[Maths Class Notes] on Dilation Pdf for Exam

Dilation is the fundamental step to many areas of work and research. The term is quite simple to define. When a specific entity’s size is changed (decreased or increased) for some purpose, then this step is called dilation. Specific to mathematics, dilation is defined as the expansion or reduction in the size of a geometrical shape. This is a simple yet significant concept in mathematics and applies to many subfields as well. 

The Basic Definition of Dilation with an Example

Using a few scalar factors, the size of a given object can be extended or contracted. Specific to geometry, in the stance of changing the shape of an image, there are 4 major forms of Transformations.

  1. Translation 

  2. Rotation 

  3. Reflection 

Resizing (also called b)

From designing logos and posters to editing drawings and photographs, many domains make use of dilation regularly. Henceforth, we will discuss more into the 4th size transformation, i.e., dilation. 

To state a quick example, consider a semi-circle of radius 20 cms. The radius of the structure can be cut-down to 14, 10, 6, or even 3 cms. Also, the semi-circle’s radius can increase as 23, 27, 32, and so on. Both the former and the latter is a form of dilation. 

Dilation and its Scope in Mathematics 

As we saw the example of resizing a semi-circle, any geometrical figure can be subjected to change in its size using dilation. The Scalar Factor is the term used to denote either the contraction or extension in the mathematical model. 

Note that the dilated image (result) is the same as the original figure (before dilation). Only the size will vary.

(Image to be added soon)

What is a Scalar Factor?

In terms of calculating the reduction or enlargement of an object, the scalar factor is used. This is represented to be the ratio of an old image to that of the newly dilated image. The ‘centre of dilation’ is commonly present in the mid-point for a given object or plane. But there is also a limitation, since when 2 figures are combined or present 1 upon the other, then the centre of dilation can exist even outside either figure as well. 

Now, dilation from this point;

Scalar factor > 1: Image is stretched. Hence dilation enlargement occurs. 

Scalar factor = 0 to 1: Image is contracted. Hence dilation reduction occurs. 

One can also calculate the slope of a line from a graph chart using the centre of dilation. By taking both the X and Y coordinates of a geometrical figure, you can evaluate the slope of the positive or negative line using the Scale Factor, Plotted Points, and the Centre of Dilation. 

A Few Important Properties Of Dilation

We noted that only the size of an image varies, and the resulting figure is a replica of the original. However, there are a few mathematical properties that do not change before and after dilation. Apart from the image, 3 other unchanged variables of dilation are given below:

  1. Perpendicular and Parallel lines of both the image remain equal and same. 

  2. The dilated image’s side mid-points will be equal to that of the original figure’s.

  3. Both images have equal and constant angles. 

The dilation will change the length of the image subjective to the required size. This can be of 2 forms. 

Where C denotes the Scalar factor and f(X) represents the function of dilation transformation to that image. 


Dilation is the process of increasing or decreasing the size of an image. The decrease is regarded as Reduction, and the increase is said to be Enlargement. Scalar Factor or scale factor is present at the midpoint of a figure and helps in transforming the image to a larger or smaller figure. Both dilation and scale factors together have good applications in areas such as graphic designing, photography, engineering, architecture, interior designing, mathematical constructions, and so on. 

[Maths Class Notes] on Distance Between Two Points Pdf for Exam

For any two points, there’s exactly one line segment connecting them. The distance between the two points is known to be the length of the line segment connecting them. Note that the distance between the two points is always positive. Segments which have the same length are called congruent segments. We can easily calculate the distance between two points. Take the coordinates of two points you would like to seek out space between. Call one point Point 1 (x1, y1) and make the opposite Point 2 (x2, y2). It doesn’t terribly matter which point is which, as long as you retain the labels (1 and 2) consistent throughout the matter. Let’s discuss the distance formula.

