300+ TOP Principles & Practice of Life Insurance MCQs and Answers

Principles and Practice of Life Insurance Multiple Choice Questions

1. Insurance contract is sort of contract which is approved by
A. The Indian Contract Act
B. Indian Factory Act
C. Indian Companies Act
D. The Indian finance Act
Answer: A

2. General Insurance Corporation was established during the year
A. 1972.
B. 1955.
C. 1956.
D. 1971
Answer: A

3. General Insurance Business was nationalized under
A. General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act, 1971
B. General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act, 1972
C. General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act, 1973
D. General Insurance Business Nationalisation Act, 1974
Answer: B

4. The head office of New India Assurance & Co Ltd
A. New Delhi
B. Kolkata
C. Chennai.
D. Mumbai.
Answer: D

5. New Delhi is the head office of __________.
A. New India Assurance & Co Ltd.,
B. . United India Assurance & Co Ltd
C. Oriental Insurance Co Ltd
D. National Insurance Co Ltd
Answer: C

6. The Head office of National Insurance Co, Ltd, is ________.
A. Mumbai
B. Kolkata.
C. Bangalore.
D. Hyderabad
Answer: B

7. The Head office of United India Insurance co, Ltd, is
A. Chennai.
B. Bangalore.
C. New Delhi
D. . Mumbai.
Answer: A

8. The first company transacted insurance business was
C. Indian Mercantile Insurance Company
D. Oriental insurance Company.
Answer: C

9. The nationalization of insurance sector was taken over by ____ companies
A. 245
B. 950
C. 200
D. 100
Answer: A

10. LIC was formed in 1956 through nationalization of__________ Companies
A. 246
B. 256
C. 250
D. 252
Answer: B

11. ____ insurance were amalgamated under GIC
A. 107
B. 100
C. 102
D. none of the above
Answer: A

12. Those risks which are more than normal risk are called
A. Super standard risk
B. Substandard risk.
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of them
Answer: C

13. Premium on sub-standard lives can be increased by one of the following
A. By rating more than of age
B. By adding flat extra premium
C. By adding extra percentage
D. All of the above
Answer: D

14. Occupation is important for risk classification because of _________.
A. Income earned by individual
B. Tension, stress and worries given by workplace
C. Damage caused by pollution at the workplace
D. Both b. and c.
Answer: D

15. Risk of mortality is considered to be.
A. More on male life
B. More on female life
C. Same on life of both
D. All the above
Answer: B

16. Valuation in life insurance means
A. The process of arriving at the profit of a life insurance company
B. The process of determining the net premium for a life insurance policy
C. The process of arriving at the bonus in a life insurance company
D. The process by which the value of all the existing policies is ascertained in a life insurance company.
Answer: D

17. Notification of alteration in risk is a condition
A. precedent to liability.
B. subsequent to liability
C. . precedent to contract
D. subsequent to contract.
Answer: D

18. Life insurance in its present form came to India from
A. The United Kingdom
B. The USA
C. Canada
D. Germany
Answer: A

19. Life Insurance Company was set up in
A. 1824
B. 1823
C. 1800
D. 1801
Answer: B

20. Life Insurance Corporation was nationalized in
A. 1951
B. 1952
C. 1954
D. 1956
Answer: D

21. The Head office of National Insurance Co, Ltd, is ________.
A. Mumbai
B. Kolkata.
C. Bangalore.
D. Hyderabad.
Answer: B

22. The Head office of United India Insurance co, Ltd, is _______.
A. Chennai.
B. Bangalore.
C. New Delhi.
D. Mumbai.
Answer: A

23. Life insurance in its present form came to India from ______.
A. The United Kingdom.
B. The USA.
C. Canada.
D. Germany.
Answer: A

24. Life Insurance Company was setup in ________.
A. 1824.
B. 1823.
C. 1822.
D. 1821.
Answer: B

25. Life Insurance Corporation was nationalized in _______.
A. 1951.
B. 1952.
C. 1954.
D. 1956.
Answer: D

26. Life Insurance Corporation was formed with a capital contribution of ______.
A. Rs. 10 Crore.
B. Rs. 15 Crore.
C. Rs. 5 Crore.
D. Rs. 20 Crore.
Answer: C

27. The term Assurance refers to ________.
A. Life Insurance Business.
B. Marine Insurance Business.
C. Fire Insurance Business.
D. Motor Vehicle Business.
Answer: A

