250+ TOP MCQs on Alpha Beta Pruning and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions on “Alpha Beta Pruning”.

1. Which search is equal to minimax search but eliminates the branches that can’t influence the final decision?
a) Depth-first search
b) Breadth-first search
c) Alpha-beta pruning
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: The alpha-beta search computes the same optimal moves as minimax, but eliminates the branches that can’t influence the final decision.

2. Which values are independant in minimax search algorithm?
a) Pruned leaves x and y
b) Every states are dependant
c) Root is independant
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: The minimax decision are independant of the values of the pruned values x and y because of the root values.

3. To which depth does the alpha-beta pruning can be applied?
a) 10 states
b) 8 States
c) 6 States
d) Any depth
Answer: d
Clarification: Alpha–beta pruning can be applied to trees of any depth and it is possible to prune entire subtree rather than leaves.

4. Which search is similar to minimax search?
a) Hill-climbing search
b) Depth-first search
c) Breadth-first search
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: The minimax search is depth-first search, So at one time we just have to consider the nodes along a single path in the tree.

5. Which value is assigned to alpha and beta in the alpha-beta pruning?
a) Alpha = max
b) Beta = min
c) Beta = max
d) Both Alpha = max & Beta = min
Answer: d
Clarification: Alpha and beta are the values of the best choice we have found so far at any choice point along the path for MAX and MIN.

6. Where does the values of alpha-beta search get updated?
a) Along the path of search
b) Initial state itself
c) At the end
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Alpha-beta search updates the value of alpha and beta as it gets along and prunes the remaining branches at node.

7. How the effectiveness of the alpha-beta pruning gets increased?
a) Depends on the nodes
b) Depends on the order in which they are executed
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: None.

8. What is called as transposition table?
a) Hash table of next seen positions
b) Hash table of previously seen positions
c) Next value in the search
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Transposition is the occurrence of repeated states frequently in the search.

9. Which is identical to the closed list in Graph search?
a) Hill climbing search algorithm
b) Depth-first search
c) Transposition table
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: None.

10. Which function is used to calculate the feasibility of whole game tree?
a) Evaluation function
b) Transposition
c) Alpha-beta pruning
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Because we need to cut the search off at some point and apply an evaluation function that gives an estimate of the utility of the state.

250+ TOP MCQs on Facts – Human-machine interaction and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions on “Facts – Human-machine interaction”.

1. What is the primary interactive method of communication used by humans?
a) reading
b) writing
c) speaking
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: None.

2. Elementary linguistic units that are smaller than words are?
a) allophones
b) phonemes
c) syllables
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

3. In LISP, the atom that stands for “true” is _____________
a) t
b) ml
c) y
d) time
Answer: a
Clarification: None.

4. A mouse device may be _____________
a) electro-chemical
b) mechanical
c) optical
d) both mechanical and optical
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

5. An expert system differs from a database program in that only an expert system _____________
a) contains declarative knowledge
b) contains procedural knowledge
c) features the retrieval of stored information
d) expects users to draw their own conclusions
Answer: b
Clarification: None.

6. Arthur Samuel is linked inextricably with a program that played _____________
a) checkers
b) chess
c) cricket
d) football
Answer: a
Clarification: None.

7. Natural language understanding is used in _____________
a) natural language interfaces
b) natural language front ends
c) text understanding systems
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

8. Which of the following are examples of software development tools?
a) debuggers
b) editors
c) assemblers, compilers and interpreters
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

9. Which is the first AI programming language?
c) IPL(Inductive logic programming)
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

10. The Personal Consultant is based on?
b) OPS5+
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

250+ TOP MCQs on Communication and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions on “Communication”.

1. What is the intentional exchange of information brought about by production and perception?
a) Hearing
b) Communication
c) Speech
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Communication is the intentional exchange of information brought about by the production and perception of signs drawn from a shared system.

2. What is the complex system of structured message?
a) Languages
b) Words
c) Signs
d) Speech
Answer: a
Clarification: Language is the complex system of structured message that enables us to communicate.