Distance between Any Two Points

(xA, yA) and (xB, yB)


(1, 2) and (3, 4)


(1, 3) and (-2, 9)


(1, 2) and (5, 5)


(1, 2) and (7, 6)


(1, 1) and (7, -7)


(13, 2) and (7, 10)


How to Use Pythagoras Theorem to Seek Out the Distance Between Two Positions?

Consider the Following Situation.

A boy walked towards the north 30 meters and took a turn to the east and walked for 40 meters more.

How do we calculate the shortest distance between the initial place and the final place? A pictorial representation of the above situation is


The initial point is supposedly A and therefore the final point is C. The distance between points A, B is 30 m and between points B, C is 40 m. The shortest distance between the two points A and C is AC.

This is calculated using the Pythagoras theorem as follows:

[AC^{2} = AB^{2} + BC^{2}]

[AC^{2} = 30^{2} + 40^{2} = 900 + 1600]

AC = 50 m

Hence, we got the space between the beginning point and therefore the endpoint. In the same way, the space between two points during a coordinate plane is additionally calculated using the Pythagorean theorem or right-angles triangle theorem.

Before getting to derive the formula for distance between two points during a coordinate plane, allow us to understand what are the coordinate points and the way to locate them within the Cartesian plane.

Coordinates of a Point

2D geometry deals with the coordinates of the points, distance between the points, etc. The coordinates of a point are a pair of numbers that exactly define the location of that point in the coordinate plane.


Coordinates of the point P in the two-dimensional plane is (x, y) which means, P is x units away from the y-axis and y units away from the x-axis.

Coordinates of some extent on the x-axis are of the shape (a, 0), where a is the distance of the point from the origin, and on the y-axis is of the form (0, a), where a is the distance of the point from the origin.

What is the Distance Formula for Two Points?

Let’s discuss, what is the distance formula is used to find the distance between two points when we already know the coordinates. The points could be present alone in the x-axis or y-axis or in both axes. Let us take into account that there are two points, let’s say A and B in an XY plane. The coordinates of point A are ( x1,y1), and of B are ( x2,y2). Then the formula to seek out the space/distance between two points PQ is given by:

Distance formula : [AB=sqrt{(x2-x1)^{2} + (y2-y1)^{2}}]

How to Find the Distance/Space Between the Two Points on a Coordinate Plane?

Suppose there are two points in a plane P (2, 3) and Q(-2, 0). So, how will we calculate the distance between P and Q. Thus, we will use the above equation here.

Here, x1 = 2, x2 = -2, y1  = 3 and y2 = 0.

Now, we know what is the distance formula.Now, putting up these values within the distance formula, we get;

PQ = (-2 – 2)² + (0 – 3)²

PQ = [sqrt{(16+9)} = sqrt{25}] = 5 unit.Therefore, we have found the distance between the points P and Q.

What is the Distance Between Two Points Formula in 3D Space?

If we have to find the distance between the points in a three-dimensional space, then we consider here an extra coordinate which is present in the z-axis.

Let us consider two points A(x1, y1, z1) and B (x2, y2, z2) in 3d space.

Therefore, the distance formula for these two given points is written as:

[AB=sqrt{(x2-x1)^{2} + (y2-y1)^{2} + (z2-z1)^{2}}]

Geometrical Shapes

(🔴) Point

Students study various geometrical concepts right from their childhood. Geometrical concepts are introduced from the class for themselves. The first point which the students learn in geometrical concepts is point. What is a point is a dot made by the sharp point of a pencil; and it is written by a capital letter of the English alphabet.


Uses of Points in Coordinate Geometry

The use of points in coordinate  geometry are:

It is used in fields like trigonometry, calculus, dimensional geometry, etc.

The coordinates of a point may be defined as the numbers that define the proper location on one or two-dimensional planes. There are two axes of the coordinate plane at right angles to each other. The two axes are called the x and y-axis.  The coordinates of a point tell how far along each axis the point is located. While drawing figures like a plane or solid figures points come into consideration points are used at the end of a figure to give it an exact shape. Figures like triangle square, rectangle, pentagons, prisms cubes, octagons, etc. They are useful to draw lines, line segments, ray polygons, angles, and circles.                                                                                   


Application of Coordinate Geometry in Real Life

Changing any shape or adding different colors changes the point on the coordinate plane.scanner and photocopying machine also use coordinate geometry to produce the exact image provided to it.

