300+ TOP Aristotle MCQ Questions and Answers Quiz

Aristotle Multiple Choice Questions

1. Aristotle does not criticize ____ in his Book II.

A. Plato
B. Eratosthenes of Cyrene
C. Phaleas of Chalecedon
D. Hippodamus of Miletus

Answer: B. Eratosthenes of Cyrene

2. ___ is NOT given as a criticism of the Spartan constitution.

A. It encourages greed
B. Its system of serfdom is volatile.
C. It gives women too much freedom
D. The overseers are elected almost at random

Answer: A. It encourages greed

3. Aristotle identifies a city with ___.

A. Its constitution
B. the Sum of its citizens
C. Everyone who lives within the city walls
D. Its leader

Answer: A. Its constitution

4. Aristotle considers ___ a just government.

A. Democracy
B. Oligarchy
C. Tyranny
D. Aristocracy

Answer: D. Aristocracy

5. Aristotle does not use the relationship between ___ as an analogy for the relationship between master and slave.

A. King and subject
B. Statesman and citizen
C. Soul and body
D. Craftsman and tool

Answer: B. Statesman and citizen

6. Aristotle considers the relationship analogous to the relationship between husband and wife.

A. King and subject
B. Statesman and citizen
C. Soul and body
D. Craftsman and tool

Answer: B. Statesman and citizen

7. ____ is a fair Aristotelian criticism of Plato’s Republic.

A. In aiming at “Unity” Plato destroys all social differentiation
B. Plato Seeks to abolish private property
C. Plato Wants to destroy family relationships altogether
D. Plato provides no details on the tricky matter of transferring children between classes

Answer: D. Plato provides no details on the tricky matter of transferring children between classes

8. According to Aristotle __ is an unjust government.

A. Democracy
B. Monarchy
C. Politeia
D. Aristocracy

Answer: A. Democracy

9. In the Aristotelian view, ___ is the end goal of a city.

A. Making its citizens wealthy
B. Securing a life of good quality for its citizens
C. Ensuring the survival of its citizens
D. Providing protection for its citizens

Answer: B. Securing a life of good quality for its citizens

10. Aristotle thinks ___ is best form of government
A. Democracy
B. Politeia
C. Aristocracy
D. Monarchy

Answer: B. PoliteiaAristotle MCQs11. The extreme form of oligarchy is ___.
A. Demagoguery
B. Dynasty
C. Aristocracy
D. Tyranny

Answer: A. Demagoguery

12. In a Politeia, consideration is given to ___.
A. Wealth
B. The Masses
C. Wealth and the masses
D. Wealth, the masses and merit

Answer: C. Wealth and the masses

13. ___ is not given as a reason for giving preference to the middle class.
A. It is a mean between the rich and the poor.
B. It is less susceptible to factionalism
C. It best embodies the spirit of friendship necessary to a city
D. It is most likely to encourage a stable economy.

Answer: D. It is most likely to encourage a stable economy.

14. __ is NOT included in Aristotle’s three elements of government.
A. Legislative
B. Executive
C. Judicial
D. Deliberative

Answer: A. Legislative

15. The main cause of constitutional change is ____.
A. Amendments passed by the assembly
B. Powerful factions that oppose the present constitution
C. Steroids
D. A natural process of evolution

Answer: B. Powerful factions that oppose the present constitution

16. As a result of infighting, ___ form of government is most likely to face constitutional change.
A. Aristocracy
B. Democracy
C. Politeia
D. Oligarchy

Answer: D. Oligarchy

17. Aristotle does not list quality as being important to a good public officer.
A. Loyalty to the constitution
B. Good character
C. Completely impartial
D. Highly competent

Answer: C. Completely impartial

18. For preserving an evil tyranny, ___ is NOT given as a recommendation.
A. Breed mutual mistrust.
B. Marry women of many different families
C. Break the will of the people.
D. Render the people incapable of action

Answer: B. Marry women of many different families

19. According to Aristotle, ___ is the best kind of population for a good democracy.
A. Shepherds
B. Shopkeepers
C. Farmers
D. Manual laborers

