300+ TOP Personality Psychology MCQs and Answers Quiz

Personality Psychology Multiple Choice Questions

1. What name did Freud give to his model of the mind which comprised the Id, Ego and Superego?
A. genetic model

B. structural model

C. topographical model

D. unconscious model

Answer: B. structural model

2. According to Freud, Displacement, Sublimation and Projection are all types of what?
A. psychosocial stage of development

B. defence mechanism

C. psychosexual stage of development

D. neurotic need

Answer: B. defence mechanism

3. Freud ascribed to the notion of psychic deterministm, which had an important influenceon his theories of personality and approach to therapy. To what does this term refer?
A. the belief that the human mind is capable of telepathy

B. the belief that consciousness determines the development of personality

C. the belief that believing in an event will make it happen

D. the belief that all things happen for a reason

Answer: D. the belief that all things happen for a reason

4. Which of the following is a technique Freud used in therapy?
A. dream analysis

B. free association

C. projective techniques

D. all of these

Answer: D. all of these

5. According to Freud, what was the consequence of the physical inability of women to overcome penis envy and the reason their personality would never fully develop?
A. their id could never fully develop

B. their ego could never fully develop

C. their superego could never fully develop

D. all of the above

Answer: C. their superego could never fully develop

6. Which of the following is not one of the psychosocial stages of development proposed by Erikson?
A. kidulthood

B. toddlerhood

C. infancy

D. middle adulthood

Answer: A. kidulthood

7. What aspect of the family did Adler believe may play a significant role in personality development?
A. age of parents when first child was born

B. gender of siblings

C. birth order

D. size of extended family

Answer: C. birth order

8. Id is to “Just do it” as superego is to
A. “wait till later.”

B. “do your own thing.”

C. “don\t do it.”

D. “oh, sit on it.”

Answer: C. “don\t do it.”

9. The unconscious contains
A. material that can easily be brought to awareness.

B. everything we are aware of at a given moment

C. repressed memories and emotions.

D. thoughts, perceptions, and memories.

Answer: C. repressed memories and emotions.

10. Behavioral theories of personality are often criticized for their
A. inability to test or verify concepts.

B. limited recognition of temperament, emotion, and subjective factors.

C. ability to explain behavior after the fact only.

D. emphasis on the conditions under which behaviors occur.

Answer: B. limited recognition of temperament, emotion, and subjective factors.

11. The concept of traits is used to account for personal characteristics that are
A. biologically determined.

B. relatively permanent and enduring.

C. situation specific.

D. shared by a group.

Answer: B. relatively permanent and enduring.

12. The five-factor model of personality includes
A. social interactionism.

B. neuroticism.

C. agreeableness.

D. sense of humor.

Answer: C. agreeableness.

13. A personality theory is a(n)
A. category used to describe personality

B. interrelated system of concepts used to explain personality.

C. relatively permanent set of behavior patterns.

D. subjective evaluation of a person.

Answer: B. interrelated system of concepts used to explain personality.

14. Which of the following is an unconscious personality structure made up of biologicalurges seeking fulfillment?
A. ego

B. id

C. superego

D. subconscious

Answer: B. id

15. Criticisms of Freud’s developmental theory have centered on
A. the over-emphasis on sexuality in personality development.

B. freud’s treatment of father-daughter relationship.

C. the need for a stern or threatening mother in the development of conscience.

D. the unimportance of the first years of life in the formation of personality.

Answer: A. the over-emphasis on sexuality in personality development.

16. One problem psychologists have with personality types is they
A. are hypothetical constructs

B. oversimplify personality

C. describe character, not personality

D. are not observable or measurable.

Answer: B. oversimplify personality

17. Freud believed that personality was typified by
A. a delicate balance of power among the three personality structures.

B. a lack of struggle among the three personality structures in the healthy individual.

C. a lack of struggle among the three personality structures in the unhealthy individal

D. a state of struggle among the three personality structures in which the id gets

Answer: A. a delicate balance of power among the three personality structures.