Coordinates of a point-Geometric applications

There are points in the Euclidean geometry that are positioned in the plane. The coordinates of the points along the x and y axis define these points. Thus, the coordinates of a point are defined as the pair of values that define the location of the point in the coordinat
e plane. 


In the above diagram, the coordinates of point P in the two-dimensional plane are x and y. This means that the point P is x units far from the y axis and y units far from the x-axis. 

Coordinates of a point on the x-axis are in the form (a, 0), where a is the distance of the point from the origin, and on the y axis are in the form (a,0) where a is the distance from the point of origin.

Distance between Two Points – Using Pythagoras Theorem

Consider the following situation.

A man walked 30 meters towards the north and took a turn to the east and then walked for 40 meters. Now, calculate the shortest distance between the starting point and the final point.

The above situation can be represented as follow:


The starting point is A and the final point is C. The distance between points A and B is 30 m and between B and C is 40 m. 

[Maths Class Notes] on Domain and Range of a Function Pdf for Exam

Domain of a function is the set of all possible values which qualify as inputs to a function. To find the domain of the function, it should be defined as the entire set of values possible for independent variables.

Example: Let the function is f(x)=x². The domain of function f(x)=x² is all real numbers.

The range of the function is defined as all the outputs of a function or it can also be obtained after substituting the domain value in the function.

Example: In the above function  f(x)=x², the range value is {1,4,9…}

Domain and Range of Trigonometric Functions

Let us consider the basic trigonometric identity:

sin²x + cos²x = 1

From the given identity, the following things we can find:

cos²x = 1 – sin²x 

cosx = [sqrt{1-sin^{2}x}]

We know that the cosine function is defined only for real values therefore the value inside the root is always non-negative. Therefore,

1 – sin²x ≥ 0

sin x ∈ [-1, 1]

Domain of sin (x) is all real numbers.

In a similar way, we can find the domain and range for cos x.

Hence, for the trigonometric functions f(x)= sin x and f(x)= cos x, the domain will contain the entire set of real numbers because they are defined for all the real numbers. The range of f(x) = sin x and f(x)= cos x will lie from -1 to 1 including both -1 and +1. It can be represented as

  • -1 ≤ sin x ≤1

  • -1 ≤ cos x ≤1

Now, let us discuss the domain and range of the function f(x)= tan x. We know the value of  tan x = sin x / cos x. It means that tan x will be defined for all values except the values where cos x = 0, because a fraction with denominator 0 is not defined. Now, we know that the value of cos x is zero for the angles  π/2, 3 π/2, 5 π/2 etc.

Therefore, cos x = 0 ∀ ∈ [frac{(2n+1) pi}{2}], where n ∈ z. 

Hence, tan x is not defined for these values.

So, the domain of tan x  will be R – [frac{(2n+1) pi}{2}] and the range will be set of all real numbers i.e  R.

As we know sec x, cosec x and cot x are the reciprocal of function cos x, sin x and tan x respectively. Thus,

sec x = 1/cos x

cosec x = 1/sin x

cot x = 1/tan x

Therefore, these ratios will not be defined for the following function:

  1. sec x will not be defined at the points where cos x is 0. Hence, the domain of sec x is R-(2n+1)π/2, where n∈I and the range of sec x will be R- (-1,1). Since cos x lies between -1 to1. So the value of sec x can never lie between that region.

  2. cosec x is defined at the points where sin x value is 0. Hence, the domain of cosec x is R-nπ, where n∈I. The range value of cosec x will be R- (-1,1). Since sin x lies between -1 to 1. So the value of cosec x can never lie in the region of -1 and 1.