28. The Oriental Life Insurance Company came to India during ______.
A. 1919.
B. 1818.
C. 1899.
D. 1888.
Answer: B

29. The policies where the premium is payable throughout the life of the assured is called ___________.
A. Whole life policies.
B. Renewable term policies.
C. Sinking fund policies.
D. Annuity policies.
Answer: A

30. With profit policy is also termed as _______.
A. Multiple life policy.
B. Participating policy.
C. Level premium policy.
D. Lump-sum policy.
Answer: B

31. The Insurer who grants a guarantee from the direct insurer is called as _________.
A. Direct Insurer.
B. Ceding Insurer.
C. Re-Insurer.
D. Double Insurer.
Answer: C

32. The proportion of the risk which the direct insurer holds on his own account refers to ___________.
A. Line.
B. Retention.
C. Retrocession.
D. Ceding insurer.
Answer: B

33. When the same risk and subject matter is insured with more than one insurer is called as_______.
A. Double insurance.
B. Over insurance.
C. Reinsurance.
D. External insurance.
Answer: A

34. When the amount for which a subject matter is insured is more than its actual value is called __________.
A. Double insurance.
B. Over insurance.
C. Reinsurance.
D. Crop insurance.
Answer: B

35. IRDA refers to_________.
A. Indian Regulatory Development Authority.
B. Institute of Regulatory Development Authority.
C. Insurance Regulatory Development Association.
D. Insurance Regulatory Development Authority.
Answer: D

36. Committee of reforms in insurance sectors during 1993 headed by ________.
A. R.N. Malhotra.
B. S. Narashiman.
C. Manmohan Singh.
D. P.Chidambaram.
Answer: A

37. The danger of loss from the unforeseen circumstances in future refers to ______.
A. Perils.
B. Hazards.
C. Risk.
D. Damage.
Answer: C

38. ________ involved those losses that occur even if there were no changes in the economic environment
A. Dynamic risk.
B. Static risk.
C. Fundamental risk.
D. Particular risk.
Answer: B

39. Risks are not suited to treatment by insurance refers to ____________.
A. Static risk.
B. Property risk.
C. Dynamic risk.
D. Liability risk.
Answer: C

40. Fundamental risk is also termed as _________.
A. Particular risk.
B. Speculative risk.
C. Pure risk.
D. Group risk.
Answer: D

41. Unemployment, war, inflation, earthquakes etc., are the examples of ________.
A. Pure risk.
B. Fundamental risk.
C. Particular risk.
D. Personal risk.
Answer: B

42. Any risk involved a situation where there is a possibility of gain refers to ________.
A. Liability risk.
B. Personal risk.
C. Pure risk.
D. Speculative risk.
Answer: D

43. Direct or Consequential losses refer to _________.
A. Dynamic risk.
B. Particular risk.
C. Property risk.
D. Pure risk.
Answer: C

44. Spreading of risk otherwise termed as _________.
A. Spreading of risk.
B. Reduction of risk.
C. Acceptance of risk.
D. Shifting of risk.
Answer: A

45. Cargo ship caught by fire is an example of __________.
A. particular average loss.
B. actual total loss.
C. constructive total loss.
D. general average loss.
Answer: D

46. Rashtriya Krishi Yojana of Crop Insurance Scheme came into India during _________.
A. 1999.
B. 1888.
C. 1988.
D. 1977.
Answer: A

47. Corpus fund is created with contributions from the Central Government and State Government on ____________.
A. 75:25 basis.
B. 50:25 basis.
C. 60:40 basis.
D. 70:30 basis
Answer: B

48. The organisation structure of LIC refers to ___________.
A. Two-tier structure.
B. Four-tier structure.
C. Five tier structure
D. Three-tier structure.
Answer: B

49. The constitution of the IRDA consists of not more than _________ members.
A. 10 members.
B. 7 members.
C. 9 members.
D. 3 members.
Answer: C

50. Insurance business is based on __________.
A. Newton’s law.
B. The theory of probability and law of large numbers.
C. Parkinson’s law.
D. Boyles law
Answer: B

51. The insurance plays a role in the economic development of the country in following Ways ___________.
A. Releases capital for new investments.
B. The job potential increases.
C. Money collected is invested in infrastructure.
D. All of the above.
Answer: D

52. On the death of the bread-earner, two losses occur in the family one is loss of human life and the other is __________.
A. earning power of family.
B. loss of insurance.
C. loss of investment.
D. loss of bank deposits.
Answer: A

