300+ TOP Principles of Sociology MCQs and Answers Quiz

Principles of Sociology Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which branch of knowledge is related to “Science of society”
A. sociology

B. anthropology

C. economics

D. politics

Answer: A. sociology

2. Term ‘Sociology’ derived from ……………. Languages?
A. french and greek

B. latin and greek

C. italian and roman

D. latin and roman

Answer: B. latin and greek

3. The Latin word “Socius” means that ………………….?
A. community

B. arrangements

C. intimate relationship

D. companion or associate

Answer: D. companion or associate

4. Who coined the word ‘sociology’?
A. herbert spencer

B. durkheim

C. max weber

D. auguste comte

Answer: D. auguste comte

5. The term ‘Sociology’ firstly introduced in …………………….. Book?
A. first principle

B. sociology and philosophy

C. positive philosophy

D. principles of sociology

Answer: C. positive philosophy

6. ‘Positive philosophy’ published in …………………?
A. 1845

B. 1826

C. 1830

D. 1839

Answer: C. 1830

7. Auguste Comte is a …………………… Philosopher
A. italian

B. french

C. greek

D. american

Answer: B. french

8. The theory ‘Law of three stages’ proposed by……………………..?
A. karl marx

B. plato

C. auguste comte

D. herbert spencer

Answer: C. auguste comte

9. Who said “Sociology is science of structure and functions of social life”?
A. max weber

B. anthony giddens

C. morris ginsberg

D. j w bennet

Answer: D. j w bennet

10. Who defined “Sociology as the science of social institutions”?
A. h m johnson

B. emile durkheim

C. bogardus

D. mac iver and page

Answer: B. emile durkheim

11. Who defined “Sociology as science which attempts to interpretative understanding of social actions in order to arrive at causal explanation of its causes and effects”?
A. max weber

B. auguste comte

C. ogburn and nimkoff

D. e a ross

Answer: A. max weber

12. “It seems to be a study, first of the relationship and correlation between various classes of social phenomena” said by?
A. karl max

B. max weber

C. pitrim sorokin

D. hobhouse

Answer: C. pitrim sorokin

13. Who proposed the principle that “Study social facts as things”
A. emile durkheim

B. karl manheim

C. j f cuber

D. herbert spencer

Answer: A. emile durkheim

14. Who wrote the book ‘Division of labour in society’?
A. b malinowski

B. karl marx

C. emile durkheim

D. robert k merton

Answer: C. emile durkheim

15. The types of ‘Mechanical and Organic solidarity’ Proposed by ……………….?
A. radcliff brown

B. emile durkheim

C. e b tylor

D. c h cooley

Answer: B. emile durkheim

16. Which term coined by Emile Durkheim?
A. little community

B. positivism

C. anomie

D. naturalism

Answer: C. anomie

17. Who introduced the term ‘Egoistic Suicide’
A. c h cooley

B. w g sumner

C. pitirim sorokkin

D. emile durkheim

Answer: D. emile durkheim

18. According to Durkheim, Over integration lead to ……………….. type of suicide?
A. altruistic suicide

B. egoistic suicide

C. anomic suicide

D. individualistic

Answer: A. altruistic suicide

19. According to Marx, Working class is also referred to as ………………………?
A. bourgeoisie

B. feudalist

C. capitalsist

D. proletariat

Answer: D. proletariat

20. Who put forwarded the view point ‘Materialist conception of history’
A. kingsley davis

B. karl marx

C. weber

D. ralf dahrendorf

Answer: B. karl marx

21. Who wrote “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle”?
A. aguste comte

B. karl marx

C. ferdinand tonnies

D. herbert spencer

Answer: B. karl marx

22. ‘The protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism’ authored by ……………………..?
A. max weber

B. karl manheim

C. spencer

D. durkheim

Answer: A. max weber

23. Who proposed the idea that ‘Ideal type’?
A. aristotle

B. anthony gidddens

C. max weber

D. alfred schutz

Answer: C. max weber

24. Who contribute the concept ‘Verstehen’
A. peter berger

B. max weber

C. harold garifinkel

D. thomas luckman

Answer: B. max weber

25. Who proposed the concept of ‘Symbolic Interactionism’
A. robert k merton

B. c h cooley

C. g h mead

D. erving goffman

Answer: C. g h mead

26. Which theory proposed by Robert K Merton?
A. theories of middle range

B. folkways

C. power elite

D. religion of humanity

Answer: A. theories of middle range

27. Author of the book ‘Tearoom trade’?
A. talcott parson

B. linton

C. levi strauss

D. laud humphreys

Answer: D. laud humphreys

28. Find out a functionalist sociologist?
A. emile durkheim

B. karl marx

C. g h mead

D. ralf dahrendorf

Answer: A. emile durkheim

29. Which perspective asserts that “Society is a complex system, Whose various parts work together to produce stability and order”
A. conflict approach

B. symbolic interactionism

C. functionalism

D. structuralism

Answer: C. functionalism

30. Which sociologist distinguished ‘Manifest and Latent function’
A. robert k merton

B. g h mead

C. sir henry maine

D. kingsley davis

Answer: A. robert k merton

31. Functionalist perspective given significance to ………………………… in maintaining order stability in society?
A. universalism