Answer: C. Farmers

20. Aristotle recommends ___ policy for helping the poor.
A. Handouts of straight cash
B. Block grants to help them buy land
C. Giving those full control of the government
D. Aristotle doesn’t think the poor should be given any help

Answer: B. Block grants to help them buy land

21. The highest good is ___.
A. External goods
B. Goods of the body
C. Goods of the soul
D. Cookies ‘n’ cream

Answer: C. Goods of the soul

22. ___ should NOT be undertaken by citizens
A. Military matters
B. Crafts
C. Government
D. Worship of the gods

Answer: B. Crafts

23. In the three ways in which a person can be made good ___ is not included.
A. Through nature
B. Through habit
C. Through reason
D. Through war

Answer: D. Through war

24. The ideal age gap between men and women in marriage is ___.
A. they should be the same age
B. ten years
C. Nineteen years
D. thirty-two years

Answer: C. Nineteen years

25. Which of the following does Aristotle believe has no practical application?
A. Music
B. Reading and writing
C. Drawing
D. Physical training or gymnastics

Answer: A. Music

26. What is the name for a type of rule when the actual ruling is done by a small group of people?
A. Communism
B. Despotism
C. Oligarchy
D. Tyranny

Answer: C. Oligarchy

27. Aristotle says that some education systems have a tendency to make students less what?
A. thoughtful
B. independent
C. intelligent
D. caring

Answer: B. independent

28. What word is defined by Aristotle as a clarification of the organized system of relationships within a state?
A. Constitution
B. Rule of law
C. governing documents
D. founding documents

Answer: A. Constitution

29. Aristotle says that a king should be highly___ towards his subjects?
A. harsh and available
B. caring and concerned
C. demanding and demeaning
D. affectionate and dominant

Answer: D. affectionate and dominant

30. What word does Aristotle defame as where the pure self-interest of each person correctly corresponds to and serves the purposes of the other?
A. Relational politics
B. Symbiosis
C. Relative politics
D. Matching

Answer: C. Relative politics

31. Aristotle explains that in the Greek city-states, more than one type of what has been used?
A. Constitution
B. Government
C. Laws
D. Citizenship structure

Answer: B. Government

32. Education should be organized on a great scale so that the children can be prepared for life in ways that what?
A. They might never have thought of
B. Their parents might not want them to be
C. They might never have cared about
D. Their parents might not have seen

Answer: D. Their parents might not have seen

33. Aristotle wants people to cultivate the skill of playing instruments and what?
A. Singing
B. Accompanying singers
C. Writing music
D. Creating lyrics

Answer: C. Writing music

34. Aristotle believes that it is possible for a good state to be governed by a monarch that is what?
A. Educated
B. Confident
C. Well-liked
D. Just

Answer: D. Just

35. What word is defined by Aristotle as people within society who participate in giving judgment and holding political office?
A. Political elite
B. Elite
C. Citizens
D. Rulers

Answer: C. Citizens

36. In oligarchies, what is the group that needs special protections?
A. the women
B. the middle-class
C. the children
D. the poor

Answer: D. the poor

37. Aristotle believes that in most societies, there are numerically more of what type of citizens than any other?
A. free poor
B. servant poor
C. Enslaved poor
D. adult poor

Answer: A. Free poor

38. Aristotle says that slaves should only cultivate the virtue of what?
A. thinking
B. obedience
C. acting for themselves
D. free speech

Answer: B. obedience

39. Unarmed and lightly armed combat is typically the preserve of whom, according to Aristotle?
A. the poor
B. the middle-class
C. the young men
D. the women

Answer: A. the poor

40. Who founded the Spartan constitution?
A. Lametogus
B. Lythogus
C. Lawturgus
D. Lycurgus

Answer: D. Lycurgus

41. Aristotle says that marriage needs to take what into account?
A. Politics
B. Social Status
C. Power
D. Wealth

Answer: A. Politics

42. In an oligarchy, Aristotle believes that there are normally what type of requirements on citizenship privileges?
A. Property
B. Active
C. Residence
D. Generational

