300+ [REAL TIME] Oceanography Interview Questions and Answers

    1. 1. Which One Of The Following Is A Warm Ocean Current ?

      East Australian current.


    1. 2. Average Salinity Of Water Of Arabian Sea Is?

      35 ppt.


    1. 3. Major Source Of Oceanic Salinity Is____?

      Ash from Volcanoes.


    1. 4. Which One Of The Following Is The Tide Produced As A Consequence Of Moon And Sun Pulling The Earth In The Same Direction?

      High tide.


    1. 5. Tidal Range Denotes The ____?

      difference between high and low tide.


    1. 6. The Portion Of The Earths Surface Covered With Water Is Roughly ____?

      Two – third.


    1. 7. The Challenger Rise Is Located In ___?

      The Atlantic Ocean.


    1. 8. Which Of The Following Is A Continental Shelf Sea_____?

      Red sea.


    1. 9. Which Of The Following Oceans Does Not Have A North South Submarine Ridge?

      Pacific Ocean.


    1. 10. Which Is The Smallest Among The Following Water Bodies ?

      Japan Sea.


    1. 11. The Largest Reserves Of Fresh Water On The Earth S Surface In____?

      North America.


    1. 12. The Coastline Formed By The Submergence Of Mountain Ridges Running Parallel To The Coast Is Known As ___?

      Dalmation coast.


    1. 13. A Submarine Mountain Rising More Than 1000 Meters Above The Ocean Floor Is Known As___?

      Sea mount.


    1. 14. Which Is A Warm Current?

      Gulf stream.


    1. 15. Which Is A Cool Current_____?

      Humboldt current.


    1. 16. Periodic Movement Of The Sea Water Is Known As____?



    1. 17. Current Which Flow From Lower Latitudes To Higher Latitudes Are ____?

      Warm Current.


    1. 18. The Deepest Ocean In The World Is: ____?

      The Pacific Ocean.


    1. 19. Pelagic Deposits Consists Of :

      Organic ooze materials.


    1. 20. Pelagic Deposits Are Mainly Found Below The Depth Of:

      600 fathoms.


    1. 21. Radiolarian Oozes Occur In The Depths Of ?

      2000 to 5000 fathoms.


    1. 22. Pelagic Deposits Are In The Form Of Liquid Mud Known As Ooze Found?

      on the deep ocean floor.


    1. 23. Benthos Is The Name Given To A Those Organisms Which Live____?

      At the bottom of the ocean.


    1. 24. Abundant Organic Life Is Present In_____?

      Zone of upwelling of cold water.


    1. 25. Oozes Are Associated With___?

      Pelagic deposits.


    1. 26. Neap Tides Occur During ______?

      First and third quarter.


    1. 27. Salinity Of Sea Water Refers To The Salt Content Expressed In Terms Of Gram Per Kilograms. The Average Salt Content Is ?



    1. 28. Spring Tide Means____?

      higher high tide, higher low tide.


    1. 29. Drift Plain Are Formed By ?

      Deposits of continental glaciations.


    1. 30. Fiord Originate As A Result Of ____

      Glacial erosion.


    1. 31. Groin Is——— ?

      simply a wall built at right angles to the shorelines.


    1. 32. Delta Shore Line Is—- ?

      built of material brought out of stream system.


    1. 33. What Is A Coastal Plains ?

      Coastal plains is created by continental shelf exposed by emergence.


    1. 34. The Greatest Known Ocean Depth Is ?

      11033 metre.


    1. 35. The Caspian Sea, The Largest Inland Sea Or Lake In The World , Is Located?

      Partly in Europe and partly in Asia.


    1. 36. Which Is The Largest Sea In The World ?

      South China Sea.


    1. 37. Which Is The Largest Gulf In The World ?

      The Gulf of Mexico.


    1. 38. What Is Ninety East Ridge?

      There is a submarine ridge in the Bay of Bengal is called Ninety east ridge.


    1. 39. What Is The Proportion Of Landmass Of The Ocean Floor Plotted Against The Given Datum Line Called ?

      Hypsographic curve.


    1. 40. Where Is The Dogger Bank, Which Is A Major Fishing Area Located?

      North Sea.


    1. 41. The Canal Joining Baltic Sea To North Sea Is?

      Kiel Canal.


    1. 42. Dead Sea Is Situated In_____?

      A rift valley.


    1. 43. The Busiest And The Most Important Sea Route Of The World Is_____?

      North Atlantic Sea Route.


    1. 44. Which One Among The Following Best Explains The Reason For The Eastern And Western Boundaries Of The Pacific Ocean Experiencing Frequent Earthquake?

      These margins coincide with the plate margins.


    1. 45. What Is Thermocline?

      The layer of water in the oceans and lakes that separates the warmer surface layer from the deeper colder layer is called  Thermocline.