Plant Breeding Multiple Choice Questions
1. The concept of disruptive was given by_____?
A. Morgan
B. Shull and East
C. Mather
D. None of the above
2. Germplasm gene banks for different crop plants in world are about______?
A. 980
B. 1080
C. 1200
D. 1100
3. Protein content in barely is higher than_____?
A. maize
B. rice
C. wheat
D. None of the above
4. Shull and East (1908) proposed over dominance hypothesis of hetrosis in_____?
A. Barley
B. wheat
C. Maize
D. None of the above
5. ICARDA is located at______?
A. Columbia
B. Tamil Nadu
C. Syria
D. None of the above
6. Global gene pool rice is maintained at_________________?
A. China
B. IRRI Philippines
C. Mexico
D. None of the above
7. In the long term storage, germplasm can be stored upto ____________?
A. 200 years
B. 150 years
C. 100 years
D. 1250 years
8. Global gene bank of Potato is located at______?
A. Columbia
B. Florida
C. CIP Peru
D. None of the above
9. Conservation of germplasm under natural condion is called__________?
A. In-situ conservation
B. Gene bank
C. Ex-situ conservation
D. Obsolute cultivars
10. Gene pool consist of_____?
A. Modern cultivars
B. Advanced breeding materials
C. Land race
D. All the above
11. Germplasm collected within the country is known as__________?
A. Active collection
B. Working collection
C. Indigenous collection
D. Exotic collection
12. A place or area where maximum variability of crop plants is observed_________?
A. Genetic diversity
B. Micro centers
C. Gene sanctuaries
D. Centers of diversity
13. System of mating were given by______?
A. Sewell Wright (1921)
B. Mather (1953)
C. Bruce and Keebel (1908)
D. Shall and East (1920)
14. Allogamy leads to________?
A. Homozy gosity
B. Heterozy gosity
C. Segregation
D. none of the above
15. The term mitosis was coined by_______?
A. Flemming (1882)
B. De Vries and correns (1908)
C. Bruce and Keeble (1908)
D. Non of these
16. Artificial vegetative reproduction is done by_______?
A. Grafting
B. Budding
C. Layering
D. All the above
17. When pollination and fertilization occur in unopened flower bud it is known as________?
A. Hamogamy
B. Cleistogamy
C. Chasmogamy
D. All the above
18. Allogamy is promoted by_____?
A. Male sterility
B. Dichiny
C. Herkogamy
D. All the above
19. Mating between distantly related individuals is known as_______?
A. Inbreeding
B. Out breeding
C. Amphimixis
D. All the above
20. The term self incompatibility was coined by_____?
A. Koelreuter (1763)
B. Gerstel (1950)
C. East (1940)
D. None of the above