300+ [LATEST] Adobe Campaign Interview Questions and Answers

Q1. How Can I Connect To Campaign Classic?

To connect to Adobe Campaign Classic, you need to launch Adobe Campaign client console and enter your login and password to your instance.

Q2. What Is A Workflow?

Adobe Campaign includes workflows to orchestrate the full range of processes and tasks across the different modules of the application server. This comprehensive graphical environment lets you design processes including segmentation, campaign execution, file processing, human participation, etc. The workflow engine executes and tracks these processes.

You can use a workflow, for example, to download a file from a server, decompress it, and then import records contained within into the Adobe Campaign database.

A workflow can also involve one or more operators to be notified or who can make choices and approve processes. In this way, it is possible to create a delivery action, assign a task to one or more operators to work on content, specify targets, and to approve proofs before starting the delivery.

Q3. How Can I Import A Data Package?

Adobe Campaign allows you to export or import the platform configuration and data through a package system. Data packages let entities of the Adobe Campaign database be displayed via files in XML format. Each entity contained in a package is represented with all of its data.

The principle of data packages is to export a data configuration and integrate it into another Adobe Campaign system.

Q4. What Is A Delivery Template?

Delivery configuration and parameters can be saved in a delivery template in order to be re-used.

Q5. How Adobe Campaign Does Qualify And Manages Quarantine Addresses?

Adobe Campaign manages a list of quarantined addresses. Recipients whose address is quarantined are excluded by default during delivery analysis, and will not be targeted. An email address can be quarantined, for example, when the mailbox is full or if the address does not exist.

Q6. What Are Various Adobe Campaign Modules?

There are three types of Adobe Campaign modules:

  1. Multi-instance modules: a single process is run for all instances. This applies to the following modules: web, syslogd, trackinglogd and watchdog (activities from the config-default.xml file).
  2. Mono-instance modules: one process is run per instance. This applies to the following modules: mta, wfserver, in Mail, sms and stat (activities from the config-.xml file).
  3. Utility modules: these are modules that are run occasionally to perform occasional or recurrent operations (cleanup, config, downloading tracking logs, etc.).

Q7. How Can I Configure Security Zones?

The Security Zones self service interface can be used to manage entries in the VPN Security Zone configuration of an Adobe Campaign Classic deployment.

Q8. What Are The Differences When Working On-premise Vs. In A Hosted Environment?

Adobe Campaign Classic comes with a set of modules and options. The availability of these modules and their configuration can depend on the type of deployment of your installation: hosted (Managed Services) or on-premise.

Q9. How Can I Set Up User Permissions?

As a Campaign administrator, you can set up permissions for users of your organization.

These are a set of rights and restrictions that authorize or deny to:

  • Access to certain functionalities,
  • Access to certain data,
  • Create, modify and/or delete data.

Q10. What Is The Procedure For Domain Delegation?

Within the framework of its Adobe Campaign Cloud Marketing offer, Adobe takes account of the Domain Name System (DNS) for email delivery, which allows the client to keep their brand image by using a DNS alias with its domain names, and Adobe to autonomously implement all the technical best practices that allow it to optimize deliverability during emailing.

Q11. What Is The Difference Between Pushevent Or Pushevents?

PushEvent or PushEvents are SOAP methods and linked to the two nms: rtEvent and nms: Batch Event data schemas. It is the information system that determines whether an event is a “batch” or “real time” type.

PushEvent lets you insert a single event into the message; PushEvents lets you insert a series of events into the message.

The PushEvent method is made up of a parameter which contains the event, The PushEvents method is made up of a parameter which contains events.

Q12. How Can I Duplicate A Population Before Sending A Message?

You can use a workflow to exclude duplicate from the target of a delivery, to avoid sending the same message to a recipient several times.

Q13. Which Are The Key Steps To Create An Email In Campaign?

Once the email delivery is created and validated, you can send it. You can decide to send the email to the main target immediately OT schedules a delivery for a later date. If needed, before that, you can also estimate the target population.

