300+ TOP Medical Transcription Objective Questions and Answers

Medical Transcription Multiple Choice Questions :-

1. Stratum corneum is the:

  1. outermostlayer of the skin
  2. innermost layer of the skin
  3. middle layer of the skin
  4. synonym for epithelium

2. The oily substance secreted by sebaceous gland is called:

  1. collagen
  2. keratin
  3. sebum
  4. lipogen

3. A horny cell is filled with:

  1. keratin
  2. collagen
  3. fluid
  4. fat

4. A completely removed toenail takes to grow back.

  1. I to 2 months
  2. 4 to 6 months
  3. 8 to 10 months
  4. 12 to 14 months

5. Bedsore is also known as:

  1. trophic ulcer
  2. aphthous ulcer
  3. penetrating ulcer
  4. decubitus ulcer

6. Which of the following is not an appendage of the eye?

  1. eyelids
  2. eyebrow
  3. lacrimal gland
  4. eyelashes

7. Eyes are examined with the help of an instrument called:

  1. endoscope
  2. laparoscope
  3. ozonoscope
  4. ophthalmoscope

8. Which of the following means inflammation of the retina?

  1. retinitis
  2. uveitis
  3. choroiditis
  4. conjunctivitis
Medical Transcription Objective Questions
Medical Transcription Objective Questions

1 1. Which of the following word means excision of part or all of the eyelid?

  1. blepharoplasty
  2. blepharectomy
  3. blepharotomy
  4. (cl) blepharoplegia

12. Visual defect of nearsightedness is also known as:

  1. myopia
  2. hyperopia
  3. diplopia
  4. esotropia

13. Inflammation of tear glands is called:

  1. dacryalgia
  2. dacryostenosis
  3. dacryadenitis
  4. adcryorrhea

14. Astigmatism is caused by the deformation of:

  1. retina
  2. lens
  3. cornea
  4. iris

15. Strabismus in which there is deviation of visual axis of one eve awav from that of the other is called;

  1. esotropia
  2. exotropia
  3. cyclotropia
  4. hypotropia

1. Contraceptive method (sterilization sur gery), in which the continuity of uter ine tubes or oviducts is interrupted by cutting, cautery, or by a plastic or metal device to prevent a future conception is called:

  1. tubal ligation
  2. oophorectomy
  3. salpingectomy
  4. salpingolysis

2. Which of the following is not a female external reproductive organ?

  1. labia minora (c) Bartholin gland
  2. clitoris (d) ovaries

3. The vaginal orifice is lubricated by se cretions of which of the following gland?

  1. prostate gland
  2. bulbourethral gland
  3. Brunner gland
  4. Bartholin gland

4. Which of the following is not a phase of menstrual cycle?

  1. proliferative phase
  2. follicular phase
  3. luteal phase
  4. menstrual phase

5. Benign uterine tumors are known as:

  1. myomas (c) keloid
  2. fibroids (d) adipoid

6. Chlamydia is caused by infection with bacterium:

  1. Candida albicans
  2. Chlamydia trachomatis
  3. Trichomonasvaginalis
  4. Chlamydia pneumoniae

7. A condition of absence or abnormal stop page of menstruation is called:

  1. dysmenorrhea (c) amenorrhea
  2. menorrhagia (d) menorrhexis

8. A woman in her second pregnancy will be known as:

  1. gravida 1 (c) para 2
  2. aborta 2 (d) gravida 2

9. Masi/o and mamm/o arc both a combining form of:

  1. vulva (c) breasts
  2. vagina (d) uterus

10. The process of suturing the prolapsed vagina is known as:

  1. colporrhagia (c) colpopexy
  2. colporrhaphy (d) colpoptosis

11. Mctr/o is a combining form of the uterus. An instrument used to incise the uterus will be known as:

  1. metrotomy (c) metrotome
  2. hysteroscope (d) salpingoscope

12. Salpingocele means hernia of:

  1. uterus (c) bladder
  2. ovaries (d) fallopian tubes

13. A general term for infection of woman’s internal reproductive organs is:

  1. cervicitis
  2. oophoritis
  3. pelvic inflammatory disease
  4. salpingitis

14. A muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the exterior of the bodv and serves as an organ of sexual intercourse and receptor of semen is:

  1. vagina (c) labia majora
  2. uterus (d) clitoris

15. Organ that contains and nourishes the embryo and fetus from the time of im- plantation to birth is:

  1. fallopian tubes (c) vagina
  2. uterus (d) bladder

1. Xiphoid process is located near the:

  1. femur
  2. humerus
  3. tibia
  4. sternum

2. An aperture or hole through a bone or membrane is called:

  1. malleolus
  2. foramen
  3. cartilage
  4. olecranon

3. Human beings have thoracic vertebrae.

  1. 10
  2. 11
  3. 12
  4. 14

4. An abnormal lateral curvature of spine is known as:

  1. kyphosis
  2. lordosis
  3. scoliosis
  4. ankylosis

5. Moving the feet towards the median plane is an act of:

(a) dorsiflexion

  1. rotation
  2. extension
  3. adduction

6. Abnormal swelling of the joint between the big toe and first metatarsal bone is called:

  1. bunion
  2. arthritis
  3. gout
  4. strain

7. Softening of bones is also known as:

  1. osteomyelitis
  2. arthritis
  3. osteomalacia
  4. osteoporosis

8. Rubbing together the ends of a fractured bone produces a sound called:

  1. wheezing
  2. crepitus
  3. bunion
  4. rales

9. Which of the following is not a kind of fracture?

  1. compound
  2. anesthetic
  3. comminuted
  4. greenstick

10. Which of the following is an external stabilization device?

  1. cast
  2. nail
  3. gouge
  4. elevator

11. Inflammation of the bone marrow and the adjacent bone is called:

  1. arthritis
  2. osteomyelitis
  3. osteoarthritis
  4. osteochondritis

12. The disease characterized by reduced bone mass and decreasing cortical thickness is called:

  1. degenerative joint disease
  2. gout
  3. osteoporosis
  4. osteomyelitis
  5. innermost layer of the skin
  6. middle layer of the skin
  7. synonym for epithelium

13. Which of the following is not an NSAID?

  1. Daypro
  2. Anaprox
  3. Lorcet
  4. Motrin

14. Which of the following is a muscle re laxant?

  1. Flexeril
  2. Tylenol
  3. Darvocet
  4. Aleve

15. What is the chemical name for aspirin?

  1. acetic acid
  2. acetyltannic acid
  3. acetohydroxamic acid
  4. acetylsalicyclic acid

Answers: 1. (d). 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (c), 5. (d), 6. (a), 7. (c), 8. (b). 9. (b). 10. <a). 11. (b). 12. (c). 13. <c>. 14. (a), 15. (d)

1. Which of ihe following means weakness or debility?

  1. dementia
  2. agnosia
  3. ataxia
  4. asthenia

2. Which of the following is a long single projection transmitting the impulse from the cell body?

  1. dendrite
  2. cell body
  3. axon
  4. nucleus

3. The space between the axon of one neu ron and the dendrite or cell bodv of an- other neuron is called:

  1. nucleus
  2. synapse
  3. neurolemma
  4. synaptic knob

4. Blood-brain barrier is formed by the sheath made up of:

  1. astrocytes
  2. oligodendrocytes
  3. microglia
  4. cpendyma

5. Which of the following is related with the sense of smell?

  1. olfactory
  2. optic
  3. trigeminal
  4. acoustic

6. Which of the following lobes can be seen only upon dissection?

  1. frontal
  2. parietal
  3. temporal
  4. insula

7. Which of the following stimuli are not received by thalamus?

  1. optic
  2. olfactory
  3. oculomotor
  4. abducens

8. The outermost coat of the meninges is called:

  1. pia mater
  2. subarachnoid space
  3. duramaicr
  4. subdural space

9. What is the medical term for hardening of blood vessels?

  1. asthenia
  2. arteriosclerosis
  3. keratitis
  4. hemiplegia

10. Premonitory awareness of approaching physical or mental disorder is called:

  1. aura
  2. autism
  3. ataxia
  4. paresis

11. Which of the following is characterized by quick, involuntary movements, speech disturbances, and mental deterioration?

  1. shingles
  2. Huntigonton’s chorea
  3. transient ischemic attack
  4. concussion

12. Sciatica refers to:

  1. paralysis of all four extremities
  2. severe pain in the leg along the sciatic nerve
  3. sudden fainting due to drop in blood pressure
  4. paralysis of the lower portion

13. Which of the following records the elec trical activity in the brain?

  1. electroencephalography
  2. myelography
  3. cchocnccphaiography
  4. electromyogram

