300+ TOP Pius XII Quiz Questions and Answers MCQs

Pius XII Quiz Questions

1) When was Pius XII elected pope?
A. 21 November 1938
B. 2 March 1939
C. 14 August 1940
D. 22 February 1942

2) There were 62 cardinals in the conclave that elected Pius XII pope. How many votes did Pius XII get?
A. 61
B. 62
C. 36
D. 43

3) What was the motto of Pius XII?
A. Semper Idem
B. Deus Caritas Est
C. Opus Justitiae Pax
D. Christus Regnus

4) Which significant event occurred on 3 September 1939?
A. Treaty of Versailles
B. End of World War I
C. French Revolution
D. Beginning of World War II

5) Which encyclical of Pius XII deals with Bible?
A. Divino Afflante Spiritu
B. Fidei Donum
C. Musicae Sacrae
D. Summi Pontificatus

6) Which encyclical of Pius XII deals with human origin?
A. Anni Sacri
B. Ad Caeli Reginam
C. Humani Generis
D. Doctor Mellifluus

7) Which dogma was defined by Pius XII on 1 November 1950?
A. Ascension of Jesus
B. Assumption of Mary
C. Coronation of Mary
D. Resurrection of Jesus

8) Pius XII created the first Indian cardinal. Who was he?
A. Lawrence Picachy
B. Valerian Gracias
C. Oswald Gracias
D. Joseph Parekattil

9) Which apostolic letter of Pius XII was about the Catholic Church in China?
A. Cupimis imprimis
B. Nosti profecto
C. Dum maerenti animo
D. Impensiore caritate

10) When did Pius XII die?
A. 4 July 1954
B. 9 October 1958
C. 6 May 1959
D. 12 April 1969

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