300+ TOP Meristems MCQs and Answers

Meristems Multiple Choice Questions

1. Apical cell theory was given by

  1. Hofmeister
  2. Hanstein
  3. Haberlandt
  4. Grew

Answer: 1

2. Divisions characteristic of Korpe-Kappe theory are

  1. Anticlinal
  2. T-type
  3. Periclinal
  4. Irregular

Answer: 2

3. Reproductive shoot apex differs from vegetative shoot apex in being

  1. Board
  2. Without cyclicity
  3. Little activity on the flanks
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

4. Phellogen is

  1. Intercalary meristem
  2. Apical meristem
  3. Primary meristem
  4. Secondary meristem

Answer: 4

5. Leaves grow due to presence of

  1. Apical meristem
  2. Diffused meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. Mass meristem

Answer: 3

6. Intercalary meristem is derived from

  1. Protoderm
  2. Calyptrogens
  3. Laterl meristem
  4. Apical meristem

Answer: 4

7. The term meristem was given by

  1. Nageli
  2. Cohn
  3. Hanstein
  4. Schmidt

Answer: 1

8. Epidermis is produced from

  1. Procambium
  2. Protoderm
  3. Phellogen
  4. Ground meristem

Answer: 2

9. Meristems helps in

  1. Absorption of water
  2. Absorption of minerals
  3. Translocation of food
  4. Growth of plants

Answer: D

10. The central region of root apex containing less active active cell is known as

  1. Periblem
  2. Quiescent region
  3. Plerome
  4. Dermatogens

Answer: 2

11. Calyptrogens is present in the root of

  1. Pea
  2. Gram
  3. Castor
  4. Maize

Answer: 4

12. In monocots root cap is formed from

  1. Calyptrogens
  2. Dermatogens
  3. Fascicular cambium
  4. Protoderm

Answer: 1

13. The meristem derived from the promeristem is called

  1. Lateral meristem
  2. Apical meristem
  3. Primary meristem
  4. Intercalary meristem

Answer: 3

14. Secondary meristem develops from

  1. Vascular cambium
  2. Permanent tissue
  3. Primary meristem
  4. Lateral meristem

Answer: 2

15. The meristematic cells have

  1. Thin walls
  2. Prominent nuclei
  3. Absence of vacuoles
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

16. Intrafascicular cambium is derived from

  1. Protoderm
  2. Procarmbium
  3. Phellogen
  4. Ground meristem

Answer: 2

17. The division in meristematic cells is

  1. Endomitotic
  2. Amitotic
  3. Mitotic
  4. Meiotic

Answer: 3

18. Root apical meristem can be capped by histogen known as

  1. Calyptrogen
  2. Dermatogens
  3. Plerome
  4. Periblem

Answer: 1

19. In dicots the root cap is formed by

  1. Calyptrogens
  2. Protoderm
  3. Ground meristem
  4. Procambium

Answer: 2

20. Intercalary meristem occurs in

  1. Mint
  2. Grass
  3. Pinus leaf
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

21. Plerome forms

  1. Endodermis
  2. Epidermis
  3. Cortex
  4. Stele

Answer: 4

22. Korpe-Kappe theory was proposed by

  1. Scheupp
  2. Schmidt
  3. Clowes
  4. Wolf

Answer: 1

23. Plastochron is applicable to

  1. Shoot apical meristem
  2. Root apical meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. Lateral meristem

Answer: 1

24. The term protoderm was coined by

  1. Nageli
  2. Schmidt
  3. Hanstein
  4. Haberlandt

Answer: 4

25. The meristem present at the base of internodes is

  1. Later meristem
  2. Intercalary meristem
  3. Apical meristem
  4. All the above

Answer: 2

26. Secondary cortex is derived from

  1. Intercalary meristem
  2. Protoderm
  3. Procambium
  4. Phellogen

Answer: 4

27. Cork cambium is produced from

  1. Apical meristem
  2. Lateral meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. Ground tissue

Answer: 4

28. As compared to other parts of root apical meristem, DNA content of quiescent centre is

  1. Low
  2. High
  3. Same
  4. Very high

Answer: 1

29. Characteristics present in meristematic cells are

  1. Thin wall, thin protoplasm, no intercellular spaces, isodiametric and nucleate
  2. Thick wall, dense protoplasm, intercellular spaces, isodiametric and nucleate
  3. Thick wall, thin protoplasm, intercellular spaces, elongate and nucleate
  4. Thin wall, dense protoplasm, no intercellular spaces, isodiametric and nucleate

Answer: 4

30. A single apical cell constitutes the apical meristem in

  1. Dicots
  2. Gymnosperms
  3. Pteridophytes
  4. Monocots

Answer: 3

31. In Korpe-Kappe theory

  1. Korpe refers to mantle and kappe to body
  2. Korpe is cortex while kappe is rest of the meristem
  3. Korpe is calyptrogens while kappe is rest of the meristem
  4. Korpe is equivalent to corpus and kappe to tunica

Answer: 4

32. Based on development stage, tissue can be

  1. Apical and Intercalary meristems
  2. Meristematic and permanent
  3. Primary and Secondary meristem
  4. Apical, Intercalary and Lateral

Answer: 2

33. According to their location, meristems are

  1. Apical, subapical and secondary
  2. Dermatogens, periblem and plerome
  3. Primary and secondary
  4. Apical, intercalary and lateral