53. Valuation in life insurance means ___________.
A. the process of arriving at the profit of a life insurance company.
B. the process of determining the net premium for a life insurance policy.
C. the process of arriving at the bonus in a life insurance company.
D. the process by which the value of all the existing policies is ascertained in a life insurance company.
Answer: D

54. Notification of Alteration in Risk is a condition _____________.
A. precedent to liability.
B. subsequent to liability.
C. precedent to the contract.
D. subsequent to the contract.
Answer: D

55. The whole-life plans in India ___________.
A. pay death benefits only whenever it occurs.
B. pay death benefits after retirement.
C. pay policy benefits after the person attains a certain age, say 80-85 years.
D. pay death benefits after payment of first premium.
Answer: A

56. What are with-profit policies?
A. Insurance policies, which can be sold at a profit.
B. Policies which can be pledged to avail loan.
C. Policies under which bonus is paid.
D. Money back plans.
Answer: C

57. Name the Indian insurance organisation which for the first time started charging normal rates of premium on Indian ________.
A. Bombay Mutual Life Assurance society.
B. Oriental Life Assurance Company.
C. New India Assurance Company.
D. Hindustan C-operating Insurance Society.
Answer: A

58. In case a business firm sets up a private fund to pay out the losses if happens, then that is called as ___________.
A. Individual insurance.
B. family insurance
C. Self-insurance.
D. group insurance
Answer: C

59. Group insurance is ideally suited for covering _______.
A. affluent person in the society.
B. weaker sections of the society.
C. employer-employee groups.
D. both (2) and (3).
Answer: D

60. Master policy is issued for ___________.
A. term insurance schemes.
B. permanent insurance.
C. group insurance schemes
D. individual policy.
Answer: C

61. For the introduction of a group scheme, we need a _________.
A. homogeneous group.
B. insured group.
C. small group of persons.
D. large group.
Answer: A

62. The doctrine of Caveat Emptor governs ________.
A. Marine insurance contracts.
B. Commercial contracts.
C. Group insurance contracts.
D. All general insurance contracts.
Answer: B

63. What is floating policy?
A. A standard fire policy.
B. Policy covering the fixed sum assured stock.
C. A policy that covers stocks located in various godowns under a single policy.
D. A renewable marine policy.
Answer: C

64. Claim forms are not compulsorily used in ________.
A. fidelity guarantees.
B. marine cargo.
C. machinery breakdown.
D. Others.
Answer: B

65. For settlement of claims, Insurer requires proper knowledge of ___________.
A. law, principles and practice of insurance.
B. law only.
C. principles and practice of insurance.
D. Law, principles, practice of insurance, terms and conditions of policies, extensions and modifications.
Answer: D

66. The burden of proof of the loss within the scope of policy is upon the __________.
A. Insurer.
B. Insured.
C. Surveyor.
D. Defence Lawyer.
Answer: B

67. As the age increases risk on the life _______.
A. Increases.
B. Decreases.
C. does not change.
D. Moderate.
Answer: A

68. If the interest rates in the market are higher, then cost of insurance _________.
A. Increases.
B. moderate.
C. Decreases.
D. no change.
Answer: C

69. The expenses which do not vary with the amount of business written are called _________.
A. Direct expenses.
B. Overhead expenses.
C. Indirect expenses.
D. Trading expenses.
Answer: B

70. Brokers Association of India was granted recognition by IRDA on _________.
A. Dec 11, 2001.
B. Dec 11, 2002.
C. Dec 11, 1999.
D. Dec 11, 2003.
Answer: A

71. Foreign equity participation is allowed in insurance sector up to a limit of ____ percent.
A. 80.
B. 73.
C. 49.
D. 26 .
Answer: D

72. ________ provides guidelines to decide whether the loss is caused by an insured peril or an expected peril.
A. Indemnity.
B. Proximate clause.
C. Standard claims.
D. Trip sheet.
Answer: B

73. _______ means those risks which involve a situation where there is a possibility of gain.
A. Personal risk.
B. Speculative risk.
C. Liability risk.
D. Other risk.
Answer: B

74. _________ is concerned with the conversion of a firms asset and earning power against risks of accidental loss.
A. Risk retention.
B. Risk control .
C. Risk management.
D. Risk identification.
Answer: C

75. __________ is a contract between the insurer and the insured under which the insurer undertakes to compensate the insured for the loss arising from the risk.
A. Insurance.
B. Agreement.
C. Indemnity.
D. Proximate clause.
Answer: A

