300+ TOP Anthropology MCQs and Answers Online Quiz

Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(A) Bipedalism and Erect posture – Apes
(B) Mitosis – Reduction division
(C) Sutton – Independent assortment
(D) Blood groups – Multiple alleles

Answer: D

2. A condition of reduced oxygen supply to tissues despite adequate blood supply is known as:

(A) Anemia
(B) Hypoxia
(C) Obesity
(D) Anorexia

Answer: B

3. The Indian Chalcolithic culture is characterized by the occurrence of:

(A) Stone Tools
(B) Bronze Tools
(C) Copper Tools
(D) Iron Tools

Answer: C

4. In which one of the following sites the remains of Narmadapithecus are discovered?

(A) Nevasa
(B) Hathnova
(C) Hunsigi
(D) Navadatoli

Answer: B

5. The book entitled “The Prehistory and the Protohistory of India and Pakistan” was authored by:

(A) Virendranath Mishra
(B) Bendapudi Subba Rao
(C) Hasmukh Dhirajlal Sankalia
(D) Robert Bruce Foote

Answer: C

6. Which of the following are concerned with mental health?

I. Juvenile delinquency
II. Kuru
III. Drug addiction
IV. Infectious disease


(A) I, II and IV
(B) II and III
(C) I, III and IV
(D) I and III

Answer: B

7. The principle of social stratification is reflected in the formation of:

I. Ethnic group
II. Class
III. Clan
IV. Caste


(A) I, II and III are correct.
(B) I and II are correct.
(C) II and IV are correct.
(D) II and III are correct.

Answer: C

8. Who among the following are associated with the culture and personality school?

(i) A. Kardiner
(ii) R. Linton
(iii) Cora Dubois
(iv) William Sanders


(A) (i) and (iv) are correct.
(B) (ii) and ü (iv) are correct.
(C) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
(D) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

Answer: C

9. Which of the following are the components of ‘Sacred Complex’ as proposed by L.P. Vidyarthi?

(i) Sacred Texts
(ii) Sacred Geography
(iii) Sacred Performances
(iv) Sacred Specialists


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
(B) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.
(C) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(D) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

Answer: D

10. Who among the following are considered as the weaker sections of the Indian society?

(i) Women
(ii) Scheduled Tribes
(iii) Men
(iv) Scheduled Castes


(A) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.
(B) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(C) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.
(D) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

Answer: D

11. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

a. Homo habilis i. Raymond Dart
b. Australopithecus ii. Louis Leakey
c. Gigantopithecus iii. Simons & Chopra
d. Java Man iv. Eugene Dubois


a b c d

(A) ii i iii iv
(B) i ii iii iv
(C) iv ii iii i
(D) iii iv i ii

Answer: A

12. Match items of List – I with items of List – II and select the correct answer from the code given below:

List – I (Name of the Book) List – II (Author of the Book)

a. Man Makes Himself i. M. Burkitt
b. Old Stone Age ii. Brian M. Fagan
c. Stone Age Tools iii. V.G. Childe
d. People of the Earth iv. H.D. Sankalia


a b c d

(A) iv ii i iii
(B) iii i ii iv
(C) iii i iv ii
(D) i iv iii ii

Answer: C

13. Arrange the following ceramic types in chronological order of their occurrence:

i. Jorwe
ii. Malwa
iii. Painted Grey ware
iv. Northern black polished ware


(A) iv ii iii i
(B) ii i iii iv
(C) i ii iii iv
(D) iv iii ii i

Answer: B

14. Who of the following wrote the book, ‘Cultural Materialism’?

(A) Raymond Firth
(B) Sir James Frazer
(C) Oscar Lewis
(D) Marvin Harris

Answer: D

15. In which year the First Public Notification on the ‘Scheduled Tribes’ was issued?

(A) 1950
(B) 1951
(C) 1952
(D) 1953

Answer: A

16. The term ‘Scheduled Tribes’ was inserted in the Constitution video

(A) Article 342(i)
(B) Article 244(i)
(C) Article 275
(D) Article 330

Answer: A

17. A family consisting of a married couple and their unmarried children is known as

(A) Joint family
(B) Extended family
(C) Nuclear family
(D) None of the above

Answer: C

18. Who, among the following, is an anthropologist?

(A) Herbert Spencer
(B) Edward B. Tylor
(C) Lewis Morgan
(D) Julian Huxley

Answer: B

19. Who was the first anthropologist to use expression of “social network’?

(A) J. Clyde Mitchell
(B) John Barner
(C) Fredrik Barth
(D) Max Ghickman

Answer: B

20. Which of the following is used for amplification of DNA in the process of DNA finger printing?

(A) Southern blotting
(B) Northern blotting
(C) Polymerase chain reaction
(D) Western blotting