Answer: 4

34. Dermatogen produces

  1. Epidermis
  2. Hypodermis, cortex and pith
  3. Hypodermis, cortex and endodermis
  4. Pericycle, vascular strand and pith

Answer: 1

35. Primary vascular tissues are formed from

  1. Vascular cambium
  2. Phellogen
  3. Procambium
  4. Protoderm

Answer: 3

36. Where do dermatogens, periblem and plerome occur

  1. Secondary meristem
  2. Apical meristem
  3. lateral meristem
  4. permanent tissues

Answer: 2

37. Primary plant growth is accomplished by

  1. Cambia
  2. Intercalary meristem
  3. Apical meristem
  4. Mass meristem

Answer: 3

38. Intercalary meristem are

  1. Basal
  2. Nodal
  3. Intermodal
  4. Apical

Answer: 3

39. Cork cambium is

  1. Primary meristem
  2. Secondary meristem
  3. Primary tissue
  4. Promeristem

Answer: 2

40. Periblem produces

  1. Cortex
  2. Pericycle
  3. Vascular strand
  4. Both B and C

Answer: 1

41. The position of root apex/root apical meristem is

  1. Lateral
  2. Terminal
  3. Sub-terminal
  4. Intercalary

Answer: 3

42. The function of root cap is to

  1. Protect the root tip
  2. Protect the root hairs
  3. Cover the root
  4. Growth of the root

Answer: 1

43. Pith is produced by the activity of

  1. Lateral meristem
  2. Protoderm
  3. Procambium
  4. Ground meristem

Answer: 4

44. The term quiescent centre or zone was proposed by

  1. Schmidt
  2. Foster
  3. Clowes
  4. Nageli

Answer: 3

45. Lateral meristem include

  1. Dermatogens and ground meristem
  2. Phellogen and protoderm
  3. Vascular cambium and cork cambium
  4. Procambium and interfasicular cambium

Answer: 3

46. The cambium is

  1. Apical meristem
  2. Lareral meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. Secondary meristem

Answer: 2

47. The change that occurs in apex at the time of flowering is

  1. Meristem gets destroyed
  2. Vegetative apex changes into reproductive apex
  3. Meristem decrease its activity
  4. All the above

Answer: 2

48. The cells having the ability to divide are

  1. Specialized
  2. Permanent
  3. Meristematis
  4. Glandular

Answer: 3

49. Meristematic cells are

  1. Differentiated
  2. Mature and dead
  3. Mature and living
  4. Immature and living

Answer: 4

50. The characteristics of meristematic cell are

  1. Thin wall and dense cytoplasm with small amount of endoplasmic reticulum
  2. Isodiametric with no intercullar spaces
  3. Conspicuous nucleus
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

51.promeristem is found at

  1. Stem nodes or base of internodes
  2. Leaf bases
  3. Leaf apices
  4. Stem and root apices

Answer: 4

52. Lodged cereals become erect due to

  1. Intercalary meristem
  2. Apical meristem
  3. Lateral meristem
  4. Secondary meristem

Answer: 1

53. Early embryo has

  1. Apical meristem
  2. Mass meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. Both  and C

Answer: 2

54. More activity occurs on the flanks in

  1. Vegetative shoot apex
  2. Reproductive shoot apex
  3. Lateral meristem
  4. Root apex

Answer: 1

55. Cortex is formed from

  1. Cambium
  2. Procambium
  3. Ground meristem
  4. Protoderm


56. Plerome is a histogen that gives rise to

  1. Pericycle
  2. Pith
  3. Vascular bundles
  4. All the above

Answer: 4

57. In case tunica is multilayered, which is likely to happen

  1. All layers take part in formation of multilayered epidermis
  2. All the layers produce cortex
  3. Outer-most layer forms hypodermis, middle layer cortex and inner layer endodermis
  4. Only the outer most layer forms the epidermis

Answer: 4

58. Apical meristem divides from three meristematic regions

  1. Dermal, vascular and ground
  2. Calyptrogens, periblem and plerome
  3. Protoderm, procambium and ground meristem
  4. Lateral, intercalary and subapica

Answer: 3

59. Which is true

  1. Stem branches are endogenous
  2. Stem branches develop from pericycle
  3. Root branches are exogenous
  4. Root branches are endogenous

Answer: 4

60. Period between initiation of two successive leaves or nodes is

  1. Plastochron
  2. Diurnal cyclicity
  3. Internode
  4. Allelopathy

Answer: 1

61. An injured plant part is repaired with the help of

  1. Lateral meristem
  2. Primary meristem
  3. Intercalary meristem
  4. apical meristem

Answer: 1

62. Tunica is

  1. Mass meristem
  2. Mantle of meristem
  3. Internal mass of meristem
  4. Central of meristem

Answer: 2

63. Corpus is

  1. Mantle of meristem
  2. Central part of meristem
  3. Internal part of meristem
  4. Mass meristem

Answer: 3

64. Histogen is a

  1. Promeristem derivative destined to produced specific areas
  2. Intercalary meristem meant for forming specific tissue
  3. Derivative of lateral meristem
  4. Secondary meristem specialized to produced specific structures

Answer: 1

65. Vegetative shoot apex or stem apical meristem is

  1. Conical
  2. Broad
  3. Broad and flat
  4. Narrow

Answer: 1

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