  3. cot x will not be defined at the points where tan x is 0. Hence, the domain value of cot x is R-nπ, where n∈I. The range of cot x is the set of all real numbers i.e R.


Domain of Sin Inverse x

Sin inverse x is an inverse trigonometric function. If we know the range of trigonometric functions, we can find the domain of inverse trigonometric functions. The range of sin x is [-1,1].

We also know that, 

Range of trigonometric function = Domain of an inverse trigonometric function

So, the domain of sin inverse x is [-1,1] or -1 ≤ x ≤ 1. 

Domain and Range of a Graph

We can also find the domain and range of functions by using graphs. As we know the domain refers to the set of possible input values. The domain of a graph is the set of all the input values shown on the x-axis. The range is the set of values of all the possible outputs, that are shown on the y-axis.

Ques: Find the domain and range of the function f whose graph is given below.

Sol: We will draw a horizontal and vertical line to visualise domain range. In the figure, we can observe that the horizontal extent of the graph is from –3 to 1. So the domain of function f is (-3,1].

The vertical line of the graph is from 0 to –4, so the range is [-4,0].

[Maths Class Notes] on Equal Groups Pdf for Exam

Maths is all about dealing with problems and implementing them practically in your daily life. There is nothing like a learning concept but an understanding to solve and get the right answer. One such example includes the concept of equal groups. As the name suggests, the identical groups or, say, an equal number of items are even grouped. Certain further concepts make your work easier in solving different real-life problems. In the below article, you will understand basic multiplication, addition, and counting in such groups. Also, you will understand how these groups are made. 

What are Equal Groups?

Usually, the uniform groups concept is made through word problems where students will also understand problem-solving skills. These problems have several such, even groups, and your work is to find out the missing number. Let us understand this concept of equal groups math with the help of an example in detail.

Suppose you have 21 balls, and you need to put them inside 3 bags so that each bag has an equal amount. How will you solve this problem? 

The problem is of division among three bags. Each bag will get 7 balls with the solution as 21 ÷ 3 = 7. 

In the above diagram, you can see 3 bags get 7 balls in each. 

When the concept of uniform groups comes into maths, your problem becomes quite easy and simpler. It is because you are given total items and groups. Your only work is to distribute. The problems can be either solved through division or multiplication. These two basic operations are used because both division and multiplication deal with this concept of equal division. 

Making Equal Groups

When we divide, the name clearly defines that we will separate total items into equal parts from identical groups. Each group will be having the same number of items. But how will you bring uniformity in the groups? The concept is based upon our visualisation. 

Suppose we have a term 6 ÷ 2 = 3. It means there are a total of 6 items, and we need to make 2 groups having the same number of items. Here the result is 3. There will be two groups having three items. 

In the above diagram, we have created two groups with three parallelograms in each of them. 

Suppose now the question is 6 ÷ 3. Here, we have 6 items, and we need to divide these items into three groups as in the below diagram. 

We get, 

In the above diagram, there are three groups, each having 2 parallelograms in them. 

Equal Groups Multiplication

The name clearly says equal groups meaning. But in the case of equal groups multiplication, we will be given groups and items in each of them. Our task is to find the total number of items added. 

Consider the below example:

We have 4 even groups with 3 items in each of them. How will you find the total number of items you have?

In multiplication. 4 x 3 will give your answer, as in the below diagram. 

In the above picture, there are 4 groups with three parallelograms in each. Thus the total items will be 12, which is equal to 4 x 3. 

Adding Equal Groups

Adding equal groups contains two different types of identical groups. One group has an even number of items, and the second one has an odd number of items. Let us study each of them in detail one by one.  

Even items: 

Suppose we have 4 groups with 2 capsules in each. We need to perform basic addition and find the total number of capsules we have, as in the below diagram. 

In the above diagram, 4 groups have 2 capsules in each. Thus addition of all will be 2 + 2+ 2 + 2 = 8 capsules. 