Answer: A. Property

43. Aristotle says that the poor are commonly left out of serving as a government officials because they are not threatened with ___ for not participating.
A. lack of social standing
B. imprisonment
C. fines
D. punishment

Answer: C. fines

44. Aristotle believes that what resources are important to the location, protection, and defense of the city?
A. mountains
B. water
C. trees
D. ore

Answer: B. water

45. Music is one of the arts which what kind of time is intended to produce?
A. playtime
B. leisure time
C. family time
D. school time

Answer: B. leisure time

46. The proper education for a monarch is the same as that of a man within a state governed by what?
A. Aristocracy
B. Oligarchy
C. Democracy
D. Polity

Answer: D. Polity

47. When a government is seen by the people as being excessive, what will that create?
A. Factions
B. Disparities
C. Patronage
D. Revolutionaries

Answer: A. Factions

48. Democracy is a corruption of what?
A. Communal rule
B. Oligarchy
C. Polity
D. Monarchy

Answer: C. Polity

49. Aristotle says that it is important to treat those who will be soldiers for the state how?
A. with enough property
B. with enough money
C. with respect
D. with enough education

Answer: C. with respect

50. Aristotle says that the best form of constitution is one that contains elements of all the different types of government and creates an analogy between the best constitution and what?
A. A metal alloy
B. A hybrid plant
C. a melting part
D. a cross-bred animal

Answer: A. A metal alloy

51. Which of the following was one of Plato’s nicknames for Aristotle?
A. the thinker
B. master of those that know
C. the philosopher
D. the mind

Answer: D. the mind

52. One major point of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy was that ___.
A. the highest good can be achieved by defining justice
B. ethics and psychology are closely related
C. external goods figure into attaining happiness
D. moral virtue is unattainable

Answer: C. external goods figure into attaining happiness

53. Aristotle set forth that if the dead retain any sense of good and evil, it
A. Is powerful enough to taint the happiness of a living individual
B. is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of unhappiness
C. Directly correlates to the deceased’s prevailing state of mind right before he died
D. Becomes a free-floating entity that can find a home in anyone seeking enlightenment

Answer: B. is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of unhappiness

54. The human soul, according to Aristotle, is conditioned by what three factors?
A. Genetics, environment and human action
B. Character, moral values, and emotional context
C. good, evil and indifference
D. Emotions, capacities and dispositions

Answer: D. Emotions, capacities and dispositions

55. The word that describes the middle point between excess and deficiency is the ___.
A. lesser of two evils
B. moral virtue
C. excess/deficiency line
D. virtuous center

Answer: B. moral virtue

56. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___.
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are done in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

55. The word that describes the middle point between excess and deficiency is the ___.
A. lesser of two evils
B. moral virtue
C. excess/deficiency line
D. virtuous center

Answer: B. moral virtue

56. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___.
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are done in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

57. How did Aristotle respond to Socrates’ statement that no man is willingly bad?
A. Man is not the source of his own actions
B. People voluntarily choose to act morally
C. Human action is voluntary; human character is involuntary
D. Men cannot be held responsible for what appears good to them

Answer: B. People voluntarily choose to act morally

58. Courage is a mean between
A. Boastfulness and humility
B. life and death
C. Emotion and detachment
D. fear and recklessness

Answer: D. fear and recklessness

59. The two main obstacles to free choice are
A. Ignorance and coercion
B. Evil and ignorance
C. Consequences and pain
D. Apathy and arrogance

Answer: A. Ignorance and coercion

60. Magnanimity is also known as ___.
A. Ambition
B. High-mindedness
C. Soulfulness
D. Vanity

Answer: B. High-mindedness

61. Aristotle set forth that laws exist only because ___.
A. Men can be guilty of injustice
B. Involuntary acts require swift punishment
C. Righteous indignation is the mean between shamelessness and spite
D. The status and rights of individuals in a democracy are proportionally equal

Answer: A. Men can be guilty of injustice

61. Aristotle set forth that laws exist only because ___.
A. Men can be guilty of injustice
B. Involuntary acts require swift punishment
C. Righteous indignation is the mean between shamelessness and spite
D. The status and rights of individuals in a democracy are proportionally equal

