MS EXCEL Interview Questions for freshers and experienced :-
1. What is Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is said to be a spreadsheet application or an electronic worksheet that is helpful for storing, analyzing data, manipulating data, and organizing reports.
2. Provide the different types of data formats available in Excel
Accounting, Date, Percentage, Number, and Text are the different data formats available in Excel.
3. Define Format Painter
If you want to copy the format of a cell, text, image etc and apply on another text, the Format painter is used.
4. Define cells in Excel
The place where we store the data is called a cell.
5. Why to use comments in Excel?
Comments in Excel are used to describe a formula given in a cell and leave notes for the users for any extra/special information.
6. How will you add comments in Excel?
To add comments in Excel, perform the below actions:
- Right-click on the cell
- Select “Insert” from the toolbar
- Click “Comment”. Comment box appears. You can enter the required information here.
7. List out the charts available in MS Excel
Pie, Bar, Scatter, Line are some of the available charts in MS Excel, which is useful to provide graphical representation of a report/analysis.
8. What is Ribbon in Excel
A specific area that runs at the top of the application, comprised of toolbar and menu items is called a Ribbon. There are various tabs available in ribbon containing a set of commands to use in the application.
9. What is the shortcut key to hide the ribbon in Excel?
Ctrl+F1 is the shortcut key to hide the ribbon in Excel
10. How will you protect a sheet in Excel?
To protect the worksheet in Excel, navigate to Menu bar -> Review -> Protect sheet -> Password. Provide a password to protect the worksheet and avoid copying the data.
11. What is the function used to get the total of columns and rows in Excel?
To get the total of columns and rows in Excel, use the function ‘SUM’.
12. How many report formats are available in Excel?
Report, Compact and Tabular are the formats available in Excel.
13. What is the use of ‘IF’ function in Excel?
To verify whether the conditions are true or false, the function ‘IF’ is used in Excel.
14. Give the advantage of Look Up function in Excel
To return a value for array, you can use the function Look Up
15. What is the shortcut key to delete the blank columns?
To delete the blank columns in Excel, press Ctrl+-.
16. How many rows and columns are present in Microsoft Excel 2013?
There are 1048576 rows and 16384 columns in Microsoft Excel 2013.
17. Provide the syntax for VLookUp
The syntax for VLookUp is given below:
18. How the errors are highlighted in Excel?
The different errors displayed in Excel are #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM, #N/A, #NAME, and #VALUE!.
19. While evaluating formulas in Excel, what is the operations order used?
PEMDAS is the acronym given for the order of operations in Excel.
P – Parenthesis/ Brackets
E – Exponentiation (^)
M – Multiplication
D – Division
A – Addition
S – Subtraction
20. Provide the major functions performed in Excel
The major functions performed in Excel are SUMIF, INDEX/MATCH, VLOOKUP, IFERROR and COUNTIF.
21. In excel, what is the function used to get the length of a string?
Use the function ‘LEN’ to find the text string length.
22. Describe volatile functions
When there is a modification performed in the worksheet, make use of volatile function to recalculate the formula repeatedly.
23. Provide the list of volatile formulas
TODAY(), NOW(), and RAND(. are the highly volatile formulas. INDIRECT(), OFFSET(), INFO(), and CELL(. are the other volatile formulas.
24. Provide the shortcut for find and replace
Ctrl+F is the shortcut key to open the find tab and Ctrl+H is the shortcut to open find and replace tab.
25. How will you open the spellcheck dialog box using a shortcut key?
To open a spell-check dialog box, the shortcut key is F7.
26. To perform auto-sum on the rows and columns, what is the shortcut?
‘ALT=’ is the shortcut to perform auto-sum on the rows and columns.
27. How will you open a new Excel workbook using a shortcut key?
Ctrl+N is the shortcut to open a new Excel workbook.
28. Can you give us the different sections in a Pivot Table?
Filter Area, Columns Area, Values Area, and Rows Area are the sections available in Pivot Table.
29. What is Slicer in Excel
The 2010 version Excel has the feature called Slicer in Pivot Table. With the help of Slicer in Pivot table, users can filter the data while selecting one or more options in slicer box.
30. Who designed the Bullet Chart?
Stephen Few is a dashboard expert who designed Bullet Charts and this chart has been extensively acknowledged as one of the topmost graphical representation to show the performance report.
31. What are the different types of data filter available in Excel?
Date filter, Text Filter and Number Filter are the different types of data filter available in Excel.
32. What are the popular methods to transpose a data set in Excel?
Using Transpose function and Paste Special Dialog Box are the two (2. methods to transpose a data set in Excel.
33. Is it possible to remove duplicates in Excel from a data set?
There is an in-built feature in Excel to remove duplicates from a data set. Steps to remove duplicates is given below:
Select Data -> Select ‘Data’ tab -> Click ‘Remove Duplicates’.
34. Provide the two macro languages available in MS Excel
Visual Basic Applications (VBA. and XLM are the two (2. macro languages available in MS Excel.
35. Mention the event used to check the status of a Pivot Table modification
Use the event ‘PivotTableUpdate’ to check the status of a Pivot Table modification in a worksheet.
36. What is the syntax of SUBSTITUTE function in Excel?
Syntax of SUBSTITUTE function in Excel:
‘SUBSTITUTE(text, oldText, newText, [instanceNumber])’
37. What is the syntax of REPLACE function in Excel?
Syntax of REPLACE function in Excel:
REPLACE(oldText, startNumber, NumberCharacters, newText)
38. What are the keys used to move to the previous worksheet in Excel?
The keys Ctrl + PgUp is used to move to the previous worksheet in Excel
39. What are the keys used to move to the next worksheet in Excel?
The keys Ctrl + PgDown is used to move to the previous worksheet in Excel
40. Which filter is used to analyse the list that is employed with database function?
Advanced Criteria Filter is used to analyse the list employed with database function.
41. What is the shortcut key to minimize the workbook?
The keys ‘Ctrl+F9’ is the shortcut key to minimize the workbook.
42. How will you cancel an entry using the shortcut key?
‘Esc’ key is used to cancel the entry in Excel.
43. Will we be able to change the font and color of the multiple sheet tabs?
Yes, we can easily change the font and color of the sheet tabs in Excel.
44. What are the key elements to give a best dashboard?
The key elements such as Minimum distractions, visual presentation of information, easy to communicate, and provide useful data to the business stands out to be the best dashboard.
45. What are the new enhancements available in Excel latest version?
Slicers, Tables, IFERROR, Powerpivot, and Sparklines are the new enhancements available in Excel latest version.
46. Is it possible to close all the open excel files at a time?
Yes, it is possible to close all the open excel files at a time.
47. In Excel, what is Name Manager?
We give a name for a cell or a Range which is called Name Manager. Using the Name manager, Table gets managed.
48. Which symbol is used to lock or fix the reference?
The symbol ‘$’ is used to lock or fix the reference.
49. What is the advantage of Freeze panes in Excel?
If you want to lock a specific column or row, Freeze panes can be used.
50. Do you think we have unique address for each cell?
Yes, we have a uniue address for each cell based on the value of the row and column.