Odd Items:

Counting the total of the items in odd-even groups having odd items is as follows. 

In the above diagram, there are three groups with 5 telephones in each. Thus the total telephones will be given by 5 + 5 + 5 = 15. 

It is how we do counting equal groups and adding them to get a total number of items. 

Fun Facts

  • Equal groups year 1 will include basic multiplication and division problems to solve. 

  • Working with uniform groups is to solve word problems and relate them with real-life applications. 

  • Equal groups mean equality among all to have an equal number of objects. 

[Maths Class Notes] on Equivalence Relation Pdf for Exam

We all have learned about fractions in our childhood and if we have then it is not unknown to us that every fraction has many equivalent forms. Let us take an example, 1/2, 2/4, 3/6, -1/-2, -3/-6, 15/30

The fractions given above may all look different from each other or maybe referred to by different names but actually they are all equal and the same number.


This unique idea of classifying them together that “look different but are actually the same” is the fundamental idea of equivalence relation. Distribution of a set S is either a finite or infinite collection of a nonempty and mutually disjoint subset whose union is S.


A relation R on a set A can be considered as an equivalence relation only if the relation R will be reflexive, along with being symmetric, and transitive. But what does reflexive, symmetric, and transitive mean?

Reflexive: A relation is supposed to be reflexive, if (a, a) ∈ R, for every a ∈ A.

Symmetric: A relation is supposed to be symmetric, if (a, b) ∈ R, then (b, a) ∈ R.

Transitive: A relation is supposed to be transitive if (a, b) ∈ R and (b, c) ∈ R, then (a, c) ∈ R.

Solved Examples of Equivalence Relation 

1. Let us consider that F is a relation on the set R real numbers that are defined by xFy on a condition if x-y is an integer. Prove F as an equivalence relation on R.

Reflexive property: Assume that x belongs to R, and, x – x = 0 which is an integer. Thus, xFx.

Symmetric Property: Assume that x and y belongs to R and xFy. And x – y is an integer. Therefore, y – x = – ( x – y), y – x is too an integer. Thus, yFx.

Transitive Property: Assume that x and y belongs to R, xFy, and yFz. And both x-y and y-z are integers. So, according to the transitive property, ( x – y ) + ( y – z ) = x – z is also an integer. Therefore, xFz.

Hence, R is an equivalence relation on R.

2. How do we know that the relation R is an equivalence relation in the set A = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } given by the relation R = { (a, b):|a-b| is even }.

Here, R = { (a, b):|a-b| is even }. And a, b belongs to A

Reflexive Property : From the given relation,

|a – a| = | 0 |=0

And 0 is always even.

Thus, |a-a| is even

Therefore, (a, a) belongs to R

Hence R is Reflexive

Symmetric Property : From the given relation,

|a – b| = |b – a|

We know that |a – b| = |-(b – a)|= |b – a|

Hence |a – b| is even,

Then |b – a| is also even.

Therefore, if (a, b) ∈ R, then (b, a) belongs to R

Hence R is symmetric

Transitive Property : If |a-b| is even, then (a-b) is even.

In the same way, if |b-c| is even, then (b-c) is also even.

Sum of even number is also even

So, we can write it as a-b+ b-c is even

Then, a – c is also even


|a – b| and |b – c| is even , then |a-c| is even.

Therefore, if (a, b) ∈ R and (b, c) ∈ R, then (a, c) also belongs to R

Hence R is transitive. 

Connection of Equivalence Relation to other relations

  • An incomplete order is a reciprocal, system can be classified, and linear relation. 

  • Equality is a complete order as well as an equivalence relation.

  • Equality is also the only inductive, symmetric, and antisymmetric relation on a set. 

  • Equal variables in algebraic expressions can be replaced for one another, a feature not accessible for equivalence-related variables. 

  • Persons inside an equivalence relation’s equivalence classes can replace each other, but not people within a class.

