300+ TOP National Dishes Quiz Questions and Answers MCQs

National Dishes Quiz Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is the main ingredient in Chivito, the national dish of Uruguay?
A. Beef steak

B. Fried chicken

C. Grilled pork

Answer: A. Beef steak

2. Pho, a soup dish containing meat, herbs, rice noodles, and broth, is the national dish of which Asian country?
A. Thailand

B. Malaysia

C. Vietnam

Answer: C. Vietnam

3. Italy has several national dishes on the list, but which of the following is not one of them?
A. Pizza

B. Hamburger

C. Spaghetti

Answer: B. Hamburger

4. Hákarl is the national dish of Iceland. What does the name literally mean?
A. Fermented shark

B. Fermented whale

C. Fermented salmon

Answer: A. Fermented shark

5. In which country do people eat kimchi, a traditional side dish of fermented and salted veggies?
A. India

B. South Korea

C. Singapore

Answer: B. South Korea

6. Poutine, a dish of cheese curds and French fries topped with brown gravy, is a symbol of which Canadian region?
A. British Columbia

B. Ontario

C. Quebec

Answer: C. Quebec

7. Gyro or gyros, made from meat cooked on a vertical rotisserie, is the national dish of which country?
A. Croatia

B. Turkey

C. Greece

Answer: C. Greece

8. What is the other name of bigos, the national dish of Poland containing chopped meat, shredded cabbage, and sauerkraut?
A. Hunter’s stew

B. Farmer’s stew

C. Soldier’s stew

Answer: A. Hunter’s stew

9. What is the distinctive colour of borscht, the national dish of Ukraine?
A. Yellow

B. Red

C. Green

Answer: B. Red

10. What is the national dish of the United States?
A. French fries

B. Hamburger

C. Fried chicken

Answer: B. Hamburger

11. Which of the following is the national dish of Britain?
A. Hainanese chicken rice

B. Mountain chicken

C. Chicken tikka masala

Answer: C. Chicken tikka masala

12. Which type of food is crepe, the national dish of France?
A. Pancake

B. Baguette

C. Croissant

Answer: A. Pancake

13. Which country’s national dish is called doner kebab, basically a wrap filled with roasted veal or lamb?
A. Iran

B. Turkey

C. Israel

Answer: B. Turkey

14. The national dish of Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria contains which staple product of North Africa?
A. Couscous

B. Camel meat

C. Cactus

Answer: A. Couscous

15. The national dish of which country is called ackee and saltfish?
A. Jamaica

B. Panama

C. Cuba

Answer: A. Jamaica

16. Pad thai is the national dish of Thailand. What does the word “pad” literally mean?
A. Boil

B. Grill

C. Stir fry

Answer: C. Stir fry

17. Apple pie is widely considered to be the national dessert of the United States. When was the dish introduced to America by European migrants?
A. 17th century

B. 18th century

C. 19th century

Answer: A. 17th century

18. Which kind of bread is used to wrap veggies and meat in tacos, the famous national dish of Mexico?
A. Roti

B. Pita bread

C. Tortilla

Answer: C. Tortilla

19. Which the following facts is NOT true about sushi, the national dish of Japan?
A. Rice is mixed with vinegar

B. Salmon or tuna is steamed

C. It is usually served cold

Answer: B. Salmon or tuna is steamed

20. Fondue, the national dish of Switzerland, can be eaten by dipping bread into what?
A. Melted cheese

B. Melted chocolate

C. Steamed honey

Answer: A. Melted cheese

21. The national dish of which country is named after its capital?
A. China (Peking duck)

B. Iran (Persian bun)

C. Austria (Tyrolean Speck)

Answer: A. China (Peking duck)

22. The Pope’s Fettuccine is the national dish of which country?
A. Monaco

B. Lichtenstein

C. Vatican City

Answer: C. Vatican City

23. The national dish of Hungary is a stew of meat and veggies seasoned with spices. What is it called?
A. Foie gras

B. Goulash

C. Hortobágyi palacsinta

Answer: B. Goulash

24. Which kind of jam is often served with Köttbullar, the national dish of Sweden?
A. Lingonberry jam

B. Blackberry jam

C. Strawberry jam

Answer: A. Lingonberry jam

25. Which species of fish is typically used for making fish and chips, the national dish of the United Kingdom?
A. Tuna

B. Cod

C. Salmon

Answer: B. Cod

26. Which special ingredient in Spanish omelette, the national dish of Spain, makes it different from other types of omelette?
A. Potatoes

B. Cucumber

C. Potatoes

Answer: C. Potatoes

27. Which type of meat is sautéed to make the national dish of Finland?
A. Polar bear

B. Reindeer

C. Penguin

Answer: B. Reindeer

28. Currywurst and bratwurst are the famous national dishes of Germany. What does the word “wurst” mean?
A. Sausage

B. Ham

C. Bacon

Answer: A. Sausage

29. In which African country do people serve a spongy pita bread called injera in almost every meal?
A. Nigeria

B. Ethiopia

C. Zimbabwe

Answer: B. Ethiopia

30. Which kind of food is needed to cook ceviche, the national dish of Peru?
A. Dairy products

B. Meat

C. Seafood

Answer: B. Meat

31. The national dish of Brazil is feijoada, a stew of pork or beef and which ingredient?
A. Beans

B. Rice

C. Lentils

Answer: A. Beans

32. What is the national dish of Grenada, a stew of chicken, turmeric, dumplings, and breadfruit?
A. Water down

B. Oil down

C. Vinegar down

Answer: B. Oil down

33. Bobotie, which contains spices, dried fruit, minced meat, and baked-egg topping, is the national dish of which country?
A. Saudi Arabia

B. South Africa

C. Samoa

Answer: B. South Africa

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