Q14. How Can I Make Sure My Delivery Is Sent Without Errors?

Adobe Campaign comes with a set of dashboards and tools to monitor your email deliveries.

Q15. Are There Specific Guidelines When Designing Emails With Campaign?

Before starting designing emails, learn the concepts and best practices related to delivery design and sending with Adobe Campaign.

Q16. How To Create Landing Page?

You can use Adobe Campaign digital content editor to design a landing page and define mapping with database fields.

Q17. Why Should I Create Proofs?

Adobe highly recommends creating proof messages to test your delivery on an approval group before sending it to the main target. You can then validate message content, personalization and delivery parameters.

Q18. How To Schedule A Delivery?

You can defer the delivery of messages in order to schedule the delivery or to manage sales pressure and avoid over-soliciting a population.

Q19. How Can I Upgrade Campaign To The Latest Version?

As an administrator, you can perform a build upgrade to a new version, or request it to Adobe – depending if your instance is hosted or not.

Q20. Can I Connect To Campaign Classic With An Adobe Id?

Thanks to the integration with the IMS (Adobe Identity Management System), users can connect to the Adobe Campaign console using their Adobe ID.

This integration provides the following advantages:

  • The same ID can be used for all Experience Cloud solutions.
  • The connection is memorized when using Adobe Campaign with different integrations.
  • Secure password management policy.
  • Use of Federated ID accounts (external ID provider).

Q21. Can We Use Message Center For Mobile Channel?

Yes, it is possible. When combined with mobile applications (Mobile App Channel), Message Center enables you to issue tractional messages via Adobe Campaign thanks to push notifications on mobile applications.

Q22. Can Adobe Campaign Integrate With Ldap?

As an on-premise/hybrid customer, you can integrate Campaign Classic with your LDAP directory.

Q23. How Can I Set Up An Approval Process Before Sending Messages?

To detect possible errors in message configuration, Adobe highly recommend setting up a delivery validation cycle. Make sure content is approved as often as necessary by sending proofs to test recipients. A proof should be sent each time a change is made, to approve content.

Q24. How Can I Update Campaign Data With A Workflow?

You can perform massive update, merge and insert on the data in the database.

Q25. Where Can I Get Delivery Reports?

Adobe Campaign comes with a set of reports to monitor your deliveries and track your messages.

Q26. What Are Various Offer Proposition Statuses In Interactions In Adobe Campaign?

Interaction comes with the following values that can be used to qualify the status of an offer proposition:

  • Accepted.
  • Scheduled.
  • Generated.
  • Interested.
  • Presented.
  • Rejected.

Note: These values aren’t applied by default: they have to be configured.

Q27. What Are The Various Hosting Models Available For Campaign?

Adobe Campaign offers a choice of three hosting models, providing flexibility and freedom to choose the best model, or models to suit business needs:

On-premise: Adobe Campaign can be deployed on premise, with all components of the solution installed and configured in your data centers.

Hosted: Fully hosted solution, with all data and communications hosted in Adobe’s data centers.

Hybrid: Adobe provides cloud-based messaging services, whilst you host the data-specific components solution – including integration components – on your premises.

Q28. How Can I Set Up Tracking Capabilities On My Campaign Instance?

As an expert user, you can configure tracking capabilities on your Campaign instance.

Q29. Can I Easily Import An Existing Html To Create An Email In Campaign?

Discover how to import an existing HTML to create and send an email in Adobe Campaign in one click.

Q30. How Can I Access Data Stored In An External Database?

Adobe Campaign provides the Federated Data Access (FDA) option in order to process information stored in one or more external databases: you can access external data without changing the structure of Adobe Campaign data.

Q31. How To Be Gdpr Compliant With Campaign?

GDPR is the European Union’s (EU) new privacy law that harmonizes and modernizes data protection requirements. GDPR applies to Adobe Campaign customers who hold data for Data Subjects residing in the EU.