Answer: C

21. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Autosomal recessive (i) Haemophilia
(b) Autosomal dominant (ii) Beard development
(c) Sex-linked (iii) Polydactyly
(d) Sex – limited (iv) Phenyl ketonuria


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
(B) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)
(C) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)
(D) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)

Answer: A

22. Match an archaeological site in List – I with the cultural phase in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Tilwara (i) Iron age
(b) Sanganakallu (ii) Mesolithic site
(c) Inamgaon (iii) Neolithic site
(d) Kosambi (iv) Chalcolithic site


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(B) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(C) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(D) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

Answer: C

23. Match an item in List – I (tool form) with tool type in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Compound Tool (i) Chopper
(b) Core Tool (ii) Harpoon
(c) Bone Tool (iii) Burin
(d) Engraver (iv) Microliths


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(D) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)

24. An extensive study on ‘magic’ among human societies was done by

(A) Franz Boas
(B) Emile Durkheim
(C) McLennan
(D) James Frazer

Answer: D

25. The central reference point from which all relationships can be traced on a genealogical diagram, is

(A) Id
(B) Ego
(C) Centrum
(D) Super ego

Answer: B

26. ‘Social Organization’ according to Radcliffe Brown refers to the study of

(A) Roles
(B) Statuses
(C) Groups
(D) Associations

Answer: A

27. Those aspects of society that are considered ordinary, having no special religious significance, is known as

(A) Profane
(B) Sacred
(C) Secular
(D) Spiritual

Answer: A

28. Alzheimer disease leads to

(A) Malnutrition
(B) Diabetes
(C) Cancer
(D) Dementia

Answer: D

29. ‘Race’ refers to a

(A) Cultural category
(B) A non-biological reality
(C) A classification which is arbitrary
(D) All of the above

Answer: D

30. Among the living apes, the genetically closest to humans is

(A) Gorilla
(B) Chimpanzee
(C) Orangutan
(D) Gibbon

Answer: B

31. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use the code given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Ternifine (i) France
(b) Tatun (ii) Israel
(c) Swans Combe (iii) England
(d) La Chapelle (iv) Algeria


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(B) (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
(C) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(D) (iv) (i) (iii) (ii)

Answer: A

32. Indian Mesolithic is best represented at which of the following sites?

(A) Giddalur
(B) Nevasa
(C) Teri group
(D) Bagor

Answer: D

33. Subsistance activity of the past and its reconstruction is aimed by which of the following branches?

(A) Typo – Technology
(B) Geo – Chronology
(C) New Archaeology
(D) Action Archaeology

Answer: C

34. Which one of the following sites is situated in Rajasthan?

(A) Killi Ghul Mohammad
(B) Kayatha
(C) Ahar
(D) Navdatolli

Answer: C

35. Ash mounds with Neolithic culture are found in which of the following sites?

(A) Harappa
(B) Mitathal
(C) Jorwe
(D) Utnur

Answer: D

36. The Culture Bound Syndrome as a temporary state of physically aggressive insanity relatively common in Malay population is named as:

(A) Susto
(B) Koro
(C) Amok
(D) Latah

Answer: C

37. The book Politics of Untouchability was written by:

(A) B.R. Ambedkar
(B) M.N. Srinivas
(C) Owen Lynch
(D) Marvin Harris

Answer: C

38. Who among the following describes religion as social behaviour and magic as individual behaviour?

(A) E. Durkheim
(B) E.R. Leach
(C) B.R. Malinowski
(D) James Frazer

Answer: A

39. Unilinear evolution of culture propounded by:

(A) B. Malinowski
(B) Jullian Steward
(C) L.H. Morgan
(D) Leslie White

Answer: C

40. Who among the following was/were associated with British School of Diffusion?

(A) G.E. Smith
(B) W.J. Perry
(C) W.H.R. Rivers
(D) All the above

Answer: D

41. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other as Reason (R).