76. The authorized capital of GIC is __________.
A. 35 Crore.
B. 50 Crore.
C. 75 Crore.
D. 80 Crore.
Answer: C

77. __________ is the appointing of a nominee under the policy.
A. Nomination.
B. Election.
C. Justification.
D. Assignment.
Answer: A

78. The ________ has the right to receive the amount assured in the event of death of the insured.
A. Employer.
B. Nominee.
C. Friend.
D. third party.
Answer: B

79. Nomination can be done at the inception of the policy by providing details of nominee in the _________.
A. white paper.
B. proposal form.
C. premium receipt.
D. promissory note.
Answer: B

80. Nomination can be done only by a _________ who is a major holding Policy Bond in his own name.
A. Employer.
B. legal advisor.
C. insurance company.
D. policy holder.
Answer: D

81. Under Nomination, the Nominee gets only the right to receive the policy money in the ___________ of the policyholder.
A. event of sickness.
B. event of death.
C. event of credit.
D. event of happiness.
Answer: B

82. ________ is a means whereby the beneficial interest, right and title under a policy gets transferred from the assignor to the assignee.
A. Nomination.
B. Selection.
C. Election.
D. Assignment.
Answer: D

83. ________ is the policyholder who transfers the title of the policy.
A. Assignee.
B. Nominee.
C. Assignor.
D. Consignee.
Answer: C

84. ______ is the person who derives the title from the assignor.
A. Assignee.
B. Nominee.
C. Assignor.
D. Consignee.
Answer: A

85. ________ can be done by mere endorsement on the policy or by a separate duly stamped deed.
A. Nomination.
B. Election.
C. Justification.
D. Assignment.
Answer: D

86. A life insurance policy from LIC may be assigned only after a period of ________.
A. 10 years.
B. 5 years.
C. 3 years.
D. 1 year.
Answer: B

87. The total number of branch offices of LIC is _________.
A. 800.
B. 950.
C. 1000.
D. 2048.
Answer: D

88. How many zonal offices are functioning under LIC?
A. 5 zonal offices.
B. 8 zonal offices.
C. 10 zonal offices.
D. zonal offices.
Answer: B

89. LICs _________ office is to perform the activities relating to investments, framing and administering the rules and regulations of corporation.
A. Zonal.
B. Divisional.
C. Central.
D. Branch.
Answer: C

90. In LICs ______ office almost 90% of the functions relate to policy holders.
A. Zonal.
B. Central.
C. Divisional.
D. branch.
Answer: D

91. The LICs Zonal office and Divisional office are established on the basis of ________.
A. number of agents.
B. number of policyholders
C. geographical areas.
D. fund allocation.
Answer: C

92. The document which contains the terms and conditions of the life insurance contract is termed as the __________.
A. Cover note.
B. Life insurance policy.
C. Agreement.
D. Other document.
Answer: B

93. The person to whom the policy proceeds will be paid in the event of the death of the insured is known as _______.
A. Assignee.
B. Nominee.
C. Consignee.
D. Beneficiary.
Answer: D

94. A ________ is the person who sends the proposal form for taking an insurance policy and pays the premium.
A. Proposer.
B. Nominee.
C. legal advisor.
D. employer.
Answer: A

95. The cash value of the policy, paid by the company upon the surrender of a policy before it becomes payable by maturity is known as __________.
A. Premium.
B. Cash surrender value.
C. Consideration.
D. Commission.
Answer: B

96. One who shares the risk under an insurance policy or policies is known as __________.
A. Assurer.
B. Insurer.
C. Co-insurer.
D. Agent.
Answer: C

97. A policy protecting a group of persons, usually employees of a firm generally called as ___________.
A. Fire insurance policy.
B. Group insurance policy.
C. Marine insurance.
D. Automobile insurance.
Answer: B

98. The period of time for which the policy will normally remain in existence is known as _______.
A. Policy term.
B. Policy note.
C. Proposed time.
D. Grace time.
Answer: A

99. What is meant by a claim under an insurance policy?.
A. Any demand made by the policyholder on the insurer.
B. A demand to fulfil the policyholder’s obligation.
C. A demand to fulfil the insurers obligations.
D. A demand to fulfil the third party.
Answer: C

100. If a life insured has died a few days before the date of maturity, but after signing discharge from, to whom should the claim be paid?.
A. Surviving heirs.
B. Nominee.
C. The policy holders bank account.
D. Any of the above three above mentioned.
Answer: B