  • A rigorous incomplete order is asymmetric, irreflexive, and bidirectional. 

  • A complete equivalence connection is equal and linear. Such a relationship is bidirectional if and only if it is serial, that is, if for every display style, there occurs some display style text such that asim b. As a result, an equivalence relation can be defined in a variety of ways, including symmetric, transitive, and serial.

  • The ternary equivalent of the normal equivalence relation is the ternary comparability relation.

  • A reliance relation or a tolerance relation is a reciprocal and symmetrical relation.

  • A sequence is both bidirectional and inductive.

  • An equivalence relation whose domain X is also the bottom set for an algebraic form and which satisfies the extra form is known as a congruence relation. In general, congruence relations serve as homomorphism kernels, and a structure’s quotient can be created using a congruence relation. Congruence relations have an alternate representation as structural components of the form on which they are established in many crucial circumstances.

  • Although the opposite assertion holds exclusively in classical mathematics because it is identical to the law of excluded middle, any equivalence connection is the negative of an apartness relationship.

  • Every recursive and left or right Riemann connection is also an interval estimate.

A Few key points to remember

i) Equations with similar solutions or bases are known as equivalent equations.

ii) An analogous equation is created by adding or subtracting the identical number or phrase to both sides of an equation.

iii) An analogous equation is created by multiplying or dividing both sides of an equation by the same non-zero value.


The primary focus lies in conceptual understanding and one who has mastered that art is sure to succeed. Practice sums after going through the concept for a better understanding of the topic. Equ
ivalence relations can be a tricky affair if not practiced again and again.

[Maths Class Notes] on Evaluating Limit Pdf for Exam

Limit is the basic theory of Calculus and Analysis. The limit of a function at a point xin its domain is a value that a function approaches as its argument approaches $x$. In other words, a function is said to have a Limit L at $x$ if it is possible to make the function arbitrarily close to $L$ by selecting the value closer and closer to $x$. Note that the actual values are irrelevant to the value of limit. Mathematically, the limit of a function is represented as:

$lim_{x to k} f(x) = L$

The limit of a function is read as “ Limit of $f(x)$ as $x$ approaches $k$ is $L$”.

Evaluating Limits means to determine the value that the function is approaching at a certain point. When evaluating limits, we first check to see if the function is continuous. If we find that the limit is continuous at the point where we are evaluating it, we simply substitute the value and solve the function.

In this article, we will discuss how to find the limit of a function using different evaluation methods.


How to Evaluate Limit?

Let us learn different methods on how to evaluate limits:

Limit by Factoring

Limit by factoring is a method for evaluating limits that require determining and evaluating common factors.

Let us understand how to calculate limit by factoring with an example:

Evaluate $lim_{y to 5} dfrac{y^2 – y – 20}{y – 5}$


We have,

$lim_{y to 5} dfrac{y^2 – y – 20}{y – 5} = lim_{y to 5} dfrac{(y – 5)(y + 4)}{y – 5}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 5}( y + 4)$

$Rightarrow 9$

Limit by Substitution

A limit is defined as the value of a function approaches as the variable within that function gets closer and closer to a specified value. Suppose, we have a limit $lim_{x to k}f(x)$. This represents the value of $f(x)$ when $x$ is closer to $k$ but not exactly equals to $k$. The substitution rule determines the limit by simply substituting $x$ with $k$. Mathematically, this rule is defined as:

$lim_{y to k}f(x) = f(k)$

Let us understand with an example:

Evaluate the following limit using substitution rule:

$lim_{y to -1}(y^2 + y – 6)$


The limit can be evaluated easily. Simply, use the substitution rule and substitute $y = -1$ and we have:

$lim_{y to -1}(y^2 + y – 6) = (-1)^2 + (-1) – 6 = – 6$

Remember: The substitution rule is not always valid. To use the substitution rule, the function $f(x)$ must be continuous.

