300+ TOP BPO Objective Questions and Answers | MCQs

BPO Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. what is the THREE PDF formats commonly used in Data Capture/Data Entry Operation?
A. PDF Formatted Text, PDF searchable image, PDF Image Only (Correct Answer)
B. PDF Acrobat Reader, PDF Acrobat Writer, PDF Scanner
C. PDF to Word Conversion, Word to PDF Conversion, PDF to Image Conversion
D. All of the above
ANS :- A

2. the BPO sector will provide ________ jobs at the end of 2011 and make a contribution of ____% of GDP.
A. 15,000 & 5%
B. 20,000 & 6% (Correct Answer)
C. 29000 & 5%
D. 15,000 & 8%
ANS :- B

3. In Data Capture/Data Entry Operation, which of the following statement is FALSE
A. Data Capture BPO are usually specialized in capturing Data whereas Data Entry BPO transform the Data into meaningful information.
B. Data Capture and Data Entry are both Low End BPOs (Correct Answer)
C. Accurate Data Capture is as important as Accurate Data Entry
D. Data Capture is the input process of Data Entry operations
ANS :- B

4. which one of the following is a TRUE statement about Near-Shore Outsourcing characteristics
A. Use of providers in one’s home country or region, typically a high skill, high cost country.
B. Use of providers in a different country or region, but with similar time-zone, culture or language skills. (Correct Answer)
C. Use of providers in a distant location with a different time-zone, culture or language skills.
D. All of the above
ANS :- B

5. The AT Kearney Global Business Location index report 2009 has classified Mauritius as
A. 25th in its ranking as an attractive BPO destination out of 50 countries
B. To be relatively poor in terms of skills & competencies in BPO domains
C. As a country which has made no improvement as compared to the 2008 ranking
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

6. How can you classify the government intervention to ensure adequate supply of skilled workforce in BPO in a specific country
A. Exogenous
B. Semi-Exogenous (Correct Answer)
C. Endogenous
D. All of the above
ANS :- B

7. The most common data conversion options are
A. Converting raw data into Microsoft Office (Missed)
B. Convert from PDF to Word (Missed)
C. Convert an audio file into text
D. All of the above
ANS :- A,B

8. Stages in the Growth Life Cycle in the BPO Sector can be categorised as:
A. Stage 1: Start Up > Stage 2: Value Addition > Stage 3: Competence Accumulation > Stage 4: Third Party Service (Correct Answer)
B. Stage 1: Third Party Service > Stage 2: Value Addition > Stage 3: Competence Accumulation > Stage 4: Start Up
C. Stage 1: Start Up > Stage 2: Value Addition > Stage 3: Third Party Service > Stage 4: Competence Accumulation
D. Stage 1: Start Up > Stage 2: Competence Accumulation > Stage 3: Third Party Service > Stage 4: Value Addition
ANS :- A

9. What are the factors which have an impact when deciding on a BPO destination?
A. Reliable telecommunications infrastructure
B. Cost of labour
C. Strong regulatory framework
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

10. The main characteristics of Knowledge Process Outsourcing are
A. Process are not easily codified
B. The agent has to interpret the information
C. The agent is expected to exercise judgement
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

BPO Objective Questions

11. Mauritius is positioning itself as a challenging BPO destination due to the following factors:
Choose all that apply
A. Reliable Infrastructure (Missed)
B. Workforce easily scalable
C. Relatively cheap l+0abour (Missed)
D. Strategic location (Missed)
ANS :- A,C,D

12. What is the number of companies operating in the BPO/ITES Sector in Mauritius?
A. 350
B. 250
C. 150
D. 330 (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

13. The Mercantile Bank in the United States has contracted out its IT services to a company called “Mercantile Technology Inc” in Philippines and owned by Mercantile Bank US A. “Mercantile Technology Inc” could be categorized as:
A. Offshore Outsourcing
B. Captive Center (Correct Answer)
C. Bank Technology Center
D. All of the above
ANS :- B

14. In terms of cost characteristics, re-arrange the following outsourcing location decision from low cost to high cost (a) Nearshore, (b) Onshore, (c) Offshore
A. a, b, c
B. b, a, c
C. c, a, b (Correct Answer)
D. b, c, a
ANS :- C

15. What do you think is the most important justification for a company to consider offshore decision?
A. Overall cost reduction
B. Productivity improvement
C. Efficiency/Effectiveness
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

16. Which of the following statement best describes Mauritius as a cost effective destination:
A. Mauritius has a large pool of global BPO talents working at a relatively low salary
B. The cost of telecommunication in Mauritius is much lower than in India
C. The cost of a specific BPO worker is 8 times lower than a similar worker which would work in a similar BPO company in the USA (Correct Answer)
D. All of the above
ANS :- C