14. Wliich of the following is used to pre vent or reduce the severity of seizures?

  1. tranquilizers
  2. sedatives
  3. opiates
  4. anticonvulsants

15. Surgical procedure to create a circular opening into the skull is called:

  1. cryosurgery
  2. spinal puncture
  3. trephination
  4. vagotomy

Answers: 1. <d), 2. (c). 3. (b), 4. (a). 5. (a), 6. (d>, 7. (b), 8. (c). 9. (b), 10. (a), 11. (b). 12. (b>, 13. (a), 14. (d). 15. (c)

2. The oily substance secreted by sebaceous gland is called:

  1. collagen
  2. keratin
  3. sebum
  4. lipogen

3. A horny cell is filled with:

  1. keratin
  2. collagen
  3. fluid
  4. fat

4. A completely removed toenail takes to grow back.

  1. I to 2 months
  2. 4 to 6 months
  3. 8 to 10 months
  4. 12 to 14 months

5. Bedsore is also known as:

  1. trophic ulcer
  2. aphthous ulcer
  3. penetrating ulcer
  4. decubitus ulcer

6. Verruca is also known as:

  1. wan
  2. keratosis
  3. vitiligo
  4. herpes zoster

7. Which of the following is the ringworm of the bodv?

  1. Tineacapitis
  2. Tineacorporis
  3. Tineapedis
  4. Tinea pubis

8. Slan appears abnormally dimpled in the condition of:

(a) IeBouvcrct (I)) cri du chat

  1. peaud’orange
  2. cafe au lait

9. If an area of skin is picked up between thumb and finger and released, it should flatten out again immediately. Failure to do so is:

  1. windmilling
  2. willowing
  3. tenting
  4. turgoring

10. Onychomycosis is the fungal infection affecting the:

  1. nails
  2. skin
  3. head
  4. stomach

1 1. A specific, acute, superficial cutaneous cellulitis characterized bv hot, red, edematous, brawny, and sharply defined eruptions is called:

  1. erysipelas
  2. impetigo
  3. Bowen disease
  4. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

12. Panniculitis is inflammation of the skin of the:

  1. sole of the foot
  2. back of the knee
  3. antecubital fossa
  4. fatty apron

13. Which one of the following is used to destroy the tissues?

  1. sclerosis
  2. stenosis
  3. cryocautery
  4. dermatogenesis

14. Which one of the following refers to the separation of skin and subcutaneous tis sues from the underlying attachments?

  1. devitalizing
  2. undermining
  3. meshing
  4. dissection

15. The process of sanding the skin with a power-driven abrasive disk is called:

  1. peeling
  2. tattooing
  3. dermabrasion
  4. sanding

16. Which one of the following is used to enlarge the graft by cutting tiny slits in the graft skin?

  1. mesher
  2. grill
  3. lattice
  4. reiculator

17. Encircle the one which is not a skin test method.

  1. scratch
  2. patch
  3. sniff
  4. intradermal injection

18. Fungal materials are cultured and iden tified with the help of:

  1. PTAH
  2. KOH
  3. HCL
  4. CAOH

19. Tzanck smear test is done to:

  1. to ensure the elasticity of the skin
  2. to find out the fungi present on the skin
  3. to detect tuberculosis
  4. to detect viral infection from vesicular disease

20. Which one of the following is a skin test to detect tuberculosis?

  1. ring
  2. tine
  3. patch
  4. scratch

Answers: 1. (a). 2. (c), 3. (a), 4. (d). 5. <d). 6. (a), 7. (b). 8. (c), 9. (c), 10. (a), 11. (a), 12. (d), 13. (c), 14. (b), 15. (c), 16. (a). 17. (c), 18. (b), 19. (d)t 20. (b)

1. White of the eve is also known as:

  1. ciliary body
  2. cones
  3. sclera
  4. macula

2. Cornea is the:

  1. transparent tissue over the anterior portion of the eyeball
  2. vascular layer of the eye between the retina and sclera
  3. point at which optic nerve fibers cross in the brain
  4. white of the eye

3. The combining form ‘palpebro’ refers to the:

(a) iris

  1. retina
  2. optic disk
  3. eyelid

4. Ectropion is:

  1. rolling outward of eyelid
  2. drooping of the eyelid
  3. swelling of the optic disk
  4. absence of the lens

5. Ocular degeneration in the posterior fun dus, mainly due to age, is called:

  1. ptyergium
  2. cataracts
  3. macular degeneration
  4. vitreous hemorrhage

6. Which of the following is not a layer of an eveball?

  1. retina
  2. choroids
  3. pupil
  4. sclera

7. Infection of sebaceous gland of eyelid is called:

  1. sty
  2. strabismus
  3. glaucoma
  4. iritis

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