L’ Hospital Rule

L’s Hospital Rule is the method of evaluating limit of certain quotient by means of derivatives. Specifically, under certain cases, it enables us to replace lim $dfrac{f(x)}{g(x)}$ by $dfrac{f^{prime}(x)}{g^{prime}(x)}$, which is quite easier to evaluate.

L’s hospital rule states that,

If $f$ and $k$ are differentiable functions such that:

  • $k^{prime}(x)= 0$ on an open interval $I$ contain $y$.

  • $lim_{x to y}f(x)= 0$ and $lim_{x to y}k(x)= 0$ or $lim_{x to y}f(x)= pm infty$ and $lim{x to y}k(x)= pm infty$

  • $lim_{x to y} dfrac{f^{prime}(x)}{k^{prime}(x)}$ exists


$lim_{x to y} dfrac{f(x)}{k(x)} = lim_{x to y}dfrac{f^{prime}(x)}{k^{prime}(x)}$

Evaluate the following limit using L’s hospital rule:

$lim_{y to infty}dfrac{In(y)}{y^{frac{1}{3}}}$


As $In(y) to infty$ and $y^{frac{1}{3}} to infty$ as $y to infty$, we can use the L’s hospital rule

$lim{y to infty} dfrac{In(y)}{y^{frac{1}{3}}} = dfrac{dfrac{1}{y}}{dfrac{1}{3}y^{-frac{2}{3}}}$

$Rightarrow lim{y to infty} dfrac{3}{y^frac{1}{3}} = 0$

Limit at Infinity 

If $k$ is a positive real number, then

$lim_{x to infty} dfrac{1}{x^n} = 0$ Limit Towards Right

Further, if $x^n$ is defined when $x < 0$, then

$lim_{x to infty} dfrac{1}{x^n} = 0$ Limit Towards Left

Let us understand limit at infinity with an example:

Evaluate the following limit:

$lim_{y to infty}dfrac{2y^2 – 3y + 7}{y^2 + 47y + 1}$


As y approaches to the infinity both numerator and denominator approaches to y².

$lim_{y to infty} dfrac{2y^2 – 3y + 7}{y^2 + 47y + 1} = lim_{y to infty} dfrac{2y^2 – dfrac{3}{y} + dfrac{7}{y^2}}{y^2 + dfrac{4y}{y} + 1}$

As $y$ approaches infinity, all the quotients with similar power of $z$ in the denominator approaches 0, leaving 32 in numerator and 1 in the denominator. Therefore, again the limit is 2.

$lim_{y to infty}dfrac{2y^2 – 3y + 7}{y^2 + 47y + 1} = 2$

Evaluating Limit By Rationalising

Let us learn how to find limit calculus by rationalising. We can find the limit of some function by some rationalising techniques. In rationalising technique, we rationalise the numerator of a function. Rationalising the numerator means multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the numerator. For example, the conjugate of $sqrt{x} +7$ is $sqrt{x} -7$.

Evaluate the following limit by rationalising:

$lim_{y to 0}dfrac{ sec y – 1}{y^2}$


$lim_{y to 0}dfrac{sec y – 1}{y^{2}} = lim_{y to 0}dfrac{(sec y – 1)( sec y + 1)}{y^{2} ( sec y + 1)}$

$lim_{y to 0}dfrac{sec y – 1}{y^2} = lim_{y to 0}dfrac{(sec y – 1)( sec y + 1)}{y^2 ( sec y + 1)}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 0}dfrac{tan^2y}{y^2 ( sec y + 1)}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 0}left(dfrac{sin y}{y}right)^2 left(dfrac{1}{cos^2 y}right) left(dfrac{1}{sec y + 1}right)$

$Rightarrow 1^2 times dfrac{1}{1} times dfrac{1}{2} = dfrac{1}{2}$

One – Sided Limit

One -sided limit considers only those values of a function that approaches a value either from above or below.