B. moral consensus

C. individualism

D. cooperation

Answer: B. moral consensus

32. The perspective emphasize to ‘symbol’ is known as ………………………..?
A. particularistic

B. functionalism

C. stigma

D. symbolic interactionism

Answer: D. symbolic interactionism

33. Find out the exponent of synthetic school of thought?
A. max weber

B. george simmel

C. vier kandt

D. pitirim sorokin

Answer: D. pitirim sorokin

34. Which school of thought forwarded the idea that “Sociology is pure and independent science”
A. synthetic school

B. frankfurt school

C. specialistic or formalistic school

D. social conflict theory

Answer: C. specialistic or formalistic school

35. The school of thought proposing that “Sociology is a general science, not a pure Science”
A. specialistic school

B. synthetic school of thought

C. frankfurt school

D. symbolic interactionism

Answer: B. synthetic school of thought

36. The author of Book ‘The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling’
A. hyman

B. robert e park

C. arlie hochschild

D. george simmel

Answer: C. arlie hochschild

37. Who wrote the book ‘The sociological Imagination’?
A. auguste comte

B. peter berger

C. c wright mills

D. ralf dahrendorf

Answer: C. c wright mills

38. Which sociologist made a distinction between ‘The personal trouble of milleu’ and ‘the Public issues of social structure’?
A. c wright mills

B. a. handerson

C. e s bogardus

D. n j smelser

Answer: A. c wright mills

39. The book ‘The Sociological imagination’ written on………………….?
A. 1969

B. 1959

C. 1955

D. 1970

Answer: B. 1959

40. The word ‘Society’ derived from ……………… language?
A. greek

B. latin

C. roman

D. french

Answer: B. latin

41. The book ‘society’ authored by……………. ?
A. talcott parson

B. saint siomn

C. mac iver and page

D. herbert spencer

Answer: C. mac iver and page

42. Which is not a characteristic of society?
A. the range of social relationships

B. society is concrete concept

C. society involves both likeness and difference

D. physical conditions of social relationships

Answer: B. society is concrete concept
43. …………………. has propounded the concept of ‘Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft’
A. g c homans

B. c h cooley

C. peter berger

D. ferdinand tonnies

Answer: D. ferdinand tonnies
44. Which is the characteristic of industrial society?
A. hunting and gathering

B. personal relationship

C. less division of labour

D. impersonal relationships

Answer: B. personal relationship
45. The book ‘Society, culture and personality’ authored by ………………..?
A. jeffrey alexander

B. d sanderson

C. pitirim sorokin

D. george mead

Answer: C. pitirim sorokin
46. Who said “Man is a social animal”?
A. plato

B. aristotle

C. socrates

D. saint simon

Answer: B. aristotle
47. Who introduce the concept ‘primary group’”?
A. c h cooley

B. w g sumner

C. g h mead

D. robert k merton

Answer: A. c h cooley

48. Who authored the book ‘Society in America’ in 1837?
A. charles h cooley

B. n mc clelland

C. patrick geddes

D. harriet martineau

Answer: A. charles h cooley
49. Who authored ‘Class and class conflict in industrial society’?
A. mckim marriot

B. ralph dahrendorf

C. howard becker

D. ernst troeltsch

Answer: B. ralph dahrendorf
50. The book, ‘Social organisation; a study of the larger mind’ authored by…………?
A. robert redfield

B. cohen

C. c h cooley

D. milton singer

Answer: C. c h cooley

51. In which book, C H Cooley introduced the concept ‘Primary group’?
A. human society

B. social organization; a study of the larger mind

C. social process

D. the roots of social knowledge

Answer: B. social organization; a study of the larger mind
52. Find out the example for ‘primary group’?
A. trade union

B. political parties

C. factory

D. family

Answer: D. family
53. Who divide social group into ‘Vertical and Horizontal Group’?
A. p a sorokin

B. evans pritchard

C. radcliffe brown

D. r k merton

Answer: A. p a sorokin
54. Who defines “A social group is a system of social interaction”?
A. oscar lewis

B. maxmuller

C. robert e park

D. harry m johnson

Answer: D. harry m johnson
55. Author of ‘Folkways’?
A. e b tylor

B. w g sumner

C. malinowski

D. a beteille

Answer: B. w g sumner

56. In which book, Sumner differentiate Groups into ‘In groups and Out groups’?
A. social static

B. social consciousness

C. folkways

D. human nature and social order

Answer: C. folkways
57. ……………….. is an example for Out group
A. family

B. sports team

C. caste group

D. friendship group

Answer: B. sports team
58. Who said “Organization is an effective group device for getting something done”
A. ogburn and nimkoff

B. robin fox

C. mac iver

D. ian robertson

Answer: A. ogburn and nimkoff
59. Who propound the concept of ‘Membership and Non membership’?
A. malinowski

B. robert h lowie

C. muzafer sherif

D. robert k merton

Answer: D. robert k merton
60. Find out an example for Membership group?
A. family

B. political parties

C. school

D. club

Answer: A. family

61. The individual acquire the membership of other group is known as …………………?
A. organised group

B. large group

C. vertical group

D. non membership group

Answer: D. non membership group
62. Who propound the concept of ‘Positive and Negative group’?
A. sumner