Answer: A. Men can be guilty of injustice

62. According to Aristotle, three conditions must be fulfilled for friendship to exist between two people. One of those conditions is
A. Similar virtue or excellence
B. Expectation of shared material abundance
C. Mutual goodwill
D. One party’s virtue balances the other’s weaknesses

Answer: C. Mutual goodwill

63. Aristotle’s conception of supreme happiness has drawn criticism because ___.
A. Man’s bodily nature prevents him from experiencing the highest form of reason
B. Inner human nature is rooted in survival, not intellectual pursuits
C. Happiness cannot be separated from pain
D. Only a gifted few can realize the highest happiness

Answer: D. Only a gifted few can realize the highest happiness

64. What is authority?
A. The ultimate power in society
B. A government ruled by a few
C. The branch of government that enforces the law.
D. A government’s ability to exercise power without resorting to force

Answer: A. The ultimate power in society

65. Which of the following is the same as a monarchy?
A. Dictatorship
B. Parliamentary government
C. Anarchy
D. Aristocracy

Answer: C. Anarchy

66. Totalitarian government is one extreme type of government. Which of the following is at the other end of the political spectrum?
A. Dictatorship
B. Parliamentary government
C. Anarchy
D. Aristocracy

Answer: B. Parliamentary government

67. What is the difference between direct and representative democracy?
A. The amount of freedom citizens have
B. Elected legislators
C. A king
D. Rule of the people

Answer: A. The amount of freedom citizens have

68. What is the difference between parliamentary and presidential democracy?
A. Election of the executive branch
B. Election of the legislature
C. The court system
D. Extent of government power

Answer: B. Election of the legislature

69. In the percolation-up model, where does political power come from?
A. The ruling class
B. the people
C. constitution
D. religion

Answer: C. constitution

70. The Hellenistic philosophy that most influenced the Middle Ages was:
A. Epicureanism
B. Cynicism
C. Skepticism
D. Neoplatonism

Answer: C. constitution

71. According to Aristotle, the doctrine of the mean does not apply to the situation of___.
A. Confidence in facing danger
B. Enjoying pleasure
C. An act of adultery
D. Giving money to charity

Answer: C. An act of adultery

72. In the reading by James Rachels, he criticizes the cultural differences argument by saying that ___.
A. The premise concerns what people believe, but the conclusion concerns what really is the case.
B. Not everyone accepts the conclusion
C. If everyone accepted this argument, it would lead to rampant immorality.
D. It ignores the fact that cultures differ both in their practices and in their values

Answer: A. The premise concerns what people believe, but the conclusion concerns what really is the case.

73. Which one of the following was not included in Bentham’s hedonic calculus?
A. Intensity: How strong is the pleasure?
B. Duration: How long will the pleasure last?
C. Value: Is the pleasure a lower, physical pleasure or a higher, intellectual pleasure?
D. Extent: How many people will be affected?

Answer: C. Value: Is the pleasure a lower, physical pleasure or a higher, intellectual pleasure?

74. One major point of Aristotle’s ethical philosophy was that
A. Is powerful enough to taint the happiness of a living individual
B. Is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of Unhappiness
C. Directly correlates to the deceased’s prevailing state of mind right before (s) he died
D. Becomes a free-floating entity that can find a home in anyone seeking enlightenment

Answer: B. Is too weak to make a difference in someone’s state of Unhappiness

75. The human soul, according to Aristotle, is conditioned by what three factors?
A. Genetics, environment and human action
B. Character, moral values, and emotional context
C. Good, evil, and indifference
D. Emotions, capac1t1es and dispositions

Answer: B. Character, moral values and emotional context

76. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are donate in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

76. Aristotle considered involuntary actions as those that ___
A. Result in the commission of an immoral act
B. Don’t differentiate between right and wrong
C. Are performed as a result of ignorance
D. Are donate in ignorance

Answer: C. Are performed as a result of ignorance

77. According to Aristotle, ___ is the best kind of population for a good democracy.
A. Shepherds
B. Shopkeepers
C. Farmers
D. Manual laborers

Answer: C. Farmers

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