The right side of a limit of a function $f$ as it reaches $k$ is the limit $lim_{x to k^{+}} f(x) = L$

The left side of a limit of a function $f$, $lim_{x to k^{-}} f(x) = L$

The notation “$x to k^{-}$” and “$x to k^{+}$” considers only those values of $x$, tha are less than or greater than $k$ respectively.


If you try substitution and get $dfrac{0}{0}$ ( 0 divided by 0) and the expression contains a square root in it, then rationalize the expression as you rationalize in Algebra. That is, multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the part that contains a square root in it.

Let us learn how to find limit using conjugates technique with an example:

Evaluate the following limit using Conjugate rule:

$lim_{y to 0} dfrac{sqrt{1+y} – 1}{y}$ 


As the direct substitution gives the indeterminate form $dfrac{0}{0}$, we will multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of numerator $sqrt{1+y}+1$:

$lim_{y to 0} dfrac{sqrt{1+y}-1}{y} = lim_{y to 0} dfrac{(sqrt{1+y}-1)-sqrt{1+y}+1}{y(sqrt{1+y}+1)}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 0} dfrac{sqrt{1+y}-1}{y(sqrt{1+y}+1)}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 0} dfrac{y}{y(sqrt{1+y}+1)}$

$k = dfrac{1}{2}$

Laws of Limit

Following are the laws of limit:

Assumption: $c$ is constant and $lim_{x to a}f(x)$ and $lim_{x to a}k(x)$ exists

  1. $lim_{x to a}k = k$ – The limit of subtraction is equal to the subtraction of the limits.

  2. $lim_{x to k}x = k$ – The limit of linear function is equialaitbent to the number $x$ is approaching.

  3. $lim_{x to k}x^n = k^n$, where $n$ is a positive integer.

  4. $lim_{x to k} sqrt[n]{x} = sqrt[n]{k}$, where $n$ is a positive integer, and if $n$ is even we assume that $k > 0$.

  5. $lim_{x to k} sqrt[n]{f(x)} = sqrt[n]{lim{x to k} f(x)}$, where $n$ is a positive integer , and if $n$ is even we assume that $lim_{x to k}f(x) > 0$.

  6. $lim_{x to k}ck(x) = c lim_{x to k} f(x)$.

  7. $lim_{x to a}[f(x) + k(x)] = lim_{x to a}f(x) + lim_{x to a}k(x)$- The limit of addition is equal to the addition of the limits.

  8. $lim_{x to a}[f(x) – k(x)] = lim_{x to a}f(x) – lim_{x to a}k(x)$- The limit of subtraction is equal to the subtraction of the limits.

  9. $lim_{x to a}[f(x) + k(x)] = lim_{x to a}f(x) cdot lim_{x to a}k(x)$- The limit of the product is equal to the subtraction of the limits.

  10. $lim_{x to a}dfrac{f(x)}{k(x)} = dfrac{lim_{x to a}f(x)}{lim_{x to a}k(x)}$ ( If $lim_{x to k} k neq 0$- The limit of the quotient is equal to the quotient of the limits.

Solved Example:

1. Evaluate the following limit:

$lim_{y to infty} dfrac{y^2+2y+4}{3y^2+4y+125345}$


$lim_{y to infty} dfrac{y^2+2y+4}{3y^2+4y+125345} = lim_{y to infty} dfrac{y^2+dfrac{2}{y}+dfrac{4}{y^2}}{3+dfrac{4}{y}+dfrac{125345}{y^2}} = dfrac{1+0+0}{3+0+0} = dfrac{1}{3}$

2. $lim_{y to 1}dfrac{y^2 – 1}{y -1}$


By factoring $(y^2 – 1)$ into $(y-1)(y+1)$, we get:

$lim_{y to 1}dfrac{y^2 – 1}{y – 1} = lim_{y to 1}dfrac{(y – 1)(y + 1)}{y – 1}$

$Rightarrow lim_{y to 1}(y -1)$

Now, we can substitute $y =1$ to the limit

$lim_{y to 1}(y-1) = (1+1) = 2$