B. new comb

C. robertson

D. r k merton

Answer: B. new comb
63. The concept ‘Reference group’ introduced by ……………………?
A. muzafir sherif

B. c h cooley

C. robert k merton

D. radcliffe brown

Answer: A. muzafir sherif
64. ‘An outline of social psychology’ authored by …………….?
A. w f ogburn

B. wilbert moore

C. muzafir sherif

D. kimball young

Answer: C. muzafir sherif
65. Who defined “Reference groups as those group to which individual relates himself as a part
or to which he relates himself psychologically”?
A. muzafer sherif

B. pitirim sorokin

C. talcott parson

D. wesetermark

Answer: A. muzafer sherif
66. Who defined “Institutions may be described as recognised and established usages governing
the relations between individual and groups”
A. j g frazer

B. g p murdock

C. patrick geddes

D. ginsberg

Answer: D. ginsberg

67. ………………. Is an primary institutions
A. constitution

B. family

C. law

D. education

Answer: B. family
68. Who made distinction between ‘Cressicive and Enacted’ institution?
A. sumner

B. pareto

C. spencer

D. charles metcalf

Answer: A. sumner
69. The institutions evolved or developed unconsciously are called ………………..?
A. enacted

B. reference

C. cressicive

D. organised

Answer: C. cressicive
70. The institution established consciously and planned are called …………………….?
A. enacted

B. ingroup

C. unorganised

D. cressicive

Answer: A. enacted
71. Who defined “Sociology as the study of social dynamic and Social static”
A. max weber

B. karl marx

C. herbert spencer

D. auguste comte

Answer: D. auguste comte
72. “In its basic sense social change means changing in social structure” said by
A. gunnar myrdal

B. h m johnson

C. gillin and gillin

D. a w green

Answer: B. h m johnson

73. The term Family derived from ……………… language?
A. greek

B. french

C. roman

D. latin

Answer: D. latin
74. The meaning of the word ‘Famulus’
A. association

B. servant

C. emotionality

D. co habiting

Answer: B. servant
75. Who defined “Family is a more or less durable association of husband and wife with or
without children, or of a man or women alone with children”
A. ogburn and nimkoff

B. george peter murdock

C. clare

D. horton and hunt

Answer: A. ogburn and nimkoff

76. ………………. is the basic or primary unit of society
A. education

B. family

C. law

D. political party

Answer: B. family
77. Which sociologist classified family function as an ‘Essential and Non essential function’?
A. talcott parson

B. elliot smith

C. mac iver

D. l h morgan

Answer: C. mac iver
78. It is a type of family that group of kins of two or more generation living together under the
same roof.
A. nuclear family

B. joint family

C. extended family

D. patriarchal family

Answer: B. joint family
79. The important characteristic of joint family are …………………….?
A. common residence

B. joint property

C. common kitchen

D. all of the above

Answer: D. all of the above
80. Which type of family consist of husband, wife and unmarried children?
A. nuclear family

B. extended family

C. joint family

D. neolocal family

Answer: A. nuclear family

81. ……………….. family consist of husband, wife, their children and either the parents of husband
and wife
A. matriarchal family

B. nuclear family

C. extended family

D. patrilocal family

Answer: C. extended family
82. The family, in which male is the head and ruling power is known as
A. matriarchal family

B. patriarchal family

C. patrilineal family

D. matrilocal

Answer: B. patriarchal family
83. ……………….. as the mother or female centred or dominated family?
A. matriarchal family

B. patriarchal family

C. neolocal family

D. nuclear family

Answer: A. matriarchal family
84. In this type of family, the wife live in the husband home is known as ……………….?
A. matrilocal family

B. matrilineal family

C. patrilocal family

D. neolocal family

Answer: C. patrilocal family
85. Which type of family characterised that, after the marriage husband goes to live in the home
of wife?
A. patriarchal family

B. matrilocal family

C. patrilineal family

D. matriarchal family

Answer: B. matrilocal family

86. The lineage or descent traces through the father is known as ………………..?
A. patriarchal family

B. matrilocal family

C. patrilineal family

D. neolocal family

Answer: C. patrilineal family
87. The lineage or descent traced through the mother is known as ……………..?
A. matrilineal family

B. matrilocal family

C. neolocal

D. patriarchal family

Answer: A. matrilineal family
88. ……………….. is the family constituted or established through marriage relationship?
A. consanguineous

B. affinal family

C. living together

D. extended family

Answer: B. affinal family
89. Blood relationships are constitutes or establish family is known as…………………?
A. consanguineous

B. extended family

C. affinal family

D. living together

Answer: A. consanguineous
90. ………………… is the social institution which is helped to control or regulate sexual life of man
A. kinship

B. economic institution

C. marriage

D. political institution

Answer: C. marriage
91. “Marriage is a contract for the production and maintenance of children” who said?
A. morris ginsberg

B. b. malinowski

C. c h cooley

D. robert redfield

Answer: B. b. malinowski

92. ………………. is the type of marriage in which one man marries only one women.
A. polygyny

B. endogamy

C. monogamy

D. hypogamy

Answer: C. monogamy
93. One individual marries more than one individual of opposite sex is called ………………..?
A. polygamy