17. A TRUE statement between Low End and High End BPO is
A. Both Low End and High End BPO are mainly Call Centers
B. Low End BPOs offer relatively much higher salary than High End BPO
C. High End BPO have more ruled based processes than Low End BPO and therefore require more skilled manpower (Correct Answer)
D. People working in Low End BPO companies usually stay much longer in that company than those working in High End BPO
ANS :- C

18. BPO companies involved in transcription normally
A. Capture data and translate it into text
B. Listen to a conversation on-line and translate it into text
C. Transforming an audio file into text (Correct Answer)
D. Translate from one language into a different language
ANS :- C

19. A BPO company specializing in image processing may provide the following services
A. Image Scanning
B. Image Conversion
C. Archiving
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

20. PECS Data, a Mauritian based company is involved in transcription services for a US institution and recruiting local transcription agents. PECS Data is therefore
A. A captive center
B. A Transcription BPO Vendor
C. An Offshore Outsourcing Center (Correct Answer)
D. All of the above
ANS :- C

BPO Objective type Questions with Answers

21. Jenny was employed as Data Entry Operator at “Star Data Ltd”. Last year Jenny was offered the same position but with a salary increase of MUR 2,000 at “Super Data Ltd”, a company dealing with similar activities as “Star Data Ltd”. In BPO, we usually refer to this situation as
A. Attrition
B. Poaching (Correct Answer)
C. Changing Job
D. Work Placement
ANS :- B

22. Outsourcing decisions by customers are influenced by whether to go on-shore, near-shore or offshore. Which ONE of the following dimensions is true about this statement
A. Offshore > Low Cost but High Control
B. Nearshore > Low Cost but High Control
C. Onshore > High Cost but High Control (Correct Answer)
D. Homeshore > Low Cost but Low Control
ANS :- C

23. The main outsourcer is __________ and the main BPO destination is _________
A. France, Mauritius
B. USA, Mauritius
C. Europe, India
D. USA, India (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

24. “Atom Finance BPO” is a local company engaged in Finance Process Outsourcing. It specialises in billing and invoicing services and doing work for a US Global FMCG company and for other companies involved in the MFCG activities. Which of the following therefore best describes “Atom Finance” business category?
A. Atom Finance is a “Captive Outsourcing” center for the US Global FMCG sector.
B. Atom Finance is operating in the Financial sector but specialises in the invoicing and billing operations (Correct Answer)
C. Atom Finance could be categorized as Low end BPO
D. All of the above
ANS :- B

25. In order to improve its global attractiveness index in BPO coming years, Mauritius should leverage on its :
A. Telecom Infrastructure
B. Skills and competencies of its BPO Workforce
C. Improving national competencies into global talents (Correct Answer)
D. All of the above
ANS :- C

26. In terms of cost characteristics, which of the following are outsourcing location decisions from low cost to high cost
A. Overall cost reduction
B. Productivity improvement
C. Efficiency/Effectiveness
D. All of the above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

27. When working for a BPO company which is involved in Portal Management. It is critical that this company should:
A. Have on-line access for the BPO agents (Correct Answer)
B. Have off-line access for the BPO agents
C. Have confidentiality access for the BPO agents
D. All of the above
ANS :- A

28. Which of the following statement regarding Low End BPO and High End BPO is false?
A. Low End BPO is Data Entry whereas Call Center is High End BPO
B. Both Low and High End BPO focus on Domain Expertise
C. Telemarketing of Cellular Phones is Low End whereas Data Entry of Supermarkets receipts for consumer behavior is High End BPO.
D. None of the Above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

29. Most commonly used databases for making data entry is
A. Microsoft SQL Server, ASP, Ms Access, Oracle
B. My SQL, FoxPro, ASP, Ms Access
C. Oracle, My SQL, FoxPro, Visual Basic
D. All of the Above (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

30. what is BPO?
A. Business Process Outsourcing (Correct Answer)
B. Business Process Outsource
C. Business Project Outsourcing
D. Business Product Outsourcing
ANS :- A

31. why do real estate agents complete BPO’s?
A. To get REO Listings. (Correct Answer)
B. To waste time.
C. To learn about their neighborhood.
D. Because they have to.
ANS :- A

32. what is a BPO?
A. Takes less time and is less detailed than an appraisal.
B. It is similar to a Comparative Market Analysis.
C. Provides an estimate of value.
D. All of the above. (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

33. you were asked to do a BPO for ABC BPO Company. ABC Company handles the BPO requests for 123 Lender. When you call the homeowner who should you say you work for?
A. Your company or your Brokers.
B. 123 Lender. (Correct Answer)
C. ABC BPO Company.
D. You are a subcontractor for ABC BPO Company.
ANS :- B

34. who orders BPOs?
A. Banks.
B. Wall Street Firms.
C. Private Mortgage Insurance Companies.
D. All of the above. (Correct Answer)
ANS :- D

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