18. To understand personality, trait theorists attempt to
A. create traits that fit people.

B. increase the number of basic traits that have been identified.

C. classify traits and discover how they are related to behavior.

D. reduce the common traits to measures of temperament.

Answer: C. classify traits and discover how they are related to behavior.

19. According to Freud, the energy from life instincts that drives personality is called the
A. ego.

B. libido.

C. life force.

D. eros.

Answer: B. libido.

20. According to Freud, the id is governed by the
A. pleasure principle.

B. reality principle.

C. ego ideal.

D. creature comfort principle.

Answer: A. pleasure principle.

21. Learning theorists
A. have removed the “person” from personality.

B. emphasize situational determinants of behavior.

C. stress the role of the unconscious.

D. would view a trait as stable in all situations.

Answer: B. emphasize situational determinants of behavior.

22. In the Freudian view of personality, which system is totally unconscious and dominated by biological instincts?
A. id

B. ego

C. superego

D. libido

Answer: A. id

23. According to Freud, the ego is governed by the
A. pleasure principle.

B. reality principle.

C. ego ideal.

D. partial ego principle.

Answer: B. reality principle.

24. The five-factor model of personality includes
A. social interactionism.

B. conscientiousness.

C. sense of humor.

D. neuroticism.

Answer: B. conscientiousness.

25. According to Jung, art, religion, myths, and drama are important to individual functioning because they
A. facilitate conscious development.

B. are symbols that appeal to basic archetypes.

C. provide the means for achieving control over a hostile environment.

D. transmit specific information for solving developmental tasks.

Answer: B. are symbols that appeal to basic archetypes.

26. One of Freud’s major contributions was his
A. belief that the first years of life help to shape personality.

B. belief in the concept of libido, sexual desires, and biological instincts.

C. discovery of complexes during the genital stage.

D. elaboration of the humanistic approach to personality development.

Answer: A. belief that the first years of life help to shape personality.

27. What do psychologists mean by the term trait-situation interaction?
A. situations change traits.

B. situations create new traits.

C. traits determine situations.

D. situations affect how traits are exhibited.

Answer: D. situations affect how traits are exhibited.

28. An adjective checklist would most likely be used by a
A. psychodynamic therapist.

B. behaviorist.

C. humanistic therapist.

D. trait theorist.

Answer: D. trait theorist.

29. The “amazing similarities” of identical twins may be a result of
A. the fallacy of positive instances

B. deliberate deceit by the twins.

C. deliberate deceit by the researchers.

D. the barnum effect.

Answer: A. the fallacy of positive instances

30. Psychologists who believe that people grow and develop throughout their lives and that people are inherently good are
A. psychoanalysts.

B. radical behaviorists.

C. social learning theorists.

D. humanists.

Answer: D. humanists.

31. According to the humanists, __________ occurs when people are free from dependence on external authority or on other people.
A. autonomy

B. spontaneity

C. peak experience

D. task centering

Answer: A. autonomy

32. A psychiatrist who explains pathological behavior as a conflict between underlying psychological forces is using the __________ model.
A. psychoanalytic

B. behavioral

C. medical

D. humanistic

Answer: A. psychoanalytic

33. According to behaviorists,
A. hostile, generous, or destructive impulses arise in the unconscious.

B. personality is acquired through conditioning and observational learning.

C. personality is strongly influenced by one\s self-image.

D. personality develops from initial feelings of inferiority.

Answer: B. personality is acquired through conditioning and observational learning.

34. The part of the mind that is beyond awareness is called the
A. unconscious.

B. conscious.

C. postconscious.

D. preconscious.

Answer: A. unconscious.

35. The __________ contains material of which you may be unaware but that can easily bebrought to awareness.
A. subconscious

B. preconscious

C. unconscious

D. conscious

Answer: B. preconscious

36. According to Freud, the key to mental health is
A. an overpowering superego.

B. an unrestrained id.

C. dominance of the pleasure principle.

D. balance among mental processes.

Answer: D. balance among mental processes.

37. If you know the personality of an identical twin, you can expect the personality of the other twin to be
A. unrelated.

B. similar.

C. identical.

D. conflicting.

Answer: B. similar.

