300+ TOP MathML Interview Questions and Answers

MathML Interview Questions for freshers experienced :-

1. What is MathML?
MathL stands for Mathematical Markup Language. It is extended form of XML. It is used to describe mathematical and scientific notations.

2. Who is the developer of MathML?
World Wide Web Consortium is the developer of MathML.

3. What is the latest version of MathML?
The latest version of MathML is 3.0.

4. Why MathML is important in comparison to HTML?
MathML provides different tag to represent mathematic and scientific expression but HTML doesn’t provide tag.

5. What is the way to represent a mathematical notation?
There is two ways to represent a mathematical notation:

  1. Presentational way: It uses markup tags like- mrow, mi, mo etc
  2. Semantic Way: It uses mark up tags like apply, eq, power etc.

6. What are the MathML elements?
MathML elements are:

  • <maction>
  • <math>
  • <menclose>
  • <merror>
  • <mfenced> etc.

7. Which tag is used to draw matrices?
<mtable> tag is used to draw matrices.


<mtable> <mtr> <mtd></mtd></mtr></mfrac>

8. How can we create an expression a+b=5 in MathML?
In MathML, we can create an expression a+b=5 by using following steps:

<math xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML”>

9. What is the use of <mscarries> tag?

<miscarries> tag is used to create carries, borrows and crossouts.


<mscarries> expression <mscarry> <none/> </mscarry> </mscarries>

10. How can we write an underscript program?
We can write an underscript program by using following command:

<math xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML”>
<mo> ?</mo>
<mn> 0 </mn>
<mi> 8</mi>

MathML Interview Questions
MathML Interview Questions

11. What are the MathML algebra symbols?
The following MathML algebra symbols are:

MathML Symbol                               Description
–                                               It is used to specify subtraction.
×                                               It is used to specify multiplication.
?                                                It is used to specify summation
?                                                It is used to specify not equals.
˜                                                It is used to specify approximately equals.

12. What are the MathML calculus symbols?
There are various MathML calculus symbols:

MathML Calculus symbols                                Descriptions
?                                                         It is used to specify partial differential.
d                                                         It is used to specify increment.
?                                                         It is used to specify gradient.
∬                                                        It is used to specify double integral.
∮                                                         It is used to specify contour integral.

13. How can we create the area of circle symbol in MathML?
In MathML We can create the area of circle symbols by using given code:


14. What are the geometry symbols in MathML?
In MathML, the geometry symbols are:

MathML Symbol                                Description
°                                                    It is used to specify degrees.
∠                                                   It is used to specify angle.
∡                                                   It is used to specify measured angle.
∟                                                  It is used to specify right angle.
⦜                                                   It is used to specify right angle with square.
⊿                                                   It is used to specify right triangle.

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