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Microeconomics Multiple Choice Questions

1. A consumer reaches the point of equilibrium when;
A. MRSxy>Px/Py

B. MRSxy < Px/Py

C. MRSxy=Px/Py

D. MRSxy=Px/Py=MU/TU


2. A consumer will start buying less of good- X and more of Good-Y, when
A. MUx/Px = MUm

B. MUx/Px < MUy/Py C. MUy/Py = MUm D. MUx/Px>MUy/Py

B.MUx/Px < MUy/Py

3. The slope of indifference curve is equal to:
A. One

B. marginal rate of substitution

C. Marginal utility

D. zero

B.marginal rate of substitution

4. Why is indifference curve convex to origin?
A. Due to law of diminishing marginal utility

B. Due to monotonic preferences

C. Due to continuous decline of

D. Both a and b

C.Due to continuous decline of

5. Which of the following is not the property of indifference curve:
A. Higher the indifference curves higher the level of satisfaction

B. Two indifference curves cannot intersect each other

C. Indifference curve is concave to origin

D. Indifference curve is downward sloping

C.Indifference curve is concave to origin

6. Hicks and Allen believed that utility:
A. Cannot be measured

B. Cannot be expressed

C. Can be measured in cardinal

D. Can be measured in ordinal numbers

D.Can be measured in ordinal numbers

7. An indifference curve is related to:
A. Consumer’s income

B. prices of goods X and Y

C. Total utility from goods X and Y

D. choices and preferences of consumer

D.choices and preferences of consumer

8. A shift in budget line, when prices are constant, is due to:
A. change in demand

B. change in income

C. change in preferences

D. change in utility

B.change in income

9. In case of normal goods, demand curve shows:
A. a negative slope

B. a positive slope

C. zero slope

D. none of these

A.a negative slope

10. Law of demand must fail in case of:
A. normal good

B. giffen goods

C. inferior goods

D. none of these

B.giffen goods

11. Inferior goods are those whose income effect is:
A. negative

B. positive

C. zero

D. none of these


12. Which of the following pairs represents substitute goods?
A. car and petrol

B. juice and cold drink

C. bread and butter

D. all of these

B.juice and cold drink

13. Substitution effect takes place when price of the commodity becomes:
A. relatively cheaper

B. relatively dearer

C. stable

D. both (A) and (B)

D.both (A) and (B)

14. Total utility is
A. The sum total of marginal utilities

B. total level of satisfaction

C. Increases at a diminishing rate

D. All the above

D.All the above

15. Which of the following is called gossans first law
A. Law of substitution

B. Law of equi marginal utility

C. Law of diminishing

D. None of the above

C.Law of diminishing

16. Other things being equal a decrease in demand can be caused by
A. A fall in price of the commodity

B. A fall in income of the consumer

C. A rise in price of the substitute

D. None of these

B.A fall in income of the consumer

17. “Utility or satisfaction is a subjective concept; therefore it could only be ranked”. The statement supports
A. Cardinal utility theorist

B. Ordinal utility theorist

C. Behavioral theorist of the firm

D. None of the above

B.Ordinal utility theorist

18. The basic doctrine of consumers surplus is based on
A. Indifference curve analysis

B. Revealed preference theory

C. Law of substitution

D. Law of diminishing marginal utility

D.Law of diminishing marginal utility

19. Indifference curve is always
A. Concave to the origin

B. Convex to the

C. L shaped

D. A straight line

B.Convex to the

20. Engel curve for giffen good is
A. Positively sloped

B. Negatively sloped

C. Horizontal straight line

D. Vertical straight line

B.Negatively sloped

21. Price effect is
A. Income effect – substitution effect

B. Substitution effect – income effect

C. Income effect + substitution

D. Income effect + substitution effect-

C.Income effect + substitution

22. For a giffen good, when price falls
A. Demand increases at a faster rate

B. Demand decreases

C. Demand remains constant

D. Demand curve has a negative slope

B.Demand decreases

23. Revealed preference theory assumes


C. Both A and B

D. None of the above


24. Income consumption curve of an inferior commodity is
A. Positively sloped

B. Backward bending

C. Downward slopping straight

D. Showing constant income effect

B.Backward bending

25. In case of a convex indifference curve
A. MRS xy is constant

B. MRS xy is increasing

C. MRS xy is negligible

D. MRS xy is diminishing

D.MRS xy is diminishing

26. ‘Higher the indifference curve higher will be level of satisfaction’. The statement is
A. Always true

B. Always false

C. Sometimes true and sometimes

D. True only if price effect is positive

A.Always true

27. Strong ordering means
A. Absence of indifference

B. Presence of indifference

C. No difference between different combinations

D. None of the above

A.Absence of indifference

28. If negative income effect is greater than positive substitution effect : the product will be
A. A normal good

B. An inferior good

C. A giffen good

D. A complementary good

C.A giffen good

29. Suppose a rise in the price of peaches from Rs.5.50 to Rs. 6.50 per bushel decreases the quantity demanded from 12,500 to 11,500 bushels. The price elasticity of demand is
A. 0.5

B. 1000

C. 2

D. 1


30. The price elasticity of demand can range between
A. Negative one and one

B. zero and infinity

C. zero and one

D. negative infinity and infinity

B.zero and infinity

31. If the price elasticity is between 0 and 1, demand is
A. Inelastic

B. elastic

C. perfectly elastic

D. unit elastic


32. A good with a vertical demand curve has a demand with
A. Infinite elasticity

B. unit elasticity

C. Zero elasticity

D. varying elasticity

C.Zero elasticity

33. Marginal utility for money is positive in case of
A. Risk aversion

B. Risk lover

C. Risk neutral

D. all of these

B.Risk lover

34. When the expected utility is greater than utility of the certail income
A. person is risk averse

B. person is risk lover

C. person is risk neutral

D. None of the above

B.person is risk lover

35. The marginal utility curve of income curve is a straight line for
A. risk aversion

B. risk lover

C. Risk neutral

D. all of these

C.Risk neutral

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