B. monogamy

C. polyandry

D. exogamy

Answer: A. polygamy
94. It is a type of marriage practice, one man marries more than one woman is known
A. polygyny

B. endogamy

C. hypergamy

D. polyandry

Answer: A. polygyny
95. One woman marries more than one man is a …………… form of marriage?
A. exogamy

B. hypergamy

C. polygamy

D. polyandry

Answer: D. polyandry
96. The lower caste or status woman marries a higher caste or status man is a …………….. form
of marriage?
A. polygyny

B. hypergamy

C. endogamy

D. polygyny

Answer: B. hypergamy
97. Hypergamy is also known as ………………..?
A. pratiloma

B. polygyny

C. anuloma

D. monogamy

Answer: C. anuloma

98. The woman marrying a man, belonging to lower status of that woman is known as
A. hypogamy

B. polyandry

C. polygyny

D. monogamy

Answer: A. hypogamy
99. Hypogamy is also known as ……………………?
A. pratiloma

B. exogamy

C. anuloma

D. polyandry

Answer: A. pratiloma
100. ……………….. is a rule of marriage in which man or woman marry within the group?
A. polygyny

B. hypogamy

C. exogamy

D. endogamy

Answer: D. endogamy

101. A man or woman marries outside of the group is known as ……………………?
A. hypergamy

B. exogamy

C. endogamy

D. monogamy

Answer: B. exogamy
102. ………………. is a basic social system that bind people together on the basis of blood or
A. peer group

B. labour party

C. school

D. kinship

Answer: D. kinship
103. “Kinship is a structure system of relationship in which individuals are bound to one another
by complex interlocking and ramifying ties” who said?
A. t berten

B. l h morgan

C. g p murdock

D. f g bailey

Answer: C. g p murdock
104. Kinship relations is based on marriage is known as …………………. ?
A. affinal kinship

B. symbolic

C. corporate group

D. consanguineous kinship

Answer: A. affinal kinship
105. Kinship system is based on blood relation is known as ……………….?
A. corporate group

B. phatry

C. consanguineous kinship

D. affinal kinship

Answer: C. consanguineous kinship

106. In terms of degree of closeness, father and son relationship is an example for ……………..
A. secondary kinship

B. primary kinship

C. tertiary kinship

D. bilateral

Answer: B. primary kinship
107. Find out an example for Secondary kinship?
A. sister brother

B. husband-wife

C. wife of brother in law

D. fathers brother

Answer: B. husband-wife
108. Which is not an example for Tertiary kinship?
A. wife of brother in law

B. sisters husband

C. fathers brothers wife

D. none of the above

Answer: B. sisters husband
109. It is a kinship behaviour, that impose some restriction to close interaction between kins is
known as ……………….?
A. avoidence

B. teknonymy

C. joking relationship

D. amitate

Answer: A. avoidence
110. Kinship usage which is husband and wife never addresses each other directly rather they
referring through either the name of son or daughter or a symbol?
A. respect

B. joking relationship

C. avanculate

D. teknonymy

Answer: D. teknonymy

111. The maternal uncle occupy a important place in the kinship relations is known as
A. teknonymy

B. avanculate

C. avoidence

D. joking relationship

Answer: B. avanculate
112. In a kinship behaviour, which give more importance to one’s father’s sister is called
A. respect

B. teknonymy

C. amitate

D. joking relationship

Answer: C. amitate
113. Who defined “Economic institution means the production and distribution of goods and
services and procedure of competition and bargain in exchange”
A. mac iver and page

B. g tarde

C. fredrick barth

D. frank notestein

Answer: A. mac iver and page
114. “Religion is a belief in supernatural being” who said?
A. e goffman

B. e b tylor

C. b malinowski

D. g h mead

Answer: B. e b tylor
115. Who propounded the theory of ‘Naturalism’?
A. james frazer

B. radcliffe brown

C. p a sorokin

D. t b bottomore

Answer: A. james frazer
116. The word Education is derived from …………………… language
A. french

B. spanish

C. latin

D. greek

Answer: C. latin

117. The word Education originated from …………………….?
A. educate

B. educare

C. eduzone

D. nurture

Answer: B. educare
118. What is the meaning of ‘Educare’?
A. cooperation

B. intimate

C. situations

D. to bring up

Answer: D. to bring up
119. “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in man” who said?
A. swami vivekananda

B. plato

C. m k gandhi

D. jean piaget

Answer: A. swami vivekananda
120. “Education is the creation of sound mind in a sound body” who said?
A. john dewey

B. b f skinner

C. aristotle

D. socrates

Answer: C. aristotle
121. Open school and correspondence courses are example for ………………?
A. formal

B. informal

C. nonformal

D. unformed

Answer: C. nonformal
122. “The political institution is concerned with the division of power and authority in society”
who said?
A. bottomre

B. michel foucault

C. garifinkel

D. althuser

Answer: A. bottomre

123. ……………………. is the ability to control behaviour of other individual without their consent
A. rationality

B. attitude

C. compliance

D. power

Answer: B. attitude
124. Which is not an authority proposed by Max Weber?
A. traditional authority

B. rational- legal authority

C. institutionalised authority

D. charismatic authority

Answer: C. institutionalised authority
125. The theory ‘Circulation of elites’ Propounded by ……………………..?
A. s f nadel

