300+ REAL TIME MOCK Interview Questions and Answers

Mock Interview Questions and answers Interview Questions and answers for freshers beginners and experienced pdf free download.

Mock Interview Questions :-

Interviewer: Tell us something about yourself.

Candidate: Firstly I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity and it’s my pleasure to introduce myself. I am Deewakar from hyderabad, completed my BE with specialization in IT with an aggregate of 71% from Pune University.

I’m a fresher with lots of enthusiasm and energy, have experienced wide exposure of working and playing together as a team in school and college sports and other extra-curriculum activities.

Along side college course, I have done crash course on various upcoming technologies like .NET, sharepoint, cloud computing etc.

Interviewer: Ok, why should we hire you?

Candidate: I have read job profile deeply. I believe, barring a few, most of the skills you require match my area of interest and knowledge. I need to work on a few areas to meet up your expectations, which I can do pretty quickly.

Although I do not have the work experience but I have the skills required to be associated with the project.

Interviewer: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Candidate: Strengths – Along with strong technical skills, I am a team player and initiative driven. I have proved my mettle as a team player both on the ground of sports and in other extra-curricular activities.

Weakness: Straight forwardness which many a times proves to be detrimental.

Interviewer: Can you work under pressure?

Candidate: I fall in love with my work even before it begins and thus extra pressure doesn’t bog me down. With my inclination towards spirituality, I can strengthen my passion towards work at my will. My belief system keeps suggesting me that extra pressure is adding more dimensions to my skills.

Interviewer: Are you willing to relocate or travel?

Candidate: I am very much open to re-location. In this brisk pace global environment, I would like and am willing to explore more geographic locations.

Interviewer: What are your goals?

Candidate: I believe in short-term goals which eventually transform into long-term benefits.

At the moment my utmost, desirous goal is to get associated with an organization and extend my expertise that I have amassed during my academic life. I want to learn new things to have strong foothold in the market. I want to take up the industrial challenges that are changing and touching new height every day.

Interviewer: What motivates you to do a good job?

Candidate: Self satisfaction and the urge to acquire new skills motivate me. When my effort bear result, I get the taste of fulfilment and that drives me to keep extending best of my service consistently and effectively.

Interviewer: Are you comfortable working in a team?

Candidate: Dedication, determination, deadline and discipline are the hallmark to be a team player. I have them in abundance but since I’m fresher, I have no precedent to prove my point. I have been associated with teams on many occasions – both at school and college and have earned accolades as a team member.

Interviewer: How do you rate your communication skills?

Candidate: I would rate myself average here. I have been consistently addressing it and improvement is evidently showing up.

Interviewer: You do not have all the skills we need for this position?

Candidate: Yes, I agree but at the same time you would see that I have most of the required skills. Being a quick learner, I won’t take much time to learn the other things.

Interviewer: How would you compensate for the lack of experience you have for this position?

Candidate: I agree that lack of experience is an area of concern, but I am quite abreast with most of the required skills and have worked on similar projects in the college. Although college projects can’t be compared with the live projects; but they has earned me confidence.

Interviewer: Are you speaking to some other companies? Or how is your job search going on?

Candidate: Yes, I am in the final round of discussion with two other companies. My job search is going fine and I hope it ends here.

Interviewer: What is your style of management?

Candidate: I do not conform to a specific management style. I try to adjust my style of management as per the situation and I have observed that it works best with current dynamics.

Differences should be seen as strengths, not weaknesses. They add zest to life.

Interviewer: What would you do if you and your colleague have a different approach to deal with a thing?

Candidate: I believe it is of utmost importance to stay professional, especially in the work environment. We can have difference of opinion, but nothing as adults which we can’t discuss and come to an amicable agreement.

Interviewer: What irritates you about co-workers?

Candidate: While working in a team we can’t afford to get irritated as it affects everybody’s productivity. I like to do my work with complete focus and punctuality. If someone doesn’t do his work honestly as per the agreed guidelines and on time – I definitely do not like it.

Interviewer: What motivates you at work?

Candidate: Trust, recognition, empowerment and working together with colleagues with everyone sharing ideas and thus reaching the desired goal.
I am self-motivated but work well with others to get the needs of the job done, done well, and done on-time.

Interviewer: How much salary do you expect?

Candidate: Sir, salary is important; work is much more. As a fresher, my primary concern is to learn from you and enhance my knowledge. I want to build a career with work experience. I will be happy with the package you will offer me as per the company’s norms.

Interviewer: Has your career developed as you had liked?

Candidate: It’s shaping yet. I’m trying my best to shape it as I want it be. Being satisfied with my job will be the most I can ask for.

Interviewer: Would you take up this job if we offered it to you?

Candidate: Yes. I would definitely take up this offer and which is why I’m here. I’m confident the company will recognize my talent.

Interviewer: What would you do if your team ceased to perform?

Candidate: I would try and find the reason behind it. I will ensure that they are well motivated to perform. Team may always not perform because they are not skilled. Digging into the root cause should be the approach.

Interviewer: Would you like to work in a team or on your own?

Candidate: I would definitely like to work in a team. It helps to learn new things, understand new people, exchange ideas etc.

Interviewer: How do you feel about doing repetitive work?

Candidate: Repetitive work can get boring at times. However, the more you practice, the better you get. If my work demands me to do repetitive work, I’ll do it. However, I do expect some creativity.

Interviewer: Do you want to ask us something about the company?

Candidate: How did the company handle recession?

Does the company have some provisions for the employees wanting to study further?