101. What is a proposal?
A. A request for an insurance cover.
B. An offer to enter into a contract.
C. Both a request and an offer to enter an insurance contract.
D. None of the above.
Answer: C

102. If the premium was due on 15th July and 16 August is a Sunday.
A. the grace period will end on 14th august (Friday).
B. the grace period will end on 15th august (Saturday).
C. the grace period will end on 17th august (Monday).
D. the grace period will end as per the discretion of the insurer.
Answer: C

103. A policy which has been assigned, will revert to the assignor.
A. if the assignor survives till maturity.
B. whenever the assignor demands it.
C. when the conditions specified in a conditional assignment happen.
D. on maturity of the policy.
Answer: C

104. In life insurance, profit is determined by____________.
A. the accountant who prepares the balance sheet.
B. the actuary who makes a valuation.
C. the auditor who certifies the annual accounts.
D. the third party.
Answer: B

105. A plan of insurance is said to be different from another if __________.
A. the sum assured is different.
B. the age of the life to be insured is different.
C. the date of commencement of policy is different.
D. the conditions when the sum assured becomes payable are different.
Answer: D

106. Who is benefited if a policy is under the salary savings scheme?
A. The policyholder.
B. The insurer.
C. The agent.
D. All the three above.
Answer: D

107. Which of these persons will not be given a license to work as an insurance agent?
A. A person with criminal record.
B. A corporate insurance executive.
C. An employee of an insurance company.
D. All the three mentioned above.
Answer: A

108. A type of insurance contract through which protection is given against loss of crop from risk is known as ______.
A. Fire insurance.
B. Crop insurance.
C. Marine insurance.
D. Automobile insurance.
Answer: B

109. A memorandum added to a policy embodying some alterations to the terms of policy is known as ___________.
A. Endorsement.
B. Discharge of contract.
C. Breach of contract.
D. Nomination.
Answer: A

110. A kind of insurance which provides for indemnity for loss against health such as loss of time and medical expenses due to sickness is called _________.
A. Fidelity insurance.
B. Crop insurance.
C. Health insurance.
D. Fire insurance.
Answer: C

111. Insurer is a person who has ______.
A. insured his life or goods.
B. helped a person to get an insurance policy.
C. undertaken to make good the loss of the subject matter of insurance.
D. file a suit in a court of law to recover an insurance claim.
Answer: C

112. Average clause is a fire policy_________________.
A. average the claim on the different policies taken by the insured.
B. insures the property at average premium paid for the class three years.
C. insures the property at the average rate of premium recovered during the last year only.
D. penalizes under-insurance.
Answer: D

113. In which of the following types of insurance should insurable interest be present only at the time when policy is taken?
A. Fire insurance.
B. Life insurance.
C. Marine insurance.
D. Life and marine insurance.
Answer: B

114. Paid-up value is payable on a life insurance policy________.
A. on the maturity of the policy.
B. when the policy lapses.
C. when the policy is surrendered.
D. on maturity or death whichever is earlier.
Answer: D

115. Insurance technique is based on the principle of __________.
A. pooling system.
B. compensating others.
C. helping others.
D. Indemnity.
Answer: A

116. A person insured his goods worth Rs. 2000 for Rs. 1600 and suffers a loss of Rs. 1800. His claim can be for__________.
A. Rs. 2000.
B. Rs. 1800.
C. Rs. 1600.
D. Rs. 3800.
Answer: C

117. The principle of contribution applies when_____________.
A. the full amount of premium is not applied by the insured.
B. there are two or more insurance on the risk.
C. the insured insures the same risk policy with other insurers.
D. the insured insures the same risk policy with different persons.
Answer: B

118. The principle of _______ does not apply to life insurance.
A. Subrogation.
B. utmost good faith.
C. Contribution.
D. Indemnity.
Answer: D

119. Main emphasis of risk management is on ____________.
A. risk retention.
B. reduction of cost of handling risk.
C. risk transfer.
D. Insurance.
Answer: B

120. The IRDA has replaced ___________.
A. the controller of insurance.
B. the LIC chairman.
C. department of insurance.
D. department of commerce.
Answer: A

121. Which of the following is the similarity between insurance and gambling?.
A. The amount of loss to be paid is known before hand.
B. Promise to pay on the happening of an event.
C. Both the parties win on happening of an event.
D. Both are enforceable at law.
Answer: A

122. The concept of insurance is__________.
A. to make money out of death.
B. to earn interest.
C. to earn a status.
D. to share losses by many.
Answer: D