B. vilfredo pareto

C. gardner murphy

D. marcel mauss

Answer: B. vilfredo pareto

126. Who propounded the theory ‘Power elites’?
A. c wright mills

B. james frazer

C. herbert blumer

D. r collins

Answer: A. c wright mills
127. …………………. means that transition from one social position to another
A. social mobility

B. norms

C. social heterogeneity

D. folkways

Answer: A. social mobility
128. The company manager transfer to another company without change in position is an
example for……………….. mobility
A. vertical mobility

B. intergenerational mobility

C. upward mobility

D. horizontal mobility

Answer: A. vertical mobility
129. “Horizontal mobility means the transition of an individual or social object from one social
group to another situated on the same level” who said?
A. paul f lazersfeld

B. pitrim a sorokin

C. w f whyte

D. p v young

Answer: B. pitrim a sorokin
130. Change in income is an example for ……………….. Mobility?
A. horizontal moblity

B. intergenerational mobility

C. intragenerational mobility

D. vertical mobility

Answer: D. vertical mobility

131. Which sociologist considers Horizontal mobility as the lateral mobility?
A. anthony giddens

B. peter berger

C. thomas luckmann

D. j derrida

Answer: A. anthony giddens
132. “Horizontal mobility as lateral mobility involving geographical movement between
neighbours, towns or regions” who defined?
A. jeffry c alexander

B. oscar lewis

C. anthony giddens

D. n k bose

Answer: C. anthony giddens
133. Vertical social mobility “as the relations involved in a transition of an individual (Or a
Social object) from one social stratum to another” who said?
A. walter b miller

B. pitrim a sorokin

C. g tarde

D. g ritzer

Answer: B. pitrim a sorokin
134. Ascending or descending mobility is related to ………………….?
A. horizontal mobility

B. intergenerational mobility

C. downward mobility

D. vertical mobility

Answer: D. vertical mobility
135. Socio economic position changed into up or down in the hierarchical structure it is known
as ……………….?
A. upward mobility

B. vertical mobility

C. intergenerational mobility

D. horizontal mobility

Answer: B. vertical mobility

136. Who proposed that downward mobility is less common than upward mobility?
A. anthony giddens

B. wallerstein

C. robertson

D. ashish bose

Answer: A. anthony giddens
137. Occupational structure of society is changed due to mobility is called …………….?
A. structural mobility

B. upward mobility

C. intra mobility

D. inter mobility

Answer: A. structural mobility
138. “The mobility occur during the lifespan of a single generation” is known as ……………..?
A. downward mobility

B. vertical mobility

C. upward mobility

D. intragenerational mobility

Answer: D. intragenerational mobility
139. …………………. refers to mobility within the time span of two or more generations?
A. horizontal mobility

B. intergenerational mobility

C. downward mobility

D. structural mobility

Answer: B. intergenerational mobility
140. Which of the statement are false about commonsense?
A. formed on the basis of certain constraints

B. based on scientific support

C. commonsense knowledge is related to subjective

D. commonsense is particular and

Answer: B. based on scientific support
141. Who defined “Socialization is process by which the helpless infant gradually becomes self
aware, knowledgeable person, skilled in the ways of culture into which he or she is born”?
A. samir amin

B. j c caldwell

C. anthony giddens

D. k davis

Answer: C. anthony giddens

142. ………………….. is the process of biological being into social being.
A. acculturation

B. socialization

C. diffusion

D. assimilation

Answer: B. socialization
143. ……………….. socialization that the child satisfy primary needs from primary social
A. adult socialization

B. secondary socialization

C. gender socialization

D. primary socialization

Answer: D. primary socialization
144. Peer group is an agent of ………………… Socialization
A. primary socialization

B. re socialization

C. adult socialization

D. gender socialization

Answer: A. primary socialization
145. Family and Neighbourhood play group is an example for …………….. Socialization
A. adult socialization

B. re socialization

C. micro level socialization

D. macro level socialization

Answer: C. micro level socialization
146. Which is the formal agency in the process of child socialization?
A. family

B. peer group

C. school

D. neighbourhood

Answer: C. school
147. ……………… refers to “process of leaving certain social behaviour patterns and role in order
to adopt new one as part of one’s evolution in life”
A. re socialization

B. anticipatory socialization

C. adult socialization

D. de socialization

Answer: A. re socialization

148. In contemporary society,………………………. play a greater role in the process of socialization
A. folkways

B. mass media

C. traditional beliefs

D. individual conflicts

Answer: B. mass media
149. ………………. is a process “in which someone is consciously socialized for future
occupations, positions and social relationships”
A. adult socialization

B. re socialization

C. gender socialization

D. anticipatory socialisation

Answer: D. anticipatory socialisation
150. Which stage is characterised that, by means of crying the child establishes or involved in
communication with mother?
A. oedipal stage

B. anal stage

C. oral stage

D. adolescence

Answer: C. oral stage

151. Which stage is characterised that child taught to do some task such as toileting, keep
clothing etc.
A. anal stage

B. oral stage

C. oedipal stage

D. adolescence

Answer: A. anal stage
152. Who develop the concepts that “Oedipus complex and Electra complex”
A. b berelson