In addition to the privacy capabilities already available in Adobe Campaign (including consent management, data retention settings, and rights management), we are taking this opportunity in our role as Data Processor to include additional capabilities, to help facilitate your readiness as Data Controller for certain GDPR requests.

Q32. How Can I Personalize Messages?

Messages delivered by Adobe Campaign can be personalized in several different ways, concerning the content or the appearance of messages. These ways can be combined according to criteria taken particularly from the recipient profiles.

In general, Adobe Campaign allows you to:

  • Personalize the message format. 
  • Insert dynamic personalization fields.
  • Insert predefined personalization blocks, or create your own block.
  • Create conditional content.

Q33. Is Adobe Campaign A Multi-tier Application?

Yes, Adobe Campaign is a multi-tier application.

Presentation layer: The application can be accessed in different ways, depending on the users’ needs: Rich client, thin client or API integration.

Logical application layer: Adobe Campaign is a single platform with different applications that combine to create an open and scalable architecture. The Adobe Campaign platform is written on a flexible application layer and is easily configurable to meet a company’s business needs. This accommodates the growing needs of the enterprise from a functional perspective as well as from a technical perspective. The distributed architecture ensures linear system scalability scaling from thousands of messages to millions of messages.

Persistence layer: The database is used as a persistence layer and contains almost all the information managed by Adobe Campaign. This includes both functional data (profiles, subscriptions, content, etc.), technical data (delivery jobs and logs, tracking logs, etc.) and work data (purchases, leads).The platform comes predefined with a marketing centered data mart or can easily sit atop an existing data mart and schema using any of the major Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). Adobe Campaign also provides a full complement of Extract Trform and Load (ETL) tools to perform data import and export of data into and out of the system.

Q34. What Are The Best Practices To Define Queries In Campaign?

Adobe Campaign query editor is a powerful tool to explore data and build segments.

The Adobe Campaign query tool can be found on multiple levels of the software: to create a target population, segment customers, extract and filter tracking logs, build filters, etc.

You can query Campaign database using the generic query editor. It is accessed via the Tools > Generic query editor… menu. It lets you extract information stored in a database and organize, group, sort, etc. For instance, the user can recover recipients who clicked more than ‘n’ times on the link of a newsletter over a given period. This tool lets you collect, sort and display results based on your needs. This tool combines all Adobe Campaign querying possibilities. For instance, it lets you create and save restriction filters. This me that a user filter created in the Generic query editor can be used in the Query box of a targeting workflow, etc.

Q35. Which Type Of Architecture Is Used By Adobe Campaign?

  • Adobe Campaign Architecture is based on a service-oriented architecture (SOA) and comprises several functional modules.
  • These modules can be deployed on one or more computers, in single or multiple instances, depending on constraints in terms of scalability, availability and service isolation.
  • The scope of deployment configurations is therefore very broad and sp a single, central computer through to configurations including multiple dedicated servers over multiple sites.

Available Functional modules are below:

  • Application server (nlserver web)
  • Workflow engine (nlserver wfserver)
  • Delivery Server (nlserver mta)
  • Redirection server (nlserver webmdl)
  • Managing bounce emails (nlserver in Mail)
  • SMS delivery status (nlserver sms)
  • Writing log messages (nlserver syslogd)
  • Writing tracking logs (nlserver tracking logd)
  • Writing inbound events (nlserver interaction)
  • Supervision modules (nlserver watchdog)
  • Statistics server (nlserver stat)

These modules can be deployed on one or more computers, in single or multiple instances, depending on constraints in terms of scalability, availability and service isolation.

Q36. How To Work With Campaign Schemas?

In Adobe Campaign, data schemas are used to:

  • Define how data objects within the application are tied to underlying database tables.
  • Define links between the different data objects within the Campaign application.
  • Define and describe the individual fields included in each object.

Q37. How Can I Select The Target Population Of My Messages?

With Adobe Campaign, you can use different strategies to create audiences and select target recipients.

