300+ TOP Machiavelli MCQ Questions and Answers

Machiavelli Multiple Choice Questions

1. Machiavelli political inquiry was but the reflection of intellectual changes associated with the

A. Renaissance
B. Enlightenment
C. Postmodernism
D. Modernism

Answer: A. Renaissance

2. Machiavelli political inquiry was but the reflection of intellectual changes associated with the

A. Renaissance
B. Enlightenment
C. Postmodernism
D. Modernism

Answer: A. Renaissance

3. The system of political organization that dominated Europe from about the ninth century A.D. up to the Renaissance was

A. Classicism
B. Feudalism
C. Aristocracy
D. Monopoly of Church

Answer: B. Feudalism

4. Machiavelli wrote in 1513 his famous political work, titled

A. Platonic Elitism
B. The Prince
C. Leviathan
D. Liberty

Answer: B. The Prince

5. What was the most essential part of human behavior that Machiavelli considered to understand politics?

A. Empirical theory
B. Empirical reality
C. Empirical thinking
D. Empirical reasoning

Answer: B. Empirical reality

6. The end of the medieval period was the beginning of the age of?

A. Discovery
B. Renaissance
C. Modernism
D. Antiquity

Answer: C. Modernism

7. What type of Polity emerged from the Wreckage of feudalism?

A. Monarchy
B. Nation-State
C. Democracy
D. Principality

Answer: B. Nation-State

8. The initial stages of the formation of the nation-state system had been called the age of?

A. Absolute Monarchy
B. Relative Monarchy
C. Medieval Monarchy
D. Moderate Monarchy

Answer: A. Absolute Monarchy

9. No thinker was able to go out of the feudal framework but

A. Marsilius of Padua
B. John Lock
C. Machiavelli
D. Thomas Hobbes

Answer: C. Machiavelli

10. Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy in the year

A. 1459
B. 1469
C. 1479
D. 1489

Answer: B. 1469

11. Machiavelli wrote a book that reflects his political theory was

A. The Communist Manifesto
B. The Republic
C. The Prince
D. None of the above

Answer: C. The Prince

12. “The Discourses” by Machiavelli expresses his real political ideal and calls for the creation of a form of government that is

A. Authoritarian
B. Democratic
C. Participative
D. Elitist

Answer: B. Democratic

13. Machiavelli is considered the first modern thinker of political philosophy because of his focus on

A. Democracy
B. Republicanism
C. Power
D. Communitarians

Answer: C. Power

14. What is the essence of politics according to Machiavelli and other thinkers of his times?

A. People
B. Elites
C. Power
D. Participation

Answer: C. Power

15. The most famous attack on Machiavelli came in 1739 by Frederick the Great of Prussia after which the term Machiavellianism was coined to be meant

A. Evils of Power Politics
B. Criminal
C. Enemy of Humanity
D. Monster

Answer: A. Evils of Power Politics

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