B. smelser

C. robert a dahl

D. freud

Answer: D. freud
153. …………. means that feeling of jealousy towards father and love towards mother?
A. electra complex

B. oedipus complex

C. id

D. ego

Answer: B. oedipus complex
154. The feeling of jealousy towards the mother and love towards the father is an ………………
A. oedipus complex

B. super ego

C. electra complex

D. id

Answer: C. electra complex
155. ‘The boys and girls try to become free from parental control’ is an feature of …………..
A. adolescence stage

B. oedipal stage

C. anal stage

D. oral stage

Answer: A. adolescence stage

156. Who introduced the concepts “Social control”?
A. g mosca

B. e a ross

C. h h hyman

D. g p murdock

Answer: B. e a ross
157. The concept ‘social control’ introduced in ……………. books
A. social control

B. fundamentals of sociology

C. the idea of social science

D. economy and society

Answer: A. social control
158. The book “Social control: a survey of the foundations of order” published in …………….?
A. 1910

B. 1908

C. 1905

D. 1901

Answer: D. 1901
159. “Social control refers to the system of devices whereby society brings its members into
conformity with the accepted standards of behaviour” who said?
A. levi strauss

B. e a ross

C. g h mead

D. dahrendorf

Answer: B. e a ross
160. The term …………….. Concerned with the maintenance of order and stability in society
A. social control

B. social movement

C. social conflict

D. social structure

Answer: A. social control

161. Find out which is not a goal or purpose of social control?
A. conformity

B. solidarity

C. continuity of group

D. differentiation

Answer: D. differentiation
162. Social controlling methods which are deliberately formed and interactions are impersonal in
A. informal social control

B. formal social control

C. unorganised social control

D. unconscious social control

Answer: B. formal social control
163. Find out an informal means of social control?
A. political party

B. religion

C. trade union

D. factory

Answer: B. religion
164. Which is not included in the formal means of social control?
A. student association

B. trade union

C. office

D. folkways

Answer: D. folkways
165. The formal means of social control characterised by uniformity, unhealed by political
authority and penal sanction?
A. law

B. family

C. education

D. peer group

Answer: A. law
166. Who said that “Education as the socialization of the younger generation”
A. d cooper

B. r h turner

C. g h mead

D. durkheim

Answer: D. durkheim

167. Folkways and More are ………….. forms of social control
A. informal

B. organised

C. formal

D. direct

Answer: A. informal
168. Who compared societies to a living organism?
A. emile durkheim

B. talcott parson

C. herbert spencer

D. malinowski

Answer: C. herbert spencer
169. Who defined “Social structure of an arrangement of person in institutionally controlled or
defined social relationship?
A. radcliff brown

B. g homans

C. c h cooley

D. herbert blumer

Answer: A. radcliff brown
170. Social structure is based on …………………
A. values

B. custom

C. more

D. role and status

Answer: D. role and status
171. …………… is a socially defined position or rank with in a group or society
A. role

B. status

C. sanction

D. conformity

Answer: B. status
172. The process of socialization is a ………………. process?
A. tentative

B. life long

C. unsure

D. halting

Answer: B. life long

173. According to Radcliff Brown, Social structure refers to an ………………….
A. interaction

B. standard of behaviour

C. arrangement of person

D. mutual relationships

Answer: C. arrangement of person
174. Status based on irrespective of efforts is called ………………….
A. ascribed

B. constructed

C. achieved

D. none of the above

Answer: A. ascribed
175. Find out an example for ascribed status?
A. lawyer

B. college professor

C. doctor

D. age

Answer: D. age

176. The status acquired on the basis of effort or abilities?
A. voluntary status

B. achieved status

C. ascribed status

D. none of the above

Answer: B. achieved status
177. Which status is an example for achieved status?
A. age

B. caste

C. engineer

D. religion

Answer: C. engineer
178. …………….. Expected behaviour one individual hold a certain status or position
A. role

B. custom

C. rituals

D. ideals

Answer: A. role
179. ………………. is an orderly and systematic arrangement of social interaction.
A. social mobilisation

B. social system

C. social consensus

D. sanction

Answer: B. social system
180. ……………… refers to classification and placement of people with in society?
A. social stratification

B. social pattern

C. social integration

D. adaptation

Answer: A. social stratification

181. ‘Feeling of superiority and inferiority among the members of different strata’ is an
characteristics of ……………………
A. social mobility

B. social control

C. social stratification

D. social homogeneity

Answer: C. social stratification
182. Who defined “The process by which individuals and groups are ranked in a more or less
enduring hierarchy of status is known as stratification?”
A. g lenski

B. ogburn and nimkoff

C. talcott parson

D. a giddens

Answer: B. ogburn and nimkoff
183. Vertical social mobility is possible in ……………………. stratification system
A. closed

B. horizontal

C. ascribed

D. open

Answer: D. open
184. Class is an example for …………………….. stratification
A. open

B. ascribed

C. endogamous

D. closed

Answer: A. open
185. The Book ‘Social and cultural mobility’ authored by
A. james frazer