3. How many things are present in conventional communication signs?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
Answer: c
Clarification: The five things present in the conventional communication system are query, inform, request, acknowledge and promise.

4. What is defined by a set of strings?
a) Signs
b) Formal language
c) Communication
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: A formal language is defined by a set of strings that is a concatenation of terminal symbols.

5. What is a finite set of rules that specifies a language?
a) Signs
b) Communication
c) Grammar
d) Phrase
Answer: c
Clarification: None.

6. What kind of perception is used in printing?
a) Optical character recognition
b) Speech recognition
c) Perception
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: When perception is used in printing means, It is called as optical character recognition.

7. Why the parsing is used?
a) Interpretation
b) Building a parse tree
c) Recognition
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Parsing is the process of building a parse tree for an input string.

8. How many objects are available in closed classes?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: d
Clarification: The four objects are available in closed classes are pronoun, article, preposition and conjunction.

9. How many states are present in parsing?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Clarification: The three state available in parsing are initial state, successor function and goal test.

10. Pick out the correct option about the types of parsing.
a) Top-down and bottom-up parsing
b) Interpretation and communication
c) Roll-up and roll-down
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: The two types of parsing are top-down parsing and bottom-up parsing.

11. Semantic grammars are _____________
a) Encode semantic information into a syntactic grammar
b) Decode semantic information into a syntactic grammar
c) Encode syntactic information into a semantic grammar
d) Decode syntactic information into a semantic grammar
Answer: a
Clarification: Semantic grammars encode semantic information into a syntactic grammar.

12. What is a top-down parser?
a) Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting lower level constituents until individual pre-terminal symbols are written
b) Begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting upper level constituents until individual pre-terminal symbols are written
c) Begins by hypothesizing lower level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the symbol S)
d) Begins by hypothesizing upper level constituents and successively predicting a sentence (the symbol S)
Answer: a
Clarification: A top-down parser begins by hypothesizing a sentence (the symbol S) and successively predicting lower level constituents until individual pre-terminal symbols are written.

13. Perception involves __________
a) Sights, sounds, smell and touch
b) Hitting
c) Boxing
d) Dancing
Answer: a
Clarification: Perception involves Sights, sounds, smell and touch.

250+ TOP MCQs on Graph Planning and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions on “Graph Planning”.

1. Which data structure is used to give better heuristic estimates?
a) Forwards state-space
b) Backward state-space
c) Planning graph algorithm
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: A special data structure called planning graph is used to give better heuristic estimates.

2. Which is used to extract solution directly from the planning graph?
a) Planning algorithm
b) Graphplan
c) Hill-climbing search
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: We can extract the solution directly from the planning graph, using a specialized algorithm called Graphplan.

3. What are present in the planning graph?
a) Sequence of levels
b) Literals
c) Variables
d) Heuristic estimates
Answer: a
Clarification: A planning graph consists of sequence of levels correspond to time steps.

4. What is the starting level of planning graph?
a) Level 3
b) Level 2
c) Level 1
d) Level 0
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

5. What are present in each level of planning graph?
a) Literals
b) Actions
c) Variables
d) Both Literals & Actions
Answer: d
Clarification: Each and every level in the planning graph contains a set of literals and a set of actions.

6. Which kind of problem are suitable for planning graph?
a) Propositional planning problem
b) Planning problem
c) Action problem
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Planning graph work only for propositional planning problem with no variables.

7. What is meant by persistence actions?
a) Allow a literal to remain false
b) Allow a literal to remain true
c) Allow a literal to remain false & true
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Calculus allows a literal to remain true from one situation to the next if no action alters it. It is called as persistence action.

8. When will further expansion is unnecessary for planning graph?
a) Identical
b) Replicate
c) Not identical
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: Every subsequent levels will be identical, So further expansion is unnecessary.

9. How many conditions are available between two actions in mutex relation?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Clarification: The three conditions available on mute relationship are inconsistent effects, interference and competing needs.

10. What is called inconsistent support?
a) If two literals are not negation of other
b) If two literals are negation of other
c) Mutually exclusive
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: If two literals are at the same level if one is the negation of another is called inconsistent support.