38. The __________ begins with puberty and ends with a mature capacity for love and the realization of full adult sexuality.
A. latency period

B. oedipal and electra conflicts

C. genital stage

D. phallic stage

Answer: C. genital stage

39. Which is included as one of the traits Maslow theorized were possessed by selfactualizer?
A. egocentrism

B. extraversion

C. superior intelligence

D. capacity to laugh at oneself

Answer: D. capacity to laugh at oneself

40. We each have a perception of our own personality traits. This perception strongly influences our behavior. Psychologists call this perception
A. self-evaluation.

B. inner concept.

C. self-concept.

D. self-esteem.

Answer: C. self-concept.

41. A key element of Carl Rogers’ personality theory is the concept of
A. meta-needs.

B. the self or self-image.

C. self-reinforcement.

D. the pleasure principle.

Answer: B. the self or self-image.

42. According to Freud, the Oedipal and Electra conflicts end when a child takes on the values and behaviors of the same sex parent in a process called
A. fixation.

B. imitation.

C. observation.

D. identification.

Answer: D. identification.

43. Between the ages of 1 and 3 years, the child is said to go through the __________ stage.
A. phallic

B. latency

C. anal

D. genital

Answer: C. anal

44. The position that personality is composed of learned patterns is held by
A. neo-freudians.

B. humanists.

C. behaviorists or behavioral personality theorists.

D. psychoanalytic theorists.

Answer: C. behaviorists or behavioral personality theorists.

45. Which theory of personality was developed by Sigmund Freud?
A. psychoanalytic

B. behavioristic

C. humanistic

D. psychosocial

Answer: A. psychoanalytic

46. Jung believed that there are basic universal concepts in all people regardless of culture called
A. persona.

B. collective consciousness.

C. archetypes.

D. mandalas.

Answer: C. archetypes.

47. The description of a person’s character implies
A. the use of rating scales.

B. the use of multiple observers.

C. the use of situational testing.

D. judgment about the desirability of traits.

Answer: D. judgment about the desirability of traits.

48. The main criticism of humanistic theory is that
A. it emphasizes the negative dimensions of personality.

B. it is research rather than experience oriented.

C. its concepts are imprecise and difficult to study objectively.

D. its approach is more empirical than philosophical.

Answer: C. its concepts are imprecise and difficult to study objectively.

49. If self-esteem is too high, the person may be
A. boring.

B. ineffective.

C. dull.

D. arrogant.

Answer: D. arrogant.

50. Behaviorists are to the external environment as humanists are to
A. stress.

B. personal growth.

C. humanki

Answer: B. personal growth.

51. Freud believed that at each psychosexual stage a different part of the body becomes
A. id-fixated.

B. archetypical.

C. an erogenous zone.

D. a source for modeling.

Answer: C. an erogenous zone.

52. Self-actualization refers to
A. a tendency that causes human personality problems.

B. what it is that makes certain men and women famous.

C. anyone who is making full use of his or her potentials.

D. the requirements necessary for becoming famous, academically distinguished, or rich.

Answer: C. anyone who is making full use of his or her potentials.

53. The term personality refers to
A. the hereditary aspects of one\s emotional nature.

B. unique and enduring behavior patterns.

C. favorable and unfavorable personal characteristics.

D. charisma, character, or temperament.

Answer: B. unique and enduring behavior patterns.

54. __________ theories stress private, subjective experience and personal growth.
A. trait

B. humanistic

C. behavioristic

D. psychodynamic

Answer: B. humanistic

55. During the first year of life, the child is said to go through the __________ stage.
A. oral

B. anal

C. genital

D. phallic

Answer: A. oral

56. Critics of psychoanalytic personality theory note its failure to
A. be able to predict future behavior.

B. provide a role for biological instincts in personality development.

C. explain psychological events after they have occurr

Answer: A. be able to predict future behavior.

57. Learning sex-appropriate behavior is greatly influenced by
A. self-reinforcement and resolution of unconscious conflicts.

B. identification and imitation.

C. toilet training and early feeding contacts.

D. valuing and self-regard.

Answer: B. identification and imitation.

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