B. e b tylor

C. pitirim sorokin

D. max muller

Answer: C. pitirim sorokin

186. Caste based society is a …………. system of stratification
A. open

B. closed

C. vertical

D. none of the above

Answer: B. closed
187. What are the major types of stratification?
A. caste

B. social class

C. estate

D. all the above

Answer: D. all the above
188. The term ‘Caste’ derived from …………….. Language?
A. french

B. spanish

C. roman

D. greek

Answer: B. spanish
189. The Spanish word ‘Casta’ means…………….. ?
A. breed or lineage

B. grouping

C. category

D. classification

Answer: A. breed or lineage
190. Who said, “Caste is a closed social group”
A. s c roy

B. g s ghurye

C. m n srinivas

D. dn majumdar and t n madan

Answer: D. dn majumdar and t n madan
191. According to Chathurvarna system, Hindu society divided into ………………….. varnas
A. two

B. three

C. four

D. five

Answer: C. four

192. “Culture is that complex whole which include knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom
and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society” said by?
A. herbert spencer

B. edward tylor

C. h d laswell

D. robert redfield

Answer: B. edward tylor
193. Who defined “Culture as the cumulative creation of man”?
A. radcliffe brown

B. evans pritchard

C. b. malinowski

D. durkheim

Answer: C. b. malinowski
194. Which is not a characteristic of culture?
A. culture is social

B. culture is static

C. culture is transmitive

D. culture is learned

Answer: B. culture is static
195. Who proposed the concept of ‘Material and Non material Culture’?
A. ogburn and nimkoff

B. r a nisbet

C. robert e park

D. l h morgan

Answer: A. ogburn and nimkoff
196. Non material culture consist of ………………..?
A. technological objects

B. manmade objects

C. products produced from factory

D. religion, folkways, social values, believes

Answer: D. religion, folkways, social values, believes
197. Who formulated the concept of ‘Cultural Lag’?
A. ralph linton

B. ogburn and nimkoff

C. evans pritchard

D. a l krober

Answer: B. ogburn and nimkoff

198. Knowledge is an example for ……………………..?
A. material culture

B. organizational culture

C. concrete

D. non material culture

Answer: D. non material culture
199. The borrowing of cultural elements from another society is called ……………………..
A. assimilation

B. acculturation

C. integration

D. diffusion

Answer: B. acculturation
200. The term ‘Social norm’ firstly used by …………………………?
A. muzafer sherif

B. henry maine

C. herskovits

D. westermarck

Answer: A. muzafer sherif

201. The book “The psychology of social norms” authored by ……………………….?
A. muzafer sherif

B. howard s becker

C. albert cohen

D. max weber

Answer: A. muzafer sherif
202. ……………. Are certain shared standard of behaviour or expected mode of behaviour to
maintain social order
A. rituals

B. values

C. norm

D. deviance

Answer: C. norm
203. Who defined “a norm is an abstract pattern held in mind that sets certain limits of
A. n j smelser

B. h m johnson

C. ulrich beck

D. daniel bell

Answer: B. h m johnson
204. ……………… are assumptions or cultural standard set by society and it is desirable for an
organised social life
A. lineage

B. consent

C. coercion

D. values

Answer: D. values
205. “Values are assumptions largely unconscious of what is right or important” who said?
A. talcott parson

B. herbert spencer

C. young and mack

D. levi strauss

Answer: C. young and mack

206. …………….. are assumptions or cultural standard that define it is right or wrong.
A. values

B. diffusion

C. adaptation

D. acculturation

Answer: A. values
207. …………….. is a common standard or ideas which guide members to behave in given
A. culture complex

B. esteem

C. prestige

D. norm

Answer: D. norm
208. …………………… is a process of learning one’s own culture, to be a member of society?
A. assimilation

B. accommodation

C. enculturation

D. acculturation

Answer: C. enculturation
209. ………………. refers to cultural change that occurs due to the contact with the new culture
A. cooperation

B. assimilation

C. acculturation

D. integration

Answer: C. acculturation
210. The view point that, each culture evaluated on the basis of their own values and norms as
well as all cultures are taken as equal and that should not compared to the other culture
A. cultural relativism

B. multiculturalism

C. cultural integration

D. multidimensionalism

Answer: A. cultural relativism

211. ………………. is a system or pattern where different culture co exist and all work or live
together without losing their own cultural identity.
A. culture contact

B. cultural integration

C. cultural pluralism

D. cultural relativism

Answer: C. cultural pluralism
212. ……………….. admit the values of all culture
A. cultural disparity

B. cultural relativism

C. cyber culture

D. modernity

Answer: B. cultural relativism
213. ………………. is something such as ark, sign or gestures, images, words that stand for or
representing something or have some meaning
A. status

B. roles

C. esteem

D. symbols

Answer: D. symbols
214. ……………….. is a cultural practice that group of people hold specified customs,
languages, values and behaviour with in a multicultural society
A. organizational culture

B. normative culture

C. similar culture

D. dominant culture

Answer: D. dominant culture
215. ……………… refers to that group of people with in a culture who follows different values,
beliefs and norms with in a larger culture
A. dominant culture

B. universalisation

C. subculture

D. organised culture

Answer: C. subculture
216. The term ………….. refers to that the culture of masses
A. popular culture

B. high culture

C. subculture

D. ideal culture

Answer: A. popular culture

217. …………. means that the pattern of cultural experience and practices existed in mainstream
A. popular culture