250+ TOP MCQs on State Space Search and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions on “State Space Search”.

1. Which is the most straightforward approach for planning algorithm?
a) Best-first search
b) State-space search
c) Depth-first search
d) Hill-climbing search
Answer: b
Clarification: The straightforward approach for planning algorithm is state space search because it takes into account of everything for finding a solution.

2. What are taken into account of state-space search?
a) Postconditions
b) Preconditions
c) Effects
d) Both Preconditions & Effects
Answer: d
Clarification: The state-space search takes both precondition and effects into account for solving a problem.

3. How many ways are available to solve the state-space search?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: b
Clarification: There are two ways available to solve the state-space search. They are forward from the initial state and backward from the goal.

4. What is the other name for forward state-space search?
a) Progression planning
b) Regression planning
c) Test planning
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Clarification: It is sometimes called as progression planning, because it moves in the forward direction.

5. How many states are available in state-space search?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: d
Clarification: There are four states available in state-space search. They are initial state, actions, goal test and step cost.

6. What is the main advantage of backward state-space search?
a) Cost
b) Actions
c) Relevant actions
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c
Clarification: The main advantage of backward search will allow us to consider only relevant actions.

7. What is the other name of the backward state-space search?
a) Regression planning
b) Progression planning
c) State planning
d) Test planning
Answer: a
Clarification: Backward state-space search will find the solution from goal to the action, So it is called as Regression planning.

8. What is meant by consistent in state-space search?
a) Change in the desired literals
b) Not any change in the literals
c) No change in goal state
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Consistent means that the completed actions will not undo any desired literals.

9. What will happen if a predecessor description is generated that is satisfied by the initial state of the planning problem?
a) Success
b) Error
c) Compilation
d) Termination
Answer: d
Clarification: None.

10. Which approach is to pretend that a pure divide and conquer algorithm will work?
a) Goal independence
b) Subgoal independence
c) Both Goal & Subgoal independence
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Clarification: Subgoal independence approach is to pretend that a pure divide and conquer algorithm will work for admissible heuristics.

250+ TOP MCQs on Artificial Intelligence Facts and Answers

Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions and Answers on “Facts – 3”.

1. Nils Nilsson headed a team at SRI that created a mobile robot named _____________
a) Robotics
b) Dedalus
c) Shakey
d) Vax

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

2. An Artificial Intelligence technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships between objects and events is called _____________
a) heuristic processing
b) cognitive science
c) relative symbolism
d) pattern matching

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

3. The new organization established to implement the Fifth Generation Project is called _____________
a) ICOT (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology)
b) MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry)
c) MCC (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation)
d) SCP (Strategic Computing Program)

Answer: a
Clarification: None.

4. What is the field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence?
a) history
b) cognitive science
c) psychology
d) sociology

Answer: b
Clarification: None.

5. What is the name of the computer program that simulates the thought processes of human beings?
a) Human logic
b) Expert reason
c) Expert system
d) Personal information

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

6. What is the name of the computer program that contains the distilled knowledge of an expert?
a) Database management system
b) Management information System
c) Expert system
d) Artificial intelligence

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

7. Claude Shannon described the operation of electronic switching circuits with a system of mathematical logic called _____________
c) Neural networking
d) Boolean algebra

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

8. A computer program that contains expertise in a particular domain is called?
a) intelligent planner
b) automatic processor
c) expert system
d) operational symbolizer

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

9. What is the term used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving?
a) Heuristic
b) Critical
c) Value based
d) Analytical

Answer: a
Clarification: None.

10. What was originally called the “imitation game” by its creator?
a) The Turing Test
c) The Logic Theorist
d) Cybernetics

Answer: a
Clarification: None.

11. Decision support programs are designed to help managers make _____________
a) budget projections
b) visual presentations
c) business decisions
d) vacation schedules

Answer: c
Clarification: None.

12. Programming a robot by physically moving it through the trajectory you want it to follow is called _____________
a) contact sensing control
b) continuous-path control
c) robot vision control
d) pick-and-place control

Answer: b
Clarification: None.