123. A human life is an income-generating asset___________.
A. partially true.
B. partially false.
C. True.
D. False.
Answer: C

124. The company doing the insurance business is called _________.
A. mutual funds.
B. non-banking firm.
C. banking company.
D. an insurance company.
Answer: D

125. Which one of the following comes under miscellaneous insurance?.
A. Marine insurance.
B. Motor insurance.
C. Fire insurance.
D. Group insurance.
Answer: B

126. Which of the following is an evidence of insurance contract?
A. Insurance Policy
B. payment of premium.
C. cover note.
D. acceptance of proposal.
Answer: A

127. Term assurance provides the following benefits _________.
A. death benefits if the person dies within term.
B. death and survival benefits.
C. periodic payments at predictable intervals.
D. death benefits with bonus.
Answer: A

128. Which of the following is a children policy of LIC?.
A. Jeevan Sneha.
B. Jeevan Vishwas.
C. Jeevan Dhara.
D. Jeevan Sukanya.
Answer: D

129. The premium is lowest for ____________.
A. money back policy.
B. term insurance.
C. whole life policy.
D. endowment policy.
Answer: C

130. Annuity plan offer _______________.
A. Liquidity.
B. capital appreciation.
C. Profitability.
D. regular assured return.
Answer: A

131. Claim is processed on the basis of ___________.
A. claim form and agents opinion.
B. legal opinion.
C. claim form, survey report etc., other documents and any evidence secured by the insurer.
D. survey report.
Answer: C

132. Insurance writing is often referred to as ___________.
A. rate making.
B. Underwriting.
C. Undertaking.
D. Documenting.
Answer: B

133. As per the Principle of Insurable interest, it should be present in the case of life Insurance _________.
A. at the time of claim settlement.
B. at the time of survival only.
C. only at the inception of the policy.
D. at inception and at the time of revival.
Answer: D

134. European started the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Kolkata in the year ________.
A. 1870.
B. 1872.
C. 1818.
D. 1906.
Answer: B

135. The first Indian Insurance Act was passed in __________.
A. 1938.
B. 1985.
C. 1912.
D. 1956.
Answer: C

136. The concept of ban assurance originated in ___________.
A. France.
B. U.S.A.
C. England.
D. Italy.
Answer: A

137. The clause which sets out the essence of the contract is ______________.
A. The Preamble.
B. Recital Clause.
C. Conditions.
D. Operative Clause.
Answer: D

138. Cargo Ship Caught by fire is an example of __________.
A. particular average loss
B. General average loss
C. constructive total loss
D. Actual total loss
Answer: B

139. Corpus fund is created with contributions from the Central Government and State Government on ________________.
A. 50:50
B. 60:40
C. 70:30
D. 75:25
Answer: A

140. The danger of loss from the unforeseen circumstances in future refers to __________.
A. Perils
B. Hazard
C. Damage
D. Risk
Answer: D

141. Committee of Reforms in insurance sectors during 1993 headed by ________.
A. S. Narashiman
B. Manmohan Singh
C. R.N. Malhotra
D. P. Chidamabaram
Answer: C

142. The proportion of the risk which the direct insurer holds on his own account refers to ___________.
A. Line.
B. Retention
C. Retrocession
D. Ceding insurer
Answer: B

143. When the same risk and subject matter is insured with more than one insurer is called as_______.
A. Double insurance
B. . Over insurance
C. Reinsurance
D. External insurance
Answer: A

144. When the amount for which a subject matter is insured is more than its actual value is called __________.
A. Double insurance
B. Over insurance
C. Reinsurance.
D. Crop insurance
Answer: B

145. When was IRDA Act passed?
A. 1930
B. 1956
C. 1972
D. 1999
Answer: D

146. There are ___ subsidiary companies available.
A. 2
B. 3 .
C. 5
D. 4
Answer: D

147. ___ is the first insurance company to transact the general insurance business
A. Trition Insurance
D. None of the above
Answer: A

148. Oil well liability covers
A. Scalling operations
B. Drilling operations
C. Machinery Operations
D. None of these
Answer: B

149. Poultry Insurance covers
A. Species of Birds
B. Reared of Eggs
C. Meats of Feathers
D. All the above
Answer: D

150. Credit Insurance Covers
A. Coverage against bad debts
B. Coverage against fire loss
C. Coverage against Marine loss
D. Coverage against burglary
Answer: A

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