B. high culture

C. cultural relativism

D. subculture

Answer: A. popular culture
218. ………………. refers to that small group engage in cultural practices with in a specific
identity on a large culture
A. multiculturalism

B. simulation

C. cultural pluralism

D. subculture

Answer: D. subculture
219. ……………… is a term refers to that process of integration or interconnection between
different countries caused to change material and nonmaterial aspect of society
A. evolution

B. globalisation

C. privatisation

D. conflicts

Answer: B. globalisation
220. Which of the statements are false about globalisation?
A. increase free trade between nations

B. caused to create a uniform culture

C. only related to economic phenomenon

D. it is a multidimensional process

Answer: C. only related to economic phenomenon
221. Which of the statement are true about the causes of globalisation?
A. technological innovation

B. increased facility to access information

C. economic interdependence

D. all the above

Answer: D. all the above
222. Which of the statement are true about globalisation?
A. faster economic growth

B. spread of information and knowledge

C. influence on social, economic, political sphere of the people

D. all the above

Answer: D. all the above

223. The term …………………… refers to that co-existence of diverse or different culture with
in a society
A. subculture

B. multiculturalism

C. dominant culture

D. high culture

Answer: B. multiculturalism
224. …………………. is the tendency of judging other culture through one’s own cultural
A. dramaturgy

B. ethnocentrism

C. low culture

D. high culture

Answer: B. ethnocentrism
225. ……………….. is the view that one’s own culture is better than all other culture?
A. ethnocentrism

B. popular culture

C. multiculturalism

D. cultural relativism

Answer: A. ethnocentrism

226. ……………….. is a geographical unit or social system with distinct identity, language and
A. regionalism

B. regional disparity

C. sectionalism

D. region

Answer: D. region
227. Who defined “Religion as a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things
that is to way, things set apart and forbidden”
A. e m hover

B. herbert spencer

C. durkheim

D. habermas

Answer: C. durkheim
228. Which of the statement are false about impact of religions?
A. promote social upliftment of a particular group

B. promote groupism

C. feeling of superiority creates conflicts in society

D. obstruct to social change or progress

Answer: D. obstruct to social change or progress
229. Which is not a characteristic of religion?
A. religion is not a recent emerged phenomenon

B. science and modern education didn’t bring any change in our religious perception

C. religion is an instrument for social control

D. function as a political pressure group

Answer: B. science and modern education didn’t bring any change in our religious perception
230. “India presents a spectacle of museum or tongue” who said?
A. surajit sinha

B. d p mukherji

C. s c dube

D. a r desai

Answer: D. a r desai

231. The term …………….. refers to that social, cultural and psychological distinctions
associated with category of male (masculine) or female (feminine)
A. feminism

B. gender

C. gerontocracy

D. andro centrism

Answer: B. gender
232. The term sex is biological construction, but ……………… is a social construction
A. gender

B. technological change

C. psychoanalytic

D. colonialism

Answer: A. gender
233. The distribution of works on the basis of Gender in the family is called ………………?
A. class based

B. anuloma

C. gender division of labour

D. gerontocracy

Answer: C. gender division of labour
234. In terms of the arrangement of relationship, the male member is the head and supreme
authority in family is called?
A. polygamy

B. patriarchy

C. polybyny

D. hypogamy

Answer: B. patriarchy
235. The female headed households is called…………………?
A. hypergamy

B. polyandry

C. exogamy

D. matriarchy

Answer: D. matriarchy

236. ……………… is a social institution that is primary source of gender discrimination?
A. education

B. family

C. religion

D. state

Answer: B. family
237. Son and daughter are socialised in to their gender role is called……………….?
A. separatist

B. liberal

C. genderism

D. gender biased socialisation

Answer: D. gender biased socialisation
238. Which article in Indian constitution prohibits gender discrimination?
A. article 14

B. article 16

C. article 15 (1)

D. article 17

Answer: C. article 15 (1)
239. The word “Media” derived from ……………….?
A. medio

B. medium

C. modem

D. none of the above

Answer: B. medium
240. Which of the statement are false about functions of media?
A. spreading information or knowledge

B. not working as a agent of socialisation

C. entertainment

D. interpretations and explanation of situations or events

Answer: B. not working as a agent of socialisation
241. Who introduced the concept of “Hyperreality”
A. s a stouffer

B. m m tumin

C. e ravenstein

D. jean baudrillard

Answer: D. jean baudrillard

242. The concept “Hyperreality” introduced in ……………………….. Book
A. simulacra and simulation

B. symbolic exchange and death

C. the system of objects

D. simulations

Answer: A. simulacra and simulation
243. ‘Simulacra and simulation’ authored by …………………….?
A. s m lipset

B. e zelliot

C. jean baudrillard

D. b friedman

Answer: C. jean baudrillard
244. Which term refers to that “Virtual or unreal nature of contemporary culture is an age of mass communication and mass consumption”?
A. hyperreality

B. hyperactive

C. hypoactive

D. reality

Answer: A. hyperreality
245. Which term refers to that in modern technological period, the individual can’t differentiate what is real from the simulation of reality?
A. conservativism

B. hyperreality

C. spatiality

D. stylisation

Answer: B. hyperreality

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