Q38. What Is A Typology Rule?

To avoid conflicts between campaigns, Adobe Campaign can test various combinations by applying specific constraint rules. This guarantees that the messages sent best meet the needs and expectations of customers, in keeping with company communication policies.

Q39. How To Use A Custom Recipient Table?

You can create and implement a non-standard recipient table in Campaign to send your messages.

Q40. Can I Use Campaign Classic With Other Adobe Solutions?

You can combine the delivery functionalities and advanced campaign management functionalities of Adobe Campaign with a set of solutions created to help you personalize your users’ experience.

Q41. How To Use Seed Addresses In Adobe Campaign?

Seed addresses are used to target recipients who do not match the defined target criteria. These recipients are added to the target: they can be imported or created directly in the delivery or the campaign. For direct mail deliveries, they are added during extraction and mixed in the output document.

This has the following benefits:

  • Random substitution of fields with data from recipient profiles: this lets you enter only the email address, for instance in the seed address section.
  • When using a workflow with data management functionalities, the additional data processed in deliveries can be entered at seed address level to force values: this sidesteps random value substitution.

Q42. How Can I Implement Content Approval?

Campaign lets you set up approval processes for the main steps of the marketing campaign, in collaborative mode. For each campaign you can approve the delivery target, contents and costs. Adobe Campaign operators in charge of approval can be notified by e-mail and can accept or reject approval from the console or via a Web connection.

Q43. Which Systems And Components Campaign Classic Is Compatible With?

You can get the list of all systems and components supported for the latest build of Campaign in Adobe Campaign Classic Compatibility matrix.

Q44. How Can I Leverage Data Management Capabilities?

In Adobe Campaign, you can leverage a set of activities for solving complex targeting issues by offering more efficient and flexible tools. Data management activities let you implement consistent management of all communications with a contact using information related to their contracts, subscriptions, reactivity to deliveries, etc.

Data Management lets you track the data life cycle during segmentation operations, in particular:

  • Simplifying and optimizing targeting processes, by including data that is not modeled in the data mart (creating new tables: local extension to each targeting workflow depending on configuration).
  • Keeping and conveying buffer calculations, especially during target construction phases or for database administration.
  • Accessing external bases (optional): heterogeneous databases taken into account during the targeting process.

Q45. How Can I Create New Reports?

In addition to built-in reports, Adobe Campaign lets you generate reports in various contexts and to meet different needs.

Adobe Campaign is not a specialized reporting tool: reports created in Adobe Campaign mainly enable you to view aggregated data.

Q46. What Is The Delivery Analysis?

The delivery analysis is the phase during which the target population is calculated and the delivery content prepared. Once it is complete, the delivery is ready to send. Consult logs to make sure everything is correct.

Q47. How Can I Set Up Crm Connectors In Campaign?

Adobe Campaign provides various CRM connectors for linking your Adobe Campaign platform to your third-party systems. These CRM connectors enable you to synchronize contacts, accounts, purchases, etc. They make for easy integration of your application with various third-party and business applications.

These connectors enable quick and easy data integration: Adobe Campaign provides a dedicated wizard for collecting and selecting from the tables available in the CRM. This guarantees two-directional synchronization to make sure data is up-to-date at all times throughout the systems.

Q48. What Is The Database Cleanup Workflow?

The database cleanup workflow delete obsolete data to avoid exponential growth of the database. This built-in technical workflow is triggered automatically without user intervention. It is accessible via the Administration > Production > Technical workflows node of Campaign Explorer.

Q49. Is There A List Of Deprecated Features And Versions?

Adobe constantly evaluates capabilities in the product and over time pl to replace capabilities with more powerful versions, or decides to re-implement selected parts to be better prepared for future expectations or extensions. As Campaign works with 3rd party tools, compatibility is updated on a regular basis, in order to implement supported versions only.

Q50. Can I Add An Attachment To Emails?

With Campaign Classic, you can add personalized attachments to your emails.