Assertion (A): Indian village is part society.
Reason (R): Indian village is part of larger society of India.


(A) (A) is false, (R) is true.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.
(C) (A) is true, (R) is false.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Answer: B

42. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): The genealogical method is a well-established ethnographic technique.
Reason (R): Anthropologists need to collect genealogical data to understand current social relations without reconstructing history.

Based on the above statements, choose the correct answer.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong.
(C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

Answer: B

43. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Adolescent growth spurt occurs in every individual.
Reason (R): The degree of adolescent spurt is same for every individual.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

Answer: C

44. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of Kinship grouping in order of their decreasing size?

(A) Phratry-Moiety-Clan-Lineage- Family
(B) Moiety-Phratry-Clan-Lineage-Family
(C) Phratry-Clan-Moiety-Lineage-Family
(D) Moiety-Phratry-Lineage-Clan-Family

Answer: A

45. Arrange the following in correct sequence:

(A) Chopper-Transverse Arrowhead-Cleaver.
(B) Cleaver-Chopper-Transverse Arrowhead.
(C) Transverse Arrowhead-Chopper- Cleaver.
(D) Chopper-Cleaver-Transverse Arrowhead.

Answer: D

46. Identify the correct sequence in background of hominid phylogeny:

(A) Ramapithecus – Australopithecus africanus – Homo erectus – Hemo sapiens
(B) Homo sapiens – Homo erectus – Ramapithecus – Australopithecus africanus
(C) Ramapithecus – Homo erectus – Australopithecus africanus – Home sapiens
(D) Homo erectus – Homo sapiens – Ramapithecus – Australopithecus africanus

Answer: A

47. Identify the correct sequence of estimated cranial capacity in ascending order :

(A) Orangutan-Gorilla-Human- Chimpanzee
(B) Orangutan-Gorilla-Chimpanzee Human
(C) Chimpanzee-Orangutan-Gorilla- Human
(D) Chimpanzee-Gorilla-Orangutan- Human

Answer: C

48. Identify the sequence of vertebrae in correct order:

(A) Lumber-Thoracic-Sacral- Cervical
(B) Thoracic-Cervical-Lumbar- Sacral
(C) Cervical-Lumbar-Thoracic- Sacral
(D) Cervical-Thoracic-Lumbar- Sacral

Answer: D

49. Identify the correct sequence in estimating the gene frequency for a genetic marker:

(A) Gene frequency – Absolute number – number of alleles – percentile frequency
(B) Absolute number – percentile frequency – number of alleles – gene frequency
(C) Absolute number – number of alleles – percentile frequency – gene frequency
(D) Percentile frequency – Absolute number – number of alleles – gene frequency

Answer: B

50. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use the code given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Races and Cultures of India (i) E. A. Hooton
(b) Up from the ape (ii) A. L. Krober
(c) Anthropology today (iii) H. H. Risley
(d) The People of India (iv) D. N. Majumdar


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
(B) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(C) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(D) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

Answer: B

51. Heath and Carter somatotype method includes:

(A) Photoscopy and anthropometry
(B) Anthropometry
(C) Photoscopy
(D) None of the above

Answer: A

52. Adaptive biological changes occurring within the lifetime of an organism in response to environmental stress refers to

(A) Acclimation
(B) Habituation
(C) Acclimatization
(D) Adaptation

Answer: C

53. Cephalo-Caudal growth occurs from

(A) head-to-tail
(B) tail-to-head
(C) Centre of body to outward
(D) Outward to centre of body

Answer: A

54. DNA molecule was discovered by

(A) G. Mendel
(B) J. Watson & F. Crick
(C) J. M. Lowenstein
(D) M. Kimura

Answer: B

55. Who among the following wrote the book ‘Genetics and the Origin of Species’?

(A) C. Darwin
(B) R. Goldschmidt
(C) T. Dobzhansky
(D) R. A. Fisher

Answer: C

56. Mendelian population is

(A) Reproductive community of a common gene pool
(B) Isolated population without common gene pool
(C) Not a reproductive population
(D) Not integrated by genetic factors

Answer: A

57. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use the codes given below:

