300+ TOP ANCILLARY SERVICES Interview Questions and Answers

1. What Do You Understand By Ancillary Business?

It is a supporting business to main business of the banks.

2. Can You Give Some Examples?

Transfer of funds from one place to another, collection of cheques for customers, locker services are some examples.

Financial Reporting and Analysis Interview Questions
3. What Are Rtgs And Neft?

Real Time Gross Settlement and National Electronic Fund Transfer systems.

4. What Do You Know About Cheque Bouncing?

When a cheque is returned because balance in the account is insufficient, then it is called cheque bounce.

Financial Reporting and Analysis Tutorial
5. How Banks Clear Cheques For Customers?

Local cheques are cleared through clearing house and other cheques by sending to their own branches, in respective places. If no branch is established, cheques are sent directly to the other bank branch.

Modern Banking Interview Questions
6. For How Many Days A Cheque Is Valid?

Three months from date of the issue of cheque.

7. What Is A Stale Cheque?

Three months after the date of issue cheque is called a stale cheque.

Modern Banking Tutorial Banking Supervision Interview Questions
8. What Is A Post Dated Cheque?

In a simple way, if a cheque dated tomorrow is presented today, then it is a post dated one.

9. What Is The Difference Between An Open Cheque And Crossed Cheque?

Payment of an open cheque is done to the payee / bearer or endorsee, where as a crossed cheque is to be put through an account.

Financial Services Marketing Interview Questions
10. Can You Tell Something About Locker Service?

Safe Deposit Lockers are hired to customers against full KYC compliance. Rent will be collected annually in advance. Customer is given a key to operate.

Financial Services Marketing Tutorial
11. Can Customer Himself Operate?

No, there will be a master key with the bank.

International Trade Interview Questions
12. Lockers Are Given To Which Type Of Customers?

Lockers are generally given to Individual and joint account holders.

Financial Reporting and Analysis Interview Questions
13. What About Firms For Trusts?

Yes firms, trusts and companies also can hire lockers.

14. Is Nomination Available For Locker Accounts?

Yes, it is available.

15. Can A Minor Be Nominated For Locker A/c?

No, minor cannot be nominated.