Planet Neptune Quiz Multiple Choice Questions
1. What is Neptune ?
Answer: Neptune is the eighth and farthest known Solar planet from the Sun.
2. How many moons does Neptune have ?
Answer: 14
3. Does Neptune have rings ?
Answer: Neptune has at least five main rings and four prominent ring arcs as per current information.
4. What is Neptune made of ?
Answer: Most (80% or more) of the planet’s mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of “icy” materials – water, methane, and ammonia – above a small, rocky core.
5. How far is Neptune from the Sun ?
Answer: Neptune is around 4.4751 billion km from Sun.
6. What color is Neptune ?
Answer: Neptune is predominantly blue in color.
7. How far is Neptune from Earth ?
Answer: Neptune is around 4.3319 billion km from Earth.
8. How long would it take to get to Neptune ?
Answer: It will take around 12 years.
9. Is Neptune a Gas Giant ?
Answer: Yes. Planet Neptune along with Planet Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the gas giants in our Solar System.
10. Why is Neptune blue in color ?
Answer: The predominant blue color of the planet is a result of the absorption of red and infrared light by Neptune’s methane atmosphere.
11. How many rings does Neptune have ?
Answer: Planet Neptune has six known rings.
12. Who discovered Neptune ?
Answer: There is evidence that Planet Neptune was seen and recorded by Galileo Galilei in 1613, Jérôme Lalande in 1795, and John Herschel in 1830.
13. When was Neptune discovered ?
Answer: It was discovered on 23 September 1846.
14. How big is Neptune ?
Answer: In the Solar System, it is the fourth-largest planet by diameter, the third-most-massive planet, and the densest giant planet.
15. How long is a year on Neptune ?
Answer: 165 years
16. What is the temperature of Neptune ?
Answer: The average temperature on Planet Neptune is a brutally cold -373 degrees F.
17. How long does it take Neptune to orbit the Sun ?
Answer: 165 years
18. Does it rain diamonds on Neptune ?
Answer: Yes, as per the Scientists deep within the Neptune it rain diamonds.
19. How did Neptune get its name ?
Answer: The planet is named after the Roman god of the sea, as suggested by Le Verrier.
20. Which is the largest moon of Neptune ?
Answer: Triton is the largest of Neptune’s 13 moons.
21. How far away is Neptune from the Sun ?
Answer: It is about 4.4751 billion km away from the Sun.
22. What is the diameter of Neptune ?
Answer: 49,244 km
23. What is Neptune’s atmosphere made of ?
Answer: Neptune’s atmosphere is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium with just a little bit of methane.
24. How many spacecraft visited Neptune ?
Answer: The only spacecraft that has ever visited Neptune was NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft.
25. Is there any life on Neptune ?
Answer: Right now, scientists don’t know if there’s any life on Neptune but the conditions on the planet seem very hostile for life.
26. What is the temperature at the center of Planet Neptune ?
Answer: 5,400 K
27. When was the ring system of Neptune discovered ?
Answer: It was first discovered in 1984.
28. What is the Great Dark Spot in Neptune ?
Answer: It was an anticyclonic storm system spanning 13,000 km × 6,600 km (8,100 mi × 4,100 mi) spotted by NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft.
29. What is the Small Dark Spot in Neptune ?
Answer: The Small Dark Spot is a southern cyclonic storm, the second-most-intense storm observed during the 1989 encounter.
30. Which Planet’s gravity mostly dominates the Kuiper belt ?
Answer: Planet Neptune