List-I List-II

a. Leavalloise technique i. Solutrean culture
b. End scraper ii. Achenliam culture
c. Denticulate iii. Mousterian
d. Laurel leaf iv. Magdaelenian


a b c d

(A) ii iv iii i
(B) i ii iv iii
(C) ii iii iv i
(D) iv ii i iii

Answer: A

58. Match an item in List-I with an item in List-II. Use the codes given below:

List-I List-II

a. Bushman i. Fishing
b. Nuer ii. Gathering
c. Kwakitul iii. Horticulturists
d. Kujkuru iv. Pastoralism


a b c d

(A) i iii ii iv
(B) iv iii i ii
(C) iii ii iv i
(D) ii iv i iii

Answer: D

59. Which one of the following is NOT correctly matched?

(A) Taboo – Prohibition backed by supernatural sanction
(B) Shaman – A part-time religious practitioner who mediates between ordinary people and supernatural beings and forces
(C) Animism – Belief in souls
(D) Communitas – The critically important marginal or in between phase of a rite of passage

Answer: D

60. Which one of the following articles is related to ‘Fundamental Rights to Equality’?

(A) Article 23
(B) Article 24
(C) Article 38
(D) Article 14

Answer: D

61. Which one of the following is NOT a traditional anthropological approach?

(A) Evolutionism
(B) Functionalism
(C) Impressionism
(D) Diffusionism

Answer: C

62. Who is the author of the book ‘Man and His Work’?

(A) Alfred Kroeber
(B) Edmund Leach
(C) M.J. Herskovits
(D) Meyer Fortes

Answer: C

63. A ‘model of ritual symbolism’ was developed by

(A) Victor Turner
(B) E. Evans-Pritchard
(C) Clifford Geertz
(D) Rafael Karsten

Answer: A

64. A vision of society as constituting ‘Collective Consciousness’ is held by:

(A) Claude Levi-Strauss
(B) Marcel Mauss
(C) Bronislaw Malinowski
(D) Emile Durkheim

Answer: D

65. What is the term for the nuclear family that is formed when a person marries and has children?

(A) Family of orientation
(B) Family of procreation
(C) Family of parents
(D) None of the above

Answer: B

66. Which one of the following is not studied in the field of finger ball dermatoglyphics?

(A) Ridge counting
(B) Ridge tracing
(C) Main-line formula
(D) Finger ball patterns

Answer: C

67. First hand personal study of local settings is referred to as

(A) Ethnology
(B) Ethno-science
(C) Ethnography
(D) Ethno-history

Answer: C

68. Unilineal Kin group is characterized by

(A) Their size
(B) Their corporate character
(C) Their utility in emergency situation
(D) Their amorphous character


69. Who among the following is a consanguineal kin?

(A) Father’s young brother
(B) Wife’s sister
C) Wife’s brother
(D) Sister’s husband

Answer: A

70. Who among the following advocated a ‘four-fold approach’ that divided anthropology into cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology and linguistics?

(A) Bronislaw Malinowski
(B) Franz Boas
(C) A.R. Radcliffe Brown
(D) Marcel Mauss

Answer: B

71. Who among the following has made the statement?

“Anthropology is the science of human similarities and differences.”

(A) A.L. Krocbar
(B) A.R. Radcliffe Brown
(C) M.J. Herskowits
(D) Clyde Kluckhohn

Answer: D

72. What are the main tool types that characterise Upper Palaeolithic in Europe?

(A) Backed blades
(B) Chopper / Chopping
(C) Microliths
(D) Side scraper

Answer: A

73. Which one of the following research methods, is best suited to study the processual aspect of political organization?

(A) Key Informant Interview
(B) Extended Case Study Method
(C) Participant Observation
(D) Focus Group Discussion

Answer: B

74. The inheritance rule that makes the eldest child (usually the eldest son) the only heir.

(A) Primogeniture
(B) Ultimogeniture
(C) Equigeniture
(D) None of the above

Answer: A

75. Which one of the following best describes the custom by which a widower marries the sisters of the deseased wife?

(A) Sororate
(B) Levirate
(C) Polygyny
(D) Plural marriage

Answer: A

76. Levalloisean technique appears for the first time in which of the following cultural traditions?

(A) Azillo-Tardenoisean
(B) Aurignacian
(C) Maglamosean
(D) Acheulian

Answer: D

77. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

(a) The first human deliberate burials (i) Upper Palaeolithic period
(b) The first paintings, engravings, sculptures (ii) Mesolithic period
(c) The shell-middens and kitchen middens (iii) Neolithic period
(d) Early domestication of plants and animals (iv) Middle Palaeolithic period


