A. Poly communalism

B. Nepotism

C. Formalism

Answer: C.Formalism
237. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
A. Fused Society-Selectivism

B. Fused Society-Ascription

C. Diffracted Society-Functional Specificity

Answer: A.Fused Society-Selectivism
238. F.W. Riggs describes ‘Sala Model’ as
A. Economic Sub-system

B. Administrative Sub-system

C. None of the Above

Answer: B.Administrative Sub-system
239. According to F.W. Riggs, which of the following is the feature of Diffracted society?
A. Universalism

B. Selectivism

C. Particularism

Answer: A.Universalism
240. According to F.W. Riggs, which of the following is the feature of Fused society?
A. Attainment

B. Achievement

C. Ascription

Answer: C.Ascription
241. Which of the following is the Transitional society according to F.W. Riggs?
A. Diffracted Society

B. Prismatic Society

C. Fused Society

Answer: B.Prismatic Society

242. F.W. Riggs Agrarian model is based on which country
A. Imperial China

B. U.S.A

C. Japan

Answer: A.Imperial China
243. Which of the statement of F.W. Riggs is correct?
A. Ascriptive values is the feature of Industria societies

B. Transitional societies having the attributes of only Agraria societies

C. All societies move from Agraria to Industria stage

Answer: C.All societies move from Agraria to Industria stage
244. In Sala model, which factor plays a dominant role in appointments to variousadministrative posts?
A. Nepotism

B. Merit

C. Administrative Capability

Answer: A.Nepotism
245. F.W. Rigss was born in
A. 1918

B. 1917

C. 1919

Answer: B.1917
246. Comparative Public Administration emphasizes on
A. Generalization

B. Ecological factors

C. Both a) & b)

Answer: C.Both a) & b)
247. Which of the following is not a point of significance of Comparative PublicAdministration?
A. It has widened the scope of Public Administration

B. It promotes narrow regional outlook

C. It has brought politics and administration closer to each other

Answer: B.It promotes narrow regional outlook

248. The agrarian-industria model of Riggs is based on
A. Ecological Approach

B. Behavioural Approach

C. Structural Funcional Approach

Answer: C.Structural Funcional Approach
249. “Public administration is influenced by external environment”. This approach is relatedwith
A. Classical Approach

B. Human Relation Approach

C. Ecological Approach

Answer: C.Ecological Approach
250. Comparative Public Administration is
A. Cross-cultural

B. Culture-bound

C. Convention-oriented

Answer: A.Cross-cultural

251. Which of the following does Comparative Public Administration emphasize?
A. The search for theory*

B. The study of a particular administrative system

C. The relationship of workers in an organization

Answer: A.The search for theory*

252. The ecological approach in the study of public administration was initiated in
A. 1954

B. 1972

C. 1947

Answer: C.1947

253. Which approach did F.W. Riggs adopt to explain administrative systems fromecological perspective?
A. Ecological Approach

B. Structural-Functional Approach

C. Behavioural Approach

Answer: B.Structural-Functional Approach

254. Riggs developed the agrarian-industria model in
A. 1952

B. 1964

C. 1956

Answer: C.1956

255. One of the features of Industria Model is
A. Specific patterns

B. Particular norms

C. Diffuse patterns

Answer: A.Specific patterns

256. The ‘transitia’ model is
A. An intermediate model

B. A primary model

C. A secondary model

Answer: A.An intermediate model

257. The structural-functional approach in explaining administrative systems fromecologoical perspective was first suggested by
A. F. W.Riggs

B. Dwight Waldo

C. David Apter

Answer: B.Dwight Waldo

258. The adoption of the structural-functional approach in the field of public administrationwas first suggested in
A. 1964

B. 1948

C. 1955

Answer: C.1955

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