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
(B) (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
(C) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(D) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

Answer: A

78. Match an item in List – I with an item in List – II. Use the codes given below:

List – I List – II

(a) Palaeolithic period (i) Holocene period
(b) Protohistoric period (ii) Emergence of Civilization
(c) Nuclear areas (iii) Pleistocene period
(d) Agricultural Innovations (iv) Agricultural Origins


(a) (b) (c) (d)

(A) (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
(B) (i) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(C) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(D) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

Answer: C

79. Who among the following in the Indian Varna system is not considered twice-born?

(A) Brahman
(B) Kshatriya
(C) Vaishya
(D) Shudra

Answer: D

80. The term “Vote Bank” was coined by

(A) Andre Beteille
(B) S.C. Dubey
(C) M.N. Srinivas
(D) L.P. Vidyarthi

Answer: C

81. The focus on ‘Imponderability of daily life’ is the essential feature of

(A) Focus group discussion
(B) Structured interview
(C) Participant observation
(D) Census

Answer: C

82. The percentage of the Scheduled Tribe Population as per 2001 Census of India was

(A) 6.2%
(B) 7.2%
(C) 8.2%
(D) 9.2%

Answer: C

83. “Rites of Passage” refers to

(A) Life crisis rituals
(B) Rituals performed for ancestors
(C) War rituals
(D) Village rituals

Answer: A

84. The “Anthropological survey of India” is considered as the largest Anthropological Organization in

(A) India
(B) South Asia
(C) Asia
(D) World

Answer: D

85. Electrophoresis means

(A) Separation of charged particles under the influence of electric current
(B) Coating one metal over the other
(C) Blood grouping
(D) Inter-cell communication

Answer: A

86. Hominization is a process indicating the evolution upto

(A) Homo habilis
(B) Homo sapiens
(C) Homo erectus
(D) Homo ergaster

Answer: B

87. Which one of the following regions shows Stellenbosh culture?

(A) Western Europe.
(B) Central Europe.
(C) South Africa.
(D) East Africa.

Answer: D

88. Acheulian culture heralds the beginning of which of the following techniques?

(A) Block-on-block technique
(B) Cylinder hammer technique
(C) Pressure flaking technique
(D) Punching technique

Answer: B

89. Forensic Anthropology

(A) Is a field of applied physical anthropology.
(B) Specializes in identification of human skeleton remains for legal purposes.
(C) Specializes in identification of murder victims, age, sex and ethnicity.
(D) All of the above.

Answer: D

90. DNA molecule represents

(A) Single helix strand
(B) Double helix strand
(C) Triple helix strand
(D) None of the above

Answer: B

91. Who among the following wrote the book “Human Heredity”?

(A) A. Montagu
(B) R.H. Lowie
(C) E.A. Hoebel
(D) A.M. Brues

Answer: A

92. Natural selection accounts for

(A) Changes over a period of time.
(B) Progressive adaptation of organisms to environment.
(C) The production of differences recognized by systematics.
(D) All of the above.

Answer: D

93. Who among the following named Pithecanthropus?

(A) W. Howells
(B) E. Dubois
(C) E. Hooton
(D) F. Haeckel

Answer: D

94. Given below are two statements one is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): In a population at genetic equilibrium, both gene and genotype frequencies remain constant from one generation to next.

Reason (R): Genetic equilibrium results in the presence of micro evolutionary forces.


(A) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(C) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.
(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Answer: A

95. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Anthropologists distinguish between the ‘family of orientation’ (formed when one marries and has children) and ‘family of procreation’ (the family in which one is born and grows up).

Reason (R): From individual’s point of view, the critical relationships are with spouse and children in the family of orientation and with parents and siblings in the family of procreation.

Based on the above statement choose the correct answer code:


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is wrong
(C) (A) is wrong and (R) is correct
(D) Both (A) and (R) are wrong

Answer: D

96. Given below are two statements. One is labelled as Assertion (A) and the other is labelled as Reason (R):

Assertion (A): Early states are formed during chalcolithic period.

Reason (R): This was mainly possible for the rise of professionals.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct.
(B) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
(C) (A) is correct, (R) is incorrect.
(D) (A) is incorrect, (R) is correct.

Answer: A

Anthropology Objective Questions with Answers Pdf Download